Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...

Yea - Obama divided the Country. It wasnt the political talking heads getting more and more vitriolic over the years and the thousands of message boards where people can espouse their pooitical hatred anonymously -

As well as racists, and people playing the race card when it didnt exist.

As well as a party that painted him as the next Hitler/Pol Pot before he stepped FOOT in office.

No, no. It was alllllll Obama.

Obama and his policies are divisive. He could have done great things as the first black president. But he chose to put ideology ahead of the country. Its really a sad commentary for the USA.
Anything left of the east coast is divisive to righties.
What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.

How about putting some of the blame for the damage Hurricane Katrina caused on the Democrat Governor who never asked for federal help, without which request the President was helpless to offer assistance.

How about the racist Democrat mayor of New Orleans who let hundreds of school buses sit idle rather than using them to evacuate people who were too stupid to evacuate on their own. You know the RACIST mayor who blabbed about "Chocolate City" but demanded and then abused help from folks whose skin color was more pale than less than "Chocolate".

How about recognizing and admitting that Democrats in the House and the Senate authorized the war in Iraq, and therefore just as responsible for the casualties in Iraq.

Admittedly, the money wasted to rebuild Iraq would have been better spent in Detroit. But seeing that Detroit has been under Democrat management, one must realize that it would have been just as futile.

Well, you get the REAL picture.
Last edited:
What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.

How about putting some of the blame for the damage Hurricane Katrina caused on the Democrat Governor who never asked for federal help, without which request the President was helpless to offer assistance.

How about the racist Democrat mayor of New Orleans who let hundreds of school buses sit idle rather than using them to evacuate people who were too stupid to evacuate on their own. You know the RACIST mayor who blabbed about "Chocolate City" but demanded and then abused help from folks whose skin color was more pale than less than "Chocolate".

How about recognizing and admitting that Democrats in the House and the Senate authorized the war in Iraq, and therefore just as responsible for the casualties in Iraq.

Admittedly, the money wasted to rebuild Iraq would have been better spent in Detroit. But seeing that Detroit has been under Democrat management, one must realize that it would have been just as futile.

Well, you get the REAL picture.

Speaking of the REAL picture ... it' something how some rumors can't be killed no matter how many times they're debunked. Like the one you're trying to spread about Louisiana's then governor not requesting federal help from Bush...

Blanco's State of Emergency letter to President Bush

Dear Mr. President:

Under the provisions of Section 501 (a) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5121-5206 (Stafford Act),
and implemented by 44 CFR § 206.35, I request that you declare an emergency
for the State of Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina for the time period
beginning August 26, 2005, and continuing. The affected areas are all the
southeastern parishes including the New Orleans Metropolitan area and the
mid state Interstate I-49 corridor and northern parishes along the I-20
corridor that are accepting the thousands of citizens evacuating from the
areas expecting to be flooded as a result of Hurricane Katrina.

In response to the situation I have taken appropriate action under State
law and directed the execution of the State Emergency Plan on August 26,
2005 in accordance with Section 501 (a) of the Stafford Act. A State of
Emergency has been issued for the State in order to support the evacuations
of the coastal areas in accordance with our State Evacuation Plan and the
remainder of the state to support the State Special Needs and Sheltering

Pursuant to 44 CFR § 206.35, I have determined that this incident is of
such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the
capabilities of the State and affected local governments, and that
supplementary Federal assistance is necessary to save lives, protect
property, public health, and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a
I am specifically requesting emergency protective measures,
direct Federal Assistance, Individual and Household Program (IHP)
assistance, Special Needs Program assistance, and debris removal.

Preliminary estimates of the types and amount of emergency assistance
needed under the Stafford Act, and emergency assistance from certain
Federal agencies under other statutory authorities are tabulated in
Enclosure A.

The following information is furnished on the nature and amount of State
and local resources that have been or will be used to alleviate the
conditions of this emergency:

. Department of Social Services (DSS): Opening (3) Special Need Shelters
(SNS) and establishing (3) on Standby.

. Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH): Opening (3) Shelters and
establishing (3) on Standby.

. Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (OHSEP): Providing
generators and support staff for SNS and Public Shelters.

. Louisiana State Police (LSP): Providing support for the phased evacuation
of the coastal areas.

. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (WLF): Supporting the
evacuation of the affected population and preparing for Search and Rescue

. Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD):
Coordinating traffic flow and management of the evacuations routes with
local officials and the State of Mississippi.

The following information is furnished on efforts and resources of other
Federal agencies, which have been or will be used in responding to this

. FEMA ERT-A Team en-route.

I certify that for this emergency, the State and local governments will
assume all applicable non-Federal share of costs required by the Stafford

I request Direct Federal assistance for work and services to save lives and
protect property.

(a) List any reasons State and local government cannot perform or contract
for performance, (if applicable).

(b) Specify the type of assistance requested.

