Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...

...be viewed higher than when he left because he was followed by one of the worst Presidents in history. However, he will still go down as one of the bad ones.

(1) Iraq War:
It will be viewed as a blunder.

(2) Mortgage Meltdown and Credit Crisis:
If an EDUCATED person viewed the mortgage meltdown they will realized that all the legislation and moves that caused it was started under Clinton (CRA, GLB, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac given more power etc), however, he ignored it for short-term gains and the longer term bust.

(3) He Doubled Downed on the Upcoming Student Loan Bust:
Many people may argue it has already busted, but not quite. After Clinton boneheadedly made Fed student loans non-dischargable (which spurred in to over-drive rising college costs), Bush made private student loans non-dischargable also.

(4) Reckless spending:
The Gingrich run Congress actually balanced the budget. Bush led the country on a spending drive.

(5) Further erosion of our manufacturing base:
We fell under 10% of the workforce being in manufacturing. A healthy economy REQUIRES a strong manufacturing base. A healthy one is minimum 20% (which you want to see closer to 30%). We currently sit at 8%!!!

This is just a small, list there are many many other's and few positives to boast about!

(4) Reckless spending:
The Gingrich run Congress actually balanced the budget. Bush led the country on a spending drive.

Yes! :clap2:

(5) Further erosion of our manufacturing base:
We fell under 10% of the workforce being in manufacturing. A healthy economy REQUIRES a strong manufacturing base. A healthy one is minimum 20% (which you want to see closer to 30%). We currently sit at 8%!!!

Automation will continue to reduce manufacturing employment. Worldwide.
What % of GDP is manufacturing now? What was it when Bush took office?

NONE of YOUR comments take into account THESE disasterous events!

Don't you remember the dot.com bust, recession, 9/11 geez you forgot that?? 7 of the top ten destructive hurricanes... you forget these events OCCURRED and cost money and lives!
...be viewed higher than when he left because he was followed by one of the worst Presidents in history. However, he will still go down as one of the bad ones.

(1) Iraq War:
It will be viewed as a blunder.

(2) Mortgage Meltdown and Credit Crisis:
If an EDUCATED person viewed the mortgage meltdown they will realized that all the legislation and moves that caused it was started under Clinton (CRA, GLB, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac given more power etc), however, he ignored it for short-term gains and the longer term bust.

(3) He Doubled Downed on the Upcoming Student Loan Bust:
Many people may argue it has already busted, but not quite. After Clinton boneheadedly made Fed student loans non-dischargable (which spurred in to over-drive rising college costs), Bush made private student loans non-dischargable also.

(4) Reckless spending:
The Gingrich run Congress actually balanced the budget. Bush led the country on a spending drive.

(5) Further erosion of our manufacturing base:
We fell under 10% of the workforce being in manufacturing. A healthy economy REQUIRES a strong manufacturing base. A healthy one is minimum 20% (which you want to see closer to 30%). We currently sit at 8%!!!

This is just a small, list there are many many other's and few positives to boast about!

(4) Reckless spending:
The Gingrich run Congress actually balanced the budget. Bush led the country on a spending drive.

Yes! :clap2:

(5) Further erosion of our manufacturing base:
We fell under 10% of the workforce being in manufacturing. A healthy economy REQUIRES a strong manufacturing base. A healthy one is minimum 20% (which you want to see closer to 30%). We currently sit at 8%!!!

Automation will continue to reduce manufacturing employment. Worldwide.
What % of GDP is manufacturing now? What was it when Bush took office?

NONE of YOUR comments take into account THESE disasterous events!

Don't you remember the dot.com bust, recession, 9/11 geez you forgot that?? 7 of the top ten destructive hurricanes... you forget these events OCCURRED and cost money and lives!

Yes, I remember all those events.

I also remember that Bush spent way too much.
(4) Reckless spending:
The Gingrich run Congress actually balanced the budget. Bush led the country on a spending drive.

