Why gay marriage is wrong!

A crime in itself, I'm sure!

Seawytch claims there are many parents of gays who are fine with the gay but won't let them out of the house without a piece of paper from the government certifying they have a legal marriage. She doesn't seem to be able to add anything to that though, like how she is not full of shit

Really- when did Seawythch say that?

She constantly states that she wants government marriage for the same reason I did. Since I've told her a hundred times why I wanted it, I'm assuming she knows. Pretty safe assumption unless you are saying she's a stupid bitch with no long term memory. Is that what you're saying? Seawytch is a stupid bitch with no long term memory? You may have a point, I certainly can't contradict either part

Narcissist much? I've constantly said that gays want civil marriage for the same reason straight people like you do. People like all your married friends. Have you asked all of them why they "want the government in their bedrooms"?
Kaz still dodging?

Are you still babbling incoherently?
What's hillarious, idiot, is Seawytch has in the meantime shown what i actually responded to and in your butt stupid idiocy you still missed it. Too funny. Wow, you didn't miss it, you quoted yourself for stupidity. Discussion to follow.

And yet you still can't back any of this up with jackshit:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Really? What "more" reasons do gays marry than straights?
Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

Which makes your rejection of 'argument by opinion' all the more amusing. As its all you have.

I answered the question I was asked.

Actually, you jumped into the middle of Sea's conversation with Westwall with a health dallup of 'argument by opinion' on a topic you know nothing about:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Westwall said:
So...gay people want to be married purely for government handouts? Is that what you're saying?

Gay people civilly marry for all the exact same reasons straights do.

And more!

To which Sea replied:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Really? What "more" reasons do gays marry than straights?
Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

And you can't back up any of that shit can you? But tell us again about 'argument by opinion'. Its always such a hoot for you to demand standards from others you can't possibly meet. Almost as funny as you pretending to speak for gay people on why the get married.

Oh, you are a blessing to the endorphins, Kaz.

So is it that your reading skills are that bad or you're just so in love with your own voice that you obsess on listening to yourself and don't process anything else?
Seawytch claims there are many parents of gays who are fine with the gay but won't let them out of the house without a piece of paper from the government certifying they have a legal marriage. She doesn't seem to be able to add anything to that though, like how she is not full of shit

Really- when did Seawythch say that?

She constantly states that she wants government marriage for the same reason I did. Since I've told her a hundred times why I wanted it, I'm assuming she knows. Pretty safe assumption unless you are saying she's a stupid bitch with no long term memory. Is that what you're saying? Seawytch is a stupid bitch with no long term memory? You may have a point, I certainly can't contradict either part

Narcissist much? I've constantly said that gays want civil marriage for the same reason straight people like you do. People like all your married friends. Have you asked all of them why they "want the government in their bedrooms"?
Kaz still dodging?

Are you still babbling incoherently?

Exactly. Maybe I could be insulted if their insults made logical sense. Well, OK, I still wouldn't be insulted, but I would try harder to be insulted. I just read one after another and I'm like

What's hillarious, idiot, is Seawytch has in the meantime shown what i actually responded to and in your butt stupid idiocy you still missed it. Too funny. Wow, you didn't miss it, you quoted yourself for stupidity. Discussion to follow.

And yet you still can't back any of this up with jackshit:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Really? What "more" reasons do gays marry than straights?
Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

Which makes your rejection of 'argument by opinion' all the more amusing. As its all you have.

I answered the question I was asked.

Actually, you jumped into the middle of Sea's conversation with Westwall with a health dallup of 'argument by opinion' on a topic you know nothing about:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Westwall said:
So...gay people want to be married purely for government handouts? Is that what you're saying?

Gay people civilly marry for all the exact same reasons straights do.

And more!

To which Sea replied:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Really? What "more" reasons do gays marry than straights?
Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

And you can't back up any of that shit can you? But tell us again about 'argument by opinion'. Its always such a hoot for you to demand standards from others you can't possibly meet. Almost as funny as you pretending to speak for gay people on why the get married.