In accordance with 44 CFR § 206.208, the State of Louisiana agrees that it
will, with respect to Direct Federal assistance:

1. Provide without cost to the United States all lands, easement, and
rights-of-ways necessary to accomplish the approved work.

2. Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the requested
work, and shall indemnify the Federal Government against any claims arising
from such work;

3. Provide reimbursement to FEMA for the non-Federal share of the cost of
such work in accordance with the provisions of the FEMA-State Agreement; and

4. Assist the performing Federal agency in all support and local
jurisdictional matters.

In addition, I anticipate the need for debris removal, which poses an
immediate threat to lives, public health, and safety.

Pursuant to Sections 502 and 407 of the Stafford Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5192 &
5173, the State agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the United States of
America for any claims arising from the removal of debris or wreckage for
this disaster. The State agrees that debris removal from public and private
property will not occur until the landowner signs an unconditional
authorization for the removal of debris.

I have designated Mr. Art Jones as the State Coordinating Officer for this
request. He will work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency in
damage assessments and may provide further information or justification on
my behalf.


Kathleen Babineaux Blanco
Assuming that's not meant as satire, then:

1. Ordered a surge in Afghanistan against the Taliban et al

2. Extended the Bush tax cuts, passed 288 billion in additional tax cuts, cut the payroll tax for 2 years.

3. Captured Bin Laden.

...I guess in your book, Barack Obama's greatness matches Bush's point for point.
President Bush has accomplished far more than Obama ever will. Just look at the unemployment levels and the mess that has been created with obamacare.

Unemployment was 4% when Bush took office. Unemployment is lower now than it was when Bush left.

If you ignore the much lower participation rate, all it took was over $6.4 trillion in additional debt.
Assuming that's not meant as satire, then:

1. Ordered a surge in Afghanistan against the Taliban et al

2. Extended the Bush tax cuts, passed 288 billion in additional tax cuts, cut the payroll tax for 2 years.

3. Captured Bin Laden.

...I guess in your book, Barack Obama's greatness matches Bush's point for point.
President Bush has accomplished far more than Obama ever will. Just look at the unemployment levels and the mess that has been created with obamacare.

Unemployment was 4% when Bush took office. Unemployment is lower now than it was when Bush left.
Here's a chart comparing "average" unemployment rates that was taken last year:

What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.

How about putting some of the blame for the damage Hurricane Katrina caused on the Democrat Governor who never asked for federal help, without which request the President was helpless to offer assistance.

How about the racist Democrat mayor of New Orleans who let hundreds of school buses sit idle rather than using them to evacuate people who were too stupid to evacuate on their own. You know the RACIST mayor who blabbed about "Chocolate City" but demanded and then abused help from folks whose skin color was more pale than less than "Chocolate".

How about recognizing and admitting that Democrats in the House and the Senate authorized the war in Iraq, and therefore just as responsible for the casualties in Iraq.

Admittedly, the money wasted to rebuild Iraq would have been better spent in Detroit. But seeing that Detroit has been under Democrat management, one must realize that it would have been just as futile.

Well, you get the REAL picture.

Speaking of the REAL picture ... it' something how some rumors can't be killed no matter how many times they're debunked. Like the one you're trying to spread about Louisiana's then governor not requesting federal help from Bush...

Blanco's State of Emergency letter to President Bush

Dear Mr. President:

Under the provisions of Section 501 (a) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5121-5206 (Stafford Act),
and implemented by 44 CFR § 206.35, I request that you declare an emergency
for the State of Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina for the time period
beginning August 26, 2005, and continuing. The affected areas are all the
southeastern parishes including the New Orleans Metropolitan area and the
mid state Interstate I-49 corridor and northern parishes along the I-20
corridor that are accepting the thousands of citizens evacuating from the
areas expecting to be flooded as a result of Hurricane Katrina.

In response to the situation I have taken appropriate action under State
law and directed the execution of the State Emergency Plan on August 26,
2005 in accordance with Section 501 (a) of the Stafford Act. A State of
Emergency has been issued for the State in order to support the evacuations
of the coastal areas in accordance with our State Evacuation Plan and the
remainder of the state to support the State Special Needs and Sheltering

Pursuant to 44 CFR § 206.35, I have determined that this incident is of
such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the
capabilities of the State and affected local governments, and that
supplementary Federal assistance is necessary to save lives, protect
property, public health, and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a
I am specifically requesting emergency protective measures,
direct Federal Assistance, Individual and Household Program (IHP)
assistance, Special Needs Program assistance, and debris removal.

Preliminary estimates of the types and amount of emergency assistance
needed under the Stafford Act, and emergency assistance from certain
Federal agencies under other statutory authorities are tabulated in
Enclosure A.

The following information is furnished on the nature and amount of State
and local resources that have been or will be used to alleviate the
conditions of this emergency:

. Department of Social Services (DSS): Opening (3) Special Need Shelters
(SNS) and establishing (3) on Standby.

. Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH): Opening (3) Shelters and
establishing (3) on Standby.

. Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (OHSEP): Providing
generators and support staff for SNS and Public Shelters.

. Louisiana State Police (LSP): Providing support for the phased evacuation
of the coastal areas.

. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (WLF): Supporting the
evacuation of the affected population and preparing for Search and Rescue

. Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD):
Coordinating traffic flow and management of the evacuations routes with
local officials and the State of Mississippi.

The following information is furnished on efforts and resources of other
Federal agencies, which have been or will be used in responding to this

. FEMA ERT-A Team en-route.

I certify that for this emergency, the State and local governments will
assume all applicable non-Federal share of costs required by the Stafford

I request Direct Federal assistance for work and services to save lives and
protect property.

(a) List any reasons State and local government cannot perform or contract
for performance, (if applicable).

(b) Specify the type of assistance requested.

In accordance with 44 CFR § 206.208, the State of Louisiana agrees that it
will, with respect to Direct Federal assistance:

1. Provide without cost to the United States all lands, easement, and
rights-of-ways necessary to accomplish the approved work.

2. Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the requested
work, and shall indemnify the Federal Government against any claims arising
from such work;

3. Provide reimbursement to FEMA for the non-Federal share of the cost of
such work in accordance with the provisions of the FEMA-State Agreement; and

4. Assist the performing Federal agency in all support and local
jurisdictional matters.

In addition, I anticipate the need for debris removal, which poses an
immediate threat to lives, public health, and safety.

Pursuant to Sections 502 and 407 of the Stafford Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5192 &
5173, the State agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the United States of
America for any claims arising from the removal of debris or wreckage for
this disaster. The State agrees that debris removal from public and private
property will not occur until the landowner signs an unconditional
authorization for the removal of debris.

I have designated Mr. Art Jones as the State Coordinating Officer for this
request. He will work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency in
damage assessments and may provide further information or justification on
my behalf.


Kathleen Babineaux Blanco

No one has ever disputed the above!
But here is the reality........

The Bush-Blanco confrontation came to a head in a tense private Friday meeting on Air Force One, parked on the tarmac at New Orleans International Airport. “You need to authorize the federal government to take over the response,” Bush said he told Blanco.

Blanco demurred for the moment, then turned him down definitively the next day.

Bush, Blanco tell different stories on ?federalization? | New Orleans | The Advocate ? Baton Rouge, LA

This seems pretty clear. Bush asked her to and she turned him down.
President Bush has accomplished far more than Obama ever will. Just look at the unemployment levels and the mess that has been created with obamacare.

Unemployment was 4% when Bush took office. Unemployment is lower now than it was when Bush left.
Here's a chart comparing "average" unemployment rates that was taken last year:


AND remember!!!
Recession, 9/11, worst hurricane seasons ALL cataclysmic events that NO President has ever faced!
I mean folks.. nearly .........
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!
2,500,000 jobs in due to 9/11
300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs due to dot.com bust...
3,200,000 total jobs lost to the above events which have NEVER occurred to any President in history!

Why can't people remember these events and the magnitude of psyche destruction that it brought!
3.2 million jobs lost! $8 trillion in market,businesses, buildings, assets...lost!
This had an AFFECT folks and in spite of it :

Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Bush growth of the GDP was greater then Clinton in 2005 GDP grew at 6.5% Clinton's best:6.4%
Measuring Worth - GDP result.
President Bush has accomplished far more than Obama ever will. Just look at the unemployment levels and the mess that has been created with obamacare.

Unemployment was 4% when Bush took office. Unemployment is lower now than it was when Bush left.

If you ignore the much lower participation rate, all it took was over $6.4 trillion in additional debt.

Well if you're going to foolishly factor in the drop in the labor force participation rate, you should at least do the same for Bush. Making his aleady abysmal employment numbers even worse than they already were.
Last edited:
How about putting some of the blame for the damage Hurricane Katrina caused on the Democrat Governor who never asked for federal help, without which request the President was helpless to offer assistance.

How about the racist Democrat mayor of New Orleans who let hundreds of school buses sit idle rather than using them to evacuate people who were too stupid to evacuate on their own. You know the RACIST mayor who blabbed about "Chocolate City" but demanded and then abused help from folks whose skin color was more pale than less than "Chocolate".

How about recognizing and admitting that Democrats in the House and the Senate authorized the war in Iraq, and therefore just as responsible for the casualties in Iraq.

Admittedly, the money wasted to rebuild Iraq would have been better spent in Detroit. But seeing that Detroit has been under Democrat management, one must realize that it would have been just as futile.

Well, you get the REAL picture.

Speaking of the REAL picture ... it' something how some rumors can't be killed no matter how many times they're debunked. Like the one you're trying to spread about Louisiana's then governor not requesting federal help from Bush...

