Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...

obsession runs deep

As they say in the middle East...
والحقيقة تجعلك حرا

Now if you were as Internet adroit as you think you are you should be able to translate that!

The reason I am doing this is because obviously you don't comprehend the dire nature of our
existence under the continued assault on our country as some of us recognize!

Wait till QE3 stops... watch how quickly the DJI drops! Watch the run on banks!
And then remember your "obsession" comment as you pay $8.00 for gas...

The banks have trillions in cash, why do you feel there will be a run on the banks?

Oh you naive person...

Ever read the charter of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?
Definition of 'Emergency Banking Act Of 1933'

A bill passed during the administration of former U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in reaction to the financially adverse conditions of the Great Depression. The measure, which called for a four-day mandatory shutdown of U.S. banks for inspections before they could be reopened, sought to re-instill investor confidence and stability in the banking system.
The infamous stock market crash, which preempted the Great Depression, put great strain on the U.S. monetary system. Collective fears of loss of individual savings as a result of bank failures caused massive runs on the banks, which only compounded the problem. Roosevelt's actions helped restore credibility (and thus functionality) to the banking system and the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under this legislation helped provide a more permanent solution.
Emergency Banking Act Of 1933 Definition | Investopedia

The fact IS there is NOT enough money in the FDIC fund to cover ALL the deposits up to $250,000.
What will happen is FDIC will go to the treasury and borrow.. but that piggy bank is busted already with QE3!!!
There are 3 or 4 Bush bashings every day because he hurt the world THAT much.

Damn, are you really that stupid? Its all political bullshit. Can you imagine 9/11 with Gore in charge? What would that idiot have done? given carbon credits to the taliban in exchange for their promise to be good guys and support AGW?

Bush made some mistakes, all presidents make mistakes, but he was 1000% better than the idiot who currently lives in the whitehouse.

From this post, you are the one who is that stupid. Bush was the most hated person in the world and an embarrassing black mark on America for 8 years.

bullshit! only in history books written by far left idiots.

speaking of embarrassing and a black mark (your words), I think you need to look at obama and his bows to the king of saudi arabia, letting Putin make a fool of him, screwing up our economy, and passing the worst piece of legislation in the history of the nation.
As they say in the middle East...
والحقيقة تجعلك حرا

Now if you were as Internet adroit as you think you are you should be able to translate that!

The reason I am doing this is because obviously you don't comprehend the dire nature of our
existence under the continued assault on our country as some of us recognize!

Wait till QE3 stops... watch how quickly the DJI drops! Watch the run on banks!
And then remember your "obsession" comment as you pay $8.00 for gas...

The banks have trillions in cash, why do you feel there will be a run on the banks?

Oh you naive person...

Ever read the charter of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?
Definition of 'Emergency Banking Act Of 1933'

A bill passed during the administration of former U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in reaction to the financially adverse conditions of the Great Depression. The measure, which called for a four-day mandatory shutdown of U.S. banks for inspections before they could be reopened, sought to re-instill investor confidence and stability in the banking system.
The infamous stock market crash, which preempted the Great Depression, put great strain on the U.S. monetary system. Collective fears of loss of individual savings as a result of bank failures caused massive runs on the banks, which only compounded the problem. Roosevelt's actions helped restore credibility (and thus functionality) to the banking system and the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under this legislation helped provide a more permanent solution.
Emergency Banking Act Of 1933 Definition | Investopedia

The fact IS there is NOT enough money in the FDIC fund to cover ALL the deposits up to $250,000.
What will happen is FDIC will go to the treasury and borrow.. but that piggy bank is busted already with QE3!!!

The fact IS there is NOT enough money in the FDIC fund to cover ALL the deposits up to $250,000.

So what? There never was, never will be, it's an insurance fund. Let's try again.

The banks have trillions in cash, why do you feel there will be a run on the banks?
Damn, are you really that stupid? Its all political bullshit. Can you imagine 9/11 with Gore in charge? What would that idiot have done? given carbon credits to the taliban in exchange for their promise to be good guys and support AGW?

