Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...

I can't believe rubes still attribute current econ conditions to a potus.
I can't believe rubes still attribute current econ conditions to a potus.

There are thousands of ways presidents affect YOUR life right now! Here are several examples in no particular order.
1) Obamacare.. right now people who's insurance is going to be cancelled this month and some, maybe a few, purely anecdotally speaking will die!
Die because treatments for cancer maybe no longer paid for.. all because ACA law makes current policies not legal.
California Coverage Cancellations Show Obamacare Price Increases - Bloomberg

2) EPA expansion of powers...
Obama said: "if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,![/I][/B][/COLOR]"
EPA itself estimated that its ozone standard would cost $90 billion a year, while other studies have projected that the rule could cost upwards of a trillion dollars and destroy 7.4 million jobs.
Boiler MACT Rule: EPA's Boiler MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) standards are so strict that not even the best-performing sources can meet them, so many companies will have no choice but to shut their doors and ship manufacturing jobs overseas.
The rule has been projected to reduce US GDP by as much as 1.2 billion dollars and will destroy nearly 800,000 jobs.
Articles: Obama's EPA Plans for 2013

Posted on August 12, 2013 by Steve MilloyThe Freemont Tribune reports:
Fremont utilities customers can expect electric, water and sewer rate increases under a proposed budget approved by the Board of Public Works last Wednesday.
The City Council will hear an overview of the Department of Utilities two-year budget proposal prior to Tuesday’s 7 p.m. meeting on the second floor of the Municipal Building. A public comment period is set for 6:15 p.m. followed by a 6:30 p.m. study session
Much of the electric rate increase can be blamed on $46.758 million worth of upgrades at the Lon D. Wright Power Plant to comply with new Environmental Protection Agency regulations.
EPA war-on-coal causes electricity price hike in Nebraska; Costs, yes; Benefits, none! | JunkScience.com

These are just two of thousands of ways the president BY SIGNING executive orders can affect your life directly.
You may not live in Freemont but where ever you live your utility rates are going to as Obama warned..
Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket[/I].
Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
For Bush to have been a great president, wouldn't he have had to do at least a few things that a reasonable person could categorize as 'great'?

Where are those things?
Here's just a few:

1. Ordered an invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 to overthrow the Taliban.
2. Implemented the $1.3 trillion tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, significantly
lowering the marginal tax rates for nearly all U.S. taxpayers (I still
recall the nice check I received in the mail).
3. Captured Saddam Hussein for which he was brought to trial and received
the death penalty. He was executed by his own countrymen.

Assuming that's not meant as satire, then:

1. Ordered a surge in Afghanistan against the Taliban et al

2. Extended the Bush tax cuts, passed 288 billion in additional tax cuts, cut the payroll tax for 2 years.

3. Captured Bin Laden.

...I guess in your book, Barack Obama's greatness matches Bush's point for point.
For Bush to have been a great president, wouldn't he have had to do at least a few things that a reasonable person could categorize as 'great'?

Where are those things?
Here's just a few:

1. Ordered an invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 to overthrow the Taliban.
2. Implemented the $1.3 trillion tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, significantly
lowering the marginal tax rates for nearly all U.S. taxpayers (I still
recall the nice check I received in the mail).
3. Captured Saddam Hussein for which he was brought to trial and received
the death penalty. He was executed by his own countrymen.

Assuming that's not meant as satire, then:

1. Ordered a surge in Afghanistan against the Taliban et al

2. Extended the Bush tax cuts, passed 288 billion in additional tax cuts, cut the payroll tax for 2 years.

3. Captured Bin Laden.

...I guess in your book, Barack Obama's greatness matches Bush's point for point.
President Bush has accomplished far more than Obama ever will. Just look at the unemployment levels and the mess that has been created with obamacare.
For Bush to have been a great president, wouldn't he have had to do at least a few things that a reasonable person could categorize as 'great'?

Where are those things?
Here's just a few:

1. Ordered an invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 to overthrow the Taliban.
2. Implemented the $1.3 trillion tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, significantly
lowering the marginal tax rates for nearly all U.S. taxpayers (I still
recall the nice check I received in the mail).
3. Captured Saddam Hussein for which he was brought to trial and received
the death penalty. He was executed by his own countrymen.