Blanco's State of Emergency letter to President Bush

Dear Mr. President:

Under the provisions of Section 501 (a) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5121-5206 (Stafford Act),
and implemented by 44 CFR § 206.35, I request that you declare an emergency
for the State of Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina for the time period
beginning August 26, 2005, and continuing. The affected areas are all the
southeastern parishes including the New Orleans Metropolitan area and the
mid state Interstate I-49 corridor and northern parishes along the I-20
corridor that are accepting the thousands of citizens evacuating from the
areas expecting to be flooded as a result of Hurricane Katrina.

In response to the situation I have taken appropriate action under State
law and directed the execution of the State Emergency Plan on August 26,
2005 in accordance with Section 501 (a) of the Stafford Act. A State of
Emergency has been issued for the State in order to support the evacuations
of the coastal areas in accordance with our State Evacuation Plan and the
remainder of the state to support the State Special Needs and Sheltering

Pursuant to 44 CFR § 206.35, I have determined that this incident is of
such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the
capabilities of the State and affected local governments, and that
supplementary Federal assistance is necessary to save lives, protect
property, public health, and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a
I am specifically requesting emergency protective measures,
direct Federal Assistance, Individual and Household Program (IHP)
assistance, Special Needs Program assistance, and debris removal.

Preliminary estimates of the types and amount of emergency assistance
needed under the Stafford Act, and emergency assistance from certain
Federal agencies under other statutory authorities are tabulated in
Enclosure A.

The following information is furnished on the nature and amount of State
and local resources that have been or will be used to alleviate the
conditions of this emergency:

. Department of Social Services (DSS): Opening (3) Special Need Shelters
(SNS) and establishing (3) on Standby.

. Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH): Opening (3) Shelters and
establishing (3) on Standby.

. Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (OHSEP): Providing
generators and support staff for SNS and Public Shelters.

. Louisiana State Police (LSP): Providing support for the phased evacuation
of the coastal areas.

. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (WLF): Supporting the
evacuation of the affected population and preparing for Search and Rescue

. Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD):
Coordinating traffic flow and management of the evacuations routes with
local officials and the State of Mississippi.

The following information is furnished on efforts and resources of other
Federal agencies, which have been or will be used in responding to this

. FEMA ERT-A Team en-route.

I certify that for this emergency, the State and local governments will
assume all applicable non-Federal share of costs required by the Stafford

I request Direct Federal assistance for work and services to save lives and
protect property.

(a) List any reasons State and local government cannot perform or contract
for performance, (if applicable).

(b) Specify the type of assistance requested.

In accordance with 44 CFR § 206.208, the State of Louisiana agrees that it
will, with respect to Direct Federal assistance:

1. Provide without cost to the United States all lands, easement, and
rights-of-ways necessary to accomplish the approved work.

2. Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the requested
work, and shall indemnify the Federal Government against any claims arising
from such work;

3. Provide reimbursement to FEMA for the non-Federal share of the cost of
such work in accordance with the provisions of the FEMA-State Agreement; and

4. Assist the performing Federal agency in all support and local
jurisdictional matters.

In addition, I anticipate the need for debris removal, which poses an
immediate threat to lives, public health, and safety.

Pursuant to Sections 502 and 407 of the Stafford Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5192 &
5173, the State agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the United States of
America for any claims arising from the removal of debris or wreckage for
this disaster. The State agrees that debris removal from public and private
property will not occur until the landowner signs an unconditional
authorization for the removal of debris.

I have designated Mr. Art Jones as the State Coordinating Officer for this
request. He will work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency in
damage assessments and may provide further information or justification on
my behalf.


Kathleen Babineaux Blanco

No one has ever disputed the above!
But here is the reality........

The Bush-Blanco confrontation came to a head in a tense private Friday meeting on Air Force One, parked on the tarmac at New Orleans International Airport. “You need to authorize the federal government to take over the response,” Bush said he told Blanco.

Blanco demurred for the moment, then turned him down definitively the next day.

Bush, Blanco tell different stories on ?federalization? | New Orleans | The Advocate ? Baton Rouge, LA

This seems pretty clear. Bush asked her to and she turned him down.
You sure do have a lot of nerve postioning yourself as someone who champions facts. No doubt about it.

what do you mean, no one has ever disputed Bianco's request for federal help?? The whole reason I posted her request for federal help is because some yahoo denied it.

As far as her turning down the president's request to take control of the response, why would she? In her letter, she spelled out exactly what she needed from the government. As it was, a week after the storm passed, she finally got the assistance she asked for without turning control of the response over to the feds. So for righties to say she turned down federal assistance is ludicrious. She sent the letter I posted to Bush and it took him a fucking week to respond.
Unemployment was 4% when Bush took office. Unemployment is lower now than it was when Bush left.
Here's a chart comparing "average" unemployment rates that was taken last year:


AND remember!!!
Recession, 9/11, worst hurricane seasons ALL cataclysmic events that NO President has ever faced!
I mean folks.. nearly .........
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!
2,500,000 jobs in due to 9/11
300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs due to dot.com bust...
3,200,000 total jobs lost to the above events which have NEVER occurred to any President in history!

