Why have laws?

R: Obama is such a scumbag for allowing "blank" to happen. He's the worst thing to happen to American for doing "blank" and wants to destroy it forever. We NEED to take AMERICA BACK!!

D: Bush signed that law and did the same thing

R: I dont care about what Bush did!!
Smile all you want, friend. But you called me a liar and cannot prove it.

Moving on.

Smiling....I've called you a liar and I have proven it. With post after post explicitly and laughably contradicting your claim. From my very first on this thread.

You lament about Obama even when he does exactly what you say he should do. You lie about my argument. If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to do either.

Yet you do both. Moving on.

When immigrants are indeed coming from a contiguous country, that is not a lie, now is it? You have deliberately misconstrued my words.

All I heard from you two was "it's bush fault." Spinning the purpose of a law saying "That law Bush passed makes it harder for Obama to deport these children."

Obama has done nothing I wanted. Frankly I don't care. I caught you putting words in my mouth anyway. Telling me I know nothing about the law. I know plenty about it. So don't call me a liar without checking yourself first. Try launching that character assassination on someone else, okay? I will have nothing further to do with you. Good day.
These children didn't step into a Star Trek Transporter in El Salvador and then materialize in Texas. They walked in from a contiguous country: Mexico. Matters not what their citizenship is. They don't qualify to be here because they came in from a contiguous country.

Democrats had better stop this. The People are wise to this tactic to do an end run around our immigration laws. WE ARE PISSED MORE THAN IN 2010!
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Smiling....I've called you a liar and I have proven it. With post after post explicitly and laughably contradicting your claim. From my very first on this thread.

You lament about Obama even when he does exactly what you say he should do. You lie about my argument. If your claims had merit, you wouldn't need to do either.

Yet you do both. Moving on.

When immigrants are indeed coming from a contiguous country, that is not a lie, now is it? You have deliberately misconstrued my words.

All I heard from you two was "it's bush fault." Spinning the purpose of a law saying "That law Bush passed makes it harder for Obama to deport these children."

Obama has done nothing I wanted. Frankly I don't care. I caught you putting words in my mouth anyway. Telling me I know nothing about the law. I know plenty about it. So don't call me a liar without checking yourself first. Try launching that character assassination on someone else, okay? I will have nothing further to do with you. Good day.
These children didn't step into a Star Trek Transporter in El Salvador and then materialize in Texas. They walked in from a contiguous country: Mexico. Matters not what their citizenship is. They don't qualify to be here because they came in from a contiguous country.

Democrats had better stop this. The People are wise to this tactic to do an end run around our immigration laws. WE ARE PISSED MORE THAN IN 2010!

Hey! Are you TK's study partner?
Seriously. Why have laws? Our government nowadays seems not to care about the law. Examples range from the destruction of evidence in the IRS scandal, to talks of amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants and tens of thousands of children at the border. So, why do we have laws?

What good are laws if people won't follow them? Conversely, what good are laws that violate other ones? Why do we have a Constitution if our government won't execute it?

Anyhow, we have immigration laws. Obama claims he has no choice but to bypass congress to get Immigration reform done. The problem is, he has plenty of laws on the books regarding immigration. So why have them if our government is so willing to bypass them? Why have a Congress if our CinC is simply going to ignore them? Yes, 'compassion' and 'think of the children' and all of that. That's no excuse to eviscerate the law.

As far as the IRS scandal goes, there are accountability standards in place. None of them are adhered to, as we saw with Koskinen. That resulted in violating the Constitution rights of hundreds of non profit Conservative groups. Simply put, the law is meaningless as long as we have those in our government, Democrat or Republican, who refuse to enforce it.

Broken record time: So in the end, what good are laws? Apparently, not good enough for our friends in Washington to follow.

You are aware that under current law, unaccompanied minors cannot be deported until they've seen an immigration judge? (A law passed by George W. Bush in 2008)

And internal IRS best practices are not "laws" either.

And the so called "amnesty" has yet to be announced, thus, billions will be spent repatriating/deporting minors.
How do you ask a twp-year old what country is he a citizen of?
When immigrants are indeed coming from a contiguous country, that is not a lie, now is it? You have deliberately misconstrued my words.

