Why has the Japanese got a pass on their ENORMOUS WW II atrocities?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
As I admitted in another thread, my knowledge of WW II, like most, is mostly the European war.
I have read at least 20 books on that front. However, before now I had not read any about the Pacific front.
Holy shit folks... Hirihoto is a top shelf mass murdering tyrant. And the atrocities inflicted upon their enemies is the worst in modern history... by far. Not even Hitler was as barbaric as the Japanese.
So... why is history so silent about this? Not that there is no information out there... there are many books about it.
But when anyone thinks of WW II atrocities - they almost always only think of Hitler. Maybe toss in Mussolini, and better informed will include Stalin. But Japan's leaders? Not a lot out there about it.
There annihilation of completely innocent people living in the Philippines is unbelievable. And not just simply killing them, but the Japanese ENJOYED torturing/dismembering/sexually exploiting their captors as a MAIN form of entertainment.
We are talking about not only the worse examples of human atrocities committed in WW II - but some of the worst in the history of mankind ever.
As I admitted in another thread, my knowledge of WW II, like most, is mostly the European war.
I have read at least 20 books on that front. However, before now I had not read any about the Pacific front.
Holy shit folks... Hirihoto is a top shelf mass murdering tyrant. And the atrocities inflicted upon their enemies is the worst in modern history... by far. Not even Hitler was as barbaric as the Japanese.
So... why is history so silent about this? Not that there is no information out there... there are many books about it.
But when anyone thinks of WW II atrocities - they almost always only think of Hitler. Maybe toss in Mussolini, and better informed will include Stalin. But Japan's leaders? Not a lot out there about it.
There annihilation of completely innocent people living in the Philippines is unbelievable. And not just simply killing them, but the Japanese ENJOYED torturing/dismembering/sexually exploiting their captors as a MAIN form of entertainment.
We are talking about not only the worse examples of human atrocities committed in WW II - but some of the worst in the history of mankind ever.
they didnt get a pass,,

they got nuked,,
They get a pass because they got nuked.
That is an interesting opinion, and might have something to do with it.
As in, American historians/media kinda just wanted to bury the whole event and concentrate on the evils of the Nazi's.
As I admitted in another thread, my knowledge of WW II, like most, is mostly the European war.
I have read at least 20 books on that front. However, before now I had not read any about the Pacific front.
Holy shit folks... Hirihoto is a top shelf mass murdering tyrant. And the atrocities inflicted upon their enemies is the worst in modern history... by far. Not even Hitler was as barbaric as the Japanese.
So... why is history so silent about this? Not that there is no information out there... there are many books about it.
But when anyone thinks of WW II atrocities - they almost always only think of Hitler. Maybe toss in Mussolini, and better informed will include Stalin. But Japan's leaders? Not a lot out there about it.
There annihilation of completely innocent people living in the Philippines is unbelievable. And not just simply killing them, but the Japanese ENJOYED torturing/dismembering/sexually exploiting their captors as a MAIN form of entertainment.
We are talking about not only the worse examples of human atrocities committed in WW II - but some of the worst in the history of mankind ever.

Hirihoto? WTF is that? How did you garner all that knowledge of WWII, and you can't even spell his name correctly? That says a great deal about the accuracy of your information.

Granted this is from Wikipedia, but it seems fairly accurate and shows how the Japanese were punished. The history is there. You just need to learn it.

As I admitted in another thread, my knowledge of WW II, like most, is mostly the European war.
I have read at least 20 books on that front. However, before now I had not read any about the Pacific front.
Holy shit folks... Hirihoto is a top shelf mass murdering tyrant. And the atrocities inflicted upon their enemies is the worst in modern history... by far. Not even Hitler was as barbaric as the Japanese.
So... why is history so silent about this? Not that there is no information out there... there are many books about it.
But when anyone thinks of WW II atrocities - they almost always only think of Hitler. Maybe toss in Mussolini, and better informed will include Stalin. But Japan's leaders? Not a lot out there about it.
There annihilation of completely innocent people living in the Philippines is unbelievable. And not just simply killing them, but the Japanese ENJOYED torturing/dismembering/sexually exploiting their captors as a MAIN form of entertainment.
We are talking about not only the worse examples of human atrocities committed in WW II - but some of the worst in the history of mankind ever.
Did they behead infants too? :rolleyes-41:
After the war the powers to be decided it would be better to rebuild Japan into a democratic ally of the US than to punish them for being world class assholes.