Oh, you are a blessing to the endorphins, Kaz.

So is it that your reading skills are that bad or you're just so in love with your own voice that you obsess on listening to yourself and don't process anything else?

The old Kaz "go to"..."you've got a reading comprehension problem."

Predictable as day and night...
What's hillarious, idiot, is Seawytch has in the meantime shown what i actually responded to and in your butt stupid idiocy you still missed it. Too funny. Wow, you didn't miss it, you quoted yourself for stupidity. Discussion to follow.

And yet you still can't back any of this up with jackshit:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Really? What "more" reasons do gays marry than straights?
Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

Which makes your rejection of 'argument by opinion' all the more amusing. As its all you have.

I answered the question I was asked.

Actually, you jumped into the middle of Sea's conversation with Westwall with a health dallup of 'argument by opinion' on a topic you know nothing about:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Westwall said:
So...gay people want to be married purely for government handouts? Is that what you're saying?

Gay people civilly marry for all the exact same reasons straights do.

And more!

To which Sea replied:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Really? What "more" reasons do gays marry than straights?
Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

And you can't back up any of that shit can you? But tell us again about 'argument by opinion'. Its always such a hoot for you to demand standards from others you can't possibly meet. Almost as funny as you pretending to speak for gay people on why the get married.

Oh, you are a blessing to the endorphins, Kaz.

So is it that your reading skills are that bad or you're just so in love with your own voice that you obsess on listening to yourself and don't process anything else?

The old Kaz "go to"..."you've got a reading comprehension problem."

Predictable as day and night...

I say you have a "reading comprehension problem" due to your ongoing inability to comprehend what you read and address it. Seriously, you are incapable of it. You need remedial reading. Not agreeing with me is fine. but you keep not being able to read and process simple sentences.
A crime in itself, I'm sure!

Seawytch claims there are many parents of gays who are fine with the gay but won't let them out of the house without a piece of paper from the government certifying they have a legal marriage. She doesn't seem to be able to add anything to that though, like how she is not full of shit

Really- when did Seawythch say that?

She constantly states that she wants government marriage for the same reason I did. Since I've told her a hundred times why I wanted it, I'm assuming she knows. Pretty safe assumption unless you are saying she's a stupid bitch with no long term memory. Is that what you're saying? Seawytch is a stupid bitch with no long term memory? You may have a point, I certainly can't contradict either part

Narcissist much? I've constantly said that gays want civil marriage for the same reason straight people like you do. People like all your married friends. Have you asked all of them why they "want the government in their bedrooms"?
Kaz still dodging?

Thats what Kaz does.
Anecdotal stories are clearly in the opinion category as an argument.

Compred with what? Your anecdotal opinion?

Remember, Kaz.....you haven't actually factually established anything. You've made an assertion. You've presented nothing save the assertion itself to back it. That's an opinion.

We have anecdotal evidence vs. your personal opinion. And anecdotal evidence is at least evidence. Not the most compelling. Not rock solid. But at least its evidence.

Where as your opinion is merely your belief.

So tell me why you need government in your bedroom to have a happy relationship with someone. Let's start there. Anecdotal is fine

So you're not even going to attempt to back your assertions with evidence, are you? Then you can't question the quality of anyone else's evidence. You don't get exempted from your own standards. As you've offered us nothing but your opinion.

By your own standards, yours is clearly the 'opinion' category of argument.

Back what assertion? I am questioning your assertion that people can't be happy without a piece of paper from the government that it's OK to fuck their brains out. You people seriously need to learn to read

This is just another example of Kaz lying his ass off.
However they are facts. Facts trump opinions any day of the week.

Anecdotal stories are clearly in the opinion category as an argument.

I read about someone who was saved by not wearing a seatbelt. They were thrown clear of the car onto a grassy area. If they wore the seatbelt, they would have been crushed.

