Why has core America fallen so in love with Trumpology? Joe Rogan says “this is a fed up America”.

Simple Calculus:

  • People are stupid
  • People fear what they don’t understand
  • People are scared because they are stupid
  • Don stirs up fears in stupid people
Stupid + Scared = Vote for Don
People don't care about tact or class anymore, so Trump is an obvious choice for right leaning types. He says what you're all thinking. He doesn't tiptoe or imply shit halfheartedly. He just comes right out and says it. Wam, bam, in your face. I like his style even if I wouldn't vote for him. We need more candidates that don't give a fuck about decorum.
Yeah, see what tact and class have gotten us under Biden.

Tact and class are overrated. We need an asshole in the white House, someone who will get rid of the swamp.
Simple Calculus:

  • People are stupid
  • People fear what they don’t understand
  • People are scared because they are stupid
  • Don stirs up fears in stupid people
Stupid + Scared = Vote for Don
Yeah… Smart + Brave people believe men can become women by proclamation, they hate America’s sovereignty, they detest our 1st and 2nd Amendments, they think dark people, homos, weirdos and degenerates are America’s greatest assets.

Brave + Smart = Vote for almost dead barely coherent fuck-ups with a 34% approval rate
Yeah… Smart + Brave people believe men can become women by proclamation, they hate America’s sovereignty, they detest our 1st and 2nd Amendments, they think dark people, homos, weirdos and degenerates are America’s greatest assets.

Brave + Smart = Vote for almost dead barely coherent fuck-ups with a 34% approval rate
Stupid insecure people are triggered by gender identity or sexual orientation.

Stupid insecure people denigrate people based on skin color.

Stupid insecure people think common sense gun laws means you can’t own a gun.
The Democrats who think Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are their best and brightest are the same not so bright people who hate Trump. To think Harris and Biden are anywhere near the intelligence level or management capabilities of Trump, is beyond absurd. Back to MAGA. Get winning again.
Stupid insecure people are triggered by gender identity or sexual orientation.
“Triggered” or sane enough to know men have a dick and women do not?
Stupid insecure people denigrate people based on skin color.
Smart courageous people look at and consider the data related to skin color. They know that more dark people = bigger more dangerous, more dependent, dirtier shithole.
Stupid insecure people think common sense gun laws means you can’t own a gun.
People with common sense know that people without common sense aren’t capable of forging “common sense gun laws”.
You can’t say “a man can be a woman if he wants to be” and then say you have common sense. Sorry bud, that shit only flies in your LibTardian Twilight Zone.
Because it fosters dishonesty, double speak and half measures when you're worried about curating your message to avoid hurting feelings rather than just speaking directly and clearly about your thoughts and your position. It veils your true self and your true intentions. Say what the fuck you mean and say it out loud, unapologetically.

Trump is by far the realest candidate I've ever seen. And again, I won't vote for him, but I respect his style.
It’s called civility. Any random retard can spout off nonsense but it takes a mature person to choose to ignore that base level garbage in favor of more thoughtful dialogue.
I’d rather have the stable, reasonable person in office.
And democrats are scared to death of Trump being President again.
By starting your sentence with “And” you’ve implied directly you agree with my post. We are square. Thanks.
It’s called civility. Any random retard can spout off nonsense but it takes a mature person to choose to ignore that base level garbage in favor of more thoughtful dialogue.
I’d rather have the stable, reasonable person in office.
“Civility”….is it an act of civility when a POTUS refuses to protect American taxpayers and the institutions they built, fund and run from tens of millions of invading foreigners?
It’s called civility. Any random retard can spout off nonsense but it takes a mature person to choose to ignore that base level garbage in favor of more thoughtful dialogue.
I’d rather have the stable, reasonable person in office.
You'd probably feel different if the asshole in question was championing positions you agree with.
This is about Trump right?

Now as to your question, it would depend. Is it OK to hate when the police pull someone over for simply having a "wide set nose"? Yes.

It's not OK to hate on those condemning that.
Well I'm glad I have the arbiter of hatred here to make me aware of which forms are acceptable.
“Civility”….is it an act of civility when a POTUS refuses to protect American taxpayers and the institutions they built, fund and run from tens of millions of invading foreigners?
No. That’s the musings of a demented and damaged mind.

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