Assuming that's not meant as satire, then:

1. Ordered a surge in Afghanistan against the Taliban et al

2. Extended the Bush tax cuts, passed 288 billion in additional tax cuts, cut the payroll tax for 2 years.

3. Captured Bin Laden.

...I guess in your book, Barack Obama's greatness matches Bush's point for point.

One major point for sure the difference between Bush and Obama is Bush would NEVER , NEVER, discredit the military, besmirch the military by telling the enemy that
as Obama said: US Military methodically and on purpose "air raided villages, killing civilians"!!!!

Now obviously Obama did say US Military... BUT THE DUMB f..k didn't understand... people like him like the terrorist don't care about context,etc. whether it was true,
idiots like Obama use those words to encourage more killing of US troops... !
Again Obama never meant to be but being so totally naive he never has understood that taking the exceptional situation where YES the military maybe by accident
"air raiding villages, killing civilians" YOU don't give the enemy any opportunity.
And Bush was at least SMART enough NEVER to criticize the USA military personnel!

And Bush would NEVER tell people
1)wants higher gas prices... and he's getting them! LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)wants skyrocketing utility prices... getting that! Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)has more people on food stamps... isn't that a good thing?
4)Moving more people off health insurance and charging higher premiums in the process... that's good isn't it??
5)Disapproving more oil leases on Federal lands then any President... now that's good for global warming right?
6)Tells Brazil we'll be their best oil customer... right that should be any President's priority making USA more oil dependent!

Bush also NEVER criticized the USA and because being smarter obviously then Obama he KNOWS there are enough people like Obama tearing the USA down by taking the littlest situation and making it the RULE!!
Here's just a few:

1. Ordered an invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 to overthrow the Taliban.
2. Implemented the $1.3 trillion tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, significantly
lowering the marginal tax rates for nearly all U.S. taxpayers (I still
recall the nice check I received in the mail).
3. Captured Saddam Hussein for which he was brought to trial and received
the death penalty. He was executed by his own countrymen.

Assuming that's not meant as satire, then:

1. Ordered a surge in Afghanistan against the Taliban et al

2. Extended the Bush tax cuts, passed 288 billion in additional tax cuts, cut the payroll tax for 2 years.

3. Captured Bin Laden.

...I guess in your book, Barack Obama's greatness matches Bush's point for point.

One major point for sure the difference between Bush and Obama is Bush would NEVER , NEVER, discredit the military, besmirch the military by telling the enemy that
as Obama said: US Military methodically and on purpose "air raided villages, killing civilians"!!!!

Now obviously Obama did say US Military... BUT THE DUMB f..k didn't understand... people like him like the terrorist don't care about context,etc. whether it was true,
idiots like Obama use those words to encourage more killing of US troops... !
Again Obama never meant to be but being so totally naive he never has understood that taking the exceptional situation where YES the military maybe by accident
"air raiding villages, killing civilians" YOU don't give the enemy any opportunity.
And Bush was at least SMART enough NEVER to criticize the USA military personnel!

And Bush would NEVER tell people
1)wants higher gas prices... and he's getting them! LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)wants skyrocketing utility prices... getting that! Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)has more people on food stamps... isn't that a good thing?
4)Moving more people off health insurance and charging higher premiums in the process... that's good isn't it??
5)Disapproving more oil leases on Federal lands then any President... now that's good for global warming right?
6)Tells Brazil we'll be their best oil customer... right that should be any President's priority making USA more oil dependent!

Bush also NEVER criticized the USA and because being smarter obviously then Obama he KNOWS there are enough people like Obama tearing the USA down by taking the littlest situation and making it the RULE!!

"methodically and on purpose"

:eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:

Lying gets easier and easier along with your obsession, bruv.
Here's just a few:

1. Ordered an invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 to overthrow the Taliban.
2. Implemented the $1.3 trillion tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, significantly
lowering the marginal tax rates for nearly all U.S. taxpayers (I still
recall the nice check I received in the mail).
3. Captured Saddam Hussein for which he was brought to trial and received
the death penalty. He was executed by his own countrymen.