Bush made some mistakes, all presidents make mistakes, but he was 1000% better than the idiot who currently lives in the whitehouse.

From this post, you are the one who is that stupid. Bush was the most hated person in the world and an embarrassing black mark on America for 8 years.

bullshit! only in history books written by far left idiots.

speaking of embarrassing and a black mark (your words), I think you need to look at obama and his bows to the king of saudi arabia, letting Putin make a fool of him, screwing up our economy, and passing the worst piece of legislation in the history of the nation.

That is just right wing partisan criticism, means nothing in the real world. Look at how he was welcomed at Mandela's funeral. He is well liked throughout the world.
Where did you ever come to the conclusion that THIS table was an AVERAGE of the year?
Did you go to look at this page? http://www.citizen.org/documents/Historical_employment_data.pdf
You're a "special" kind of stupid, rightie. How did I reach the conclusion that the numbers you posted were "averages?"

From your link, dumbass ...


Also from you link ...


Do you see that, dumbass? YOUR link shows there were 133.5 million jobs, according to establishment data, when Bush left office.

Now stop lying with your bullshit claim that there were 136.8 million jobs.
Figures lie and liars figure. Who said that? And why is it the truth? And which one are you using Healthmyths?

Well YOU are then calling the Bureau of Labor Statistics "Liars"... because no where in their table that I use these figures did it state
they were "average" as "phlegm" states.
Again.. don't make a fool of your self by calling me something without CHECKING out the sources I provided..

Also WHY are people like you so adverse to admitting that IN SPITE of 4 cataclysmic events that never occurred in any President's terms
in history at least Bush kept things stable considering ALL the attempts to destroy our country?
And why are you so adverse to admitting the MSM as exemplified by Thomas's statement "Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do."
BASHED Bush mercilessly YET they have given Obama all sorts of support?

This is why historians will rate Bush as a "great" President because IN SPITE of an ADMITTED adversarial MSM, and IN SPITE of 4 gigantic events.. Bush's
administration (because of Bush (MBA..by the way in case you forgot and keep making fun of his intelligence..) skills grew the GDP 16%.. and
in spite of these events and the biased press INCREASED the number of of employed even though 5 million jobs lost due to recession,dot.com, 9/11 hurricanes!

Go to this site: http://www.citizen.org/documents/Historical_employment_data.pdf

You will see:
At the End of 2000 total employees on nonfarm payrolls 131,785,000
At the End of 2008 total employees: 136,790,000!
Subtract 131,795,000 from 136,790,000 you get.. 5,005,000 more people working then at the end of 2000!

Why is that complicated? Where in that document does it say it was an AVERAGE as "phlegm" asserts?

5,005,000 more people working then in 2000!!!

THIS WAS THE SOURCE for my calculation that when you subtract from the 136,790,000 people working at the end of 2008 from the 131,785,000 working end of 2000..
YOU GET 5,005,000 more people working!!!

ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/suppl/empsit.ceseeb1.txt Not my words THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR!!!!

At the total people
end of working
2000...... 131,785,000 2,792,000 dot.com and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 effect off 9/11
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.
Dumbass rightie ... no one is calling the Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Liars." YOU are the liar, not the BLS.

To determine the number of jobs when Bush started, you are NOT looking at January/2001, which reflects about how many people were employed when Bush became president ...

... that number is 132.5 million ...

... instead you are averaging out the number of employed for all of 2000, which is 131.8 million, and then claiming that is how many were employed when Bush became president. But of course, it wasn't 131.8 million, it was 132.5 million. But you use the 2000 average instead of the actual number employed because that adds 700,000 to Bush's total which Bush did not earn.

Then, to determine the number of jobs when Bush left office, you are NOT looking at January/2009, which reflects about how many people were employed when Bush left office ...

... that number is 133.6 million ...

... instead you are averaging out the number of employed for all of 2008, which is 136.8 million, and then claiming that is how many were employed when Bush left office. But of course, it wasn't 136.8 million, it was 133.6 million. But you use the 2008 average instead of the actual number employed because that adds 3,200,000 to Bush's total which Bush did not earn.