All I heard from you two was "it's bush fault." Spinning the purpose of a law saying "That law Bush passed makes it harder for Obama to deport these children."

Obama has done nothing I wanted. Frankly I don't care. I caught you putting words in my mouth anyway. Telling me I know nothing about the law. I know plenty about it. So don't call me a liar without checking yourself first. Try launching that character assassination on someone else, okay? I will have nothing further to do with you. Good day.
These children didn't step into a Star Trek Transporter in El Salvador and then materialize in Texas. They walked in from a contiguous country: Mexico. Matters not what their citizenship is. They don't qualify to be here because they came in from a contiguous country.

Democrats had better stop this. The People are wise to this tactic to do an end run around our immigration laws. WE ARE PISSED MORE THAN IN 2010!

Hey! Are you TK's study partner?
Psssst! Star Trek is a television show.
These children didn't step into a Star Trek Transporter in El Salvador and then materialize in Texas. They walked in from a contiguous country: Mexico. Matters not what their citizenship is. They don't qualify to be here because they came in from a contiguous country.

Democrats had better stop this. The People are wise to this tactic to do an end run around our immigration laws. WE ARE PISSED MORE THAN IN 2010!

Hey! Are you TK's study partner?
Psssst! Star Trek is a television show.

Not even a chuckle. Please try again.

Damn Joe...you really are something...

The media dumped on W at every turn...and I was glad they did. Not so with your Messiah. If you can't see that, you can't see anything.

Actually, that's pretty much a five year old's argument. "But Timmy didn't get into trouble!" Every party thinks their guy is getting a beating while the other guy gets a pass.

If Bush got dumped on, it was because he was a grade-A fuckup who got thousands of people killed unnecessarily.

So the rich who run the R party (guess what Joey...the rich run the D party too) want all the illegals made citizens...just like you do...so why so much hate on them when you agree with them.

The rich want them as an easily exploited work force. And if the Rich ran the D's, why did they spend so much money trying to foist the Weird Mormon Robot on this country?

And you claim I am a racist, you do not even know me. DUMB, but right out of the DNC handbook...so predictable.

No more predictable than the racism that animates what is left of conservatism like a zombie

So if fences do not work, why are there ANY fences anywhere? Someone said why put fences around the White House if they do not work....more ignorance, but again right out of the DNC handbook.

Well, to start with, those fences are backed up by hundreds of Secret Service Agents.

I mean, yeah, I guess you could make the Border Fence that good and then put a million men backing it up. If you think deficits are high now, or the government is too big already, wait until that happens.
Need I say more?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cZK0tosk4P8]MSNBC: Honduran Kids Heard Rumor a Year Ago About Obama's Amnesty - YouTube[/ame]
Seriously. Why have laws? Our government nowadays seems not to care about the law. Examples range from the destruction of evidence in the IRS scandal, to talks of amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants and tens of thousands of children at the border. So, why do we have laws?

What good are laws if people won't follow them? Conversely, what good are laws that violate other ones? Why do we have a Constitution if our government won't execute it?

Anyhow, we have immigration laws. Obama claims he has no choice but to bypass congress to get Immigration reform done. The problem is, he has plenty of laws on the books regarding immigration. So why have them if our government is so willing to bypass them? Why have a Congress if our CinC is simply going to ignore them? Yes, 'compassion' and 'think of the children' and all of that. That's no excuse to eviscerate the law.

As far as the IRS scandal goes, there are accountability standards in place. None of them are adhered to, as we saw with Koskinen. That resulted in violating the Constitution rights of hundreds of non profit Conservative groups. Simply put, the law is meaningless as long as we have those in our government, Democrat or Republican, who refuse to enforce it.

Broken record time: So in the end, what good are laws? Apparently, not good enough for our friends in Washington to follow.

You are aware that under current law, unaccompanied minors cannot be deported until they've seen an immigration judge? (A law passed by George W. Bush in 2008)

Under current law Obama is required to protect the border, which he obviously doesn't do, so why should anyone give a damn about the law you mention?

And internal IRS best practices are not "laws" either.