A lot of Jap asshole leaders in both the military and civilian sectors were not punished for doing some really atrocious things.

I personally think we should have hanged a few thousand more of them and taxed them heavily for reparations but I was not a decision maker at the time.

Nowadays I drive my Toyota truck and my wife drives her Honda SUV and we watch our Sony TV and really don't care one way or another.
As I admitted in another thread, my knowledge of WW II, like most, is mostly the European war.
I have read at least 20 books on that front. However, before now I had not read any about the Pacific front.
Holy shit folks... Hirihoto is a top shelf mass murdering tyrant. And the atrocities inflicted upon their enemies is the worst in modern history... by far. Not even Hitler was as barbaric as the Japanese.
So... why is history so silent about this? Not that there is no information out there... there are many books about it.
But when anyone thinks of WW II atrocities - they almost always only think of Hitler. Maybe toss in Mussolini, and better informed will include Stalin. But Japan's leaders? Not a lot out there about it.
There annihilation of completely innocent people living in the Philippines is unbelievable. And not just simply killing them, but the Japanese ENJOYED torturing/dismembering/sexually exploiting their captors as a MAIN form of entertainment.
We are talking about not only the worse examples of human atrocities committed in WW II - but some of the worst in the history of mankind ever.
They got nuked-----twice. There is that.
As I admitted in another thread, my knowledge of WW II, like most, is mostly the European war.
I have read at least 20 books on that front. However, before now I had not read any about the Pacific front.
Holy shit folks... Hirihoto is a top shelf mass murdering tyrant. And the atrocities inflicted upon their enemies is the worst in modern history... by far. Not even Hitler was as barbaric as the Japanese.
So... why is history so silent about this? Not that there is no information out there... there are many books about it.
But when anyone thinks of WW II atrocities - they almost always only think of Hitler. Maybe toss in Mussolini, and better informed will include Stalin. But Japan's leaders? Not a lot out there about it.
There annihilation of completely innocent people living in the Philippines is unbelievable. And not just simply killing them, but the Japanese ENJOYED torturing/dismembering/sexually exploiting their captors as a MAIN form of entertainment.
We are talking about not only the worse examples of human atrocities committed in WW II - but some of the worst in the history of mankind ever.
What exactly are you looking for? There was a trial - similar to the Nuremberg trials - called the 'Tokyo Trials' that lasted far longer than the Nuremberg trials.

A number of Japanese leaders were punished and a few were hanged.

You admit that there are a number of books on the Japanese atrocities but that you didn't read them. So, what exactly are you looking for?

That is an interesting opinion, and might have something to do with it.
As in, American historians/media kinda just wanted to bury the whole event and concentrate on the evils of the Nazi's.
It's the only possible explanation if one stops to consider that the evils committed by all sides/parties are equal, wiith only the perception of justice between the victors and the vanquished.

Proof? The facts we now know about the slaughter of the Vietnamese people by America.

Millions upon millions of bombed and dead civilians!
That is an interesting opinion, and might have something to do with it.
As in, American historians/media kinda just wanted to bury the whole event and concentrate on the evils of the Nazi's.
After the US experience in Okinawa, the invasion of Japan's home islands was expected to result in a million American casualties (and many times that for the Japanese). Dropping the nukes was hoped to end the war quickly, but it was the prospect of a Soviet invasion which caused Japan to surrender when it did.

Unlike the Germans, who had a huge investment in Nazi ideology, the Japanese worshiped their Emperor as a god-like personification to be protected at all costs. When the Emperor told them to surrender and cooperate with the Americans, they did so instantly and without question. The German Nazis, on the other hand, wanted to continue their struggle with Communism to the bitter end. This led to a de-Nazification program by the Allies which lasted a couple of years after the war, which included widespread prosecution of Nazi officials for war crimes.