So there you are, fluffing Bush's 1.1 million gain by 3.9 million so that you can falsely claim that establishment data show a net gain of 5 million for Bush which Bush did not earn.

But the funniest part is how you rely on that fabricated 5 million job gain to fool yourself into believing Bush is among the greatest presidents in your lifetime, when the reality is, he was the worst.

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It depends entirely on who is writing the history books.

Had the Germans won WWII, I suspect that history would be taking a different view of FDR's legacy than we currently do.

Had the Soviets won the Cold War, I suspect that modern history books would have a different view on JFK than we do.

You see, the winner is ALWAYS right. Always, always, always.


The winners write the history books. The winners are always right.

To bad you and your kind don't understand that about national elections.

Did you and your kind understand that when Bush beat your clowns twice? NO, you are still not over it. Why else would there be 3 or 4 bush bashing threads every day?

what you, and your kind, are is hypocrites.

Umm, this thread was started by a dumbass rightie.
I am going to do what people like YOU NEVER EVER can do... Admit I was wrong!

YES YOU ARE RIGHT! It says right there "Annual Averages"... and I was wrong...

OK.. So There were ONLY.. 1.1 million gain! YOU are right! And I was wrong!

But of course YOU are not an intelligent nor smart enough person to admit that THESE EVENTS happened that caused nearly
1) 2,500,000 jobs in due to 9/11, Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld
2) 400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!
3) 300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs due to dot.com bust... The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

3,200,000 total jobs lost to the above events which have NEVER occurred to any President in history!
YOU won't admit that in spite of those events Bush kept the economy growing.
And so being the bigger person... YES Bambi.. YOU were right!

So now that we have that settled... AGAIN did the above events happen?
Have they ever happened in ANY president's terms?

And you still think they had NO consequences to the economy?

Again... just to repeat it ... I was way wrong in saying there were 5 million jobs created when there was only 1 million AFTER 3,200,000 jobs were lost due to:
Dot.com bust
7 of the top worse hurricanes

YES I was wrong BUT again tell me those events didn't happen???
I am going to do what people like YOU NEVER EVER can do... Admit I was wrong!

YES YOU ARE RIGHT! It says right there "Annual Averages"... and I was wrong...

OK.. So There were ONLY.. 1.1 million gain! YOU are right! And I was wrong!

But of course YOU are not an intelligent nor smart enough person to admit that THESE EVENTS happened that caused nearly
1) 2,500,000 jobs in due to 9/11, Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld
2) 400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!
3) 300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs due to dot.com bust... The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

3,200,000 total jobs lost to the above events which have NEVER occurred to any President in history!
YOU won't admit that in spite of those events Bush kept the economy growing.
And so being the bigger person... YES Bambi.. YOU were right!

So now that we have that settled... AGAIN did the above events happen?
Have they ever happened in ANY president's terms?

And you still think they had NO consequences to the economy?

Again... just to repeat it ... I was way wrong in saying there were 5 million jobs created when there was only 1 million AFTER 3,200,000 jobs were lost due to:
Dot.com bust
7 of the top worse hurricanes

YES I was wrong BUT again tell me those events didn't happen???
While I admire your ability to admit you're wrong, you regrettably negate that goodwill by following up, first with the strawman that I deny those events occurred; and then by posting the numbers from 9.11 which I've already shown you are completely off base.

Being the kind hearted Liberal I am, I will show you again where you messed up ...

Your claim is that 2,500,000 lost their job "DUE" to 9.11 is fallacious. The source you cited indicates in the period from 9.11 until the publication of that article, 2,500,000 job were list "SINCE" 9.11, not because of it. Your source even shows that 1.6 million jobs were lost in the year and a half leading up to 9/11. You're so stupid, you're claiming there wasn't another job lost in the year after 9/11 for the reasons people lost their job in the year before it, even though, we were still in a recession after 9.11. That is stunningly stupid.