Why can't people remember these events and the magnitude of psyche destruction that it brought!
3.2 million jobs lost! $8 trillion in market,businesses, buildings, assets...lost!
This had an AFFECT folks and in spite of it :

Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Bush growth of the GDP was greater then Clinton in 2005 GDP grew at 6.5% Clinton's best:6.4%
Measuring Worth - GDP result.
Amazingly, even after you're shown how bogus those numbers are, you continue to post them. :cuckoo:

Not only do you have zero credibilty, you apparently don't even care. :doubt:
Speaking of the REAL picture ... it' something how some rumors can't be killed no matter how many times they're debunked. Like the one you're trying to spread about Louisiana's then governor not requesting federal help from Bush...

Blanco's State of Emergency letter to President Bush

Dear Mr. President:

Under the provisions of Section 501 (a) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5121-5206 (Stafford Act),
and implemented by 44 CFR § 206.35, I request that you declare an emergency
for the State of Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina for the time period
beginning August 26, 2005, and continuing. The affected areas are all the
southeastern parishes including the New Orleans Metropolitan area and the
mid state Interstate I-49 corridor and northern parishes along the I-20
corridor that are accepting the thousands of citizens evacuating from the
areas expecting to be flooded as a result of Hurricane Katrina.

In response to the situation I have taken appropriate action under State
law and directed the execution of the State Emergency Plan on August 26,
2005 in accordance with Section 501 (a) of the Stafford Act. A State of
Emergency has been issued for the State in order to support the evacuations
of the coastal areas in accordance with our State Evacuation Plan and the
remainder of the state to support the State Special Needs and Sheltering

Pursuant to 44 CFR § 206.35, I have determined that this incident is of
such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the
capabilities of the State and affected local governments, and that
supplementary Federal assistance is necessary to save lives, protect
property, public health, and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a
I am specifically requesting emergency protective measures,
direct Federal Assistance, Individual and Household Program (IHP)
assistance, Special Needs Program assistance, and debris removal.

Preliminary estimates of the types and amount of emergency assistance
needed under the Stafford Act, and emergency assistance from certain
Federal agencies under other statutory authorities are tabulated in
Enclosure A.

The following information is furnished on the nature and amount of State
and local resources that have been or will be used to alleviate the
conditions of this emergency:

. Department of Social Services (DSS): Opening (3) Special Need Shelters
(SNS) and establishing (3) on Standby.

. Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH): Opening (3) Shelters and
establishing (3) on Standby.

. Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (OHSEP): Providing
generators and support staff for SNS and Public Shelters.

. Louisiana State Police (LSP): Providing support for the phased evacuation
of the coastal areas.

. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (WLF): Supporting the
evacuation of the affected population and preparing for Search and Rescue

. Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD):
Coordinating traffic flow and management of the evacuations routes with
local officials and the State of Mississippi.

The following information is furnished on efforts and resources of other
Federal agencies, which have been or will be used in responding to this

. FEMA ERT-A Team en-route.

I certify that for this emergency, the State and local governments will
assume all applicable non-Federal share of costs required by the Stafford

I request Direct Federal assistance for work and services to save lives and
protect property.

(a) List any reasons State and local government cannot perform or contract
for performance, (if applicable).

(b) Specify the type of assistance requested.

In accordance with 44 CFR § 206.208, the State of Louisiana agrees that it
will, with respect to Direct Federal assistance:

1. Provide without cost to the United States all lands, easement, and
rights-of-ways necessary to accomplish the approved work.

2. Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the requested
work, and shall indemnify the Federal Government against any claims arising
from such work;

3. Provide reimbursement to FEMA for the non-Federal share of the cost of
such work in accordance with the provisions of the FEMA-State Agreement; and

4. Assist the performing Federal agency in all support and local
jurisdictional matters.

In addition, I anticipate the need for debris removal, which poses an
immediate threat to lives, public health, and safety.

Pursuant to Sections 502 and 407 of the Stafford Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5192 &
5173, the State agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the United States of
America for any claims arising from the removal of debris or wreckage for
this disaster. The State agrees that debris removal from public and private
property will not occur until the landowner signs an unconditional
authorization for the removal of debris.

I have designated Mr. Art Jones as the State Coordinating Officer for this
request. He will work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency in
damage assessments and may provide further information or justification on
my behalf.


Kathleen Babineaux Blanco

No one has ever disputed the above!
But here is the reality........

The Bush-Blanco confrontation came to a head in a tense private Friday meeting on Air Force One, parked on the tarmac at New Orleans International Airport. “You need to authorize the federal government to take over the response,” Bush said he told Blanco.

Blanco demurred for the moment, then turned him down definitively the next day.

Bush, Blanco tell different stories on ?federalization? | New Orleans | The Advocate ? Baton Rouge, LA

This seems pretty clear. Bush asked her to and she turned him down.
You sure do have a lot of nerve postioning yourself as someone who champions facts. No doubt about it.

what do you mean, no one has ever disputed Bianco's request for federal help?? The whole reason I posted her request for federal help is because some yahoo denied it.

