Why Hasn't Louis Head Been Arrested Yet?

You still haven't explained why 99%+ of people who lose a loved one don't incite violence. People are held accountable even in times of emotional duress by the standards of what most people DON'T do in the same circumstances.

I'm sorry I didn't answer. I thought it was readily apparent that 99+% of grieving people aren't surrounded by a large, angry, noisy crowd when they find out that the person who shot their unarmed loved one will not be held accountable in any way.

Now, don't misunderstand, I accept the decision. But I'm not the grieving parent.
You still haven't explained why 99%+ of people who lose a loved one don't incite violence. People are held accountable even in times of emotional duress by the standards of what most people DON'T do in the same circumstances.

I'm sorry I didn't answer. I thought it was readily apparent that 99+% of grieving people aren't surrounded by a large, angry, noisy crowd when they find out that the person who shot their unarmed loved one will not be held accountable in any way.

Now, don't misunderstand, I accept the decision. But I'm not the grieving parent.
Are you still maintaining it was not incitement?
I think it would be a tough sell that he intended riots (or more rioting, as I think they had already started).

Also, a matter of perception, it would look like the police were piling on one family.

It would probably cause more problems than solve.

WTF do you think "burn this bitch down" means? Can you be any more bone headed?

It probably meant that he wished the whole town would burn to the ground. It was a spontaneous expression of grief. Like I said before, he probably wishes that Wilson was dead, too. Spontaneous expressions are born from intense emotion, not from premeditated intent.

But please, continue to demonstrate your class and intellect with calling me boneheaded.
ANd here we see the "soft bigotry of low expectations." It's OK for angry blacks to call for riots and destruction because, well, the Negro race just can't control itself.

REALLY? Who said?

I don't think people in a state of extreme emotional turmoil (like grief over losing a child) should be expected to control much of anything.
Seriously? So it's OK to murder if you're sufficiently emotional? The quote is from Sen Moynihan btw.
People are responsible for their actions and words. Regardless of their emotional state. And if he was insane he shouldnt have been out and about anyway.

I know who used the term "soft bigotry of low expectations."

Where you fail is that I don't expect any grieving parent of any color to react rationally.
WTF do you think "burn this bitch down" means? Can you be any more bone headed?

It probably meant that he wished the whole town would burn to the ground. It was a spontaneous expression of grief. Like I said before, he probably wishes that Wilson was dead, too. Spontaneous expressions are born from intense emotion, not from premeditated intent.

But please, continue to demonstrate your class and intellect with calling me boneheaded.
ANd here we see the "soft bigotry of low expectations." It's OK for angry blacks to call for riots and destruction because, well, the Negro race just can't control itself.

REALLY? Who said?

I don't think people in a state of extreme emotional turmoil (like grief over losing a child) should be expected to control much of anything.
Seriously? So it's OK to murder if you're sufficiently emotional? The quote is from Sen Moynihan btw.
People are responsible for their actions and words. Regardless of their emotional state. And if he was insane he shouldnt have been out and about anyway.

I know who used the term "soft bigotry of low expectations."

Where you fail is that I don't expect any grieving parent of any color to react rationally.
But you think it's OK to call for violence?
Several threads on this already.

We do discuss tee potty racism and their constant signs that call for destruction of our culture and the hanging of an American president.

Google "racist tea party signs".

A question to the Leftist loon who posted this: What Tea Party event ever got violent? What Tea Party member ever said, "burn this bitch down"?

The tee potty types are racist and violent.

That's a given AND they post it here every day.

Google "racist tea party signs".
You still haven't explained why 99%+ of people who lose a loved one don't incite violence. People are held accountable even in times of emotional duress by the standards of what most people DON'T do in the same circumstances.

I'm sorry I didn't answer. I thought it was readily apparent that 99+% of grieving people aren't surrounded by a large, angry, noisy crowd when they find out that the person who shot their unarmed loved one will not be held accountable in any way.

Now, don't misunderstand, I accept the decision. But I'm not the grieving parent.

Step parent, first of all. And a good person wouldn't incite a riot and tell people to destroy their neighborhood no matter what they were surrounded with. Saying "I don't know what it's like to be a grieving parent" doesn't stop us from observing what the majority of grieving parents do and DON'T do as a standard of acceptable behavior. I don't have to lose a child to know that losing a child isn't an excuse to call for violence and that those who do should be punished to the full extent of the law.
You still haven't explained why 99%+ of people who lose a loved one don't incite violence. People are held accountable even in times of emotional duress by the standards of what most people DON'T do in the same circumstances.

