Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...

"healthmyths" is absolutely correct!

Bush did make mistakes like putting ground troops into Iraq.

Barry would never have been nominated if he had not been perceived as black. As a black liberal, he was not vetted in 2008. As a citizen, he would never have been capable of receiving a TSC, yet he's our CIC! Yikes!

Bush was not perfect, but he did well considering the cards dealt him. The lying scumbucket Obama is the worst President in the history of our country!

Nah, the numbers show that Bush was worse than Obama.
Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...
See, this is why Raygun closed down all the funny farms....so the nut jobs could vote republican.....
They're coming to take you away...ha ha he he!
Amazingly when Obama spends money like a drunk sailor...it's socialism
Amazingly when Bush spent money like a drunk sailor...it was patriotic

DUMB F..LO!!!!
Obama had NO major cataclysmic events as Bush did!
NOT ONE f..king comment about the 4 major catastrophes!
NOT ONE mention that the USA was staggered by these events!
NEED I remind you you ignorant stupid ass!!!

1) A recession greeted Bush when he took office that started the decline BEFORE he took office!
2) A major bubble burst known as Dot.com and the costs: state cost $5 trillion in losses over 300,000 jobs.. but IDIOTS like YOU never admit that happened.
3) In spite of watching on TV planes hitting buildings on 9/11 costing trillions of dollars and over 2.5 million jobs.. BASHERS don't admit that happened..
4) And these same BASHERS don't think it was a big deal that 7 of the top 10 hurricanes in history occurred during this time. Costing billions and 400,000+ jobs..
YET YOU idiots don't take ANY of the above into ACCOUNT!

Then YOUR SOCIALIST President... STATES CLEARLY intentions that will COST people real money..i.e. gas, utilities..health care.. BUT YOU IDIOTS
1)Obama wants higher gas prices... "I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

So this means Obama favors 1,300 companies going out of business that pay over $100 billion taxes employing 400,000!
And this are just three of many socialist destructive statements!!!

Come on for ONCE admit those events occurred! WHY can't you be honest and clearly comprehend that NO President in HISTORY had ever faced
such gigantic earthshaking events that costs over $8 trillion in destruction... 5,000 lives... over 3 million jobs!
AND YOU do NOT mention these as you BASH BUSH for helping people!!

SICKOs like you really are to be pitied as you have been so utterly brainwashed and hung out to dry!

The part I bolded has got to be one of the dumbest things I ever read here.

You don't even know we were mired in the worst recession since the Great Depression when Obama became president???

There were no exploding buildings or soldiers marching into battle so without stunning graphics...he's left living in denial.
"healthmyths" is absolutely correct!

Bush did make mistakes like putting ground troops into Iraq.

Barry would never have been nominated if he had not been perceived as black. As a black liberal, he was not vetted in 2008. As a citizen, he would never have been capable of receiving a TSC, yet he's our CIC! Yikes!

Bush was not perfect, but he did well considering the cards dealt him. The lying scumbucket Obama is the worst President in the history of our country!

Nah, the numbers show that Bush was worse than Obama.

HEY dummy!!!

YES the numbers ARE worse! NOT ONE person disputes that you dumb sh...!
BUT WHAT caused those terrible numbers THAT IN spite of them... the GDP grew 16% Unemployment on average OVER the 8 years was ..5.3%
AND YET YOU have NOT commented about the 4 major events that if ONE happened would be detrimental.. i..e Sandy HOOK hurricane you said for Obama.. YUP
BUT 4 major events..
Recession YES happened to Obama you excused but BUSH you blame for 2001 recession that started under Clinton!
Hurricane YES Obama BUT there were 7 of them that were categorized as 7 of the TOP ten hurricanes... but you don't take that in account?
9/11 Occurred and NOTHING like that has happened to Obama... YET you don't seem to realize the net affect on the economy, jobs,etc.???

Why are you so afraid to admit the truth that these 4 gigantic earth shaking (literally!!) events DIDN"T have any affect???

See this is where your stupidity REALLY comes through!
YOU hold Bush up for Spending..etc... BUT totally negate the causes which were NEVER caused by Bush but a RESPONSE to... UNLIKE Obama who has
GENERATED KNOWN job losses.. due to his stated desires to:

1)Obama wants higher gas prices... "I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

NOT ONE time did you ever hear any president in my lifetime complain gas prices were not high enough! Or that the plan was to make utilities' rates "skyrocket".. or that
stated intention to put 1,300 companies out of business that pay $100 billion a year in FEDERAL/STATE/LOCAL taxes putting out of work 400,000 people!
AND YOU don't seem to understand!!!
YES I don't dispute Obama had those events! YOU are right!