As far as her turning down the president's request to take control of the response, why would she? In her letter, she spelled out exactly what she needed from the government. As it was, a week after the storm passed, she finally got the assistance she asked for without turning control of the response over to the feds. So for righties to say she turned down federal assistance is ludicrious. She sent the letter I posted to Bush and it took him a fucking week to respond.

I was here, what he said is accurate. Blanco and Nagin were responsible for most of the loss of life during Katrina.

Blanco and Nagin were both dems, but Nagin support the republican Jindal in the governers race against Blanco. They hated each other and refused to work together. Blanco also refused help from Bush because she did not want to make him look good.

So, people died because of greedy corrupt politicians------nothing really new about that.
No one has ever disputed the above!
But here is the reality........

The Bush-Blanco confrontation came to a head in a tense private Friday meeting on Air Force One, parked on the tarmac at New Orleans International Airport. “You need to authorize the federal government to take over the response,” Bush said he told Blanco.

Blanco demurred for the moment, then turned him down definitively the next day.

Bush, Blanco tell different stories on ?federalization? | New Orleans | The Advocate ? Baton Rouge, LA

This seems pretty clear. Bush asked her to and she turned him down.
You sure do have a lot of nerve postioning yourself as someone who champions facts. No doubt about it.

what do you mean, no one has ever disputed Bianco's request for federal help?? The whole reason I posted her request for federal help is because some yahoo denied it.

As far as her turning down the president's request to take control of the response, why would she? In her letter, she spelled out exactly what she needed from the government. As it was, a week after the storm passed, she finally got the assistance she asked for without turning control of the response over to the feds. So for righties to say she turned down federal assistance is ludicrious. She sent the letter I posted to Bush and it took him a fucking week to respond.

I was here, what he said is accurate. Blanco and Nagin were responsible for most of the loss of life during Katrina.

Blanco and Nagin were both dems, but Nagin support the republican Jindal in the governers race against Blanco. They hated each other and refused to work together. Blanco also refused help from Bush because she did not want to make him look good.

So, people died because of greedy corrupt politicians------nothing really new about that.
She asked for federal assistance because her state alone could not handle a storm of that magnitude. She told Bush she needed federal assistance to save lives. It took the federal government a week to provide that assistance and many people died before it arrived. And she did not refuse help. Bush wanted the federal government to take control of the response and that is what she rejected. She sked for help and she accepted his help. Unfortunately, that help arrived way too late.
Unemployment was 4% when Bush took office. Unemployment is lower now than it was when Bush left.

If you ignore the much lower participation rate, all it took was over $6.4 trillion in additional debt.

Well if you're going to foolishly factor in the drop in the labor force participation rate, you should at least do the same for Bush. Making his aleady abysmal employment numbers even worse than they already were.

Well if you're going to foolishly factor in the drop in the labor force participation rate, you should at least do the same for Bush.


Looks like it dropped a bit over 1% for Bush. Looks like 3% for Obama
If you ignore the much lower participation rate, all it took was over $6.4 trillion in additional debt.

Well if you're going to foolishly factor in the drop in the labor force participation rate, you should at least do the same for Bush. Making his aleady abysmal employment numbers even worse than they already were.

Well if you're going to foolishly factor in the drop in the labor force participation rate, you should at least do the same for Bush.


Looks like it dropped a bit over 1% for Bush. Looks like 3% for Obama

1.5 under Bush to 2.7 under Obama. But the point is, while righties constantly try to claim the unemployment rate is higher than the reported U3 rate if you factor in the LFPR; they never ever factor it in for Bush when mentioning the unemployment while he was president.

The other point is that it's meaningless anyway since it's not an indicator of the health of the job market.
Well if you're going to foolishly factor in the drop in the labor force participation rate, you should at least do the same for Bush. Making his aleady abysmal employment numbers even worse than they already were.

Well if you're going to foolishly factor in the drop in the labor force participation rate, you should at least do the same for Bush.


Looks like it dropped a bit over 1% for Bush. Looks like 3% for Obama

1.5 under Bush to 2.7 under Obama. But the point is, while righties constantly try to claim the unemployment rate is higher than the reported U3 rate if you factor in the LFPR; they never ever factor it in for Bush when mentioning the unemployment while he was president.

The other point is that it's meaningless anyway since it's not an indicator of the health of the job market.

Yup; I've noticed.
Well if you're going to foolishly factor in the drop in the labor force participation rate, you should at least do the same for Bush.


Looks like it dropped a bit over 1% for Bush. Looks like 3% for Obama

1.5 under Bush to 2.7 under Obama. But the point is, while righties constantly try to claim the unemployment rate is higher than the reported U3 rate if you factor in the LFPR; they never ever factor it in for Bush when mentioning the unemployment while he was president.

The other point is that it's meaningless anyway since it's not an indicator of the health of the job market.

