Why Hasn't Louis Head Been Arrested Yet?

So the white cops were racist but the white jurors weren't? On what basis do you make this claim?
Who claimed that?

You did. You just claimed that the grand jury process was "fixed". Those are your words and you won't escape from them. So how is it fixed if it wasn't the 9 white jurors? You're eventually going to have to pick one conspiracy theory and stick to it.
I didnt claim anyone was racist. Thats what you said. If I said that, again please be my guest and quote it.

Then how was it fixed? Answer the damn question! You're the one who claimed it was fixed. How then?
No need to get emotional. Read my link and stop starting your posts with the word "so"

You can't answer a simple question? You say stupid shit like "the fix was in" but can't back it up?

You're a Leftist hack unable to have a serious discussion. So much time wasted on twits like you.
Who claimed that?

You did. You just claimed that the grand jury process was "fixed". Those are your words and you won't escape from them. So how is it fixed if it wasn't the 9 white jurors? You're eventually going to have to pick one conspiracy theory and stick to it.
I didnt claim anyone was racist. Thats what you said. If I said that, again please be my guest and quote it.

Then how was it fixed? Answer the damn question! You're the one who claimed it was fixed. How then?
No need to get emotional. Read my link and stop starting your posts with the word "so"

You can't answer a simple question? You say stupid shit like "the fix was in" but can't back it up?

You're a Leftist hack unable to have a serious discussion. So much time wasted on twits like you.
I did back it up. You are the hack that starts your posts with "So"
He robbed a store, attacked a cop and was high?

Holy crap, all I'm hearing about is how an evil white cop (emphasis on the "white") purposely slaughtered a helpless, defenseless black (emphasis on the "black") child. who was humbly and feebly begging for mercy at the feet of his attacker.

Are you sure?


I realized you are being sarcastic, but yes. For the sake of those who seriously ask these questions, the video in the Ferguson store Brown robbed and the forensic evidence just don't lie. I see a headline on AP stating the grand jury was given contradictory evidence. What they meant by that was that the testimony of some lying ass idiots didn't begin to match up with the coroner's report and other evidence. The race baiters still plan to stick with the debunked narrative and aren't about to let facts stop them from fueling the race wars.

The rioters are too irrational to even talk to right now and no one is really trying to reason with them anyway.
He robbed a store, attacked a cop and was high?

Holy crap, all I'm hearing about is how an evil white cop (emphasis on the "white") purposely slaughtered a helpless, defenseless black (emphasis on the "black") child. who was humbly and feebly begging for mercy at the feet of his attacker.

Are you sure?


I realized you are being sarcastic, but yes. For the sake of those who seriously ask these questions, the video in the Ferguson store Brown robbed and the forensic evidence just don't lie. I see a headline on AP stating the grand jury was given contradictory evidence. What they meant by that was that the testimony of some lying ass idiots didn't begin to match up with the coroner's report and other evidence. The race baiters still plan to stick with the debunked narrative and aren't about to let facts stop them from fueling the race wars.

The rioters are too irrational to even talk to right now and no one is really trying to reason with them anyway.

Yup, any opportunity to inflame racial tensions.

The goal is not to heal wounds, it's to gain political advantage, no matter who they have to use.

Quoted many times already.
If you write that 9 jurors who voted no true bill were white then you must know how each juror voted. How do you know this?
You havent quoted it once. if you are unable to quote it link to the post I said this in.
Yes I made the statement you quoted. Here it is...
"They only needed 9. Conveniently those 9 happened to be white."
There is your statement. You must know how each juror voted to be able to make such a statement. Otherwise you are lying.
Which is it?
Thats not the quote you claimed I made. Where does it say all the white jurors voted to no bill him?

I never claimed you said that. Now you're changing your story.
What you did say is that 9 jurors who voted NTB were white. How do you know that?
I never claimed you said I said "that". I said you claimed I said that all the white jurors voted to no bill him. Where is that quote so everyone can see?