Assuming that's not meant as satire, then:

1. Ordered a surge in Afghanistan against the Taliban et al

2. Extended the Bush tax cuts, passed 288 billion in additional tax cuts, cut the payroll tax for 2 years.

3. Captured Bin Laden.

...I guess in your book, Barack Obama's greatness matches Bush's point for point.
President Bush has accomplished far more than Obama ever will. Just look at the unemployment levels and the mess that has been created with obamacare.

Unemployment was 4% when Bush took office. Unemployment is lower now than it was when Bush left.
Obviously the majority of Bush Bashers still refuse to believe these events occurred!

1) Recession that started under Clinton ended 11/01. DID THAT NOT HAPPEN??
These people think "oh I think I'll start a recession on 03/01".. And It happened!
As I illustrated you don't turn an oil tanker around in 30 feet and you don't stop a declining economy in one day!

Specifically, 50.8 million jobs were lost through the first six quarters of the ‘01 recession .
Heritage Employment Report: February Continues Winter Blues

NOW some idiots just shoot their mouths off and DON"T want like a little kid to be confused with FACTS!
But here are the FACTS!
View attachment 28711
from 2001 to 2002 Q2 there were 47.6 million jobs GAINED ........But during that time 50.8 million jobs were lost a NET loss of 3.2 million!

2) Dot.com bust happened and in doing so $5 trillion were lost hundreds of thousands of jobs lost! DID THAT NOT HAPPEN???

3) Did 9/11 not happen? 2.5 million jobs lost!

"Ongoing uncertainty about the war on terror has contributed to the loss of more than 2.5 million jobs in the 18 months following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, said John A. Challenger, CEO of Chicago-based Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Job cuts in the 18 months before Sept. 11 tallied 1,642,988 positions lost.
From Sept. 11 through the end of February, job losses totaled 2,523,217, an increase of 54%, or 880,988 jobs, Challenger said.
The largest losses were in the transportation industry, where 226,674 jobs were eliminated,
and the aerospace/defense sector, where 138,937 jobs were cut.
But he noted that since the attacks people have been flying less, which has reduced the number of face-to-face meetings, which he said are vital for creating new partnerships between companies, new ideas and new entrepreneurial opportunities.
Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld

4) finally these idiots don't seem to understand that during Bush's terms the WORST HURRICANE SEASONS not one hurricane or one season with 7 of the top ten worst hurricanes happening!

3) $1 trillion in written off losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history!
The worst Katrina,made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages.
Hurricane Katrina ALONE! Year 2005: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
On August 25, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the U.S. as a strong Category 3 or low Category 4 storm. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.
Hurricane Rita quickly followed Katrina only to make matters worse. Between the two, more than $200 billion in damage was done. 400,000 jobs were lost and 275,000 homes were destroyed. Many of the jobs and homes were never to be recovered. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced and over 1,000 were killed and more are missing. The effect on oil and gasoline prices was long-lasting.

So why are these BUSH BASHERS ignoring these events? These EVENTS drove policy decisions! Created at a cost of $600 billion Homeland Security!
Bush decisions saved 28 million people from a dictator who used drills and pliers on people... who would if in power today have starved nearly 2 million more children by now... if not the fact the "1991 CEASE FIRE" SADDAM agreed to he broke dozens of times and we ignored!

BUT when Saddam lead the cheering in the streets on 9/11 was the final straw!
Why would ANY country other then an ENEMY cheer the deaths and destructions of another country?

So Bush did what these 32 democrat quotes ASKED FOR.... STOPPED SADDAM!!!
In any of the below quotes was there ANY discussion of giving Saddam more rope?? Didn't we have enough rope by now??

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998 WHERE'D SHE GET THIS INFORMATION BEFORE BUSH?
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use force..to disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

Nothing you said above, including the lies, does anything towards making the argument that Bush was a great president.
healthmyths said:
Then deal with what I said ... the numbers you posted were NOT FACTUAL...