SO why can't you admit these events occurred under Bush?

Is it because Obama is black it's OK for you to recognize the recession,etc....??

BUT NOT OK for Bush???
What a racist!


I am conservative.

But, you need to come back to earth.

You are a really good (very thoughtful) poster. Don't do this.

Well you explain why even "conservatives" like YOU accuse Bush of "spending like a drunken sailor"!!! 23,000 mentions in google search!
including "conservatives" like YOU !
BUT NOT ONE of you conservatives EVER seem to admit that the "spending" was in total response to the 4 major gigantic events!
AND I am sure you don't even consider 9/18/2008 when the ENTIRE world economy was at risk when nearly 500 billion was taken out of money market funds in
less then 2 hours! YET YOU blame Bush for trying ONE MORE TIME to save the world!
"Spending like a Drunken Sailor"!!!
When I read that all I can do is picture the millions of people that lost jobs due to recession/dot.com/911 and worst 7 hurricanes in history!
The trillions of dollars in destruction that you idiots don't even consider when you say.."spending like a drunken sailor"!!!
Well DAMN it! Where would YOU be if you had lived in those areas that destruction was the greatest heaped on ANY country over a period of 8 years!
I just don't understand why "conservatives" like you have been so brainwashed by the totally biased MSM that donates 85% to democrats tell us that their job was to Bash Bush but then say Obama is a god"!

Now, you are making stuff to argue against.

I screamed about Bush's spending when he was spending it. I screamed about a lot of other things.

Please recall his "privatize Social Security" screw up. He really was in a place to do something about SS and he could have sold it if he had done it right. The American people gave him congress for six years.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

No Child left Behind....how did that respond to 9/11 (didn't Ted Kennedy push this).

Medicare expansion ?

To your last point...If Obama is god...he is the god of the toilet because that is where he has taken us. Don't make this stuff up. You are better than this.

Just so you know...I was against the wars before they ever started.
"healthmyths" is absolutely correct!

Bush did make mistakes like putting ground troops into Iraq.

Barry would never have been nominated if he had not been perceived as black. As a black liberal, he was not vetted in 2008. As a citizen, he would never have been capable of receiving a TSC, yet he's our CIC! Yikes!

Bush was not perfect, but he did well considering the cards dealt him. The lying scumbucket Obama is the worst President in the history of our country!

Nah, the numbers show that Bush was worse than Obama.

Look, your pants are on fire!:eek:
"healthmyths" is absolutely correct!

Bush did make mistakes like putting ground troops into Iraq.

Barry would never have been nominated if he had not been perceived as black. As a black liberal, he was not vetted in 2008. As a citizen, he would never have been capable of receiving a TSC, yet he's our CIC! Yikes!

Bush was not perfect, but he did well considering the cards dealt him. The lying scumbucket Obama is the worst President in the history of our country!

Nah, the numbers show that Bush was worse than Obama.

Wow....an argument over who is the bigger pile of shyt !

I give Bush credit as a great president for several reasons. First and foremost, whereas he had a base ideology as we all do, on the most part he respected those that thought differently than he did.

For example....amnesty. He was willing to discuss it. He did not draw the line in the sand and say "you can discuss it all you want, I will veto whatever you bring to the table"...as our present President does.

He did not blame his predecessor nor did he blame the other side of the aisle when things went wrong.

Sure, he said "I inherited..." once or twice. Well, he DID inherit the dot com bubble burst aftermath and a recession...but once he got going, he owned it and he knew it.

Again, not like our current president.

He was a man of character. He was not arrogant and he did not try to be someone he isn't.

Again, not like our current president.

In the end, Obama's only legacy (in my opinion) will be his being the first African American President.

Bush will be seen min history as a two term president who truly cared about his country...not his legacy....unlike our current President (In my opinion).

I am conservative.

But, you need to come back to earth.

You are a really good (very thoughtful) poster. Don't do this.

Well you explain why even "conservatives" like YOU accuse Bush of "spending like a drunken sailor"!!! 23,000 mentions in google search!
including "conservatives" like YOU !
BUT NOT ONE of you conservatives EVER seem to admit that the "spending" was in total response to the 4 major gigantic events!
AND I am sure you don't even consider 9/18/2008 when the ENTIRE world economy was at risk when nearly 500 billion was taken out of money market funds in
less then 2 hours! YET YOU blame Bush for trying ONE MORE TIME to save the world!
"Spending like a Drunken Sailor"!!!
When I read that all I can do is picture the millions of people that lost jobs due to recession/dot.com/911 and worst 7 hurricanes in history!
The trillions of dollars in destruction that you idiots don't even consider when you say.."spending like a drunken sailor"!!!
Well DAMN it! Where would YOU be if you had lived in those areas that destruction was the greatest heaped on ANY country over a period of 8 years!
I just don't understand why "conservatives" like you have been so brainwashed by the totally biased MSM that donates 85% to democrats tell us that their job was to Bash Bush but then say Obama is a god"!

