Why I am a Republican

Elbert Guillory was a Republican his whole life. He became a Democrat in 2007 when he ran in an heavily Democratic district.

Now the winds have turned, and he's switching back. It's a political move, not an ideological one.

Link........not that I'm calling you a liar.......well........sure I am.

State Sen. Elbert Guillory, now a Republican, says Democratic Party chair remarks helped spur his switch | NOLA.com

This isn't the first time Guillory has made the party switch -- he became a Democrat in 2007 when he first ran for the state House of Representatives. However, his voting record remained staunchly conservative.
Elbert Guillory was a Republican his whole life. He became a Democrat in 2007 when he ran in an heavily Democratic district.

Now the winds have turned, and he's switching back. It's a political move, not an ideological one.

Link........not that I'm calling you a liar.......well........sure I am.

Sen Guillory, D-La Switches Back To Republican Party

Elbert Guillory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So now Wiki is a good source....when it suits you.

No matter. If he was a Repug before so what. He's a black guy that thinks like a conservative.

Oh, and he's also right on the money about race relations.

So now Wiki is a good source....when it suits you.

No matter. If he was a Repug before so what. He's a black guy that thinks like a conservative.

Oh, and he's also right on the money about race relations.


Elbert Guillory, Frederick Douglass Republican


On Friday, Louisiana State Senator Elbert Guillory, elected as a Democrat, switched parties and became the first black Republican senator in his state since Reconstruction. He did this while receiving the Frederick Douglass Award from the [MENTION=27756]large[/MENTION] Conference, a group dedicated to recruiting black conservatives. It’s actually a switch back to the GOP for Guillory, as The Advertiser notes he was a Republican before he went Democrat to run for the House of Representatives in 2007.

Elbert Guillory, Frederick Douglass Republican | Human Events
It is sad to see an old man jump to a party he believes in but which no longer exists. And it is unfortunate he did not notice all the Jim Crow Democrats also jumped to the GOP, fifty years ago, and that many of their Jim Crow ways are still infecting the GOP in the modern day.


How about a list of these Southern Democrats that became Republicans...
Perhaps you should read my post again, the point seems to have flown over your head by a mile. You should take a look at what I actually said, not what you seem to want to hear.
Okay, I did. And between you and the other leftists here, it looks like I was spot-on.

Yeah, that's not the way it looks from here.

From here, I see you attempting to play the race card and yell about "racism" when anyone points out that the event described in the OP was nothing more than political grandstanding.
Yes, but you're a leftist. Your grasp on reality is tenuous at best.
It is sad to see an old man jump to a party he believes in but which no longer exists. And it is unfortunate he did not notice all the Jim Crow Democrats also jumped to the GOP, fifty years ago, and that many of their Jim Crow ways are still infecting the GOP in the modern day.


How about a list of these Southern Democrats that became Republicans...

Are you really so historically ignorant you are not aware of this?

You never heard of Strom Thurmond?

You are unaware all those Democratic southern states are now red states, and have been since 1964?

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist talking. Writing off the Negro vote for all time, and using race baiting to scare the racist Democrats into the GOP. Actually saying that weakening the VRA would cause racist Democrats not to move into the GOP, and so the GOP must not allow the VRA to be weakened!

Diabolical. Boldly and plainly stated.

And it worked. And the GOP is still stuck in that mode. Hate and bigotry to electrify and motivate the core demographic.
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Okay, I did. And between you and the other leftists here, it looks like I was spot-on.

Yeah, that's not the way it looks from here.

From here, I see you attempting to play the race card and yell about "racism" when anyone points out that the event described in the OP was nothing more than political grandstanding.
Yes, but you're a leftist. Your grasp on reality is tenuous at best.

Weak, even for you. Care to try again?
Just take note that every time a faux right winger attempts to brag about how much the GOP cares about blacks, they have to reach back more than 50 years to prove it.

That's because the GOP since decided to work against blacks in order to attract the bigots. The infamous "Southern strategy" which was so effective as long as bigoted white assholes were all you needed to win elections.

Not so effective any more, but the GOP is slow on the uptake. They are still working the hate. Toward darkies, fags, ragheads, aliens, and chicks.

Hell, even when some of the more retarded ones use "Soetero" in place of Obama's name, they manage to insult anyone who ever had a stepfather! Talk about getting down in the weeds with their hate!

Desperate. Oh so desperate.

Wakey wakey...
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Find the video of him saying why he left the Republican party and see how quickly he's dismissed as a loon.
Elbert Guillory was a Republican his whole life. He became a Democrat in 2007 when he ran in an heavily Democratic district.

Now the winds have turned, and he's switching back. It's a political move, not an ideological one.

As Mr. Potter from "It's a Wonderful Life" would probably describe Guillory...

Guillory is "a man of high ideals -- so called..."

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