Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...

It is just pathetic how totally uninformed people like these event deniers are!
Were they not around when the recession started? Or the dot.com bubble burst? Or when 9/11 occurred? THEY have no idea the damages done by 7 of the top 10 hurricanes that happened? Are they that naive that while they believe Obama like Evan Thomas said is a "god".. they think on one hand Bush was just a bungling idiot YET this bungling idiot CAUSED 9/11? Caused these hurricanes? Caused the dot.com bust or the recession?
And these same naive people in one breath call Bush a monkey and the next BLAME him for manipulating all the above events to occur?

I KNOW for a FACT the recession started.
I know for a fact the dot.com bubble burst causing economy disruption.
I know as I like millions WATCHED those planes hit the towers. SO there is NO denying those events occurred.
I KNOW as millions the 7 of the 10 worst hurricanes hit the USA while Bush was President! WAS HE AT FAULT For that? all 7???
I KNOW for a fact that when adding ALL the economic losses, the jobs, the lives that NONE of that was started by Bush. THESE EVENTS happened though during his terms.
And during his terms the economy grew. NOT as much as it would have if these events didn't happen, but it did grow!
The fact the GDP increased 16% in SPITE of those events is a FACT!
The fact there were MORE people working at the end of Bush's terms then the beginning IS A FACT!
NOW it is a fact that due to decisions made BEFORE Bush the USA was on track for a housing bubble crash in part faulty decisions on Bush's part I agree.. remember BUSH unlike Obama is not a god!
I truly don't understand how these Bush bashers also totally IGNORE the gigantic NEGATIVE role the MSM played during Bush's terms.
Remember the MSM's job was to BASH the president. OK... THEN WHERE ARE THESE SAME OBAMA BASHERS in the MSM?
What do you think Obama's poll numbers would be like IF Obama was treated the same way as Bush was???

everything you said is true. The dem/libs will always deny it because Bush beat their guys twice and they just cannot get over that fact.

with dems and libs its not about the truth, its all about feeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emooooooooooooootion.

their brains do not operate like normal human beings. Luckily they only make up about 20% of the population.
Really? Everything he said is true?

He said there are people here denying there was a recession in 2001 ... Prove it.

He said there are those denying the effects of hurricanes on the economy ... Prove it.

He said 2.5 million jobs were lost due to 9.11 ... prove it.

He said nonfarm payroll employment data shows a net gain of 5 million jobs during Bush's presidency ... prove it.

Either you can prove them or you prove that both he and yourself are nuts,
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It is just pathetic how totally uninformed people like these event deniers are!
Were they not around when the recession started? Or the dot.com bubble burst? Or when 9/11 occurred? THEY have no idea the damages done by 7 of the top 10 hurricanes that happened? Are they that naive that while they believe Obama like Evan Thomas said is a "god".. they think on one hand Bush was just a bungling idiot YET this bungling idiot CAUSED 9/11? Caused these hurricanes? Caused the dot.com bust or the recession?
And these same naive people in one breath call Bush a monkey and the next BLAME him for manipulating all the above events to occur?

I KNOW for a FACT the recession started.
I know for a fact the dot.com bubble burst causing economy disruption.
I know as I like millions WATCHED those planes hit the towers. SO there is NO denying those events occurred.
I KNOW as millions the 7 of the 10 worst hurricanes hit the USA while Bush was President! WAS HE AT FAULT For that? all 7???
I KNOW for a fact that when adding ALL the economic losses, the jobs, the lives that NONE of that was started by Bush. THESE EVENTS happened though during his terms.
And during his terms the economy grew. NOT as much as it would have if these events didn't happen, but it did grow!
The fact the GDP increased 16% in SPITE of those events is a FACT!
The fact there were MORE people working at the end of Bush's terms then the beginning IS A FACT!
NOW it is a fact that due to decisions made BEFORE Bush the USA was on track for a housing bubble crash in part faulty decisions on Bush's part I agree.. remember BUSH unlike Obama is not a god!
I truly don't understand how these Bush bashers also totally IGNORE the gigantic NEGATIVE role the MSM played during Bush's terms.
Remember the MSM's job was to BASH the president. OK... THEN WHERE ARE THESE SAME OBAMA BASHERS in the MSM?
What do you think Obama's poll numbers would be like IF Obama was treated the same way as Bush was???

everything you said is true. The dem/libs will always deny it because Bush beat their guys twice and they just cannot get over that fact.

with dems and libs its not about the truth, its all about feeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emooooooooooooootion.

their brains do not operate like normal human beings. Luckily they only make up about 20% of the population.

