Why has the Japanese got a pass on their ENORMOUS WW II atrocities?

No, I did a poor job with the title.
What I meant to say was they got a pass historically.
Everyone, no matter their age, knows about Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust.
Better informed also know about Stalin, his absolute brutality and attrition style of warfare.
But how many have ever heard of Japan's most extreme atrocities since the dark ages. Not even Hitler - or Stalin - engaged in the unbelievable torture/murder of the Japanese. And most was on unarmed innocent civilians like in the Philippines.
Thats more of a backhanded compliment to germany which was regarded has the bigger threat to liberty

Japan was a lesser secondary threat

But both countries accepted their defeat and rejoined the community of nations

Only Red China still hates the Japanese
This is so much of an ignorant stereotyping of Americans that it is hardly worth responding to other than just stating that you are a fucking idiot.
Something you two have in common.
I know much more than you and that is the reason I have the wisdom to suggest much of it is contrived whereas you just keep instep with the other sheeple.

My educational system is globally agreed to be far superior to yours. That includes knowledge of history. You people still think Castro backed down to Kennedy - that the US won the war in Vietnam - that it was the Americans who stormed Berlin and caused Hitler to "off" himself - that the Iranian Islamic Revolution was an unprovoked dirty deed - that Lee Harvey Oswald pulled the trigger - that there are still thousands upon thousands of WMDs hidden in Irak - that the more guns you have the fewer shooting deaths will ensue - that WW II consisted of a war between the Allies against the Sovjet Union - that there are 52 stars on the Amerian flag - that a "nation indivisible" is within the realm of Democratic principles - and that hot water freezes faster. Talk about a dumb-downed citizenry. :slap:
I am speaking of the attention that has been put on Hitlers atrocities compared to Japan.
It would be hard to say which was worse. Hitler beats them by the numbers, but Japan's unbelievable mass psychopathy with their downright demonic barbarism beats Hitler 1000 to 1.
You ask anyone about Japan's atrocities, most people don't know any of it. Everyone knows about the holocaust.
FFS - one tiny-tiny example... all recorded by the war tribunals... if captured mothers couldn't keep their small children quiet - Japanese soldiers would cut off their heads or swing them around and beat their heads against a nearby tree right in front of the mother. And that is a REALLY small example.
There was a sadistic element to the way Japs treated our POWs, if you were a POW of the germans not nice but no sadistic guards, my Dad served in Europe against the Germans, one of his best friends was a POW of the Japs, Dad told be before the war he was a 6ft athletic guy and good footballer, by the time those bastards had finished with him he was a 6 stone wreck, but over time recovered, my uncle Dads younger brother served on HMS Victorious attached to the American forces in the Battle of Okinawa, he was a Oerlokon gunner, his ship took more than one Kamikazi hit, when he came home he had a very bad stammer but managed to find employment at the City hall, then after two years the stammer just went, these days they call it PTSD, this vid shows task force 57 the forgotten fleet.
For both sides. A million American casualties, tens of millions Japanese casualties, mostly deaths because the Japanese had no mechanism to care for their wounded on that scale.
Sometimes generalizations, stereotypes, and propaganda can soothe a would-be wounded conscience.
As I admitted in another thread, my knowledge of WW II, like most, is mostly the European war.
I have read at least 20 books on that front. However, before now I had not read any about the Pacific front.
Holy shit folks... Hirihoto is a top shelf mass murdering tyrant. And the atrocities inflicted upon their enemies is the worst in modern history... by far. Not even Hitler was as barbaric as the Japanese.
So... why is history so silent about this? Not that there is no information out there... there are many books about it.
But when anyone thinks of WW II atrocities - they almost always only think of Hitler. Maybe toss in Mussolini, and better informed will include Stalin. But Japan's leaders? Not a lot out there about it.
There annihilation of completely innocent people living in the Philippines is unbelievable. And not just simply killing them, but the Japanese ENJOYED torturing/dismembering/sexually exploiting their captors as a MAIN form of entertainment.
We are talking about not only the worse examples of human atrocities committed in WW II - but some of the worst in the history of mankind ever.
In my opinion they didn't get a pass on their atrocious history and it really was atrocious. But they were defeated and brought to unconditional surrender in WWII. The ONLY concession McArthur gave them was that they would not be required to remove the position of Emperor but they would be required to establish a more democratic government and give up their capability to conduct war.

As a result Japan went from an imperialistic and war making entity that committed atrocious acts to one of the world's most peaceful and prosperous societies. They went from deadly enemy to the USA to friend and trading partners to us and their neighbors.

That is what happens when the USA (and others) are allowed to win wars instead of fighting PC battles and eventually getting tired of that and just quitting.
... The ONLY concession McArthur gave them was that they would not be required to remove the position of Emperor ....
The exact terms that elements within the imperial government had been trying to offer long before Hiroshima.
I am the teacher.

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