Western historians seized upon the Nazi death camps as an ex post facto excuse for terror bombing the German population throughout WW2. In contrast, the Japanese Emperor was purposefully absolved of any war guilt in order to keep the Japanese people pacified during the postwar occupation. Besides, they were still considered a backward people who shouldn't be held fully accountable for their actions.
As I admitted in another thread, my knowledge of WW II, like most, is mostly the European war.
I have read at least 20 books on that front. However, before now I had not read any about the Pacific front.
Holy shit folks... Hirihoto is a top shelf mass murdering tyrant. And the atrocities inflicted upon their enemies is the worst in modern history... by far. Not even Hitler was as barbaric as the Japanese.
So... why is history so silent about this? Not that there is no information out there... there are many books about it.
But when anyone thinks of WW II atrocities - they almost always only think of Hitler. Maybe toss in Mussolini, and better informed will include Stalin. But Japan's leaders? Not a lot out there about it.
There annihilation of completely innocent people living in the Philippines is unbelievable. And not just simply killing them, but the Japanese ENJOYED torturing/dismembering/sexually exploiting their captors as a MAIN form of entertainment.
We are talking about not only the worse examples of human atrocities committed in WW II - but some of the worst in the history of mankind ever.
You think nuking them twice was a free pass? Smh.
Hirihoto? WTF is that? How did you garner all that knowledge of WWII, and you can't even spell his name correctly? That says a great deal about the accuracy of your information.

Granted this is from Wikipedia, but it seems fairly accurate and shows how the Japanese were punished. The history is there. You just need to learn it.

You think nuking them twice was a free pass? Smh.
FFS... am I that unclear?
I said "historians and media" didn't give anywhere near the attention the the looong list of inhuman barbarism the Japanese did.
Apparently, one of their favored acts was finding an enemy soldier that was still alive, cut his dick off and shove it into their mouths and watch them choke to death on their own cock.
Stuff like that.
Everyone knows about the horrors of Hitler. More educated also know the horrors of Stalin... but your average person walking around - how many have ever heard of what the Japanese did?
The German war crimes do receive a lot more historical attention.
But about 900 Japanese war criminals were executed.
The hangman must have been very busy.

In Tokyo, Japan, Hideki Tojo, former Japanese premier and chief of the Kwantung Army, is executed along with six other top Japanese leaders for their war crimes during World War II. Seven of the defendants were also found guilty of committing crimes against humanity, especially in regard to their systematic genocide of the Chinese people.

On November 12, death sentences were imposed on Tojo and the six other principals, such as Iwane Matsui, who organized the Rape of Nanking, and Heitaro Kimura, who brutalized Allied prisoners of war. Sixteen others were sentenced to life imprisonment, and the remaining two of the original 25 defendants were sentenced to lesser terms in prison.

Unlike the Nuremberg trial of German war criminals, where there were four chief prosecutors representing Great Britain, France, the United States, and the USSR, the Tokyo trial featured only one chief prosecutor–American Joseph B. Keenan, a former assistant to the U.S. attorney general. However, other nations, especially China, contributed to the proceedings, and Australian judge William Flood Webb presided. In addition to the central Tokyo trial, various tribunals sitting outside Japan judged some 5,000 Japanese guilty of war crimes, of whom more than 900 were executed.
When they invaded the Philippines, they would round up 100s of villagers, as to not waste ammunition killing them, they would force them into buildings and set fire to it and burn them alive.
Again, not even the Nazis did shit like that. When they mass murdered Jews, they at least did so with some degree of humanness. Nazi soldiers are known to have raped some Jewish women - but NOTHING to the scale of the Japanese. 'The Raping of Nanjing" where Japanese soldiers would go on rampages of raping every woman they saw...wholesale raping women described in the war tribunals as "1000s of women raped a day" that went on for weeks.

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