Why Has Our Intel Community Become So Frigging Incompetent?

I read this guy was investigated by the FBI three times, they couldn't prove anything so they kept letting him go. Unfortunately, freedom comes with risk. The second is there so that each and every one of us can defend our own freedom, and more so these days, when the governments hands are tied up in red tape and PC stickers.

Yes guns kill a lot of people in America, but we have to look at whom it kills in majority and decide if we truly believe that the safety of criminals is more important than the safety and RIGHT of good citizens...

Perhaps if we stopped spending Billions and Billions gathering data on non-suspect people and performing the stupid Kabuki TSA theater at airports, we'd have the resources to properly investigate persons of interest such as the Orlando Terrorist.
Apparently the terrorist who killed so many at the Floriduh night club was not only ont he FBI watch list for being a suspected member of ISIS and making terroristic threats, but he was also a CONTRACTOR WITH HOMELAND SECURITY.

Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor - Counter Jihad

Our intel community has gotten pretty damned incompetent of late, and I cant understand why.

There are various companies that do business with people in covert assignments and I know of two cases where these companies had extensive data on covert operatives and one company kept the data on an unsecured server that anyone could access from anywhere in the world and the second got bought out by CHINA. YES, FUCKING CHINA.

We have foreigners working classified databases for the FDA and this would allow anyone wanting to protect, say, illicit shipments access to the data on those shipments and guarantee that they would never be inspected.

I have read of several Salafi/Wahabbi Muslims that are in top positions within DHS, for fucks sake, these people should not be there, it would seem obvious.

We have gone mad and our intel community is particularly afflicted with the dreaded disease of PC Blindness.
Depends on who's in charge.

Our Intelligence Agency knew where Bin Laden was. But once Bush ordered them to stop looking for him, they lost track.

When Obama took office, he didn't waste any time sending them out to fin Bin Laded. It took some time because the GOP let him go. But they found him and the rest is history.

And when the Bush administration outed a covert CIA agent, which is treason, intelligence agencies completely lost confidence in anyone Republican.
Our Intelligence Agency knew where Bin Laden was. But once Bush ordered them to stop looking for him, they lost track.

When Obama took office, he didn't waste any time sending them out to fin Bin Laded. It took some time because the GOP let him go. But they found him and the rest is history.

roflmao, Obama was stalling, looking for any excuse to let Osama go, but he couldnt find one and finally had to pull the trigger. Hardly the Eye of the Tiger there, dude.
Our Intelligence Agency knew where Bin Laden was. But once Bush ordered them to stop looking for him, they lost track.

When Obama took office, he didn't waste any time sending them out to fin Bin Laded. It took some time because the GOP let him go. But they found him and the rest is history.

roflmao, Obama was stalling, looking for any excuse to let Osama go, but he couldnt find one and finally had to pull the trigger. Hardly the Eye of the Tiger there, dude.
One of the most retarded things I ever read. Republicans laughed at Obama when he said, as the Democrat nominee, that if found, he would take Bin Laden out where ever he was. And he did. And Republicans tried to take the credit. Now they say Obama was forced into it???? You are most definitely an idiot tard.
It wont turn into a gun control debate if we keep bringing them back to the uselessness of current gun control laws that are not being enforced. They dont want to talk about how all their gun control bullshit only harasses legal gun owners and does nothing to stop the criminal.

For example, in the case of Mateen, he was on the FBI watch list but he was still able to buy all his guns a week before the attacks?

We need to formalize how we maintain these watch lists and the suspects should be able to challenge and clear themselves of that list efficiently and with haste, and in the time being they should be flagged to not be able to buy guns.

ooo I'd missed this one. Yea, I agree, what's the point of putting it on the books when the dick faces get arrested then get let right out... it's just so rediculious how shit goes down with criminals; oh 12 separate arrests for robbery ~bangs on the forehead with heel of the palm~ You're healed! It's like that whole faith healing thing right? It'd be absolutely hilarious if it wasn't so damned pathetic. Maybe we should just all go out and rob a house or jack a car so we can be in the victims club...

I think if you're on a terrorist watch list some fucking siren should go off if you buy guns, that's for damn sure lol
if we let fear grip us, the terrorists win.... in crippling our economy

AS gwbush said after 9/11 the best thing we can do as citizens, is to ''go shopping''....

