Why have laws?

Seriously. Why have laws? Our government nowadays seems not to care about the law. Examples range from the destruction of evidence in the IRS scandal, to talks of amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants and tens of thousands of children at the border. So, why do we have laws?

What good are laws if people won't follow them? Conversely, what good are laws that violate other ones? Why do we have a Constitution if our government won't execute it?

Anyhow, we have immigration laws. Obama claims he has no choice but to bypass congress to get Immigration reform done. The problem is, he has plenty of laws on the books regarding immigration. So why have them if our government is so willing to bypass them? Why have a Congress if our CinC is simply going to ignore them? Yes, 'compassion' and 'think of the children' and all of that. That's no excuse to eviscerate the law.

As far as the IRS scandal goes, there are accountability standards in place. None of them are adhered to, as we saw with Koskinen. That resulted in violating the Constitution rights of hundreds of non profit Conservative groups. Simply put, the law is meaningless as long as we have those in our government, Democrat or Republican, who refuse to enforce it.

Broken record time: So in the end, what good are laws? Apparently, not good enough for our friends in Washington to follow.
What we need is democrats out of office and Obama impeached and sitting in Leavenworth.
Oh geez...Lil' Joe is at it again.

Imagine if you will, an R POTUS saying...I will bypass Congress, along with many other dictatorial statements...libs everywhere including the MSM would go CRAZY...but since your guy does it...it is all A-OK.

Hypocrites in the extreme.

And Joey, do you know what they mean when they demand Immigration Reform? It is amnesty for millions of illegals, while the border is still wide open so more can enter. We do not need immigration reform dummy....granting millions of poor illiterate people citizenship so they can vote D. What we need is an effective border patrol preventing illegal immigration.

..and check out my signature...in honor of YOU.

Bush went around Congress all the time. He still holds the record for "signing statements" intepretting laws his own way. Bush even wistfully wished he was a dictator.

And you know what. People were mostly fine with it.

Now, here's the thing about the immigration problem within the GOP.

The people who really run the GOP. The asshole rich people who have half the wealth in this country and still don't think they have enough, they WANT illegals. they want this flood of people who will take shitty pay and not complain.

Sadly, the only way they keep in power at this point is because they have a bunch of dumb, inbred, slack-jawed white guys like you who live in mortal fear a Mexican family might move in next store.
Obama is asking congress to change the law. Have you finally caught up?

Nope. I live in a place called reality.

Obama says he will overhaul immigration without Congress' help*-*Los Angeles Times

That is a direct contradiction of your claim that he is 'asking congress to change the law' when he boldly announced he wasn't going to work with them, and will "do as much" as he could without them.

I'm sorry. This is where your argument ends. That is the problem I have with him, and his supposed enforcement of the law. It is entirely too convenient for him right now to simply deport them. It will draw their parents here like magnets. He has no incentive to change the law. He made it deadly clear in the Rose Garden.

He won't cooperate with Congress and we both know it. Any cooperation they attempt must originate in the House. The process could take months! It is all too easy to know where this is going! Nowhere! I cannot possibly believe he wants to genuinely work with Congress on anything. Forgive me if I think he's lying through his teeth.
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Obama is asking congress to change the law. Have you finally caught up?

Nope. I live in a place called reality.

"Reality" has a nice comfy couch and an unlimited supply of Doritos someone else paid for.

That is a direct contradiction of your claim that he is 'asking congress to change the law' when he boldly announced he wasn't going to work with them, and will "do as much" as he could without them.

I'm sorry. This is where your argument ends. That is the problem I have with him, and his supposed enforcement of the law. It is entirely too convenient for him right now to simply deport them. It will draw their parents here like magnets.

I think you are a little mixed up. Obama has been asking Congress to pass the DREAM Act for five years now. They've refused.
Ahh, and as for that message he sent to these people:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM6bhlgQCY4]'If you make it to the US, your children can go to school' - YouTube[/ame]

You want to know what she is referring to? Obama's executive actions allowing 800,000 young illegal immigrants to stay here to complete their educations...