No I didnt say this either "that 9 jurors who voted NTB were white" I guessing since you cant quote your original claim you will be helpless to quote this new lie. :laugh:
Yes, you did actually say that 9 jurors who voted NTB were white. That is the exact meaning of your statement, quoted here very often.
My question is, how do you know that?
You did. You just claimed that the grand jury process was "fixed". Those are your words and you won't escape from them. So how is it fixed if it wasn't the 9 white jurors? You're eventually going to have to pick one conspiracy theory and stick to it.
I didnt claim anyone was racist. Thats what you said. If I said that, again please be my guest and quote it.

Then how was it fixed? Answer the damn question! You're the one who claimed it was fixed. How then?
No need to get emotional. Read my link and stop starting your posts with the word "so"

You can't answer a simple question? You say stupid shit like "the fix was in" but can't back it up?

You're a Leftist hack unable to have a serious discussion. So much time wasted on twits like you.
I did back it up. You are the hack that starts your posts with "So"
You have zero credibility anymore.
You claimed you knew how the jurors voted. Then you pretended you didnt.
You claimed the process was tainted by racism. But you cannot provide any evidence.
When called on it you play stupid semantic games.

I believe there is one cure for a worthless piece of monkey crap like you.
Say hello to my leetel friend.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that many haven't been willing to change their rhetoric, even after all the evidence failed to support a white racist cop shooting an innocent man.

Bottom line is that any of us, regardless of color or gender, would likely be shot by a cop if we stormed at them in an attempt to attack them. And they would shoot until we stopped.

The real lesson here is that you obey officers. Period. Even if you find them unreasonable, which criminals often do, obey them anyway and file a complaint later if you feel you were mistreated. The last thing you should do is run at them and try to assault them. Is that really so difficult?

Sharpton and the race baiting morons continue to make the same claims and the rioters keep demanding charges be filed against Wilson despite the evidence supporting him. They either can't grasp the rule of law or they are too deeply indoctrinated into a gang mentality that law no longer matters, only getting even.

We even have idiot reporters publishing Wilson's home address. If Wilson and his family were killed by angry mobs, would the left defend them? Would Obama come out and say he understands? Would there be more riots and destruction if people were charged with murder?

How far do these idiots want to take this? They aren't even interested in the evidence. I saw a t-shirt on one of the protesters saying that he'd rather be arrested by ISIS than Ferguson police. Really? He'd rather be beheaded for doing nothing than face police and not be killed unless he attacks first?
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that many haven't been willing to change their rhetoric, even after all the evidence failed to support a white racist cop shooting an innocent man.

Bottom line is that any of us, regardless of color or gender, would likely be shot by a cop if we stormed at them in an attempt to attack them. And they would shoot until we stopped.

The real lesson here is that you obey officers. Period. Even if you find them unreasonable, which criminals often do, obey them anyway and file a complaint later if you feel you were mistreated. The last thing you should do is run at them and try to assault them. Is that really so difficult?

Sharpton and the race baiting morons continue to make the same claims and the rioters keep demanding charges be filed against Wilson despite the evidence supporting him. They either can't grasp the rule of law or they are too deeply indoctrinated into a gang mentality that law no longer matters, only getting even.

We even have idiot reporters publishing Wilson's home address. If Wilson and his family were killed by angry mobs, would the left defend them? Would Obama come out and say he understands? Would there be more riots and destruction if people were charged with murder?

How far do these idiots want to take this? They aren't even interested in the evidence. I saw a t-shirt on one of the protesters saying that he'd rather be arrested by ISIS than Ferguson police. Really? He'd rather be beheaded for doing nothing than face police and not be killed unless he attacks first?
Facts and logic are irrelevant here.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that many haven't been willing to change their rhetoric, even after all the evidence failed to support a white racist cop shooting an innocent man.

Bottom line is that any of us, regardless of color or gender, would likely be shot by a cop if we stormed at them in an attempt to attack them. And they would shoot until we stopped.