Yes! :clap2:

(5) Further erosion of our manufacturing base:
We fell under 10% of the workforce being in manufacturing. A healthy economy REQUIRES a strong manufacturing base. A healthy one is minimum 20% (which you want to see closer to 30%). We currently sit at 8%!!!

Automation will continue to reduce manufacturing employment. Worldwide.
What % of GDP is manufacturing now? What was it when Bush took office?

NONE of YOUR comments take into account THESE disasterous events!

Don't you remember the dot.com bust, recession, 9/11 geez you forgot that?? 7 of the top ten destructive hurricanes... you forget these events OCCURRED and cost money and lives!

Yes, I remember all those events.

I also remember that Bush spent way too much.

A) Prove that dumb fkk... remark! Prove it!
B) YOU tell that to the millions of people that received UNEMPLOYMENT checks because:
1) Dot.com bust nothing to do with Bush..
2) Recession again recessions DON"T just start one day ... it was coming dumb f..k why there were tax cuts??
3) Then of course you totally forget 9/11? Trillions dollars destroyed.. businesses. people killed AND YOU Don't think that had an affect on the US budget???
4) Tell the people that went through 7 of history's top ten hurricanes that Bush spent too much!!!
5) Tell the 28 million people NOW free of a Dictator that would if still in power starved 2 million children to build his palaces... was that too much???

C) Prove it!
Because here are the real expenditures!
  • Year Revenue US Expenditures Surplus/(deficit) GDP in trillions increase/decrease
  • 2000 $2.026 Trillion $ 1.789 Trillion $236.2 billion $11.216
  • 2001 1.991 1.862 126.6 11.338 1.08%
  • 2002 1.853 2.010 (157.8) 11.543 1.81%
  • 2003 1.782 2.159 (377.6) 11.836 2.54%
  • 2004 1.880 2.252 (412.7) 12.247 3.46%
  • 2005 2.153 2.472 (318.3) 12.623 3.07%
  • 2006 2.406 2.655 (248.2) 12.959 2.65%
  • 2007 2.568 2.728 (160.7) 13.206 1.91%
  • 2008 2.524 2.982 (458.6) 13.162 (0.33%)
USDA ERS - International Macroeconomic Data Set

TELL me which of the US expenditures were too much???

Would you not lend money (EXPENDITURES ) to:
Counting the value of lives lost as well as property damage and lost production of goods and services, losses already exceed $100 billion. Including the loss in stock market wealth -- the market's own estimate arising from expectations of lower corporate profits and higher discount rates for economic volatility -- the price tag approaches $2 trillion.

Among the big-ticket items:

The loss of four civilian aircraft valued at $385 million.

The destruction of major buildings in the World Trade Center with a replacement cost of from $3 billion to $4.5 billion.

Damage to a portion of the Pentagon: up to $1 billion.

Cleanup costs: $1.3 billion.

Property and infrastructure damage: $10 billion to $13 billion.

Federal emergency funds (heightened airport security, sky marshals, government takeover of airport security, retrofitting aircraft with anti-terrorist devices, cost of operations in Afghanistan): $40 billion.

Direct job losses amounted to 83,000, with $17 billion in lost wages.

The amount of damaged or unrecoverable property hit $21.8 billion.

Losses to the city of New York (lost jobs, lost taxes, damage to infrastructure, cleaning): $95 billion.

Losses to the insurance industry: $40 billion.

Loss of air traffic revenue: $10 billion.

Fall of global markets: incalculable.
The Cost of September 11
NONE of YOUR comments take into account THESE disasterous events!

Don't you remember the dot.com bust, recession, 9/11 geez you forgot that?? 7 of the top ten destructive hurricanes... you forget these events OCCURRED and cost money and lives!

Yes, I remember all those events.

I also remember that Bush spent way too much.