You are wrongly attributing every job lost after 9.11 TO 9.11. As you have done from most of what you've been posting, you're highly inflating numbers to fluff Bush.

Here's an article which estimates how many jobs were lost DUE to 9.11 ...

The economy before and after 9/11

An estimated 600,000 jobs were lost as a direct consequence of the terrorist attacks​
I am going to do what people like YOU NEVER EVER can do... Admit I was wrong!

YES YOU ARE RIGHT! It says right there "Annual Averages"... and I was wrong...

OK.. So There were ONLY.. 1.1 million gain! YOU are right! And I was wrong!

But of course YOU are not an intelligent nor smart enough person to admit that THESE EVENTS happened that caused nearly
1) 2,500,000 jobs in due to 9/11, Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld
2) 400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!
3) 300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs due to dot.com bust... The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

3,200,000 total jobs lost to the above events which have NEVER occurred to any President in history!
YOU won't admit that in spite of those events Bush kept the economy growing.
And so being the bigger person... YES Bambi.. YOU were right!

So now that we have that settled... AGAIN did the above events happen?
Have they ever happened in ANY president's terms?

And you still think they had NO consequences to the economy?

Again... just to repeat it ... I was way wrong in saying there were 5 million jobs created when there was only 1 million AFTER 3,200,000 jobs were lost due to:
Dot.com bust
7 of the top worse hurricanes

YES I was wrong BUT again tell me those events didn't happen???
While I admire your ability to admit you're wrong, you regrettably negate that goodwill by following up, first with the strawman that I deny those events occurred; and then by posting the numbers from 9.11 which I've already shown you are completely off base.

Being the kind hearted Liberal I am, I will show you again where you messed up ...

Your claim is that 2,500,000 lost their job "DUE" to 9.11 is fallacious. The source you cited indicates in the period from 9.11 until the publication of that article, 2,500,000 job were list "SINCE" 9.11, not because of it. Your source even shows that 1.6 million jobs were lost in the year and a half leading up to 9/11. You're so stupid, you're claiming there wasn't another job lost in the year after 9/11 for the reasons people lost their job in the year before it, even though, we were still in a recession after 9.11. That is stunningly stupid.

You are wrongly attributing every job lost after 9.11 TO 9.11. As you have done from most of what you've been posting, you're highly inflating numbers to fluff Bush.

Here's an article which estimates how many jobs were lost DUE to 9.11 ...

The economy before and after 9/11

An estimated 600,000 jobs were lost as a direct consequence of the terrorist attacks​

So even though the numbers maybe off.. WHY are you so adamant that they had NO affect on the economy?
I mean you totally negate GWB!
Were you around when the recession/dot.com/9/11/hurricanes occurred?
Were you aware of the tremendous angst these events caused? I didn't even mention the anthrax attacks!
Maybe you weren't bothered but MILLIONS of people didn't fly! Millions didn't want to invest! Millions thought the USA was doomed!
AND guess what GWB had a 90% rating TILL the Democrat sympathetic MSM started as Thomas said "bashing Bush"... everyday we saw body counts!
We saw the same video repeated on 3 networks constantly berating Bush...

AND YOU fell for it!

YOU totally bought into the constant exaggeration about the economy being bad...hell THE GDP grew 16% under Bush IN SPITE of these cataclysmic events
that AS I will continue to state NEVER occurred in ANY President's terms... NOT these gigantic disasters!

Why is it you have such a hard on for GWB when you appear to be smart enough to determine you've been a patsy for the MSM/Democrat and Bush bashers?

Yes I admit... THERE are some inaccuracies in the numbers... no question.
It doesn't though diminish the overall impact these events had...

Don't you feel just a little bit tarnished that you have followed the party line.."Bush the idiot"... All Bush's fault... Bush caused it all...
I really know that GWB made mistakes. No question. But NO other President has ever had to deal with the gigantic destructive events that occurred during his presidency and THAT's why I called him one of the "greatest" Presidents in my lifetime from IKE to dimwit today!