I'm sorry I didn't answer. I thought it was readily apparent that 99+% of grieving people aren't surrounded by a large, angry, noisy crowd when they find out that the person who shot their unarmed loved one will not be held accountable in any way.

Now, don't misunderstand, I accept the decision. But I'm not the grieving parent.

Very telling that some here cannot put themselves in the place of these grieving parents.
It probably meant that he wished the whole town would burn to the ground. It was a spontaneous expression of grief. Like I said before, he probably wishes that Wilson was dead, too. Spontaneous expressions are born from intense emotion, not from premeditated intent.

But please, continue to demonstrate your class and intellect with calling me boneheaded.
ANd here we see the "soft bigotry of low expectations." It's OK for angry blacks to call for riots and destruction because, well, the Negro race just can't control itself.

REALLY? Who said?

I don't think people in a state of extreme emotional turmoil (like grief over losing a child) should be expected to control much of anything.
Seriously? So it's OK to murder if you're sufficiently emotional? The quote is from Sen Moynihan btw.
People are responsible for their actions and words. Regardless of their emotional state. And if he was insane he shouldnt have been out and about anyway.

I know who used the term "soft bigotry of low expectations."

Where you fail is that I don't expect any grieving parent of any color to react rationally.
But you think it's OK to call for violence?

No. I give it the weight it deserves. The people were already starting to riot. He was a grieving parent, venting his anger. He did not join or lead them, at least that I've read.
You still haven't explained why 99%+ of people who lose a loved one don't incite violence. People are held accountable even in times of emotional duress by the standards of what most people DON'T do in the same circumstances.

I'm sorry I didn't answer. I thought it was readily apparent that 99+% of grieving people aren't surrounded by a large, angry, noisy crowd when they find out that the person who shot their unarmed loved one will not be held accountable in any way.

Now, don't misunderstand, I accept the decision. But I'm not the grieving parent.

Very telling that some here cannot put themselves in the place of these grieving parents.

Oh, hell, I'll say it:

Some cannot put themselves in the place of grieving black parents. You know, "those people" don't grieve properly, not like white folks. And their emotions aren't real.
Several threads on this already.

We do discuss tee potty racism and their constant signs that call for destruction of our culture and the hanging of an American president.

Google "racist tea party signs".

A question to the Leftist loon who posted this: What Tea Party event ever got violent? What Tea Party member ever said, "burn this bitch down"?

The tee potty types are racist and violent.

That's a given AND they post it here every day.

Google "racist tea party signs".

Cracker Jack off his meds: What acts of violence have ever been committed by the Tea Party? When has a Tea Party gathering ever devolved into a riot?
Several threads on this already.

We do discuss tee potty racism and their constant signs that call for destruction of our culture and the hanging of an American president.

Google "racist tea party signs".

A question to the Leftist loon who posted this: What Tea Party event ever got violent? What Tea Party member ever said, "burn this bitch down"?

The tee potty types are racist and violent.

That's a given AND they post it here every day.

Google "racist tea party signs".
Yeah no evidence of this. It is like the member of the black congressional caucus who swore up and down tea party members yelled racial epithets at him. Curiousl no one could produce audio or video, despite the plethora of recording devices there.
ANd here we see the "soft bigotry of low expectations." It's OK for angry blacks to call for riots and destruction because, well, the Negro race just can't control itself.

REALLY? Who said?

I don't think people in a state of extreme emotional turmoil (like grief over losing a child) should be expected to control much of anything.
Seriously? So it's OK to murder if you're sufficiently emotional? The quote is from Sen Moynihan btw.
People are responsible for their actions and words. Regardless of their emotional state. And if he was insane he shouldnt have been out and about anyway.

I know who used the term "soft bigotry of low expectations."

Where you fail is that I don't expect any grieving parent of any color to react rationally.
But you think it's OK to call for violence?

No. I give it the weight it deserves. The people were already starting to riot. He was a grieving parent, venting his anger. He did not join or lead them, at least that I've read.
"Incite" does not mean join or lead.
You still haven't explained why 99%+ of people who lose a loved one don't incite violence. People are held accountable even in times of emotional duress by the standards of what most people DON'T do in the same circumstances.

I'm sorry I didn't answer. I thought it was readily apparent that 99+% of grieving people aren't surrounded by a large, angry, noisy crowd when they find out that the person who shot their unarmed loved one will not be held accountable in any way.

Now, don't misunderstand, I accept the decision. But I'm not the grieving parent.

Very telling that some here cannot put themselves in the place of these grieving parents.

Oh, hell, I'll say it:

Some cannot put themselves in the place of grieving black parents. You know, "those people" don't grieve properly, not like white folks. And their emotions aren't real.
I dont recall any law exempting people from incitement due to their color or circumstances.
Again, it is the soft bigotry of low expectations. Black people just grieve differently. Illegally in this case. And that's got to be OK otherwise you're a racist.
I think we've shown who the real racist is here.