True story, but is it an argument against seatbelts? One case?

My mom experienced the same thing when I was two. Of course at the time they had no seatbelts but the fact that she was ejected saved her life.

However, you are comparing physical events to personal feelings. The two are in no way similar so you are in effect comparing a apple with a cruise ship. They don't compare.

I didn't compare "physical events to personal feelings." I addressed the irrelevancy of anecdotal stories to well formed arguments

Here was your claim as to why people get married

Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

That is your unsubstantiated claim.

Someone else gave their opinion otherwise- with actual examples.

Either both your post and the response are both irrelevant- or the response is more relevant- since he provided examples and you provided just the usual Kaz' world point of view.

Strawman, you just took my quote completely out of context. That was my answer to Seawytch's question. Now what was the question I was actually answering? LOL, what a fool, what a tool

You should look up 'strawman'- you do this crap all the time- you say something, then complain about what others say in response- and then when called on it pretend you can't figure it out.

Here was your claim as to why people get married

Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

That is your unsubstantiated claim.

Someone else gave their opinion otherwise- with actual examples.

Either both your post and the response are both irrelevant- or the response is more relevant- since he provided examples and you provided just the usual Kaz' world point of view.
And they need government in their bedroom to make them happy? Why?

Who is asking for the government in their bedroom? I thought we were talking about marriage?

Gays finally got the government out of their bedrooms when the Supreme Court overturned anti-gay sodomy laws- though Republicans in Louisiana still want the government in homosexuals bedrooms, since they refused to repeal the law.

And now the gays want government back in their bedroom validating who they have sex with

The only one claiming that 'gays want government in the bedroom' is you. I guess because to you marriage is only about fucking.

What I have said- and others have said in this thread is that homosexuals want to get married for the same reasons that heterosexuals do- for the same reasons that my wife and I wanted to get married.

And there are lots of reasons for that- but other than a few fundamentalists who don't believe in sex before marriage, I don't think anyone gets married in order to have sex- maybe you did, but you are pretty unusual.
What's hillarious, idiot, is Seawytch has in the meantime shown what i actually responded to and in your butt stupid idiocy you still missed it. Too funny. Wow, you didn't miss it, you quoted yourself for stupidity. Discussion to follow.

And yet you still can't back any of this up with jackshit:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Really? What "more" reasons do gays marry than straights?
Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

Which makes your rejection of 'argument by opinion' all the more amusing. As its all you have.

I answered the question I was asked.

Actually, you jumped into the middle of Sea's conversation with Westwall with a health dallup of 'argument by opinion' on a topic you know nothing about:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Westwall said:
So...gay people want to be married purely for government handouts? Is that what you're saying?

Gay people civilly marry for all the exact same reasons straights do.

And more!

To which Sea replied:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Really? What "more" reasons do gays marry than straights?
Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

And you can't back up any of that shit can you? But tell us again about 'argument by opinion'. Its always such a hoot for you to demand standards from others you can't possibly meet. Almost as funny as you pretending to speak for gay people on why the get married.

Oh, you are a blessing to the endorphins, Kaz.

So is it that your reading skills are that bad or you're just so in love with your own voice that you obsess on listening to yourself and don't process anything else?

Laughing.....I can read well enough to see you can't back up your own claims. And that you're using the very 'arguement by opinion' that you've dismissed from other posters.

Just color me shocked that you don't apply your own standards to yourself. Or that once again, your argument has degenerated into you citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about.
And they need government in their bedroom to make them happy? Why?

Who is asking for the government in their bedroom? I thought we were talking about marriage?

Gays finally got the government out of their bedrooms when the Supreme Court overturned anti-gay sodomy laws- though Republicans in Louisiana still want the government in homosexuals bedrooms, since they refused to repeal the law.

And now the gays want government back in their bedroom validating who they have sex with

The only one claiming that 'gays want government in the bedroom' is you. I guess because to you marriage is only about fucking.

