Why I am a Republican

Just take note that every time a faux right winger attempts to brag about how much the GOP cares about blacks, they have to reach back more than 50 years to prove it.

That's because the GOP since decided to work against blacks in order to attract the bigots. The infamous "Southern strategy" which was so effective as long as bigoted white assholes were all you needed to win elections.

Not so effective any more, but the GOP is slow on the uptake. They are still working the hate. Toward darkies, fags, ragheads, aliens, and chicks.

Hell, even when some of the more retarded ones use "Soetero" in place of Obama's name, they manage to insult anyone who ever had a stepfather! Talk about getting down in the weeds with their hate!

Desperate. Oh so desperate.

Wakey wakey...
Ahhh, the Southern Strategy, the fable the left tells themselves so they can pretend all the racists left the Democratic Party.

Reality, however, tells a different story.

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question. In their book “The End of Southern Exceptionalism,” Richard Johnston of the University of Pennsylvania and Byron Shafer of the University of Wisconsin argue that the shift in the South from Democratic to Republican was overwhelmingly a question not of race but of economic growth. In the postwar era, they note, the South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the G.O.P. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats. (This was true until the 90s, when the nation as a whole turned rightward in Congressional voting.)

The two scholars support their claim with an extensive survey of election returns and voter surveys. To give just one example: in the 50s, among Southerners in the low-income tercile, 43 percent voted for Republican Presidential candidates, while in the high-income tercile, 53 percent voted Republican; by the 80s, those figures were 51 percent and 77 percent, respectively. Wealthy Southerners shifted rightward in droves but poorer ones didn’t.​

Now that the record has been set straight, I fully expect you on the left to continue to bitterly cling to your revisionist history.
Weak, even for you. Care to try again?

The truth is never weak.

Yet you've spent this whole thread ignoring the "truth", and instead did nothing but post personal attacks and weak attempts to paint anyone who doesn't toe your line as a "racist".

So, yes. "Weak" is an appropriate term.
Your "truth"?

Oh, you mean "opinion".

You do know the difference, don't you?

No -- doesn't look like you do.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xryXpK042pQ]Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats - YouTube[/ame]
The truth is never weak.

Yet you've spent this whole thread ignoring the "truth", and instead did nothing but post personal attacks and weak attempts to paint anyone who doesn't toe your line as a "racist".

So, yes. "Weak" is an appropriate term.
Your "truth"?

Oh, you mean "opinion".

You do know the difference, don't you?

No -- doesn't look like you do.

Do you have anything of substance to post? This back and forth is getting old.
Just take note that every time a faux right winger attempts to brag about how much the GOP cares about blacks, they have to reach back more than 50 years to prove it.

That's because the GOP since decided to work against blacks in order to attract the bigots. The infamous "Southern strategy" which was so effective as long as bigoted white assholes were all you needed to win elections.

Not so effective any more, but the GOP is slow on the uptake. They are still working the hate. Toward darkies, fags, ragheads, aliens, and chicks.

Hell, even when some of the more retarded ones use "Soetero" in place of Obama's name, they manage to insult anyone who ever had a stepfather! Talk about getting down in the weeds with their hate!

Desperate. Oh so desperate.

Wakey wakey...

Should be easy for you to post how the Republican party has hurt the black man.

”These Negroes, they‘re getting pretty uppity these days and that‘s a problem for us since they‘ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we‘ve got to do something about this, we‘ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.” LBJ

“I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years. [Touting his underlying intentions for the "Great Society" programs, LBJ confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One]”

Now see you have the proof of the REAL southern strategy. It is so clear that it can be denied but only by a liar that LBJ was a raving racist who only did what he did for one reason, the vote.

Nixon on the other hand did not have a stratergy that targeted a people because of race. Those who left the democrat party left so not because of support for blacks, because the Republican party has ALWAYS supported black causes they were formed for nothing less. The Dixiecrats left the DNC but they returned after the election because they had no where else to go.