A) Prove that dumb fkk... remark! Prove it!
B) YOU tell that to the millions of people that received UNEMPLOYMENT checks because:
1) Dot.com bust nothing to do with Bush..
2) Recession again recessions DON"T just start one day ... it was coming dumb f..k why there were tax cuts??
3) Then of course you totally forget 9/11? Trillions dollars destroyed.. businesses. people killed AND YOU Don't think that had an affect on the US budget???
4) Tell the people that went through 7 of history's top ten hurricanes that Bush spent too much!!!
5) Tell the 28 million people NOW free of a Dictator that would if still in power starved 2 million children to build his palaces... was that too much???

C) Prove it!
Because here are the real expenditures!
  • Year Revenue US Expenditures Surplus/(deficit) GDP in trillions increase/decrease
  • 2000 $2.026 Trillion $ 1.789 Trillion $236.2 billion $11.216
  • 2001 1.991 1.862 126.6 11.338 1.08%
  • 2002 1.853 2.010 (157.8) 11.543 1.81%
  • 2003 1.782 2.159 (377.6) 11.836 2.54%
  • 2004 1.880 2.252 (412.7) 12.247 3.46%
  • 2005 2.153 2.472 (318.3) 12.623 3.07%
  • 2006 2.406 2.655 (248.2) 12.959 2.65%
  • 2007 2.568 2.728 (160.7) 13.206 1.91%
  • 2008 2.524 2.982 (458.6) 13.162 (0.33%)
USDA ERS - International Macroeconomic Data Set

TELL me which of the US expenditures were too much???

Would you not lend money (EXPENDITURES ) to:
Counting the value of lives lost as well as property damage and lost production of goods and services, losses already exceed $100 billion. Including the loss in stock market wealth -- the market's own estimate arising from expectations of lower corporate profits and higher discount rates for economic volatility -- the price tag approaches $2 trillion.

Among the big-ticket items:

The loss of four civilian aircraft valued at $385 million.

The destruction of major buildings in the World Trade Center with a replacement cost of from $3 billion to $4.5 billion.

Damage to a portion of the Pentagon: up to $1 billion.

Cleanup costs: $1.3 billion.

Property and infrastructure damage: $10 billion to $13 billion.

Federal emergency funds (heightened airport security, sky marshals, government takeover of airport security, retrofitting aircraft with anti-terrorist devices, cost of operations in Afghanistan): $40 billion.

Direct job losses amounted to 83,000, with $17 billion in lost wages.

The amount of damaged or unrecoverable property hit $21.8 billion.

Losses to the city of New York (lost jobs, lost taxes, damage to infrastructure, cleaning): $95 billion.

Losses to the insurance industry: $40 billion.

Loss of air traffic revenue: $10 billion.

Fall of global markets: incalculable.
The Cost of September 11

Thanks for the numbers. $1.789 trillion in 2000. $2.982 trillion in 2008.
That's an average increase of 6.595% annually.
Like I said, he spent way too much, assclown.
Last edited:
Plus the lying math challenged liar mathmyths forgot 2009 again. A Bush approved c.r.
So prove first of all "spending too much"... all you are doing is repeating the cliche!
Umm, during his first 6 years in office, until Democrats took full control of the Congress, remind the forum again ........ how many spending bills did he veto?

And how many Billions was lent to the survivors of
Dot.com bust... unemployment checks..
9/11 unemployment rebuilding destroyed building, businesses all through loans by Federal govt. WHICH by the way were spending
but now coming back WITH interest and Obama's getting the credit as increased revenue!
How about those millions that lost homes,businesses in the 7 of the top ten hurricanes???

Why is it so hard to comprehend THOSE EVENTS COST MONEY!!!
ARE YOU one of those pompous elitist who says people don't deserve their government to help... geez you sound like a GOP!

I just don't understand your escape from the REALITIES of these disasters and their devastation on the economy, people's lives and our nation!
BUT NOT ONE peep of recognition!

If he didn't stop Congress from spending a dime, how on Earth did he control spending? There was in fact, one veto in those six years. The way the president controls spending is by vetoing spending bills. If he let Congress spend on everything they wanted, then he was just as responsible for spending as they were.
Plus the lying math challenged liar mathmyths forgot 2009 again. A Bush approved c.r.

