Why Glenn has never been THIS TERRIFIED for America before

That isn't an answer. You're ducking again - as always.

The fact is that you desperately hate Trump and support Biden, in direct contradiction to your claim regarding the government control of a centralized healthcare system.

Your "opinions" directly contradict what you post on this board AND what you say you voted for.

IF you oppose centrally managed and controlled healthcare, why did you vote FOR the major proponent of it?

Why did you vote AGAINST the man who promoted your interests?

THIS is the heart of the question, AND the reason you keep ducking and running.
I'm glad you finally and mercifully arrived at the heart of the question.

I voted for a party that I find repulsive because I find the other party even MORE repulsive. I want very much to think that my country is better than this ugly, arrogant, ignorant, bigoted, shallow, juvenile, paranoid, pugilistic, manipulated horror show.

And you and I clearly vote for different things. You vote for what you think are in your best interests. I vote for what I think are in my COUNTRY'S best interests, because what's good for my country is good for me.

I don't expect you to understand.

So now I guess we'll see if you still pretend that I'm an evil demonic satanic Nazi commie.
I'm glad you finally and mercifully arrived at the heart of the question.

I voted for a party that I find repulsive because I find the other party even MORE repulsive.

If that is the case, then you are lying about the positions you claim to hold.

You find repulsive those who oppose centrally planned and managed healthcare.

If that repulses you, then clearly you actually support centrally planned and managed healthcare, despite your claim to the contrary.

I want very much to think that my country is better than this ugly, arrogant, ignorant, bigoted, shallow, juvenile, paranoid, pugilistic, manipulated horror show.

So CNN told you to hate Emanuel Goldstein, and you jettison all factors of what is good for the nation, by your claims, to pursue your mindless hate.

And you and I clearly vote for different things. You vote for what you think are in your best interests. I vote for what I think are in my COUNTRY'S best interests, because what's good for my country is good for me.

No you don't.

You just said that centrally planned and managed healthcare is AGAINST the interest of the country, but you voted FOR it due to your hatred and bigotry.

I don't expect you to understand.
I understand perfectly, you're a complete hypocrite. You are driven by hatred, not what is in the interest of the country - BY YOUR OWN claims.

So now I guess we'll see if you still pretend that I'm an evil demonic satanic Nazi commie.

You are what you are, a fraud who is led around by the nose by the hate-press,
If that is the case, then you are lying about the positions you claim to hold.

You find repulsive those who oppose centrally planned and managed healthcare.

If that repulses you, then clearly you actually support centrally planned and managed healthcare, despite your claim to the contrary.

So CNN told you to hate Emanuel Goldstein, and you jettison all factors of what is good for the nation, by your claims, to pursue your mindless hate.

No you don't.

You just said that centrally planned and managed healthcare is AGAINST the interest of the country, but you voted FOR it due to your hatred and bigotry.

I understand perfectly, you're a complete hypocrite. You are driven by hatred, not what is in the interest of the country - BY YOUR OWN claims.

You are what you are, a fraud who is led around by the nose by the hate-press,
As I predicted.

AND we get no answer.

" obediently attaches themselves to Trumpism."

Oh, well that explains it Nazi Mac. Say you vacuous fool, your circular logic might be more sound if you explain what your delusion of "Trumpism" is?

A misinformation cult for the chumps of the lying greedy idiot GOP mega rich....
Still waiting, you keep trying to change the subject.

The challenge remains the same: List off specific issues and I'll tell you where I stand. Demonstrate I'm a lefty for all to see.

You rubes keep saying I'm a left winger, yet you can't prove it. Kind of like the "rigged election" bullshit.

I'm right here. Ready to go. Don't be afraid. Get specific.

Are you insane????
You're not a Leftist?
As I understand it, being a "leftist" would mean that I consistently hold, support and advocate left wing views on the actual issues, such as health care, abortion, immigration, culture, race, etc.

Is that correct, or is that incorrect?
When the Security services have NO EXTERNAL ENEMY,,,,,They will ALWAYS CREATE AN INTERNAL ONE.

So they are demonizing white people ; this includes leftists and liberals.

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