I didn't say government marriage is "only" about fucking, but yeah, fucking is the central reason. People justify it with kids, you fuck to have them. Why do gays need government in their bedroom to feel good about themselves?
What's hillarious, idiot, is Seawytch has in the meantime shown what i actually responded to and in your butt stupid idiocy you still missed it. Too funny. Wow, you didn't miss it, you quoted yourself for stupidity. Discussion to follow.

And yet you still can't back any of this up with jackshit:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Really? What "more" reasons do gays marry than straights?
Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

Which makes your rejection of 'argument by opinion' all the more amusing. As its all you have.

I answered the question I was asked.

Actually, you jumped into the middle of Sea's conversation with Westwall with a health dallup of 'argument by opinion' on a topic you know nothing about:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Westwall said:
So...gay people want to be married purely for government handouts? Is that what you're saying?

Gay people civilly marry for all the exact same reasons straights do.

And more!

To which Sea replied:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Really? What "more" reasons do gays marry than straights?
Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

And you can't back up any of that shit can you? But tell us again about 'argument by opinion'. Its always such a hoot for you to demand standards from others you can't possibly meet. Almost as funny as you pretending to speak for gay people on why the get married.

Oh, you are a blessing to the endorphins, Kaz.

So is it that your reading skills are that bad or you're just so in love with your own voice that you obsess on listening to yourself and don't process anything else?

Laughing.....I can read well enough to see you can't back up your own claims. And that you're using the very 'arguement by opinion' that you've dismissed from other posters.

Just color me shocked that you don't apply your own standards to yourself. Or that once again, your argument has degenerated into you citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about.

I answered a question, narcissus, what does that have to do with backing up a "claim?"
What's hillarious, idiot, is Seawytch has in the meantime shown what i actually responded to and in your butt stupid idiocy you still missed it. Too funny. Wow, you didn't miss it, you quoted yourself for stupidity. Discussion to follow.

And yet you still can't back any of this up with jackshit:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Really? What "more" reasons do gays marry than straights?
Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

Which makes your rejection of 'argument by opinion' all the more amusing. As its all you have.

I answered the question I was asked.

Actually, you jumped into the middle of Sea's conversation with Westwall with a health dallup of 'argument by opinion' on a topic you know nothing about:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Gay people civilly marry for all the exact same reasons straights do.

And more!

To which Sea replied:

Kaz said:
Seawytch said:
Really? What "more" reasons do gays marry than straights?
Validation, recognition and approval of the collective

And you can't back up any of that shit can you? But tell us again about 'argument by opinion'. Its always such a hoot for you to demand standards from others you can't possibly meet. Almost as funny as you pretending to speak for gay people on why the get married.

Oh, you are a blessing to the endorphins, Kaz.

So is it that your reading skills are that bad or you're just so in love with your own voice that you obsess on listening to yourself and don't process anything else?

Laughing.....I can read well enough to see you can't back up your own claims. And that you're using the very 'arguement by opinion' that you've dismissed from other posters.

Just color me shocked that you don't apply your own standards to yourself. Or that once again, your argument has degenerated into you citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about.

I answered a question, narcissus, what does that have to do with backing up a "claim?"

You butted in with an 'argument by opinion'. And can't back up any of the shit you spewed. Which makes your rejection of 'argument by opinion' all the funnier. As its all you've got.

Remember, Kaz......you pretending to speak for gay people doesn't actually amount to jack shit.
And they need government in their bedroom to make them happy? Why?

Who is asking for the government in their bedroom? I thought we were talking about marriage?

Gays finally got the government out of their bedrooms when the Supreme Court overturned anti-gay sodomy laws- though Republicans in Louisiana still want the government in homosexuals bedrooms, since they refused to repeal the law.

And now the gays want government back in their bedroom validating who they have sex with

The only one claiming that 'gays want government in the bedroom' is you. I guess because to you marriage is only about fucking.