I'm not saying any of them couldn't have done better.. but just the FACT he had it happen and not one president in my lifetime faced these events.
Then: 4.9% (August 2001). The unemployment rate was 4.2% at the start of 2001, but the unfolding recession lifted joblessness to 5.7% by year’s end.
The economic drag of 9/11 contributed to the labor pains.
An estimated 600,000 jobs were lost as a direct consequence of the terrorist attacks.
Of those lost jobs, 226,000 were in travel and tourism. At the World Trade Center, 1,100 businesses were disrupted.
It took four years before the unemployment rate returned to its pre-9/11 level.
The economy before and after 9/11- MSN Money

Unemployment was 4.9% in August 2001
4 years later unemployment was back to 4.9%

And of the 10 Costliest Catastrophes..
Kiplinger - Interstitial
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
3. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks 2001
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...

But people still BLAME BUSH!!!
I am going to do what people like YOU NEVER EVER can do... Admit I was wrong!

YES YOU ARE RIGHT! It says right there "Annual Averages"... and I was wrong...

OK.. So There were ONLY.. 1.1 million gain! YOU are right! And I was wrong!

But of course YOU are not an intelligent nor smart enough person to admit that THESE EVENTS happened that caused nearly
1) 2,500,000 jobs in due to 9/11, Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld
2) 400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!
3) 300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs due to dot.com bust... The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

3,200,000 total jobs lost to the above events which have NEVER occurred to any President in history!
YOU won't admit that in spite of those events Bush kept the economy growing.
And so being the bigger person... YES Bambi.. YOU were right!

So now that we have that settled... AGAIN did the above events happen?
Have they ever happened in ANY president's terms?

And you still think they had NO consequences to the economy?

Again... just to repeat it ... I was way wrong in saying there were 5 million jobs created when there was only 1 million AFTER 3,200,000 jobs were lost due to:
Dot.com bust
7 of the top worse hurricanes

YES I was wrong BUT again tell me those events didn't happen???
While I admire your ability to admit you're wrong, you regrettably negate that goodwill by following up, first with the strawman that I deny those events occurred; and then by posting the numbers from 9.11 which I've already shown you are completely off base.

Being the kind hearted Liberal I am, I will show you again where you messed up ...

Your claim is that 2,500,000 lost their job "DUE" to 9.11 is fallacious. The source you cited indicates in the period from 9.11 until the publication of that article, 2,500,000 job were list "SINCE" 9.11, not because of it. Your source even shows that 1.6 million jobs were lost in the year and a half leading up to 9/11. You're so stupid, you're claiming there wasn't another job lost in the year after 9/11 for the reasons people lost their job in the year before it, even though, we were still in a recession after 9.11. That is stunningly stupid.

You are wrongly attributing every job lost after 9.11 TO 9.11. As you have done from most of what you've been posting, you're highly inflating numbers to fluff Bush.

Here's an article which estimates how many jobs were lost DUE to 9.11 ...

The economy before and after 9/11

An estimated 600,000 jobs were lost as a direct consequence of the terrorist attacks​

So even though the numbers maybe off.. WHY are you so adamant that they had NO affect on the economy?
I mean you totally negate GWB!
Were you around when the recession/dot.com/9/11/hurricanes occurred?
Were you aware of the tremendous angst these events caused? I didn't even mention the anthrax attacks!
Maybe you weren't bothered but MILLIONS of people didn't fly! Millions didn't want to invest! Millions thought the USA was doomed!
AND guess what GWB had a 90% rating TILL the Democrat sympathetic MSM started as Thomas said "bashing Bush"... everyday we saw body counts!
We saw the same video repeated on 3 networks constantly berating Bush...

AND YOU fell for it!

YOU totally bought into the constant exaggeration about the economy being bad...hell THE GDP grew 16% under Bush IN SPITE of these cataclysmic events
that AS I will continue to state NEVER occurred in ANY President's terms... NOT these gigantic disasters!