I thought that was utterly ridiculous at the time, but in hindsight, gwb was right...
And, if you do nothing, the jihadists win.
When you look about and see large numbers of people carrying banners or signs that say they won't be afraid of terrorists, the terrorists just laugh, as the sign carriers are really doing nothing to end the continually growing problem.
If you want to point fingers as to who is to blame, Hillary Clinton ordered the government to cease investigating the mosque which the Orlando gunman attended. The Saudis have donated large sums of money to the Clinton campaign.
75 out of 100 mosques studied, preach hatred toward infidels.
If you want to point fingers as to who is to blame, Hillary Clinton ordered the government to cease investigating the mosque which the Orlando gunman attended. The Saudis have donated large sums of money to the Clinton campaign.
75 out of 100 mosques studied, preach hatred toward infidels.
Hillary did no such thing... and she hasn't been Secretary of State since 2012....we are in 2016...BEWARE- don't believe what you are reading from WND, there has never been an article that they have written that was the full truth...never ever ever...

And as far as your other post, do you honestly believe we are doing nothing about terrorism or home grown terrorism....?

If you actually believe we are doing nothing, then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn!!! :p
Apparently the terrorist who killed so many at the Floriduh night club was not only ont he FBI watch list for being a suspected member of ISIS and making terroristic threats, but he was also a CONTRACTOR WITH HOMELAND SECURITY.

Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor - Counter Jihad

Our intel community has gotten pretty damned incompetent of late, and I cant understand why.

There are various companies that do business with people in covert assignments and I know of two cases where these companies had extensive data on covert operatives and one company kept the data on an unsecured server that anyone could access from anywhere in the world and the second got bought out by CHINA. YES, FUCKING CHINA.

We have foreigners working classified databases for the FDA and this would allow anyone wanting to protect, say, illicit shipments access to the data on those shipments and guarantee that they would never be inspected.

I have read of several Salafi/Wahabbi Muslims that are in top positions within DHS, for fucks sake, these people should not be there, it would seem obvious.

We have gone mad and our intel community is particularly afflicted with the dreaded disease of PC Blindness.


In our politically correct society, where even the President cannot name the threat, what do you think would happen to the intelligence officer who said, "Muslims are the problem." He would be out of a job.

Apparently the terrorist who killed so many at the Floriduh night club was not only ont he FBI watch list for being a suspected member of ISIS and making terroristic threats, but he was also a CONTRACTOR WITH HOMELAND SECURITY.

Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor - Counter Jihad

Our intel community has gotten pretty damned incompetent of late, and I cant understand why.

There are various companies that do business with people in covert assignments and I know of two cases where these companies had extensive data on covert operatives and one company kept the data on an unsecured server that anyone could access from anywhere in the world and the second got bought out by CHINA. YES, FUCKING CHINA.

We have foreigners working classified databases for the FDA and this would allow anyone wanting to protect, say, illicit shipments access to the data on those shipments and guarantee that they would never be inspected.

I have read of several Salafi/Wahabbi Muslims that are in top positions within DHS, for fucks sake, these people should not be there, it would seem obvious.

We have gone mad and our intel community is particularly afflicted with the dreaded disease of PC Blindness.

The first director of DHS stated why...obama ordered them to purge any mention of islamic radical terrorism....he set the tone and the rules.........
Apparently the terrorist who killed so many at the Floriduh night club was not only ont he FBI watch list for being a suspected member of ISIS and making terroristic threats, but he was also a CONTRACTOR WITH HOMELAND SECURITY.

Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor - Counter Jihad

Our intel communityh has gotten pretty damend incompetent of late, and I cant understand why.

There are various companies that do business with people in covert assignments and I know of two cases where these companies had extensive data on covert operatives and one company kept the data on an unsecured server that anyone could access from anywhere in theworld and the second got bought out by CHINA. YES, FUCKING CHINA.

We have foreigners working classified databases for the FDA and this would allow anyone wanting to protect, say, illicit shipments access to the data on those shipments and guarantee that they would never be inspected.

I have read of several Salafi/Wahabbi Muslims that are in top positions within DHS, for fucks sake, these people should not be there, it would seem obvious.