Truth to them is only what they wish it to be...
I think G.W. Bush supporters need to start some kind of a support group. As for me, I might recommend a 12-step program.
I don't think a cocktail of Thorozine and Lithium, with regular sessions of shock therapy, and a lobotomy for good measure; could help those folks.
I think G.W. Bush supporters need to start some kind of a support group. As for me, I might recommend a 12-step program.

didn't work for you, did it?

but you are convinced that AGW Gore, or crazy ass Kerry would have been better? :lol::lol::lol:
I don't think a cocktail of Thorozine and Lithium, with regular sessions of shock therapy, and a lobotomy for good measure; could help those folks.

is that what you are on? better throw in a fifth of vodka to wash it all down.:cuckoo:
I don't think a cocktail of Thorozine and Lithium, with regular sessions of shock therapy, and a lobotomy for good measure; could help those folks.

is that what you are on? better throw in a fifth of vodka to wash it all down.:cuckoo:
Ah, the equivalent of, "I know you are but what am I?" Almost impressive.
I think G.W. Bush supporters need to start some kind of a support group. As for me, I might recommend a 12-step program.

didn't work for you, did it?

but you are convinced that AGW Gore, or crazy ass Kerry would have been better? :lol::lol::lol:

As a general rule, I don't engage in the speculative in the sense of wondering what Gore or Kerry would have been like if they had become president. But I think it's a pretty safe bet that if Gore had been elected, our country never would have invade Iraq. And that would have been better for our country and the state of the region as a whole if Iran had a bulwark against it's ambitions in the region. Then, of course, thousands of Americans would not have been killed and/or wounded merely to satisfy W's desire to exact a little Bush family revenge on Saddam Hussein.
Amazingly, even after you're shown how bogus those numbers are, you continue to post them. :cuckoo:

Not only do you have zero credibilty, you apparently don't even care. :doubt:

Are you an EVENT DENIER??? Do you really believe these events had NO AFFECT on the economy, on people's lives, on jobs?
YOU deny there was a recession that as with all recessions they don't as obviously YOU THINK start the day the NEB declare a "recession" i.e. 3/1/01?
Are you a denier that the dot.com bubble bust occurred and cost trillions and thousands of jobs? YOU deny that happened?
And YOU obviously as a tin-foil hat denier say the WTC buildings was sabotage no planes flew in and ia plane didn't fly into the Pentagon. You deny that
these events had ANY bearing on people's lives, livelihood, our economy on 2.5 million lost jobs... YOU deny all that happened.
Finally the WORST hurricane SEASONS with 7 of top ten hurricanes in history occurring NEVER happened! Never destroyed lives, businesses, jobs??

See NONE of these events you even mention!
How come you don't honestly say well yes the jobs DID decline because of these events?

And why not honestly say these 4 major cataclysmic events had a DIRECT affect on people's lives,(nearly 5,000 deaths between 9/11 and hurricanes) ,
3,200,000 jobs LOST due to these events.. TAX revenue reduced i.e. businesses cease payrolls cease,taxes cease...DUH!

YET YOU deny them.
YOU bring out all sources of countervailing arguments AND YOU KNOW... THEY prove these events occurred!
Your chart... WHAT THE..f..k reason do you think there was a decline??
Airlines didn't fly for 3 days.. and in the 18 months from 9/11
"The largest losses were in the transportation industry, where 226,674 jobs were eliminated, and the aerospace/defense sector, where 138,937 jobs were cut. "
But he noted that since the attacks people have been flying less, which has reduced the number of face-to-face meetings, which he said are vital for creating new partnerships between companies, new ideas and new entrepreneurial opportunities.
Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld

Nearly 500,000 jobs mostly hourly wage jobs cut due to 9/11!
What the fuck is wrong with you?? Seriously.

Did I say those events had no impact on economy or on the job markets? No, of course I didn't.

What I did say was that numbers you were posting were complete and utter bullshit and I showed you why.

That you continue to post them anyway only serves to prove you are too stupid to understand what you're posting which also goes a long way in explaining why you think Duhbya was such a great president.

And unless I missed it, I asked you to post where you got your bogus BLS numbers from that you posted in the 1st post? Why won't you reveal your discredited source?

THIS WAS THE SOURCE for my calculation that when you subtract from the 136,790,000 people working at the end of 2008 from the 131,785,000 working end of 2000..
YOU GET 5,005,000 more people working!!!

ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/suppl/empsit.ceseeb1.txt Not my words THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR!!!!

At the total people
end of working
2000...... 131,785,000 2,792,000 dot.com and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 effect off 9/11
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.

NOW STRANGELY enough when you go to this site: ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/suppl/empsit.ceseeb1.txt that provided these numbers, you don't get this any more!
YOU get this MESSAGE go there see for yourself...
The Current Employment Statistics program has expanded the tables for Employment and Earnings Online to incorporate all employee data series introduced on February 5, 2010. The tables have also been redesigned to closely match the press release tables included in the Employment Situation release.

The redesigned tables are available in PDF format and can be found at Employment & Earnings Online. For a comparison of the reformatted tables and the original tables, see CES Employment & Earnings Table Redesign.

And so when you look for ARCHIVES??? Employment & Earnings Online
IT Only goes to 2007???