I didn't say government marriage is "only" about fucking, but yeah, fucking is the central reason. People justify it with kids, you fuck to have them. Why do gays need government in their bedroom to feel good about themselves?

For all the same reasons you and all the straight people you know get civilly married. Do you ask all the straight married people you know that exact question?
And they need government in their bedroom to make them happy? Why?

Who is asking for the government in their bedroom? I thought we were talking about marriage?

Gays finally got the government out of their bedrooms when the Supreme Court overturned anti-gay sodomy laws- though Republicans in Louisiana still want the government in homosexuals bedrooms, since they refused to repeal the law.

And now the gays want government back in their bedroom validating who they have sex with

The only one claiming that 'gays want government in the bedroom' is you. I guess because to you marriage is only about fucking.

I didn't say government marriage is "only" about fucking, but yeah, fucking is the central reason. People justify it with kids, you fuck to have them. Why do gays need government in their bedroom to feel good about themselves?

Okay- you think marriage is mainly about fucking- which is really odd- because most people fuck more often before getting married than after getting married.

Why do heterosexuals need government in their bedroom to feel good about themselves(I mean in your opinion- since I think that is pure bullshit- since my wife and didn't marry in order to fuck- we were quite capable of doing that without a marriage license)
And they need government in their bedroom to make them happy? Why?

Who is asking for the government in their bedroom? I thought we were talking about marriage?

Gays finally got the government out of their bedrooms when the Supreme Court overturned anti-gay sodomy laws- though Republicans in Louisiana still want the government in homosexuals bedrooms, since they refused to repeal the law.

And now the gays want government back in their bedroom validating who they have sex with

The only one claiming that 'gays want government in the bedroom' is you. I guess because to you marriage is only about fucking.

I didn't say government marriage is "only" about fucking, but yeah, fucking is the central reason. People justify it with kids, you fuck to have them. Why do gays need government in their bedroom to feel good about themselves?

For all the same reasons you and all the straight people you know get civilly married. Do you ask all the straight married people you know that exact question?

Those who oppose gay marriage more often than not appear to be obsessed about what people do sexually in their bedrooms.

I don't think about what kind of sex a couple is going to have when they get married- but the homophobes sure seem to.
Who is asking for the government in their bedroom? I thought we were talking about marriage?

Gays finally got the government out of their bedrooms when the Supreme Court overturned anti-gay sodomy laws- though Republicans in Louisiana still want the government in homosexuals bedrooms, since they refused to repeal the law.

And now the gays want government back in their bedroom validating who they have sex with

The only one claiming that 'gays want government in the bedroom' is you. I guess because to you marriage is only about fucking.

I didn't say government marriage is "only" about fucking, but yeah, fucking is the central reason. People justify it with kids, you fuck to have them. Why do gays need government in their bedroom to feel good about themselves?

For all the same reasons you and all the straight people you know get civilly married. Do you ask all the straight married people you know that exact question?

Those who oppose gay marriage more often than not appear to be obsessed about what people do sexually in their bedrooms.

I don't think about what kind of sex a couple is going to have when they get married- but the homophobes sure seem to.

I don't care what 2 consenting adults do in private.
Neither should anyone else
And now the gays want government back in their bedroom validating who they have sex with

The only one claiming that 'gays want government in the bedroom' is you. I guess because to you marriage is only about fucking.

I didn't say government marriage is "only" about fucking, but yeah, fucking is the central reason. People justify it with kids, you fuck to have them. Why do gays need government in their bedroom to feel good about themselves?

For all the same reasons you and all the straight people you know get civilly married. Do you ask all the straight married people you know that exact question?

Those who oppose gay marriage more often than not appear to be obsessed about what people do sexually in their bedrooms.

I don't think about what kind of sex a couple is going to have when they get married- but the homophobes sure seem to.

I don't care what 2 consenting adults do in private.
Neither should anyone else

Yeah, there's free internet porn if you REALLY want to know.

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