AND STILL YOU totally ignore the REASONS for these spendings!

YOU idiots think these events DIDN"T COST one dime of federal money ?
YOU wanted 28 million people in slavery and 2 million kids to starve by cutting costs?
YOU wanted businesses,people cities to be ignored due to 9/11 attack on NY and Pentagon? HOW would those businesses/peoples lives been affected if not for Federal support?
YOU wanted businesses,people cities destroyed in 7 of the top 10 worst hurricanes in history not to be helped?

TALK about selfish, cold, evil people like you!
NOT ONE word about these events that occurred and the TRILLIONS of dollars lost in businesses, jobs, TAX revenue, NOT ONE WORD!

AGAIN this is why GWB will be one of the greatest presidents BECAUSE when all these bills are added up and all the lives affected are considered..
BUSH never spent too much but what was necessary to help MILLIONS of people survive!
Trillions of dollars in restored businesses!
AND YOU IDIOTS totally discount that!

NOT ONE of you seem to comprehend when you say Bush spent too much???? THERE WERE immediate needs to be met.

Tell me those events didn't happen THEN I'll agree Bush spent too much... IF THOSE EVENTS DIDN"T OCCUR!
BUT you can't! SO you stupid comments "Bush spent too much"... God... what idiots !
Plus the lying math challenged liar mathmyths forgot 2009 again. A Bush approved c.r.

AND STILL YOU totally ignore the REASONS for these spendings!

YOU idiots think these events DIDN"T COST one dime of federal money ?
YOU wanted 28 million people in slavery and 2 million kids to starve by cutting costs?
YOU wanted businesses,people cities to be ignored due to 9/11 attack on NY and Pentagon? HOW would those businesses/peoples lives been affected if not for Federal support?
YOU wanted businesses,people cities destroyed in 7 of the top 10 worst hurricanes in history not to be helped?

TALK about selfish, cold, evil people like you!
NOT ONE word about these events that occurred and the TRILLIONS of dollars lost in businesses, jobs, TAX revenue, NOT ONE WORD!

AGAIN this is why GWB will be one of the greatest presidents BECAUSE when all these bills are added up and all the lives affected are considered..
BUSH never spent too much but what was necessary to help MILLIONS of people survive!
Trillions of dollars in restored businesses!
AND YOU IDIOTS totally discount that!

NOT ONE of you seem to comprehend when you say Bush spent too much???? THERE WERE immediate needs to be met.

Tell me those events didn't happen THEN I'll agree Bush spent too much... IF THOSE EVENTS DIDN"T OCCUR!
BUT you can't! SO you stupid comments "Bush spent too much"... God... what idiots !

You STILL omit 2009, a Bush signed cr for spending.

Lying assed lunatic.
Amazingly when Obama spends money like a drunk sailor...it's socialism
Amazingly when Bush spent money like a drunk sailor...it was patriotic
Amazingly when Obama spends money like a drunk sailor...it's socialism
Amazingly when Bush spent money like a drunk sailor...it was patriotic

DUMB F..LO!!!!
Obama had NO major cataclysmic events as Bush did!
NOT ONE f..king comment about the 4 major catastrophes!
NOT ONE mention that the USA was staggered by these events!
NEED I remind you you ignorant stupid ass!!!

1) A recession greeted Bush when he took office that started the decline BEFORE he took office!
2) A major bubble burst known as Dot.com and the costs: state cost $5 trillion in losses over 300,000 jobs.. but IDIOTS like YOU never admit that happened.
3) In spite of watching on TV planes hitting buildings on 9/11 costing trillions of dollars and over 2.5 million jobs.. BASHERS don't admit that happened..
4) And these same BASHERS don't think it was a big deal that 7 of the top 10 hurricanes in history occurred during this time. Costing billions and 400,000+ jobs..
YET YOU idiots don't take ANY of the above into ACCOUNT!