Inciting a riot is against the law. What would the Lunatic Left be screaming if a Tea Party member was urging black people to burn their own town down?

He needs to be arrested and held accountable for urging violence. It's not acceptable no matter what your color is, something the Racist Left doesn't seem to understand.

We're playing the why wasn't game now?

Okay, so why weren't every single one of the armed gang members at the Bundy ranch arrested for threatening the safety of federal law enforcement officers?

Inciting a riot is against the law. What would the Lunatic Left be screaming if a Tea Party member was urging black people to burn their own town down?

He needs to be arrested and held accountable for urging violence. It's not acceptable no matter what your color is, something the Racist Left doesn't seem to understand.

We're playing the why wasn't game now?

Okay, so why weren't every single one of the armed gang members at the Bundy ranch arrested for threatening the safety of federal law enforcement officers?
I dont recall anyone threatening law enforcement oifficers. If they had, they would have gotten shot.
REALLY? Who said?

I don't think people in a state of extreme emotional turmoil (like grief over losing a child) should be expected to control much of anything.
Seriously? So it's OK to murder if you're sufficiently emotional? The quote is from Sen Moynihan btw.
People are responsible for their actions and words. Regardless of their emotional state. And if he was insane he shouldnt have been out and about anyway.

I know who used the term "soft bigotry of low expectations."

Where you fail is that I don't expect any grieving parent of any color to react rationally.
But you think it's OK to call for violence?

No. I give it the weight it deserves. The people were already starting to riot. He was a grieving parent, venting his anger. He did not join or lead them, at least that I've read.
"Incite" does not mean join or lead.

You're right, but it does have a connotation of an intention to cause a thing to be done. If he intended for people to riot, why wouldn't he go along?
Seriously? So it's OK to murder if you're sufficiently emotional? The quote is from Sen Moynihan btw.
People are responsible for their actions and words. Regardless of their emotional state. And if he was insane he shouldnt have been out and about anyway.

I know who used the term "soft bigotry of low expectations."

Where you fail is that I don't expect any grieving parent of any color to react rationally.
But you think it's OK to call for violence?

No. I give it the weight it deserves. The people were already starting to riot. He was a grieving parent, venting his anger. He did not join or lead them, at least that I've read.
"Incite" does not mean join or lead.

You're right, but it does have a connotation of an intention to cause a thing to be done. If he intended for people to riot, why wouldn't he go along?
Scared of getting caught? I have no idea. Ask him.
Why did he think the proper way to express grief was to destroy your own community?
You still haven't explained why 99%+ of people who lose a loved one don't incite violence. People are held accountable even in times of emotional duress by the standards of what most people DON'T do in the same circumstances.

I'm sorry I didn't answer. I thought it was readily apparent that 99+% of grieving people aren't surrounded by a large, angry, noisy crowd when they find out that the person who shot their unarmed loved one will not be held accountable in any way.

Now, don't misunderstand, I accept the decision. But I'm not the grieving parent.

Very telling that some here cannot put themselves in the place of these grieving parents.

Oh, hell, I'll say it:

Some cannot put themselves in the place of grieving black parents. You know, "those people" don't grieve properly, not like white folks. And their emotions aren't real.
I dont recall any law exempting people from incitement due to their color or circumstances.
Again, it is the soft bigotry of low expectations. Black people just grieve differently. Illegally in this case. And that's got to be OK otherwise you're a racist.
I think we've shown who the real racist is here.

YOU think what he did was illegal.

I have no control over whether or not he's charged. Take it up with Ferguson PD.
I know who used the term "soft bigotry of low expectations."

Where you fail is that I don't expect any grieving parent of any color to react rationally.
But you think it's OK to call for violence?

No. I give it the weight it deserves. The people were already starting to riot. He was a grieving parent, venting his anger. He did not join or lead them, at least that I've read.
"Incite" does not mean join or lead.

You're right, but it does have a connotation of an intention to cause a thing to be done. If he intended for people to riot, why wouldn't he go along?
Scared of getting caught? I have no idea. Ask him.
Why did he think the proper way to express grief was to destroy your own community?

That's a moot point, unless you can demonstrate that he destroyed his own community as an expression of grief. Why, you just conceded that he didn't participate in the riots!
We're playing the why wasn't game now?

Okay, so why weren't every single one of the armed gang members at the Bundy ranch arrested for threatening the safety of federal law enforcement officers?

They didn't break any laws. Showing up to a demonstration with a gun isn't illegal.

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