Why Has Our Intel Community Become So Frigging Incompetent?

Apparently the terrorist who killed so many at the Floriduh night club was not only ont he FBI watch list for being a suspected member of ISIS and making terroristic threats, but he was also a CONTRACTOR WITH HOMELAND SECURITY.

Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor - Counter Jihad

Our intel community has gotten pretty damned incompetent of late, and I cant understand why.

There are various companies that do business with people in covert assignments and I know of two cases where these companies had extensive data on covert operatives and one company kept the data on an unsecured server that anyone could access from anywhere in the world and the second got bought out by CHINA. YES, FUCKING CHINA.

We have foreigners working classified databases for the FDA and this would allow anyone wanting to protect, say, illicit shipments access to the data on those shipments and guarantee that they would never be inspected.

I have read of several Salafi/Wahabbi Muslims that are in top positions within DHS, for fucks sake, these people should not be there, it would seem obvious.

We have gone mad and our intel community is particularly afflicted with the dreaded disease of PC Blindness.

Political correctness and a administration intent on working to deny our civil liberties.
Political correctness and a administration intent on working to deny our civil liberties.

PC constraints on our range of actions, plus over educated idiots in charge I think is the root of it all, true.

Last night, our nation was attacked by a radical Islamic terrorist. It was the worst terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11, and the second of its kind in 6 months. My deepest sympathy and support goes out to the victims, the wounded, and their families.

In his remarks today, President Obama disgracefully refused to even say the words 'Radical Islam'. For that reason alone, he should step down.

If Hillary Clinton, after this attack, still cannot say the two words 'Radical Islam' she should get out of this race for the Presidency.

If we do not get tough and smart real fast, we are not going to have a country anymore. Because our leaders are weak, I said this was going to happen – and it is only going to get worse. I am trying to save lives and prevent the next terrorist attack. We can't afford to be politically correct anymore.

The terrorist, Omar Mir Saddique Mateen, is the son of an immigrant from Afghanistan who openly published his support for the Afghanistani Taliban and even tried to run for President of Afghanistan. According to Pew, 99% of people in Afghanistan support oppressive Sharia Law.

We admit more than 100,000 lifetime migrants from the Middle East each year. Since 9/11, hundreds of migrants and their children have been implicated in terrorism in the United States. Hillary Clinton wants to dramatically increase admissions from the Middle East, bringing in many hundreds of thousands during a first term – and we will have no way to screen them, pay for them, or prevent the second generation from radicalizing.

We need to protect all Americans, of all backgrounds and all beliefs, from Radical Islamic Terrorism - which has no place in an open and tolerant society.

Radical Islam advocates hate for women, gays, Jews, Christians and all Americans. I am going to be a President for all Americans, and I am going to protect and defend all Americans. We are going to make America SAFE again and great again for everyone.

- Donald J. Trump
Yep. Looks like this guy slipped through the cracks somehow when they already had their eye on him. No worries, just give the NSA more powers to spy on all Americans, they will catch the terrorists one of these times if we only give up all our privacy and rights.
This is why we the people can never rely upon the government to protect us from the very real threats we face these days.

Somehow the Liberals turn this into a gun-control debate, when in reality it is a blaring neon notice that the 2nd is there for a damn good reason...
Somehow the Liberals turn this into a gun-control debate, when in reality it is a blaring neon notice that the 2nd is there for a damn good reason...
It wont turn into a gun control debate if we keep bringing them back to the uselessness of current gun control laws that are not being enforced. They dont want to talk about how all their gun control bullshit only harasses legal gun owners and does nothing to stop the criminal.

For example, in the case of Mateen, he was on the FBI watch list but he was still able to buy all his guns a week before the attacks?

We need to formalize how we maintain these watch lists and the suspects should be able to challenge and clear themselves of that list efficiently and with haste, and in the time being they should be flagged to not be able to buy guns.
In response to the OP: 7+ years of Obama's pathetic leadership and hiLIARy's stint as SecState.
I read this guy was investigated by the FBI three times, they couldn't prove anything so they kept letting him go. Unfortunately, freedom comes with risk. The second is there so that each and every one of us can defend our own freedom, and more so these days, when the governments hands are tied up in red tape and PC stickers.

Yes guns kill a lot of people in America, but we have to look at whom it kills in majority and decide if we truly believe that the safety of criminals is more important than the safety and RIGHT of good citizens...
Apparently the terrorist who killed so many at the Floriduh night club was not only ont he FBI watch list for being a suspected member of ISIS and making terroristic threats, but he was also a CONTRACTOR WITH HOMELAND SECURITY.

Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor - Counter Jihad

Our intel communityh has gotten pretty damend incompetent of late, and I cant understand why.

There are various companies that do business with people in covert assignments and I know of two cases where these companies had extensive data on covert operatives and one company kept the data on an unsecured server that anyone could access from anywhere in theworld and the second got bought out by CHINA. YES, FUCKING CHINA.

We have foreigners working classified databases for the FDA and this would allow anyone wanting to protect, say, illicit shipments access to the data on those shipments and guarantee that they would never be inspected.

I have read of several Salafi/Wahabbi Muslims that are in top positions within DHS, for fucks sake, these people should not be there, it would seem obvious.