Why is it you have such a hard on for GWB when you appear to be smart enough to determine you've been a patsy for the MSM/Democrat and Bush bashers?

Yes I admit... THERE are some inaccuracies in the numbers... no question.
It doesn't though diminish the overall impact these events had...

Don't you feel just a little bit tarnished that you have followed the party line.."Bush the idiot"... All Bush's fault... Bush caused it all...
I really know that GWB made mistakes. No question. But NO other President has ever had to deal with the gigantic destructive events that occurred during his presidency and THAT's why I called him one of the "greatest" Presidents in my lifetime from IKE to dimwit today!

I'm not saying any of them couldn't have done better.. but just the FACT he had it happen and not one president in my lifetime faced these events.
Who knows why you continue to lie and claim I am denying they had any effect on the economy? But since you have proven to be a completely deranged Bush sycophant, I can't say I'm surprised.

And who knows why you champion Bush the way you do since he comes in dead last or near it in nearly every economic category? But I suppose that's what happens when you're a completely deranged Bush sycophant.

At any rate, now it appears you wish to take this to GDP. I'm game. But first, what do you think GDP currently is?
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While I admire your ability to admit you're wrong, you regrettably negate that goodwill by following up, first with the strawman that I deny those events occurred; and then by posting the numbers from 9.11 which I've already shown you are completely off base.

Being the kind hearted Liberal I am, I will show you again where you messed up ...

Your claim is that 2,500,000 lost their job "DUE" to 9.11 is fallacious. The source you cited indicates in the period from 9.11 until the publication of that article, 2,500,000 job were list "SINCE" 9.11, not because of it. Your source even shows that 1.6 million jobs were lost in the year and a half leading up to 9/11. You're so stupid, you're claiming there wasn't another job lost in the year after 9/11 for the reasons people lost their job in the year before it, even though, we were still in a recession after 9.11. That is stunningly stupid.

You are wrongly attributing every job lost after 9.11 TO 9.11. As you have done from most of what you've been posting, you're highly inflating numbers to fluff Bush.

Here's an article which estimates how many jobs were lost DUE to 9.11 ...

The economy before and after 9/11

An estimated 600,000 jobs were lost as a direct consequence of the terrorist attacks​

So even though the numbers maybe off.. WHY are you so adamant that they had NO affect on the economy?
I mean you totally negate GWB!
Were you around when the recession/dot.com/9/11/hurricanes occurred?
Were you aware of the tremendous angst these events caused? I didn't even mention the anthrax attacks!
Maybe you weren't bothered but MILLIONS of people didn't fly! Millions didn't want to invest! Millions thought the USA was doomed!
AND guess what GWB had a 90% rating TILL the Democrat sympathetic MSM started as Thomas said "bashing Bush"... everyday we saw body counts!
We saw the same video repeated on 3 networks constantly berating Bush...

AND YOU fell for it!

YOU totally bought into the constant exaggeration about the economy being bad...hell THE GDP grew 16% under Bush IN SPITE of these cataclysmic events
that AS I will continue to state NEVER occurred in ANY President's terms... NOT these gigantic disasters!

Why is it you have such a hard on for GWB when you appear to be smart enough to determine you've been a patsy for the MSM/Democrat and Bush bashers?

Yes I admit... THERE are some inaccuracies in the numbers... no question.
It doesn't though diminish the overall impact these events had...

Don't you feel just a little bit tarnished that you have followed the party line.."Bush the idiot"... All Bush's fault... Bush caused it all...
I really know that GWB made mistakes. No question. But NO other President has ever had to deal with the gigantic destructive events that occurred during his presidency and THAT's why I called him one of the "greatest" Presidents in my lifetime from IKE to dimwit today!

I'm not saying any of them couldn't have done better.. but just the FACT he had it happen and not one president in my lifetime faced these events.
Who knows why you continue to lie and claim I am denying they had any effect on the economy? But since you have proven to be a completely deranged Bush sycophant, I can't say I'm surprised.

And who knows why you champion Bush the way you do since he comes in dead last or near it in nearly every economic category.