Then YOUR SOCIALIST President... STATES CLEARLY intentions that will COST people real money..i.e. gas, utilities..health care.. BUT YOU IDIOTS
1)Obama wants higher gas prices... "I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

So this means Obama favors 1,300 companies going out of business that pay over $100 billion taxes employing 400,000!
And this are just three of many socialist destructive statements!!!

Come on for ONCE admit those events occurred! WHY can't you be honest and clearly comprehend that NO President in HISTORY had ever faced
such gigantic earthshaking events that costs over $8 trillion in destruction... 5,000 lives... over 3 million jobs!
AND YOU do NOT mention these as you BASH BUSH for helping people!!

SICKOs like you really are to be pitied as you have been so utterly brainwashed and hung out to dry!
A recession greeted Obama when he took office, Hurricane Sandy destroyed the NJ coast, we had both Wars left to deal with, we had jobs shedding at record rates and we had a financial reform at the feet.

Nothing to see here.

Also - 2009 are Bush's UE #'s and Debt #'s, you dishonest scumbag.
I am afraid, I just can't go with Bush's spending.

Bush did not have the partisan opposition Obama had. Consequently, they spent like crazy.

I lost it totally over the medicare drug plan.

No child left behind teed it up.

Sorry Health....can't go with you on this one.
A recession greeted Obama when he took office, Hurricane Sandy destroyed the NJ coast, we had both Wars left to deal with, we had jobs shedding at record rates and we had a financial reform at the feet.

Nothing to see here.

Also - 2009 are Bush's UE #'s and Debt #'s, you dishonest scumbag.

Every president deals with the mistakes and good decisions of his predecessors. Obama is no different.

In five years, he's done a good job of making sure the next schmuk will have a hell of time.
Amazingly when Obama spends money like a drunk sailor...it's socialism
Amazingly when Bush spent money like a drunk sailor...it was patriotic

DUMB F..LO!!!!
Obama had NO major cataclysmic events as Bush did!
NOT ONE f..king comment about the 4 major catastrophes!
NOT ONE mention that the USA was staggered by these events!
NEED I remind you you ignorant stupid ass!!!

1) A recession greeted Bush when he took office that started the decline BEFORE he took office!
2) A major bubble burst known as Dot.com and the costs: state cost $5 trillion in losses over 300,000 jobs.. but IDIOTS like YOU never admit that happened.
3) In spite of watching on TV planes hitting buildings on 9/11 costing trillions of dollars and over 2.5 million jobs.. BASHERS don't admit that happened..
4) And these same BASHERS don't think it was a big deal that 7 of the top 10 hurricanes in history occurred during this time. Costing billions and 400,000+ jobs..
YET YOU idiots don't take ANY of the above into ACCOUNT!

Then YOUR SOCIALIST President... STATES CLEARLY intentions that will COST people real money..i.e. gas, utilities..health care.. BUT YOU IDIOTS
1)Obama wants higher gas prices... "I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

So this means Obama favors 1,300 companies going out of business that pay over $100 billion taxes employing 400,000!
And this are just three of many socialist destructive statements!!!

Come on for ONCE admit those events occurred! WHY can't you be honest and clearly comprehend that NO President in HISTORY had ever faced
such gigantic earthshaking events that costs over $8 trillion in destruction... 5,000 lives... over 3 million jobs!
AND YOU do NOT mention these as you BASH BUSH for helping people!!

SICKOs like you really are to be pitied as you have been so utterly brainwashed and hung out to dry!

The part I bolded has got to be one of the dumbest things I ever read here.

You don't even know we were mired in the worst recession since the Great Depression when Obama became president???
A recession greeted Obama when he took office, Hurricane Sandy destroyed the NJ coast, we had both Wars left to deal with, we had jobs shedding at record rates and we had a financial reform at the feet.

Nothing to see here.

Also - 2009 are Bush's UE #'s and Debt #'s, you dishonest scumbag.