You said ...

I posted the FACTUAL numbers along with a link to the BLS.

I also went to the trouble of calculating job growth for each president and came up with ...

President ............. total
Clinton ........ 22,798,000
Reagan ....... 16,102,000
Johnson ...... 12,183,000
Carter ........ 10,339,000
Nixon ........... 9,181,000
Kennedy ....... 3,572,000
Eisenhower ... 3,538,000
Obama ......... 3,134,000
Bush41 ......... 2,617,000
Ford ..............2,073,000
Bush43 ....... 1,083,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Bush was dead last in employment growth despite your lie that 5 million jobs were added during his watch.

Deal with that ...

How do you determine the president with the worst job performance in your lifetime in terms of job growth ... is among the best???

Just how demented are you??

from the site you linked to: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
  1. At the END of the first year of GWB:
  2. Year employed increase/decrease
  3. 2000 132,548,000
  4. 2001 130,823,000 -1,757,000 What happened: Recession Dot.com bust, 9/11 Jobs lost
  5. 2002 130,291,000 - 532,083
  6. 2003 130,353,000 62,916
  7. 2004 132,372,000 2,019,000
  8. 2005 134,856,000 2,484,000
  9. 2006 136,927,000 2,071,000
  10. 2007 138,042,000 1,115,000
  11. 2008 134,425,000 -3,617,000
  12. Add these numbers up: 1,845,000 which is exactly what you said and I was wrong!

BUT YOU never took in account these events..........
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!
2,500,000 jobs in due to 9/11
300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs due to dot.com bust...
3,200,000 total jobs lost to the above events which have NEVER occurred to any President in history!

Without those EVENTS occurring adding 3,200,000 jobs lost to the 1,845,000 jobs gained equals 5,045,000 jobs

"Ongoing uncertainty about the war on terror has contributed to the loss of more than 2.5 million jobs in the 18 months following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, said John A. Challenger, CEO of Chicago-based Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Job cuts in the 18 months before Sept. 11 tallied 1,642,988 positions lost. From Sept. 11 through the end of February, job losses totaled 2,523,217, an increase of 54%, or 880,988 jobs, Challenger said. The largest losses were in the transportation industry, where 226,674 jobs were eliminated, and the aerospace/defense sector, where 138,937 jobs were cut.
"There is no way to gauge to what degree the effect 9/11 and the war on terror had on the economy," Challenger said in a telephone interview today.
But he noted that since the attacks people have been flying less, which has reduced the number of face-to-face meetings, which he said are vital for creating new partnerships between companies, new ideas and new entrepreneurial opportunities.
Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld
Your logic is so flawed, it's scary to see someone's brain work the way yours does.

First of all, you posted BLS numbers which were flat out wrong. Who was your source so everyone here can see what site has no credibility?

You then boasted of a 5 million job increase when using those numbers. And while you admit your numbers were wrong and that Bush really only saw 1.1 million jobs gained, you then attempt to fluff Bush back up 5 million jobs gained by using imaginary numbers based on job loses for various reasons.

And this is where your logic goes flying off the cliff to its mangled death.

  • You attribute 2.5 million jobs lost due to 9.11 when even your own source for that number doesn't. That 2.5 million figure came from ComputerWorld in March, 2003, where they estimated the total job loss SINCE 9.11, not BECAUSE of 9.11. Do you get it?? We were in a recession when 9.11 occurred, jobs were being lost to the dot com crash, jobs were lost due to 9.11, jobs were lost for a myriad of reasons -- but you idiotically attribute 100% of them to 9.11 :cuckoo:

  • You also add in 300,000 for jobs lost due to the dot com crash, but many of those were among the 2.5 you foolishly attributed to 9.11 -- meaning you're counting many of those folks TWICE.

  • Then you're adding in 800,000 more from the people who lost their job in January, 2009, who you didn't count for Bush, even though he was still president for most of the month.