The real lesson here is that you obey officers. Period. Even if you find them unreasonable, which criminals often do, obey them anyway and file a complaint later if you feel you were mistreated. The last thing you should do is run at them and try to assault them. Is that really so difficult?

Sharpton and the race baiting morons continue to make the same claims and the rioters keep demanding charges be filed against Wilson despite the evidence supporting him. They either can't grasp the rule of law or they are too deeply indoctrinated into a gang mentality that law no longer matters, only getting even.

We even have idiot reporters publishing Wilson's home address. If Wilson and his family were killed by angry mobs, would the left defend them? Would Obama come out and say he understands? Would there be more riots and destruction if people were charged with murder?

How far do these idiots want to take this? They aren't even interested in the evidence. I saw a t-shirt on one of the protesters saying that he'd rather be arrested by ISIS than Ferguson police. Really? He'd rather be beheaded for doing nothing than face police and not be killed unless he attacks first?

It's indeed sad when the Left will cling to their racism even when so thoroughly repudiated. One of the racists just said it on this thread, that if Brown had been white, he'd still be alive. That's how bigots are, recalcitrant while telling themselves everyone else has the problem.
Several threads on this already.

We do discuss tee potty racism and their constant signs that call for destruction of our culture and the hanging of an American president.

Google "racist tea party signs".

A question to the Leftist loon who posted this: What Tea Party event ever got violent? What Tea Party member ever said, "burn this bitch down"?

The tee potty types are racist and violent.

That's a given AND they post it here every day.

Google "racist tea party signs".

Cracker Jack off his meds: What acts of violence have ever been committed by the Tea Party? When has a Tea Party gathering ever devolved into a riot?

I know at a Rand Paul rally in 2010 when supporters got violent with a woman. Pretty sick stuff.
You havent quoted it once. if you are unable to quote it link to the post I said this in.
Yes I made the statement you quoted. Here it is...
"They only needed 9. Conveniently those 9 happened to be white."
There is your statement. You must know how each juror voted to be able to make such a statement. Otherwise you are lying.
Which is it?
Thats not the quote you claimed I made. Where does it say all the white jurors voted to no bill him?

I never claimed you said that. Now you're changing your story.
What you did say is that 9 jurors who voted NTB were white. How do you know that?
I never claimed you said I said "that". I said you claimed I said that all the white jurors voted to no bill him. Where is that quote so everyone can see?

No I didnt say this either "that 9 jurors who voted NTB were white" I guessing since you cant quote your original claim you will be helpless to quote this new lie. :laugh:
Yes, you did actually say that 9 jurors who voted NTB were white. That is the exact meaning of your statement, quoted here very often.
My question is, how do you know that?
Yet somehow you cant produce the quote. Why is that?
I didnt claim anyone was racist. Thats what you said. If I said that, again please be my guest and quote it.

Then how was it fixed? Answer the damn question! You're the one who claimed it was fixed. How then?
No need to get emotional. Read my link and stop starting your posts with the word "so"

You can't answer a simple question? You say stupid shit like "the fix was in" but can't back it up?

You're a Leftist hack unable to have a serious discussion. So much time wasted on twits like you.
I did back it up. You are the hack that starts your posts with "So"
You have zero credibility anymore.
You claimed you knew how the jurors voted. Then you pretended you didnt.
You claimed the process was tainted by racism. But you cannot provide any evidence.
When called on it you play stupid semantic games.

I believe there is one cure for a worthless piece of monkey crap like you.
Say hello to my leetel friend.
I never had any real credibility online on a message board. I hope you dont think you do. If you do thats just sad. You keep claiming I said things yet you cant quote me. You claim to speak for me yet how is that possible? You are a delusional fool. Thats why I played with your head.
Several threads on this already.

We do discuss tee potty racism and their constant signs that call for destruction of our culture and the hanging of an American president.

Google "racist tea party signs".

A question to the Leftist loon who posted this: What Tea Party event ever got violent? What Tea Party member ever said, "burn this bitch down"?

The tee potty types are racist and violent.