Yup; I've noticed.
Did I mention, "ever?" :doubt:
Here's a chart comparing "average" unemployment rates that was taken last year:


AND remember!!!
Recession, 9/11, worst hurricane seasons ALL cataclysmic events that NO President has ever faced!
I mean folks.. nearly .........
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!
2,500,000 jobs in due to 9/11
300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs due to dot.com bust...
3,200,000 total jobs lost to the above events which have NEVER occurred to any President in history!

Why can't people remember these events and the magnitude of psyche destruction that it brought!
3.2 million jobs lost! $8 trillion in market,businesses, buildings, assets...lost!
This had an AFFECT folks and in spite of it :

Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Bush growth of the GDP was greater then Clinton in 2005 GDP grew at 6.5% Clinton's best:6.4%
Measuring Worth - GDP result.
Amazingly, even after you're shown how bogus those numbers are, you continue to post them. :cuckoo:

Not only do you have zero credibilty, you apparently don't even care. :doubt:

Are you an EVENT DENIER??? Do you really believe these events had NO AFFECT on the economy, on people's lives, on jobs?
YOU deny there was a recession that as with all recessions they don't as obviously YOU THINK start the day the NEB declare a "recession" i.e. 3/1/01?
Are you a denier that the dot.com bubble bust occurred and cost trillions and thousands of jobs? YOU deny that happened?
And YOU obviously as a tin-foil hat denier say the WTC buildings was sabotage no planes flew in and ia plane didn't fly into the Pentagon. You deny that
these events had ANY bearing on people's lives, livelihood, our economy on 2.5 million lost jobs... YOU deny all that happened.
Finally the WORST hurricane SEASONS with 7 of top ten hurricanes in history occurring NEVER happened! Never destroyed lives, businesses, jobs??

See NONE of these events you even mention!
How come you don't honestly say well yes the jobs DID decline because of these events?

And why not honestly say these 4 major cataclysmic events had a DIRECT affect on people's lives,(nearly 5,000 deaths between 9/11 and hurricanes) ,
3,200,000 jobs LOST due to these events.. TAX revenue reduced i.e. businesses cease payrolls cease,taxes cease...DUH!

YET YOU deny them.
YOU bring out all sources of countervailing arguments AND YOU KNOW... THEY prove these events occurred!
Your chart... WHAT THE..f..k reason do you think there was a decline??
Airlines didn't fly for 3 days.. and in the 18 months from 9/11
"The largest losses were in the transportation industry, where 226,674 jobs were eliminated, and the aerospace/defense sector, where 138,937 jobs were cut. "
But he noted that since the attacks people have been flying less, which has reduced the number of face-to-face meetings, which he said are vital for creating new partnerships between companies, new ideas and new entrepreneurial opportunities.
Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld

Nearly 500,000 jobs mostly hourly wage jobs cut due to 9/11!
It is just pathetic how totally uninformed people like these event deniers are!
Were they not around when the recession started? Or the dot.com bubble burst? Or when 9/11 occurred? THEY have no idea the damages done by 7 of the top 10 hurricanes that happened? Are they that naive that while they believe Obama like Evan Thomas said is a "god".. they think on one hand Bush was just a bungling idiot YET this bungling idiot CAUSED 9/11? Caused these hurricanes? Caused the dot.com bust or the recession?
And these same naive people in one breath call Bush a monkey and the next BLAME him for manipulating all the above events to occur?

I KNOW for a FACT the recession started.
I know for a fact the dot.com bubble burst causing economy disruption.
I know as I like millions WATCHED those planes hit the towers. SO there is NO denying those events occurred.
I KNOW as millions the 7 of the 10 worst hurricanes hit the USA while Bush was President! WAS HE AT FAULT For that? all 7???
I KNOW for a fact that when adding ALL the economic losses, the jobs, the lives that NONE of that was started by Bush. THESE EVENTS happened though during his terms.
And during his terms the economy grew. NOT as much as it would have if these events didn't happen, but it did grow!
The fact the GDP increased 16% in SPITE of those events is a FACT!
The fact there were MORE people working at the end of Bush's terms then the beginning IS A FACT!
NOW it is a fact that due to decisions made BEFORE Bush the USA was on track for a housing bubble crash in part faulty decisions on Bush's part I agree.. remember BUSH unlike Obama is not a god!
I truly don't understand how these Bush bashers also totally IGNORE the gigantic NEGATIVE role the MSM played during Bush's terms.
Remember the MSM's job was to BASH the president. OK... THEN WHERE ARE THESE SAME OBAMA BASHERS in the MSM?
What do you think Obama's poll numbers would be like IF Obama was treated the same way as Bush was???
Last edited:
It is just pathetic how totally uninformed people like these event deniers are!
Were they not around when the recession started? Or the dot.com bubble burst? Or when 9/11 occurred? THEY have no idea the damages done by 7 of the top 10 hurricanes that happened? Are they that naive that while they believe Obama like Evan Thomas said is a "god".. they think on one hand Bush was just a bungling idiot YET this bungling idiot CAUSED 9/11? Caused these hurricanes? Caused the dot.com bust or the recession?
And these same naive people in one breath call Bush a monkey and the next BLAME him for manipulating all the above events to occur?