Every president deals with the mistakes and good decisions of his predecessors. Obama is no different.

In five years, he's done a good job of making sure the next schmuk will have a hell of time.

I agree to a point.

He also dealt with record filibuster use and so it's not as though we're living strictly under
Obama policy.

The blame goes all around IMO.
Amazingly when Obama spends money like a drunk sailor...it's socialism
Amazingly when Bush spent money like a drunk sailor...it was patriotic

DUMB F..LO!!!!
Obama had NO major cataclysmic events as Bush did!
NOT ONE f..king comment about the 4 major catastrophes!
NOT ONE mention that the USA was staggered by these events!
NEED I remind you you ignorant stupid ass!!!

1) A recession greeted Bush when he took office that started the decline BEFORE he took office!
2) A major bubble burst known as Dot.com and the costs: state cost $5 trillion in losses over 300,000 jobs.. but IDIOTS like YOU never admit that happened.
3) In spite of watching on TV planes hitting buildings on 9/11 costing trillions of dollars and over 2.5 million jobs.. BASHERS don't admit that happened..
4) And these same BASHERS don't think it was a big deal that 7 of the top 10 hurricanes in history occurred during this time. Costing billions and 400,000+ jobs..
YET YOU idiots don't take ANY of the above into ACCOUNT!

Then YOUR SOCIALIST President... STATES CLEARLY intentions that will COST people real money..i.e. gas, utilities..health care.. BUT YOU IDIOTS
1)Obama wants higher gas prices... "I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

So this means Obama favors 1,300 companies going out of business that pay over $100 billion taxes employing 400,000!
And this are just three of many socialist destructive statements!!!

Come on for ONCE admit those events occurred! WHY can't you be honest and clearly comprehend that NO President in HISTORY had ever faced
such gigantic earthshaking events that costs over $8 trillion in destruction... 5,000 lives... over 3 million jobs!
AND YOU do NOT mention these as you BASH BUSH for helping people!!

SICKOs like you really are to be pitied as you have been so utterly brainwashed and hung out to dry!

The part I bolded has got to be one of the dumbest things I ever read here.

You don't even know we were mired in the worst recession since the Great Depression when Obama became president???

In, before he dreams up with fake numbers and sketchy math how Bush's recession was worse than Obama's that they've had to deal with.

Quote the raven. Remember this post. He's got a copy/paste ready to go for your response here.
A recession greeted Obama when he took office, Hurricane Sandy destroyed the NJ coast, we had both Wars left to deal with, we had jobs shedding at record rates and we had a financial reform at the feet.

Nothing to see here.

Also - 2009 are Bush's UE #'s and Debt #'s, you dishonest scumbag.

Every president deals with the mistakes and good decisions of his predecessors. Obama is no different.

In five years, he's done a good job of making sure the next schmuk will have a hell of time.

I agree to a point.

He also dealt with record filibuster use and so it's not as though we're living strictly under
Obama policy.

The blame goes all around IMO.

I'll agree with that.

But, that is the difference IME.

Bush had a straight path. He and the GOP congress had a chance to do some great things. Instead they f**ked up wonderfully.

Obama really has never had the same thing. He got what Clinton got (the rug pulled out from under him after two years). Clinton threw the far left under the bus and did a good job (while getting some jobs too :)). Obama has failed to lead in any kind of way.

Clinton did not suffer from any lack of persecution either. So this whole "he's black" bullshyt just does not wash.
Amazingly when Obama spends money like a drunk sailor...it's socialism
Amazingly when Bush spent money like a drunk sailor...it was patriotic

DUMB F..LO!!!!
Obama had NO major cataclysmic events as Bush did!
NOT ONE f..king comment about the 4 major catastrophes!
NOT ONE mention that the USA was staggered by these events!
NEED I remind you you ignorant stupid ass!!!