So just to make it CLEAR!!

This is from the administration that clearly and distinctly told us:
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it' Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it' | PolitiFact

This is the SAME administration that has altered the data as you can clearly see.. that also LIED about Benghazi!
LIED about the IRS... AND NOW categorized the above as the BIGGEST LIE of the year!

SO you tell me why I can't see the table I used that shows there were 5 million more people working at the end of 2008 then the beginning of 2001???

Go to this site: http://www.citizen.org/documents/Historical_employment_data.pdf

$Screen Shot 2013-12-14 at 12.50.59 PM.jpg

You will see:
End of 2000 total employees on nonfarm payrolls 131,785,000
End of 2008 total employees: 136,790,000!
Subtract 131,795,000 from 136,790,000

5,005,000 more people working then in 2000!!!
NOTE this listing from the original file I downloaded before BLS changed the numbers was last
downloaded from BLS BEFORE THE CHANGES on 2/25/2010...

Go to this site: http://www.citizen.org/documents/Historical_employment_data.pdf

View attachment 28721

You will see:
End of 2000 total employees on nonfarm payrolls 131,785,000
End of 2008 total employees: 136,790,000!
Subtract 131,795,000 from 136,790,000

5,005,000 more people working then in 2000!!!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Those numbers are annual averages. Your stupidity knows no boundaries, does it? I gave you the month-to-month numbers without skewing them with averages....

Jan/2001: 132.5 million
Jan/2009: 133.6 million

From the month Bush started to the month Bush finished, there was a net gain of 1.1 million jobs added. The worst performance of any president during your lifetime. Trying to fluff his numbers up by averaging them out doesn't help you ... it only adds to how desperate you appear. :lol:

Go to this site: http://www.citizen.org/documents/Historical_employment_data.pdf

View attachment 28721

You will see:
End of 2000 total employees on nonfarm payrolls 131,785,000
End of 2008 total employees: 136,790,000!
Subtract 131,795,000 from 136,790,000

5,005,000 more people working then in 2000!!!
Those are not end of year numbers, you dumbass freakazoid. Those are annual averages.


Are you really too fucking rightarded to understand the difference?

Go to this site: http://www.citizen.org/documents/Historical_employment_data.pdf

View attachment 28721

You will see:
End of 2000 total employees on nonfarm payrolls 131,785,000
End of 2008 total employees: 136,790,000!
Subtract 131,795,000 from 136,790,000

5,005,000 more people working then in 2000!!!
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Those numbers are annual averages. Your stupidity knows no boundaries, does it? I gave you the month-to-month numbers without skewing them with averages....

Jan/2001: 132.5 million
Jan/2009: 133.6 million

From the month Bush started to the month Bush finished, there was a net gain of 1.1 million jobs added. The worst performance of any president during your lifetime. Trying to fluff his numbers up by averaging them out doesn't help you ... it only adds to how desperate you appear. :lol:

Tell me did the recession cost jobs?
Did the Dot.com cost jobs?
Did 9/11 cost jobs?
Did 7 hurricanes of the top ten in history cost jobs?

What the hell do you expect would have happened IN ANY other presidency??

BUT AGAIN look at this table...http://www.citizen.org/documents/Historical_employment_data.pdf
NO averages... NO guesses NO projections!!! this is the END of 2009....All Obama's!!!(p)... 130,912,000(preliminary)!!!
But the FACTS remain:
At the end of 2000 there were 131,785,000 fully employed...
At the end of 2008 there were 136,790,000 full employed and THAT is A FACT!
That means from end of 2000 to the end of 2008 there were 5,050,000 more employed!

Put out by The Bureau of Labor Statistics,(BEFORE the PROVEN LIAR Obama's administration!!)
Table B-1: http://www.citizen.org/documents/Historical_employment_data.pdf Retrieved 2/25/2010
NO matter what your jury rigged totally untrustworthy BLS says now remember their boss has been called the BIGGEST LIAR for 2013!

So who should people believe???

I mean come on-- you have an administration that is lying all the time from the TOP down!
And you are defending that???
Lie of the Year:
'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it' http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-m...ar-if-you-like-your-health-care-plan-keep-it/

LIES that are now being broadly published and therefore anything put out by this administration including the Bureau of Labor Statistics is suspect!!!
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ObamaCare was sold on a trinity of lies.”
That ornate phrase, more suitable for the Book of Revelations or perhaps the next “Game of Thrones,” installment comes from my colleague Rich Lowry. But I like it.
We have yet to see the worst of ObamaCare | New York Post

So if ObamaCare was sold on a trinity of LIES... How in the hell can ANY numbers put out by the Obama administration be believed?

I mean even this LAST report... hahahaha!

Federal, state and local governments hired a net additional 338,000 workers in November, equaling 41 percent of the total of 818,000 net additional jobs created in the United States during the month. -

41% of Net New Jobs in November Were in Government | CNS News
Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...

He and Carter ranks behind Ford.

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