This debate is over. Skyler has lost.
Tell me, where do you get off telling me not to complain? I have every right to

And I have every right to tell you your position is wildly inconsistent if you're lamenting about Obama enacting his own regulation while *demanding* that Obama enact his own regulation.

Again, its the law that is preventing these children from being immediately deported. Obama is following the law.

So what's the problem?
Obvious. Obama is inviting these people in and causing the crises, So spare us.
Ahh, and as for that message he sent to these people:

'If you make it to the US, your children can go to school' - YouTube

You want to know what she is referring to? Obama's executive actions allowing 800,000 young illegal immigrants to stay here to complete their educations...

This debate is over. Skyler has lost.


How do ya like them apples?

He's been on this thread for more than four hours. He has gone a good 30 minutes between responses now. So, I see it as a concession.

I just proved that Obama sent that message far and wide "if you bring them, they can stay." It has zero to do with the law Bush signed. By the way.

Now, I need to go start the lawn before it gets hot.
Oh geez...Lil' Joe is at it again.

Imagine if you will, an R POTUS saying...I will bypass Congress, along with many other dictatorial statements...libs everywhere including the MSM would go CRAZY...but since your guy does it...it is all A-OK.

Hypocrites in the extreme.

And Joey, do you know what they mean when they demand Immigration Reform? It is amnesty for millions of illegals, while the border is still wide open so more can enter. We do not need immigration reform dummy....granting millions of poor illiterate people citizenship so they can vote D. What we need is an effective border patrol preventing illegal immigration.

..and check out my signature...in honor of YOU.

Bush went around Congress all the time. He still holds the record for "signing statements" intepretting laws his own way. Bush even wistfully wished he was a dictator.

And you know what. People were mostly fine with it.

Now, here's the thing about the immigration problem within the GOP.

The people who really run the GOP. The asshole rich people who have half the wealth in this country and still don't think they have enough, they WANT illegals. they want this flood of people who will take shitty pay and not complain.

Sadly, the only way they keep in power at this point is because they have a bunch of dumb, inbred, slack-jawed white guys like you who live in mortal fear a Mexican family might move in next store.

Nearly every POTUS for the past few decades ignores the Constitution when they wish to. At least when an R does it, the MSM condemns him...not so when a D does it.

And hey, you claim that many on the right are against immigration (because the DNC tells you so)...but guess what? It is not IMMIGRATION it is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, I am guessing you do not know the difference. Google it.

You also ignorantly condemn the R party, when they are doing all they can to give you amnesty, just like your beloved Ds. And you think the Rs are extremist...you funny boy.

And your racist rant is entirely dumb....libs scream racism, when they lose the argument...so predictable....like the sun coming up in the east.

and also your dumb comments about it being impracticable to build a fence on the border....What? A government spending trillions annually can't even build a fence...funny the border already has much fencing on it now...you have been duped by the liberal elite once again.
Ahh, and as for that message he sent to these people:

'If you make it to the US, your children can go to school' - YouTube

You want to know what she is referring to? Obama's executive actions allowing 800,000 young illegal immigrants to stay here to complete their educations...

This debate is over. Skyler has lost.

Skylar's been mopping the floor with you, Sonny-boy.

You really think these folks wouldn't have come here anyway? Really?

Here's the real problem. Like most of your ilk of mouth-breathing red-staters, you dont' realize the wealthy are playing you like a fiddle, boy. I mean, I hope on some level you get this.

The RICH want illegals. They want someone to work in their unsafe factories for less than minimum wage, and they want some woman to take care of the kids they are too busy to raise.

You could end the illegal alien problem in a year. Let it be known- if you are caught hiring an illegal, the government will take EVERYTHING YOU HAVE, and then actually carry it out, you will stop the illegal problem right then and there.
Seriously. Why have laws? Our government nowadays seems not to care about the law. Examples range from the destruction of evidence in the IRS scandal, to talks of amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants and tens of thousands of children at the border. So, why do we have laws?