Now, you are making stuff to argue against.

I screamed about Bush's spending when he was spending it. I screamed about a lot of other things.

Please recall his "privatize Social Security" screw up. He really was in a place to do something about SS and he could have sold it if he had done it right. The American people gave him congress for six years.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

No Child left Behind....how did that respond to 9/11 (didn't Ted Kennedy push this).

Medicare expansion ?

To your last point...If Obama is god...he is the god of the toilet because that is where he has taken us. Don't make this stuff up. You are better than this.

Just so you know...I was against the wars before they ever started.

WHY were you screaming about his spending???
A) YOU didn't want unemployment checks paid to nearly 3.2 million people who lost their jobs due to :
1) Recession..2) Dot.com bust...3) 9/11.... 4) Worst hurricanes ??
B) YOU were against the loans made to NYC, New Orleans, etc. because they had nearly $8 trillion in losses to buildings,businesses, etc.. YOU were screaming against that?
C) You screamed because Bush couldn't get privatize SS passed... guess what YOU ARE RIGHT! And maybe you should remember unlike Obama he's no god and he's imperfect.
D) Medicare expansion??
Boy are you so dumb about that... I bet you think Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 WAS ONLY about drugs!
YOU don't know anything about MMA of 2003 which has SAVED Medicare nearly $4 billion a year in just one of several areas:
YOU NEVER knew before MMA there were nearly 500 distinct contractors that managed to pay the nearly 1 billion claims... (See Medicare processes not ONE Claim..again something
you have NO knowledge about versus me.. I started a business that over 18,000 times A day Medicare providers use) so I know a lot more then you obviously!
MMA reduced the 500 contractors to less then 50! The direct cost savings in dealing with less the 50 contractors versus 500 should be obvious even to YOU!

ALSO again... YOU have no knowledge about Medicare Advantage plans do you? A direct outcome of MMA allows nearly 400 companies to offer a RANGE of services to
Medicare beneficiaries in some cases like ME I have nearly $ 5,000 in savings from THESE FOR Profit Medicare management companies that PAY taxes...
And dumb f..k Obama wants to replace them because THEY MAKE Profits!!!

So again your "screaming" is so dumb regarding Bush spending...
NOW I agree with you about No Child Left Behind... Bush's attempt to "compromise" with the Democrats has created a huge educational mess!

But that is totally lost when you agree.. these events 1) Recession..2) Dot.com bust...3) 9/11.... 4) Worst hurricanes ?? FAR overshadow your screaming about "spending"!
a catastrophe in every way we'll be paying for for years in all domestic and foreign policy...except for AIDS policy in Africa- everyone's still trying to figure that out lol...
a catastrophe in every way we'll be paying for for years in all domestic and foreign policy...except for AIDS policy in Africa- everyone's still trying to figure that out lol...

Hey you are catching on.

Obama really has been a catastrophe in every sense of the work.

There's hope !
Well you explain why even "conservatives" like YOU accuse Bush of "spending like a drunken sailor"!!! 23,000 mentions in google search!
including "conservatives" like YOU !
BUT NOT ONE of you conservatives EVER seem to admit that the "spending" was in total response to the 4 major gigantic events!
AND I am sure you don't even consider 9/18/2008 when the ENTIRE world economy was at risk when nearly 500 billion was taken out of money market funds in
less then 2 hours! YET YOU blame Bush for trying ONE MORE TIME to save the world!
"Spending like a Drunken Sailor"!!!
When I read that all I can do is picture the millions of people that lost jobs due to recession/dot.com/911 and worst 7 hurricanes in history!
The trillions of dollars in destruction that you idiots don't even consider when you say.."spending like a drunken sailor"!!!
Well DAMN it! Where would YOU be if you had lived in those areas that destruction was the greatest heaped on ANY country over a period of 8 years!
I just don't understand why "conservatives" like you have been so brainwashed by the totally biased MSM that donates 85% to democrats tell us that their job was to Bash Bush but then say Obama is a god"!

Now, you are making stuff to argue against.