At any rate, now it appears you wish to take this to GDP. I'm game. But first, what do you think GDP currently is?

So even though the numbers maybe off.. WHY are you so adamant that they had NO affect on the economy?
I mean you totally negate GWB!
Were you around when the recession/dot.com/9/11/hurricanes occurred?
Were you aware of the tremendous angst these events caused? I didn't even mention the anthrax attacks!
Maybe you weren't bothered but MILLIONS of people didn't fly! Millions didn't want to invest! Millions thought the USA was doomed!
AND guess what GWB had a 90% rating TILL the Democrat sympathetic MSM started as Thomas said "bashing Bush"... everyday we saw body counts!
We saw the same video repeated on 3 networks constantly berating Bush...

AND YOU fell for it!

YOU totally bought into the constant exaggeration about the economy being bad...hell THE GDP grew 16% under Bush IN SPITE of these cataclysmic events
that AS I will continue to state NEVER occurred in ANY President's terms... NOT these gigantic disasters!

Why is it you have such a hard on for GWB when you appear to be smart enough to determine you've been a patsy for the MSM/Democrat and Bush bashers?

Yes I admit... THERE are some inaccuracies in the numbers... no question.
It doesn't though diminish the overall impact these events had...

Don't you feel just a little bit tarnished that you have followed the party line.."Bush the idiot"... All Bush's fault... Bush caused it all...
I really know that GWB made mistakes. No question. But NO other President has ever had to deal with the gigantic destructive events that occurred during his presidency and THAT's why I called him one of the "greatest" Presidents in my lifetime from IKE to dimwit today!

I'm not saying any of them couldn't have done better.. but just the FACT he had it happen and not one president in my lifetime faced these events.
Who knows why you continue to lie and claim I am denying they had any effect on the economy? But since you have proven to be a completely deranged Bush sycophant, I can't say I'm surprised.

And who knows why you champion Bush the way you do since he comes in dead last or near it in nearly every economic category.

At any rate, now it appears you wish to take this to GDP. I'm game. But first, what do you think GDP currently is?



I didn't plan on it, but healthmyths led me there. :dunno:

But hey, just for fun, let's take a look at GDP under each of the presidents during healthmyths' lifetime, shall we ... ?

Average annual GDP by President...

Kennedy ........ 5.6%
Johnson ........ 5.5%
Clinton .......... 4.5%
Reagan ......... 3.9%
Carter ........... 3.4%
Eisenhower .... 3.3%
Nixon ............ 3.1%
Ford ............. 2.3%
GHWBush ...... 2.3%
Bush ............. 2.3%
Obama .......... 0.9%

Current-dollar and "real" GDP

Well would ya look at that ... ? Bush comes in second to last! :eek::eek::eek:

So once again, I am left scratching my head (proverbially) as to why healthmyths ranks Bush among the greatest presidents in his lifetime??? :doubt:

He came in dead last in employment numbers and now we see he comes in second to last in GDP growth. What is it about Bush that he loves so much?
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DUMB F...K!!
YOU HAVE 3 presidents tied at 2.3% so how in the hell is that coming 2nd to last???
Kennedy ........ 5.6%
Johnson ........ 5.5%
Clinton .......... 4.5%
Reagan ......... 3.9%
Carter ........... 3.4%
Eisenhower .... 3.3%
Nixon ............ 3.1%
Ford ............. 2.3%
GHWBush ...... 2.3%
Bush ............. 2.3%
Obama .......... 0.9%

And of those 4 events 6 of the most devastating hurricanes and 9/11 making 7 of the MOST destructive events in US History!

YOU idiots just don't understand do you!