What good are laws if people won't follow them? Conversely, what good are laws that violate other ones? Why do we have a Constitution if our government won't execute it?

Anyhow, we have immigration laws. Obama claims he has no choice but to bypass congress to get Immigration reform done. The problem is, he has plenty of laws on the books regarding immigration. So why have them if our government is so willing to bypass them? Why have a Congress if our CinC is simply going to ignore them? Yes, 'compassion' and 'think of the children' and all of that. That's no excuse to eviscerate the law.

As far as the IRS scandal goes, there are accountability standards in place. None of them are adhered to, as we saw with Koskinen. That resulted in violating the Constitution rights of hundreds of non profit Conservative groups. Simply put, the law is meaningless as long as we have those in our government, Democrat or Republican, who refuse to enforce it.

Broken record time: So in the end, what good are laws? Apparently, not good enough for our friends in Washington to follow.

You are aware that under current law, unaccompanied minors cannot be deported until they've seen an immigration judge? (A law passed by George W. Bush in 2008)

And internal IRS best practices are not "laws" either.

And the so called "amnesty" has yet to be announced, thus, billions will be spent repatriating/deporting minors.

Nearly every POTUS for the past few decades ignores the Constitution when they wish to. At least when an R does it, the MSM condemns him...not so when a D does it.

actually, the media was incredibly compliant under Bush. They didn't even question the bullshit case he made for war.

And hey, you claim that many on the right are against immigration (because the DNC tells you so)...but guess what? It is not IMMIGRATION it is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, I am guessing you do not know the difference. Google it.

No, I just don't care all that much. Frankly, I'm more worried about LEGAL immigration than illegal. They can't replace my job with an illegal alien.

[You also ignorantly condemn the R party, when they are doing all they can to give you amnesty, just like your beloved Ds. And you think the Rs are extremist...you funny boy.

Well, yes, the rich people who run the GOP want to do Amnesty, because that's what the Chamber of Commerce has told them to do. But the slack-jaws like yourself and TamponKotex would turn on them if they did.

And your racist rant is entirely dumb....libs scream racism, when they lose the argument...so predictable....like the sun coming up in the east.

If these people weren't brown, you wouldn't be upset about them coming here.

and also your dumb comments about it being impracticable to build a fence on the border....What? A government spending trillions annually can't even build a fence...funny the border already has much fencing on it now...you have been duped by the liberal elite once again.

Sure they can.

Fences can be climbed over, dug under, cut through or gone around. In one of the more amusing episodes of Penn and Teller's B.S., they had a group of six illegals build a 20 foot section of fence just like the one that is being proposed. It took them most of the day to build it.

Then they had them break up into three teams of two. One had to dig under, one had to cut through and one had to climb over. all three teams made it through the fence in less than 2 minutes.

Penn joked, "Hey, you think they've done this before?"
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Nearly every POTUS for the past few decades ignores the Constitution when they wish to. At least when an R does it, the MSM condemns him...not so when a D does it.

actually, the media was incredibly compliant under Bush. They didn't even question the bullshit case he made for war.

And hey, you claim that many on the right are against immigration (because the DNC tells you so)...but guess what? It is not IMMIGRATION it is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, I am guessing you do not know the difference. Google it.

No, I just don't care all that much. Frankly, I'm more worried about LEGAL immigration than illegal. They can't replace my job with an illegal alien.

Well, yes, the rich people who run the GOP want to do Amnesty, because that's what the Chamber of Commerce has told them to do. But the slack-jaws like yourself and TamponKotex would turn on them if they did.

And your racist rant is entirely dumb....libs scream racism, when they lose the argument...so predictable....like the sun coming up in the east.

If these people weren't brown, you wouldn't be upset about them coming here.

and also your dumb comments about it being impracticable to build a fence on the border....What? A government spending trillions annually can't even build a fence...funny the border already has much fencing on it now...you have been duped by the liberal elite once again.

Sure they can.