That's a given AND they post it here every day.

Google "racist tea party signs".

Cracker Jack off his meds: What acts of violence have ever been committed by the Tea Party? When has a Tea Party gathering ever devolved into a riot?

I know at a Rand Paul rally in 2010 when supporters got violent with a woman. Pretty sick stuff.
Kewl story, bro.
I'm sorry I didn't answer. I thought it was readily apparent that 99+% of grieving people aren't surrounded by a large, angry, noisy crowd when they find out that the person who shot their unarmed loved one will not be held accountable in any way.

Now, don't misunderstand, I accept the decision. But I'm not the grieving parent.

Very telling that some here cannot put themselves in the place of these grieving parents.

Oh, hell, I'll say it:

Some cannot put themselves in the place of grieving black parents. You know, "those people" don't grieve properly, not like white folks. And their emotions aren't real.
I dont recall any law exempting people from incitement due to their color or circumstances.
Again, it is the soft bigotry of low expectations. Black people just grieve differently. Illegally in this case. And that's got to be OK otherwise you're a racist.
I think we've shown who the real racist is here.

YOU think what he did was illegal.

I have no control over whether or not he's charged. Take it up with Ferguson PD.
Did he incite people to riot? SUre sounded like that on the video. If I did that my ass would be under arrest.
Why wasnt his?
Because his ass, and we can all see it in the video, is black.
I think it would be a tough sell that he intended riots (or more rioting, as I think they had already started).

Also, a matter of perception, it would look like the police were piling on one family.

It would probably cause more problems than solve.

Doesn't matter, a riot is not required nor the damage from a riot is required to be guilty of inciting a riot.

He directed his shouts at an inflamed crowd, he yelled loudly several times, at the crowd, burn the bitches down.

You question intent?

I question intent. People say things when they are emotional. "I wish you were dead" comes to mind. Does that necessarily mean the person intends for that to occur? No.

He spoke the words, he shouted them loudly, he is known to have a disregard for the law. He turned to an inflamed, supportive crowd and shouted the words.

Intent seems clear

"I don't like the GJ decision, so burn this town down"

Yes his intent is clear. He is in a rage over the decision and seeing his wife hurt. I can yell I wish you were dead at the top of my lungs for several hours. Doesnt mean I am inciting someone to kill you.
Do that in front of the White House.
I think the grand jury erred. They should habev charged Wilson.

With littering.
Just like his step-daddy his pants are down exposing his underwear. I'm in Mobile Alabama this week for thanksgiving. My son-in-law tells me that wearing your pants down so that it exposes your underwear is ILLEGAL. Good for Alabama for standing up for decency.
Several threads on this already.

We do discuss tee potty racism and their constant signs that call for destruction of our culture and the hanging of an American president.

Google "racist tea party signs".

A question to the Leftist loon who posted this: What Tea Party event ever got violent? What Tea Party member ever said, "burn this bitch down"?

The tee potty types are racist and violent.

That's a given AND they post it here every day.

Google "racist tea party signs".

Cracker Jack off his meds: What acts of violence have ever been committed by the Tea Party? When has a Tea Party gathering ever devolved into a riot?

I know at a Rand Paul rally in 2010 when supporters got violent with a woman. Pretty sick stuff.
Kewl story, bro.

Also untrue. A disruptive woman had a run in with Paul's security detail, and rightly so. Every disruptive heckler should know what it's like to have a boot in their face because that's not free speech, it's the opposite.
Timid is a synonym of fearful, which is not the same thing.
Again, distinctions seem to elude you for some reason.

You should recheck that. My sources say timid is a synonym of afraid.
Your sources are clearly wrong.
Wilson was anything but timid.
You should tell Wilson to stop lying then. He said he was afraid.
Yes because timid and afraid are not synonyms. What about that seems hard?
The fact that you are wrong and I believe the thesaurus over you any day of the week.

Timid Synonyms Timid Antonyms Thesaurus.com
I'm afraid Obama may be replaced by someone worse than him.

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