YOU blame BUSH for events that HE HAD NOTHING to do with!
YOu brag on FDR for what he did with a lousy single stupid uneventful depression!
YOU brag on who else??
BUT YOU totally ignore not one comment recognizing that ANY economic lagging that occurred WAS DUE TO these events!
Is it so hard to comprehend that when almost 800,000 jobs lost directly to 9/11 in travel/tourism/direct consequences would have an impact on the economy??
NOT MY words BUT from the employment industry, CHALLENGER,Gray & Christmas..
Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld

Why do you argue with the experts that state 300,000 jobs lost and $5 trillion in losses due to dot.com bust! YOU don't think that has an impact on the economy?
And AGAIN when 7 of the top 10 hurricanes destroying 400,000 jobs and costing over $1 trillion in destruction!

Is it so hard to ADMIT that IN SPITE of all these above events.. THEY HAD AN AFFECT?

YET YOU totally ignorant blind idiots.. continue to BASH a President that is treated by the FACTS better then by you blind ignorant people!

The FACT is GWB had the Largest GDP in history...in real GDP 2009 dollars... starting with end of 2000 when adjusted was $12.565 trillion.
Ending in 2008 with $14.833 trillion a $2.268 trillion increase... AGAIN ALL while confronted with the 4 most devastating economic events in any Presidency!
An 18% increase!

It so pathetic how brainwashed by the MSM you idiots are and you don't even know it!!

You have been so suckered by the people who admit their JOB WAS TO BASH BUSH but in their next breath they call Obama a God!

"MSM job is to Bash the President"...
Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek's quotes Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

MSM Job to Bash the President..."
But what about Obama ... any bashing here???

COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

YOU don't for a slightest intelligent minute consider that ALL YOU"VE heard has been Bush BASHING and especially for 30 second sound bite idiots who can't conceive of bigger
contributors i.e. 4 major destructive EVENTS this is ALL you remember!

What a sorry lot of idiots who because instead of admitting THESE EVENTS made a tremendous difference... YOU continue to bash the ONLY President who ever faced them!

Sad when ignorance prevails!
wow it's deep.

Let's consider the great recession Obama inherited and give his numbers the same leeway ya give Bush's, dunce.
Ah the far left wants to give a pass to their messiah once again and only blame one president.

Oh well these Obama drones certainly do live in the DNC matrix.
Ah the far left wants to give a pass to their messiah once again and only blame one president.

Oh well these Obama drones certainly do live in the DNC matrix.

No, you missed the point.

He is excusing Bush's abysmal numbers b/c of natural disasters, bubbles bursts and recessions.

In order to be even handed, the same must apply for all Presidents.

He is not even handed, he's an obsessive fan boy.

The end.
DUMB F...K!!
YOU HAVE 3 presidents tied at 2.3% so how in the hell is that coming 2nd to last???
Kennedy ........ 5.6%
Johnson ........ 5.5%
Clinton .......... 4.5%
Reagan ......... 3.9%
Carter ........... 3.4%
Eisenhower .... 3.3%
Nixon ............ 3.1%
Ford ............. 2.3%
GHWBush ...... 2.3%
Bush ............. 2.3%
Obama ............ 0.9%
Sorry, had I known you were so desperate to fluff Bush to keep him out of second to last place, I would have rounded to the second decimal point ...

Kennedy ....... 5.59%
Johnson ....... 5.52%
Clinton ......... 4.47%
Reagan ........ 3.92%
Carter .......... 3.41%
Eisenhower ... 3.32%
Nixon ........... 3.14%
GHWBush ..... 2.34%
Ford ............ 2.29%
Bush ............ 2.26%
Obama ......... 0.90%​

There, is that better? He still finishes 2nd to last. That's some hero you prop up on your shoulders.

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Ah the far left wants to give a pass to their messiah once again and only blame one president.

Oh well these Obama drones certainly do live in the DNC matrix.

No, you missed the point.

He is excusing Bush's abysmal numbers b/c of natural disasters, bubbles bursts and recessions.

In order to be even handed, the same must apply for all Presidents.

He is not even handed, he's an obsessive fan boy.

The end.

You mean like the Obama drones are doing five years into the Obama presidency?

Please point out where Bush blamed Clinton for five years in a row for what he inherited.

Bush is no saint, but is and will always be better than Obama, regardless of the far left religious excuses for their messiah.

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