Fences can be climbed over, dug under, cut through or gone around. In one of the more amusing episodes of Penn and Teller's B.S., they had a group of six illegals build a 20 foot section of fence just like the one that is being proposed. It took them most of the day to build it.

Then they had them break up into three teams of two. One had to dig under, one had to cut through and one had to climb over. all three teams made it through the fence in less than 2 minutes.

Penn joked, "Hey, you think they've done this before?"

Damn Joe...you really are something...

The media dumped on W at every turn...and I was glad they did. Not so with your Messiah. If you can't see that, you can't see anything.

So the rich who run the R party (guess what Joey...the rich run the D party too) want all the illegals made citizens...just like you do...so why so much hate on them when you agree with them.

And you claim I am a racist, you do not even know me. DUMB, but right out of the DNC handbook...so predictable.

So if fences do not work, why are there ANY fences anywhere? Someone said why put fences around the White House if they do not work....more ignorance, but again right out of the DNC handbook.
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Seriously. Why have laws? Our government nowadays seems not to care about the law. Examples range from the destruction of evidence in the IRS scandal, to talks of amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants and tens of thousands of children at the border. So, why do we have laws?

What good are laws if people won't follow them? Conversely, what good are laws that violate other ones? Why do we have a Constitution if our government won't execute it?

Anyhow, we have immigration laws. Obama claims he has no choice but to bypass congress to get Immigration reform done. The problem is, he has plenty of laws on the books regarding immigration. So why have them if our government is so willing to bypass them? Why have a Congress if our CinC is simply going to ignore them? Yes, 'compassion' and 'think of the children' and all of that. That's no excuse to eviscerate the law.

As far as the IRS scandal goes, there are accountability standards in place. None of them are adhered to, as we saw with Koskinen. That resulted in violating the Constitution rights of hundreds of non profit Conservative groups. Simply put, the law is meaningless as long as we have those in our government, Democrat or Republican, who refuse to enforce it.

Broken record time: So in the end, what good are laws? Apparently, not good enough for our friends in Washington to follow.

You are aware that under current law, unaccompanied minors cannot be deported until they've seen an immigration judge? (A law passed by George W. Bush in 2008)

And internal IRS best practices are not "laws" either.

Uh yeah, they are if they are published in the Code of Federal Regulations. They have parent laws, so any violation of those regulations violates the parent law and as such regulations carry the same weight of law. By edicts of Congress, and according to J.W. Hampton, Jr., & Co. v. United States (1928), federal agencies are able to make rules of their own, so long as they don't stretch beyond what is called for by Congress. These rules must have an intelligible principle set forth by Congress or they violate Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.

Like I said. Laws.

And frankly I don't care what Bush did. That law he passed was a mistake as well. Not only can we not send them back, more are coming. Anytime I bring up Obama, Bush comes up. This is a blatant ploy by the Hondurans because Obama issued an EO enforcing the Dream Act. Those people aren't stupid. Obama alone is responsible for this crisis, and Bush didn't help either. This compassion business is causing a humanitarian crisis.

"I don't care what Bush did."

That answers your 'why have laws' question doesn't it? It appears you were asking yourself the question.
Ahh, and as for that message he sent to these people:

'If you make it to the US, your children can go to school' - YouTube

You want to know what she is referring to? Obama's executive actions allowing 800,000 young illegal immigrants to stay here to complete their educations...

This debate is over. Skyler has lost.


How do ya like them apples?

He's been on this thread for more than four hours. He has gone a good 30 minutes between responses now. So, I see it as a concession.

I just proved that Obama sent that message far and wide "if you bring them, they can stay." It has zero to do with the law Bush signed. By the way.

Now, I need to go start the lawn before it gets hot.

A concession? You are one special weirdo. You proved nothing.
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And frankly I don't care what Bush did. That law he passed was a mistake as well.

LOL!!! Why is this phrase repeated only after the con has blamed Obama for doing something then when they find out it was Bush suddenly they dont really care anymore except they really REALLY cared when they could blame Obama :lol:

You guys need a new shtick
You all are aware that the funding for Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, expired in 2012, Right?

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