  • Even worse, you throw out the number 3.2 million based on your inflated number of jobs lost to 9.11 (2001), dot com crash (2001-2002), and Katrina (2005) ... but then you add those numbers to the number of jobs gained between 2001-2008 ... You imbecile -- many of those 3.2 million found other jobs while Bush was still president -- meaning you're counting them TWICE also! :cuckoo:

Finally, if you think it's reasonable to add back in most of the job losses under Bush which were lost due to calamities beyond his control, do you think it's reasonable to add back in 4.3 million jobs to Obama's totals for the jobs lost during his first year due to the Great Recession Bush handed him? Add that to the 3.1 million jobs added since and Obama's added 7.4 million jobs in 5 years compared to Bush's 5 million in 8 years. If you think Bush was a great president, I assume you think the same of Obama whose added 50% more jobs than Bush and in nearly half the time?

At any rate, Bush was a horrible president who, despite your bullshit numbers which yoy idiotically call factual, actually produced the worst numbers in your lifetime. But after reviewing your mind-numbing logic, I can actually understand why you rank him near the top.
Last edited:
Wow you just destroyed threads and threads worth of his same pasted post..........damn he might off himself now you should apologize for ruining his schtick
healthmyths said:
Then deal with what I said ... the numbers you posted were NOT FACTUAL...

You said ...

I posted the FACTUAL numbers along with a link to the BLS.

I also went to the trouble of calculating job growth for each president and came up with ...

President ............. total
Clinton ........ 22,798,000
Reagan ....... 16,102,000
Johnson ...... 12,183,000
Carter ........ 10,339,000
Nixon ........... 9,181,000
Kennedy ....... 3,572,000
Eisenhower ... 3,538,000
Obama ......... 3,134,000
Bush41 ......... 2,617,000
Ford ..............2,073,000
Bush43 ....... 1,083,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Bush was dead last in employment growth despite your lie that 5 million jobs were added during his watch.

Deal with that ...

How do you determine the president with the worst job performance in your lifetime in terms of job growth ... is among the best???

Just how demented are you??

from the site you linked to: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
  1. At the END of the first year of GWB:
  2. Year employed increase/decrease
  3. 2000 132,548,000
  4. 2001 130,823,000 -1,757,000 What happened: Recession Dot.com bust, 9/11 Jobs lost
  5. 2002 130,291,000 - 532,083
  6. 2003 130,353,000 62,916
  7. 2004 132,372,000 2,019,000
  8. 2005 134,856,000 2,484,000
  9. 2006 136,927,000 2,071,000
  10. 2007 138,042,000 1,115,000
  11. 2008 134,425,000 -3,617,000
  12. Add these numbers up: 1,845,000 which is exactly what you said and I was wrong!

BUT YOU never took in account these events..........
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!
2,500,000 jobs in due to 9/11
300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs due to dot.com bust...
3,200,000 total jobs lost to the above events which have NEVER occurred to any President in history!

Without those EVENTS occurring adding 3,200,000 jobs lost to the 1,845,000 jobs gained equals 5,045,000 jobs

"Ongoing uncertainty about the war on terror has contributed to the loss of more than 2.5 million jobs in the 18 months following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, said John A. Challenger, CEO of Chicago-based Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Job cuts in the 18 months before Sept. 11 tallied 1,642,988 positions lost. From Sept. 11 through the end of February, job losses totaled 2,523,217, an increase of 54%, or 880,988 jobs, Challenger said. The largest losses were in the transportation industry, where 226,674 jobs were eliminated, and the aerospace/defense sector, where 138,937 jobs were cut.
"There is no way to gauge to what degree the effect 9/11 and the war on terror had on the economy," Challenger said in a telephone interview today.
But he noted that since the attacks people have been flying less, which has reduced the number of face-to-face meetings, which he said are vital for creating new partnerships between companies, new ideas and new entrepreneurial opportunities.
Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld
Your logic is so flawed, it's scary to see someone's brain work the way yours does.

First of all, you posted BLS numbers which were flat out wrong. Who was your source so everyone here can see what site has no credibility?

You then boasted of a 5 million job increase when using those numbers. And while you admit your numbers were wrong and that Bush really only saw 1.1 million jobs gained, you then attempt to fluff Bush back up 5 million jobs gained by using imaginary numbers based on job loses for various reasons.