I KNOW for a FACT the recession started.
I know for a fact the dot.com bubble burst causing economy disruption.
I know as I like millions WATCHED those planes hit the towers. SO there is NO denying those events occurred.
I KNOW as millions the 7 of the 10 worst hurricanes hit the USA while Bush was President! WAS HE AT FAULT For that? all 7???
I KNOW for a fact that when adding ALL the economic losses, the jobs, the lives that NONE of that was started by Bush. THESE EVENTS happened though during his terms.
And during his terms the economy grew. NOT as much as it would have if these events didn't happen, but it did grow!
The fact the GDP increased 16% in SPITE of those events is a FACT!
The fact there were MORE people working at the end of Bush's terms then the beginning IS A FACT!
NOW it is a fact that due to decisions made BEFORE Bush the USA was on track for a housing bubble crash in part faulty decisions on Bush's part I agree.. remember BUSH unlike Obama is not a god!
I truly don't understand how these Bush bashers also totally IGNORE the gigantic NEGATIVE role the MSM played during Bush's terms.
Remember the MSM's job was to BASH the president. OK... THEN WHERE ARE THESE SAME OBAMA BASHERS in the MSM?
What do you think Obama's poll numbers would be like IF Obama was treated the same way as Bush was???

everything you said is true. The dem/libs will always deny it because Bush beat their guys twice and they just cannot get over that fact.

with dems and libs its not about the truth, its all about feeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emooooooooooooootion.

their brains do not operate like normal human beings. Luckily they only make up about 20% of the population.
AND remember!!!
Recession, 9/11, worst hurricane seasons ALL cataclysmic events that NO President has ever faced!
I mean folks.. nearly .........
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!
2,500,000 jobs in due to 9/11
300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs due to dot.com bust...
3,200,000 total jobs lost to the above events which have NEVER occurred to any President in history!

Why can't people remember these events and the magnitude of psyche destruction that it brought!
3.2 million jobs lost! $8 trillion in market,businesses, buildings, assets...lost!
This had an AFFECT folks and in spite of it :

Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Bush growth of the GDP was greater then Clinton in 2005 GDP grew at 6.5% Clinton's best:6.4%
Measuring Worth - GDP result.
Amazingly, even after you're shown how bogus those numbers are, you continue to post them. :cuckoo:

Not only do you have zero credibilty, you apparently don't even care. :doubt:

Are you an EVENT DENIER??? Do you really believe these events had NO AFFECT on the economy, on people's lives, on jobs?
YOU deny there was a recession that as with all recessions they don't as obviously YOU THINK start the day the NEB declare a "recession" i.e. 3/1/01?
Are you a denier that the dot.com bubble bust occurred and cost trillions and thousands of jobs? YOU deny that happened?
And YOU obviously as a tin-foil hat denier say the WTC buildings was sabotage no planes flew in and ia plane didn't fly into the Pentagon. You deny that
these events had ANY bearing on people's lives, livelihood, our economy on 2.5 million lost jobs... YOU deny all that happened.
Finally the WORST hurricane SEASONS with 7 of top ten hurricanes in history occurring NEVER happened! Never destroyed lives, businesses, jobs??

See NONE of these events you even mention!
How come you don't honestly say well yes the jobs DID decline because of these events?

And why not honestly say these 4 major cataclysmic events had a DIRECT affect on people's lives,(nearly 5,000 deaths between 9/11 and hurricanes) ,
3,200,000 jobs LOST due to these events.. TAX revenue reduced i.e. businesses cease payrolls cease,taxes cease...DUH!

YET YOU deny them.
YOU bring out all sources of countervailing arguments AND YOU KNOW... THEY prove these events occurred!
Your chart... WHAT THE..f..k reason do you think there was a decline??
Airlines didn't fly for 3 days.. and in the 18 months from 9/11
"The largest losses were in the transportation industry, where 226,674 jobs were eliminated, and the aerospace/defense sector, where 138,937 jobs were cut. "
But he noted that since the attacks people have been flying less, which has reduced the number of face-to-face meetings, which he said are vital for creating new partnerships between companies, new ideas and new entrepreneurial opportunities.
Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld

Nearly 500,000 jobs mostly hourly wage jobs cut due to 9/11!
What the fuck is wrong with you?? Seriously.

Did I say those events had no impact on economy or on the job markets? No, of course I didn't.

What I did say was that numbers you were posting were complete and utter bullshit and I showed you why.

That you continue to post them anyway only serves to prove you are too stupid to understand what you're posting which also goes a long way in explaining why you think Duhbya was such a great president.

And unless I missed it, I asked you to post where you got your bogus BLS numbers from that you posted in the 1st post? Why won't you reveal your discredited source?

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