The “Southern Strategy” Debunked Again

If Nixon was elected because he was a racist, and he did say some bad things about blacks, then those voting for him sure didn't get their money's worth. The good Nixon did for blacks:

•raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent;

•doubled the budget for black colleges;

•appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ;

•adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities;

•invented “Black Capitalism” (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent;

•raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, “It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South.”

Read more at The Neocons and Nixon?s southern strategy

Go and lie no more.
Yet you've spent this whole thread ignoring the "truth", and instead did nothing but post personal attacks and weak attempts to paint anyone who doesn't toe your line as a "racist".

So, yes. "Weak" is an appropriate term.
Your "truth"?

Oh, you mean "opinion".

You do know the difference, don't you?

No -- doesn't look like you do.

Do you have anything of substance to post? This back and forth is getting old.
Try Post #55.

But you'll hate it. Guaranteed. :lol:
Ever since he lent his name to a Louisiana Senate reapportionment proposal in 2010 produced by conservatives that would have turned the Senate Republican, he's been a bit of an outcast in the Democratic Party. I doubt if his switch was much of a surprise to Democrats.
It is sad to see an old man jump to a party he believes in but which no longer exists. And it is unfortunate he did not notice all the Jim Crow Democrats also jumped to the GOP, fifty years ago, and that many of their Jim Crow ways are still infecting the GOP in the modern day.


How about a list of these Southern Democrats that became Republicans...

Are you really so historically ignorant you are not aware of this?

You never heard of Strom Thurmond?

You are unaware all those Democratic southern states are now red states, and have been since 1964?

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist talking. Writing off the Negro vote for all time, and using race baiting to scare the racist Democrats into the GOP. Actually saying that weakening the VRA would cause racist Democrats not to move into the GOP, and so the GOP must not allow the VRA to be weakened!

Diabolical. Boldly and plainly stated.

And it worked. And the GOP is still stuck in that mode. Hate and bigotry to electrify and motivate the core demographic.

Obviously you're missing the list?

Ignorance? My 15 year old knows more on this subject than you, but she is extremely bright, obviously you're not...

Strom Thurmond, are you kidding? Byrd remained a Democrat, what's your point?

History is long and very biased when it comes to Jim Crow, it was and will always be a Democrat's creation...

Where is that list of Southern Democrats that became Republicans???

Keep it up, your day will come...

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Just like in the other thread, you responded to my post with some vague, nonsensical accusations of racism, then followed that up with pages and pages of personal attacks.

Again, that's what I mean by a lack of substance.
Just like in the other thread, you responded to my post with some vague, nonsensical accusations of racism, then followed that up with pages and pages of personal attacks.

Again, that's what I mean by a lack of substance.
You need to call the police and report that person holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read and respond to my posts.
Just like in the other thread, you responded to my post with some vague, nonsensical accusations of racism, then followed that up with pages and pages of personal attacks.

Again, that's what I mean by a lack of substance.
You need to call the police and report that person holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read and respond to my posts.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I like reading your posts, and I like responding to them. It's actually kinda satisfying.
Just like in the other thread, you responded to my post with some vague, nonsensical accusations of racism, then followed that up with pages and pages of personal attacks.

Again, that's what I mean by a lack of substance.

That's actually called "the Dave"
I love this new revisionist logic. The Southern Strategy never existed because Nixon did something for blacks. Lets recap this logic, The only way the Southern Strategy could be real is if Nixon did nothing for blacks at all.

This is how you link two pieces of info together that has nothing to do with the other.
I love this new revisionist logic. The Southern Strategy never existed because Nixon did something for blacks. Lets recap this logic, The only way the Southern Strategy could be real is if Nixon did nothing for blacks at all.

This is how you link two pieces of info together that has nothing to do with the other.

Really let's recap, there was a southern strategy but it didn't involve black disenfranchisement as the left likes to lie. Much unlike LBJ's southern stratergy designed to fools and use the black vote.

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