That's definitely true, but they sure as hell better comply with the law.
And frankly I don't care what Bush did. That law he passed was a mistake as well. Not only can we not send them back, more are coming. Anytime I bring up Obama, Bush comes up. This is a blatant ploy by the Hondurans because Obama issued an EO enforcing the Dream Act. Those people aren't stupid. Obama alone is responsible for this crisis, and Bush didn't help either. This compassion business is causing a humanitarian crisis.

We can send them back. But they get a hearing before a judge first if they are 1) children 2) from a non-contiguous country (ie, something other than canada or mexico).

Again, you don't seem to be aware of the laws surrounding this issue. Or Obama's attempts to change them to make the deportations faster.

He could fix that with the stroke of a pen.
Why have laws?

We have laws requiring that unescorted immigrant children be surrendered to DHS for processing, for example, because we're a moral and ethical people; with the exception of the OP and many conservatives, of course, who seek only to exploit the situation for some perceived political gain.
Seriously. Why have laws? Our government nowadays seems not to care about the law. Examples range from the destruction of evidence in the IRS scandal, to talks of amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants and tens of thousands of children at the border. So, why do we have laws?

What good are laws if people won't follow them? Conversely, what good are laws that violate other ones? Why do we have a Constitution if our government won't execute it?

Anyhow, we have immigration laws. Obama claims he has no choice but to bypass congress to get Immigration reform done. The problem is, he has plenty of laws on the books regarding immigration. So why have them if our government is so willing to bypass them? Why have a Congress if our CinC is simply going to ignore them? Yes, 'compassion' and 'think of the children' and all of that. That's no excuse to eviscerate the law.

As far as the IRS scandal goes, there are accountability standards in place. None of them are adhered to, as we saw with Koskinen. That resulted in violating the Constitution rights of hundreds of non profit Conservative groups. Simply put, the law is meaningless as long as we have those in our government, Democrat or Republican, who refuse to enforce it.

Broken record time: So in the end, what good are laws? Apparently, not good enough for our friends in Washington to follow.

You are aware that under current law, unaccompanied minors cannot be deported until they've seen an immigration judge? (A law passed by George W. Bush in 2008)

Under current law Obama is required to protect the border, which he obviously doesn't do, so why should anyone give a damn about the law you mention?

And internal IRS best practices are not "laws" either.

That's definitely true, but they sure as hell better comply with the law.

Many on the Left and certainly including Big Ears, believe they can pick and chose which laws to enforce and which to not.

If we had an honest media and a true two party system, along with equal and separate branches of government, adhering to the Constitution, BO would have been impeached by now.

It is evident to me, BO is following the plan laid out by Cloward and Piven, and his idol Saul Alinsky.
Many on the Left and certainly including Big Ears, believe they can pick and chose which laws to enforce and which to not.

If we had an honest media and a true two party system, along with equal and separate branches of government, adhering to the Constitution, BO would have been impeached by now.

It is evident to me, BO is following the plan laid out by Cloward and Piven, and his idol Saul Alinsky.

The Republicans are just as selective about which laws to enforce.

For instance, they didnt' enforce the laws governing Wall Street, and we got the worst economic crash in 80 years.

But keep whining about how the media isn't being hard enough on Obama.

Because nothing is more appealing than watching a losing team whine about the refs.
Perhaps you should wait and see if he actually does anything before getting outraged.

Saying and doing are two different things.

That is a cop out, Doc.

It's not.

Getting outraged about rhetoric is stupid. Only actions matter.

I am not sure what you fuckwits are really arguing about. Are you arguing just to fucking argue? Obamafuck is acting outside the law on immigration in that he has directed ICE, and executive agency, to stand down on a certain class of Mexican illegals, thereby creating a de facto "Dream Act" by negative fiat, which is directly contrary to the will of congress. Second, there is hard evidence that the administration knew of the coming influx, as it was attempting to solicit vendors back in January to assist in the transport of over 60K youth from Mexico. If the fucker encouraged our borders to be bum rushed by illegals, then he is not abiding by his oath, and is involved in seditious acts to the extent that he is shipping the illegals around with the intent to create leftist voting blocs in red states.

The law you people are mentioning that requires an administrative hearing prior to deportation is one of those feel good, well- intentioned laws aimed at trafficking in child sex slavery. It was not enacted with the current events in mind. But, so be it. Swear in some more ALJs and start holding hearings NOW. We can certainly fast- track the process.

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