We have gone mad and our intel community is particularly afflicted with the dreaded disease of PC Blindness.
There should be absolutely NO Muslims within the DHS or a president's inner circle. All Muslims should be removed from such posts and replaced with ex-Muslims (like Ayaan Hirsi Ali).
That would be unConstitutional as the majority of Muslims have not committed a crime nor plan to. Only the Salafis and Wahhabis and certain Shiite sects are predisposed to attack the USA, that is out of the major Islamic systems of thought.

We need the help of the main stream Sunni and Shiite clergy and faithful to win this war.
Sorry, but I disagree. The Shias and Sunnis consider each to not be true Muslims, hence they continue to fight one another. But, the core principle of Islam, whether Shia or Sunni, per the Koran, is to convert, subjugate (enslave), or kill all who are not Muslims. On this matter, they are in agreement. If any Muslim, whether Shia or Sunni denies this, he or she is using taqqiya (deception to the infidel).
maybe the FBI director was too busy with his people trying to pin something on Hillary for the R's in congress, instead of doing their jobs protecting us from tragedies such as this....? :eek:
if we let fear grip us, the terrorists win.... in crippling our economy

AS gwbush said after 9/11 the best thing we can do as citizens, is to ''go shopping''....

I thought that was utterly ridiculous at the time, but in hindsight, gwb was right...
maybe the FBI director was too busy with his people trying to pin something on Hillary for the R's in congress, instead of doing their jobs protecting us from tragedies such as this....? :eek:
Apparently the terrorist who killed so many at the Floriduh night club was not only ont he FBI watch list for being a suspected member of ISIS and making terroristic threats, but he was also a CONTRACTOR WITH HOMELAND SECURITY.

Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor - Counter Jihad

Our intel community has gotten pretty damned incompetent of late, and I cant understand why.

There are various companies that do business with people in covert assignments and I know of two cases where these companies had extensive data on covert operatives and one company kept the data on an unsecured server that anyone could access from anywhere in the world and the second got bought out by CHINA. YES, FUCKING CHINA.

We have foreigners working classified databases for the FDA and this would allow anyone wanting to protect, say, illicit shipments access to the data on those shipments and guarantee that they would never be inspected.

I have read of several Salafi/Wahabbi Muslims that are in top positions within DHS, for fucks sake, these people should not be there, it would seem obvious.

We have gone mad and our intel community is particularly afflicted with the dreaded disease of PC Blindness.
They aren't incompetent. They are actively facilitating.
if we let fear grip us, the terrorists win.... in crippling our economy

AS gwbush said after 9/11 the best thing we can do as citizens, is to ''go shopping''....

I thought that was utterly ridiculous at the time, but in hindsight, gwb was right...

We can be vigilant and careful without letting fear control us, Care4All, dont you think so?
if we let fear grip us, the terrorists win.... in crippling our economy

AS gwbush said after 9/11 the best thing we can do as citizens, is to ''go shopping''....

I thought that was utterly ridiculous at the time, but in hindsight, gwb was right...

You remain a fucking moron.

Eliminating a threat isn't allowing "fear to grip us". It's called protecting what deserves protection.

Of course you think we should just wait to be killed, all the while assuming YOU will be adequately protected.
if we let fear grip us, the terrorists win.... in crippling our economy

AS gwbush said after 9/11 the best thing we can do as citizens, is to ''go shopping''....

I thought that was utterly ridiculous at the time, but in hindsight, gwb was right...

We can be vigilant and careful without letting fear control us, Care4All, dont you think so?
from seeing most of the trump supporter responses to the orlando mass killing on this board, my answer is NO,

you all have let fear control you!!!
if we let fear grip us, the terrorists win.... in crippling our economy

AS gwbush said after 9/11 the best thing we can do as citizens, is to ''go shopping''....

I thought that was utterly ridiculous at the time, but in hindsight, gwb was right...

We can be vigilant and careful without letting fear control us, Care4All, dont you think so?
from seeing most of the trump supporter responses to the orlando mass killing on this board, my answer is NO,

you all have let fear control you!!!
'You all?'

There are many different responses to this from Trump supporters, as they are not a monolithic group of people who follow issued talking points.

I support Trump, but he is not the optimal candidate, he is just the best we have now, IMO, and that is good enough.


Edit: I did not do a laughing face to make fun of you, Care4All, but that I found some of it humorous and appreciate your opinion, though I disagree with it, you do present it reasonably, usually. :D
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Terrorists haven't killed anybody at the top of the food chain in the U.S., and in fact many of American elites and the brie and chardonnay set are personal friends and business partners with families of rulers of the Islamic terror states, so there is no real reason for the bureaucrats and government employees to care about that stuff. Terror states together make up the third largest contributors to the Clinton Foundation, have dear friends in most of the multi-national corporations, and their leaders get invited to the Davos conferences every year. So, don't hold your breath waiting for politicians to do much outside of cosmetic rhetoric and creating massive ridiculous logjams at airports for the unwashed masses.

They have other priorities that are far more important than protecting all you annoying proles and peasants. They exist to protect their bosses, not the underclasses, and we all look alike to them, regardless of where in the world we are. They don't care about Americans any more than they care about some farmer in a Chinese backwater somewhere.

They're not incompetent at all; they're doing a great job at protecting those who matter to them.
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