We have gone mad and our intel community is particularly afflicted with the dreaded disease of PC Blindness.
There should be absolutely NO Muslims within the DHS or a president's inner circle. All Muslims should be removed from such posts and replaced with ex-Muslims (like Ayaan Hirsi Ali).
That would be unConstitutional as the majority of Muslims have not committed a crime nor plan to. Only the Salafis and Wahhabis and certain Shiite sects are predisposed to attack the USA, that is out of the major Islamic systems of thought.

We need the help of the main stream Sunni and Shiite clergy and faithful to win this war.
BINGO! Where are the "Good Muslims"? Why are they not marching right now through the streets of Orlando denouncing this animal like they should have been at 9-11, Benghazi, San Bernadino and Paris and Brussels? Could the Answer be that deep down, they don't entirely, actually, er, really have a problem with it?

Could it be that the association with "Islam" exists only in your mind and this echoblogosphere and maybe that's why it doesn't occur to them, since they're not part of it?

Remember all the Christians marching after Oklahoma City?
Whelp --- I don't either.

That is not fair........there you go...using facts against the left wing nut jobs....you know they have no defense against actual facts.......you meany......

Throughout the coverage of this shooting...
When they aren't showing like 100 selfies that this guy took of himself....
They have put out the little blurb....

If you see something...
Say something....

Well a lot of people did exactly that.
Apparently the terrorist who killed so many at the Floriduh night club was not only ont he FBI watch list for being a suspected member of ISIS and making terroristic threats, but he was also a CONTRACTOR WITH HOMELAND SECURITY.

Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor - Counter Jihad

Our intel community has gotten pretty damned incompetent of late, and I cant understand why.

There are various companies that do business with people in covert assignments and I know of two cases where these companies had extensive data on covert operatives and one company kept the data on an unsecured server that anyone could access from anywhere in the world and the second got bought out by CHINA. YES, FUCKING CHINA.

We have foreigners working classified databases for the FDA and this would allow anyone wanting to protect, say, illicit shipments access to the data on those shipments and guarantee that they would never be inspected.

I have read of several Salafi/Wahabbi Muslims that are in top positions within DHS, for fucks sake, these people should not be there, it would seem obvious.

We have gone mad and our intel community is particularly afflicted with the dreaded disease of PC Blindness.

Become? Look at the history of US intelligence and the sheer number of failures. Didn't see Pearl Harbor. Didn't see Korea. Didn't get the job done in Cuba, Iran, or the Dominican Republic. Didn't see Afghanistan. Completely missed the ball on the breakup of the USSR. Iraq invading Kuwait. 9/11, so on and so forth.

Yeah, a lot of that is because the White House was also incompetent, but the CIA and FBI and all those other alphabet agenices have plenty of egg on their face for a reason.
Apparently the terrorist who killed so many at the Floriduh night club was not only ont he FBI watch list for being a suspected member of ISIS and making terroristic threats, but he was also a CONTRACTOR WITH HOMELAND SECURITY.

Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor - Counter Jihad

Our intel community has gotten pretty damned incompetent of late, and I cant understand why.

There are various companies that do business with people in covert assignments and I know of two cases where these companies had extensive data on covert operatives and one company kept the data on an unsecured server that anyone could access from anywhere in the world and the second got bought out by CHINA. YES, FUCKING CHINA.

We have foreigners working classified databases for the FDA and this would allow anyone wanting to protect, say, illicit shipments access to the data on those shipments and guarantee that they would never be inspected.

I have read of several Salafi/Wahabbi Muslims that are in top positions within DHS, for fucks sake, these people should not be there, it would seem obvious.

We have gone mad and our intel community is particularly afflicted with the dreaded disease of PC Blindness.

Become? Look at the history of US intelligence and the sheer number of failures. Didn't see Pearl Harbor. Didn't see Korea. Didn't get the job done in Cuba, Iran, or the Dominican Republic. Didn't see Afghanistan. Completely missed the ball on the breakup of the USSR. Iraq invading Kuwait. 9/11, so on and so forth.

Yeah, a lot of that is because the White House was also incompetent, but the CIA and FBI and all those other alphabet agenices have plenty of egg on their face for a reason.
Well, US intelligence has had to put out a huge number of fires, and 99% of the time you never hear of it.

The nature of the job is like that of an NFL offensive lineman, in that you hardly ever hear of them unless they fuck up.

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