And this is where your logic goes flying off the cliff to its mangled death.

  • You attribute 2.5 million jobs lost due to 9.11 when even your own source for that number doesn't. That 2.5 million figure came from ComputerWorld in March, 2003, where they estimated the total job loss SINCE 9.11, not BECAUSE of 9.11. Do you get it?? We were in a recession when 9.11 occurred, jobs were being lost to the dot com crash, jobs were lost due to 9.11, jobs were lost for a myriad of reasons -- but you idiotically attribute 100% of them to 9.11 :cuckoo:

  • You also add in 300,000 for jobs lost due to the dot com crash, but many of those were among the 2.5 you foolishly attributed to 9.11 -- meaning you're counting many of those folks TWICE.

  • Then you're adding in 800,000 more from the people who lost their job in January, 2009, who you didn't count for Bush, even though he was still president for most of the month.

  • Even worse, you throw out the number 3.2 million based on your inflated number of jobs lost to 9.11 (2001), dot com crash (2001-2002), and Katrina (2005) ... but then you add those numbers to the number of jobs gained between 2001-2008 ... You imbecile -- many of those 3.2 million found other jobs while Bush was still president -- meaning you're counting them TWICE also! :cuckoo:

Finally, if you think it's reasonable to add back in most of the job losses under Bush which were lost due to calamities beyond his control, do you think it's reasonable to add back in 4.3 million jobs to Obama's totals for the jobs lost during his first year due to the Great Recession Bush handed him? Add that to the 3.1 million jobs added since and Obama's added 7.4 million jobs in 5 years compared to Bush's 5 million in 8 years. If you think Bush was a great president, I assume you think the same of Obama whose added 50% more jobs than Bush and in nearly half the time?

At any rate, Bush was a horrible president who, despite your bullshit numbers which yoy idiotically call factual, actually produced the worst numbers in your lifetime. But after reviewing your mind-numbing logic, I can actually understand why you rank him near the top.

your post deserves only one comment-------figures don't lie, but liars figure.

Bush will go down in history as a pretty good president who dealt with more challenges than most presidents.

obama will go down in history as the president who could have united the country and done good things, but instead divided the country like never before and destroyed the economy with marxist collectivist bullshit.
Yea - Obama divided the Country. It wasnt the political talking heads getting more and more vitriolic over the years and the thousands of message boards where people can espouse their pooitical hatred anonymously -

As well as racists, and people playing the race card when it didnt exist.

As well as a party that painted him as the next Hitler/Pol Pot before he stepped FOOT in office.

No, no. It was alllllll Obama.
Yea - Obama divided the Country. It wasnt the political talking heads getting more and more vitriolic over the years and the thousands of message boards where people can espouse their pooitical hatred anonymously -

As well as racists, and people playing the race card when it didnt exist.

As well as a party that painted him as the next Hitler/Pol Pot before he stepped FOOT in office.

No, no. It was alllllll Obama.

Obama and his policies are divisive. He could have done great things as the first black president. But he chose to put ideology ahead of the country. Its really a sad commentary for the USA.
healthmyths said:
from the site you linked to: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
  1. At the END of the first year of GWB:
  2. Year employed increase/decrease
  3. 2000 132,548,000
  4. 2001 130,823,000 -1,757,000 What happened: Recession Dot.com bust, 9/11 Jobs lost
  5. 2002 130,291,000 - 532,083
  6. 2003 130,353,000 62,916
  7. 2004 132,372,000 2,019,000
  8. 2005 134,856,000 2,484,000
  9. 2006 136,927,000 2,071,000
  10. 2007 138,042,000 1,115,000
  11. 2008 134,425,000 -3,617,000
  12. Add these numbers up: 1,845,000 which is exactly what you said and I was wrong!

BUT YOU never took in account these events..........
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!
2,500,000 jobs in due to 9/11
300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs due to dot.com bust...
3,200,000 total jobs lost to the above events which have NEVER occurred to any President in history!