I screamed about Bush's spending when he was spending it. I screamed about a lot of other things.

Please recall his "privatize Social Security" screw up. He really was in a place to do something about SS and he could have sold it if he had done it right. The American people gave him congress for six years.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

No Child left Behind....how did that respond to 9/11 (didn't Ted Kennedy push this).

Medicare expansion ?

To your last point...If Obama is god...he is the god of the toilet because that is where he has taken us. Don't make this stuff up. You are better than this.

Just so you know...I was against the wars before they ever started.

WHY were you screaming about his spending???
A) YOU didn't want unemployment checks paid to nearly 3.2 million people who lost their jobs due to :
1) Recession..2) Dot.com bust...3) 9/11.... 4) Worst hurricanes ??
B) YOU were against the loans made to NYC, New Orleans, etc. because they had nearly $8 trillion in losses to buildings,businesses, etc.. YOU were screaming against that?
C) You screamed because Bush couldn't get privatize SS passed... guess what YOU ARE RIGHT! And maybe you should remember unlike Obama he's no god and he's imperfect.
D) Medicare expansion??
Boy are you so dumb about that... I bet you think Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 WAS ONLY about drugs!
YOU don't know anything about MMA of 2003 which has SAVED Medicare nearly $4 billion a year in just one of several areas:
YOU NEVER knew before MMA there were nearly 500 distinct contractors that managed to pay the nearly 1 billion claims... (See Medicare processes not ONE Claim..again something
you have NO knowledge about versus me.. I started a business that over 18,000 times A day Medicare providers use) so I know a lot more then you obviously!
MMA reduced the 500 contractors to less then 50! The direct cost savings in dealing with less the 50 contractors versus 500 should be obvious even to YOU!

ALSO again... YOU have no knowledge about Medicare Advantage plans do you? A direct outcome of MMA allows nearly 400 companies to offer a RANGE of services to
Medicare beneficiaries in some cases like ME I have nearly $ 5,000 in savings from THESE FOR Profit Medicare management companies that PAY taxes...
And dumb f..k Obama wants to replace them because THEY MAKE Profits!!!

So again your "screaming" is so dumb regarding Bush spending...
NOW I agree with you about No Child Left Behind... Bush's attempt to "compromise" with the Democrats has created a huge educational mess!

But that is totally lost when you agree.. these events 1) Recession..2) Dot.com bust...3) 9/11.... 4) Worst hurricanes ?? FAR overshadow your screaming about "spending"!

First, I am not screaming. I am simply stating things. You are the one who seems to be all beat up over this (and I've lost more than a little respect for you).

I don't recall saying anything about recession or the dotcom bubble or 9/11 or the federal disaster relief issues.

I do recall saying that I was against the wars and I knew we'd pay a lot more than we wanted for the poor results we achieved. Additionally, the blowout of congress in 2006 was a direct result of the war (and it was only 3 years old at that point).

You also did not address what I raised around Bush's ineptness on the "Privatize Social Security".

As to Medicare Advantage, I don't participate in medicare. I only know what I read and what I read says that it is costly (more costly than it should be) and does not justify the federal governments involvement in any way.

Sorry. If you have better information on anything I am all ears. I used to respect your input when it wasn't looking like that of a deranged left winger.

I might also point out that when Bush selected Dick Cheney as VP nobody was more excited than I was. I have watched him for a long long time and have found him to be one of the brightest and most frank individuals I ever seen in politics. I still like VP Cheney, but I am sometimes at a loss when it comes to some of the silly things his boss did. I would have hoped for better.
Last edited:
"healthmyths" is absolutely correct!

Bush did make mistakes like putting ground troops into Iraq.

Barry would never have been nominated if he had not been perceived as black. As a black liberal, he was not vetted in 2008. As a citizen, he would never have been capable of receiving a TSC, yet he's our CIC! Yikes!

Bush was not perfect, but he did well considering the cards dealt him. The lying scumbucket Obama is the worst President in the history of our country!

Nah, the numbers show that Bush was worse than Obama.

HEY dummy!!!

YES the numbers ARE worse! NOT ONE person disputes that you dumb sh...!
BUT WHAT caused those terrible numbers THAT IN spite of them... the GDP grew 16% Unemployment on average OVER the 8 years was ..5.3%
AND YET YOU have NOT commented about the 4 major events that if ONE happened would be detrimental.. i..e Sandy HOOK hurricane you said for Obama.. YUP
BUT 4 major events..
Recession YES happened to Obama you excused but BUSH you blame for 2001 recession that started under Clinton!
Hurricane YES Obama BUT there were 7 of them that were categorized as 7 of the TOP ten hurricanes... but you don't take that in account?
9/11 Occurred and NOTHING like that has happened to Obama... YET you don't seem to realize the net affect on the economy, jobs,etc.???