1) A recession greeted Bush when he took office that started the decline BEFORE he took office!
2) A major bubble burst known as Dot.com and the costs: state cost $5 trillion in losses over 300,000 jobs.. but IDIOTS like YOU never admit that happened.
3) In spite of watching on TV planes hitting buildings on 9/11 costing trillions of dollars and over 2.5 million jobs.. BASHERS don't admit that happened..
4) And these same BASHERS don't think it was a big deal that 7 of the top 10 hurricanes in history occurred during this time. Costing billions and 400,000+ jobs..
YET YOU idiots don't take ANY of the above into ACCOUNT!

Then YOUR SOCIALIST President... STATES CLEARLY intentions that will COST people real money..i.e. gas, utilities..health care.. BUT YOU IDIOTS
1)Obama wants higher gas prices... "I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

So this means Obama favors 1,300 companies going out of business that pay over $100 billion taxes employing 400,000!
And this are just three of many socialist destructive statements!!!

Come on for ONCE admit those events occurred! WHY can't you be honest and clearly comprehend that NO President in HISTORY had ever faced
such gigantic earthshaking events that costs over $8 trillion in destruction... 5,000 lives... over 3 million jobs!
AND YOU do NOT mention these as you BASH BUSH for helping people!!

SICKOs like you really are to be pitied as you have been so utterly brainwashed and hung out to dry!

The part I bolded has got to be one of the dumbest things I ever read here.

You don't even know we were mired in the worst recession since the Great Depression when Obama became president???

How bad it was is up for debate, but there is no disputing we had a big issue.

Reagan had the same kind of problems. He won 49 states in his bid for re-election and hardly campaigned.
Umm, during his first 6 years in office, until Democrats took full control of the Congress, remind the forum again ........ how many spending bills did he veto?

And how many Billions was lent to the survivors of
Dot.com bust... unemployment checks..
9/11 unemployment rebuilding destroyed building, businesses all through loans by Federal govt. WHICH by the way were spending
but now coming back WITH interest and Obama's getting the credit as increased revenue!
How about those millions that lost homes,businesses in the 7 of the top ten hurricanes???

Why is it so hard to comprehend THOSE EVENTS COST MONEY!!!
ARE YOU one of those pompous elitist who says people don't deserve their government to help... geez you sound like a GOP!

I just don't understand your escape from the REALITIES of these disasters and their devastation on the economy, people's lives and our nation!
BUT NOT ONE peep of recognition!

If he didn't stop Congress from spending a dime, how on Earth did he control spending? There was in fact, one veto in those six years. The way the president controls spending is by vetoing spending bills. If he let Congress spend on everything they wanted, then he was just as responsible for spending as they were.

BUT NOT ONE MENTION from you that these MAJOR earth shaking events literally (7 of the top ten hurricanes occurred idiot!!!) occurred!!!
Every president deals with the mistakes and good decisions of his predecessors. Obama is no different.

In five years, he's done a good job of making sure the next schmuk will have a hell of time.

I agree to a point.

He also dealt with record filibuster use and so it's not as though we're living strictly under
Obama policy.

The blame goes all around IMO.

I'll agree with that.

But, that is the difference IME.

Bush had a straight path. He and the GOP congress had a chance to do some great things. Instead they f**ked up wonderfully.

Obama really has never had the same thing. He got what Clinton got (the rug pulled out from under him after two years). Clinton threw the far left under the bus and did a good job (while getting some jobs too :)). Obama has failed to lead in any kind of way.

Clinton did not suffer from any lack of persecution either. So this whole "he's black" bullshyt just does not wash.

There's spite for him because he's black, I fully believe that but I'm not with the clowns who find that every single disagreement is rooted in his race.

He's not going to be able to be a good leader when his opposition says hell no to absolutely everything. The Country has rejected that type of jerk-off-edness. And after the poll#'s from the shutdown, I believe with the Ryan budget the sides MAY begin to get some things done

then again, there's elections coming up :evil:

I also think Obamacare is a great failure in that it's causing higher premiums for much of the middle class, including myself.

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