Without those EVENTS occurring adding 3,200,000 jobs lost to the 1,845,000 jobs gained equals 5,045,000 jobs

"Ongoing uncertainty about the war on terror has contributed to the loss of more than 2.5 million jobs in the 18 months following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, said John A. Challenger, CEO of Chicago-based Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Job cuts in the 18 months before Sept. 11 tallied 1,642,988 positions lost. From Sept. 11 through the end of February, job losses totaled 2,523,217, an increase of 54%, or 880,988 jobs, Challenger said. The largest losses were in the transportation industry, where 226,674 jobs were eliminated, and the aerospace/defense sector, where 138,937 jobs were cut.
"There is no way to gauge to what degree the effect 9/11 and the war on terror had on the economy," Challenger said in a telephone interview today.
But he noted that since the attacks people have been flying less, which has reduced the number of face-to-face meetings, which he said are vital for creating new partnerships between companies, new ideas and new entrepreneurial opportunities.
Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld
Your logic is so flawed, it's scary to see someone's brain work the way yours does.

First of all, you posted BLS numbers which were flat out wrong. Who was your source so everyone here can see what site has no credibility?

You then boasted of a 5 million job increase when using those numbers. And while you admit your numbers were wrong and that Bush really only saw 1.1 million jobs gained, you then attempt to fluff Bush back up 5 million jobs gained by using imaginary numbers based on job loses for various reasons.

And this is where your logic goes flying off the cliff to its mangled death.

  • You attribute 2.5 million jobs lost due to 9.11 when even your own source for that number doesn't. That 2.5 million figure came from ComputerWorld in March, 2003, where they estimated the total job loss SINCE 9.11, not BECAUSE of 9.11. Do you get it?? We were in a recession when 9.11 occurred, jobs were being lost to the dot com crash, jobs were lost due to 9.11, jobs were lost for a myriad of reasons -- but you idiotically attribute 100% of them to 9.11 :cuckoo:

  • You also add in 300,000 for jobs lost due to the dot com crash, but many of those were among the 2.5 you foolishly attributed to 9.11 -- meaning you're counting many of those folks TWICE.

  • Then you're adding in 800,000 more from the people who lost their job in January, 2009, who you didn't count for Bush, even though he was still president for most of the month.

  • Even worse, you throw out the number 3.2 million based on your inflated number of jobs lost to 9.11 (2001), dot com crash (2001-2002), and Katrina (2005) ... but then you add those numbers to the number of jobs gained between 2001-2008 ... You imbecile -- many of those 3.2 million found other jobs while Bush was still president -- meaning you're counting them TWICE also! :cuckoo:

Finally, if you think it's reasonable to add back in most of the job losses under Bush which were lost due to calamities beyond his control, do you think it's reasonable to add back in 4.3 million jobs to Obama's totals for the jobs lost during his first year due to the Great Recession Bush handed him? Add that to the 3.1 million jobs added since and Obama's added 7.4 million jobs in 5 years compared to Bush's 5 million in 8 years. If you think Bush was a great president, I assume you think the same of Obama whose added 50% more jobs than Bush and in nearly half the time?

At any rate, Bush was a horrible president who, despite your bullshit numbers which yoy idiotically call factual, actually produced the worst numbers in your lifetime. But after reviewing your mind-numbing logic, I can actually understand why you rank him near the top.

your post deserves only one comment-------figures don't lie, but liars figure.

Bush will go down in history as a pretty good president who dealt with more challenges than most presidents.

obama will go down in history as the president who could have united the country and done good things, but instead divided the country like never before and destroyed the economy with marxist collectivist bullshit.

Your nonsense is noted, but like Herbert Hoover, Bush will be remembered as the president who left an abysmal economic mess in wake for his successor. As far as how Obama will be remembered, with 3 years left in his presidency, that remains to be seen. As far as dividing the country, it was already divided before Obama and it will remain divided after Obama.
Yea he continued the wars and the tax cuts and oversaw greater rates of deportation of illegals....abandoned single payer for the heritage foundations/newt gingrichs' republican healthcare model from the 90's..... all 'cuz it was party over ideology. Yea, divisive cuz he didnt suck your political dick as well as give you a reach around, we get it bro..

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