Why are you so afraid to admit the truth that these 4 gigantic earth shaking (literally!!) events DIDN"T have any affect???

See this is where your stupidity REALLY comes through!
YOU hold Bush up for Spending..etc... BUT totally negate the causes which were NEVER caused by Bush but a RESPONSE to... UNLIKE Obama who has
GENERATED KNOWN job losses.. due to his stated desires to:

1)Obama wants higher gas prices... "I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

NOT ONE time did you ever hear any president in my lifetime complain gas prices were not high enough! Or that the plan was to make utilities' rates "skyrocket".. or that
stated intention to put 1,300 companies out of business that pay $100 billion a year in FEDERAL/STATE/LOCAL taxes putting out of work 400,000 people!
Again, Bush's Great Recession caused far more damage to our economy than all those events you listed, combined.
Nah, the numbers show that Bush was worse than Obama.

HEY dummy!!!

YES the numbers ARE worse! NOT ONE person disputes that you dumb sh...!
BUT WHAT caused those terrible numbers THAT IN spite of them... the GDP grew 16% Unemployment on average OVER the 8 years was ..5.3%
AND YET YOU have NOT commented about the 4 major events that if ONE happened would be detrimental.. i..e Sandy HOOK hurricane you said for Obama.. YUP
BUT 4 major events..
Recession YES happened to Obama you excused but BUSH you blame for 2001 recession that started under Clinton!
Hurricane YES Obama BUT there were 7 of them that were categorized as 7 of the TOP ten hurricanes... but you don't take that in account?
9/11 Occurred and NOTHING like that has happened to Obama... YET you don't seem to realize the net affect on the economy, jobs,etc.???

Why are you so afraid to admit the truth that these 4 gigantic earth shaking (literally!!) events DIDN"T have any affect???

See this is where your stupidity REALLY comes through!
YOU hold Bush up for Spending..etc... BUT totally negate the causes which were NEVER caused by Bush but a RESPONSE to... UNLIKE Obama who has
GENERATED KNOWN job losses.. due to his stated desires to:

1)Obama wants higher gas prices... "I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

NOT ONE time did you ever hear any president in my lifetime complain gas prices were not high enough! Or that the plan was to make utilities' rates "skyrocket".. or that
stated intention to put 1,300 companies out of business that pay $100 billion a year in FEDERAL/STATE/LOCAL taxes putting out of work 400,000 people!
Again, Bush's Great Recession caused far more damage to our economy than all those events you listed, combined.

Says the far left Obama drone
Nah, the numbers show that Bush was worse than Obama.

HEY dummy!!!

YES the numbers ARE worse! NOT ONE person disputes that you dumb sh...!
BUT WHAT caused those terrible numbers THAT IN spite of them... the GDP grew 16% Unemployment on average OVER the 8 years was ..5.3%
AND YET YOU have NOT commented about the 4 major events that if ONE happened would be detrimental.. i..e Sandy HOOK hurricane you said for Obama.. YUP
BUT 4 major events..
Recession YES happened to Obama you excused but BUSH you blame for 2001 recession that started under Clinton!
Hurricane YES Obama BUT there were 7 of them that were categorized as 7 of the TOP ten hurricanes... but you don't take that in account?
9/11 Occurred and NOTHING like that has happened to Obama... YET you don't seem to realize the net affect on the economy, jobs,etc.???

Why are you so afraid to admit the truth that these 4 gigantic earth shaking (literally!!) events DIDN"T have any affect???

See this is where your stupidity REALLY comes through!
YOU hold Bush up for Spending..etc... BUT totally negate the causes which were NEVER caused by Bush but a RESPONSE to... UNLIKE Obama who has
GENERATED KNOWN job losses.. due to his stated desires to:

1)Obama wants higher gas prices... "I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

NOT ONE time did you ever hear any president in my lifetime complain gas prices were not high enough! Or that the plan was to make utilities' rates "skyrocket".. or that
stated intention to put 1,300 companies out of business that pay $100 billion a year in FEDERAL/STATE/LOCAL taxes putting out of work 400,000 people!
Again, Bush's Great Recession caused far more damage to our economy than all those events you listed, combined.

I am not a fan of GWB, but it wasn't his great depression. And the Obama non-recovery (unless, of course you work the auto unions) has been pretty lame.

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