Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump: Jewish Journal

You realize Jews marry Jews for religious reasons and not ethnic reasons right? Are Christians who marry Christians supremacists?

Quite the opposite, they marry each other to preserve Jewish ethnicity, has nothing to do with religion. Jews are a race. They claim so themselves. They aren't white.

Not if there is a Cruz/Rubio ticket

If the GOP takes the nomination from Trump at a brokered convention he will go 3rd party and his followers will follow him and the GOP loses.

The Republican Party could tomorrow remove Trump from standing as a Republican in the party, then he wouldn't even be able to participate in their primary process any more.

Why haven't they?

What a democratic approach you're proposing. You Jews want everything all around the world to go your way, even at expense of the majority. Can't you see how bad of an idea that is?

'You Jews'? What makes you think I'm Jewish?

All your posts are anti-white, you keep comparing Trump to Hitler. It's very clear you're Jewish, denial won't change that.

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump

As a well-identified Republican in the Los Angeles Jewish community, for weeks and months on end I have repeatedly been asked the same question by Democratic friends and colleagues, and I usually sense it coming by the person’s shifting body language: “So, would you vote for Donald Trump?” My diplomatic but evasive response came to be, “It depends on who is running against him.” But I never thought it would really come down to that. Now it appears likely.

For me, it’s time to publicly change my previous answer before it’s too late : Yes, I would Dump Trump. If it came down to the choice between Hillary Clinton (another terribly flawed candidate) and him, I would either not vote at all or support a third-party conservative candidate, if that were an option. Sometimes, regrettably, taking the least bad choice is the best option.

Trump’s outrageous statements and behavior are well worn by now: His disparagement of one ethnic group after the other; his making fun of the disabled; his admiration for Vladimir Putin; his belittling of one person after the other, from Sen. John McCain to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly to former governor and presidential candidate Jeb Bush and on and on. Remember his prank of reading Sen. Lindsey Graham’s cellphone number to a crowd? Is this befitting of a president? First he “shlonged” Hillary Clinton, and then he insisted on talking about his own in a nationally televised debate. Mr. Trump: The American presidency isn’t some vulgar reality show.

Trump currently claims to be a Republican, but Republican after Republican are disowning him. His views are certainly not consistently conservative. Using eminent domain for personal interests certainly isn’t. The problem is that no one knows what he consistently believes. His views shift in the wind from day to day or minute to minute. One minute, he would order the military to torture people, the next minute, he wouldn’t. One minute, George W. Bush lied us into war, the next day, he didn’t. How can someone who is so erratic be elected to represent a major political party, let alone be trusted with the codes to unleash the arsenal of the nuclear triad, the meaning of which he was unaware of a short time ago?

As a Jew and the son of a Holocaust survivor, what scares me about Trump is his treatment of people as groups, using negative stereotypes to stir up the emotions of uneducated and disaffected people, and appealing to the worst instincts of people. He disparages minorities before he says he “loves” some of them. For now, it’s Mexicans, Muslims, the Chinese. Jews, after all, are the ultimate minority. During the Diaspora, Jews spread out and shifted from country to country, based on acceptance by the majority in the countries to which they migrated. During World War II, we all know what happened when Jews found the doors shut. While I am not arguing for uncontrolled migration, the demonization of people seeking shelter or a better life is not compatible with our history.

One of Trump’s ex-wives alleges he kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches at his bedside. I have no idea if this is true, but the fact that she thought people would find it credible is disturbing. I haven’t heard that come up in even the bitterest divorces. Trump’s failure to immediately disavow the KKK makes you wonder.

Furthermore, Jews don’t demean women. Woman are revered. Modern synagogues treat the matriarchs as we do the patriarchs, honoring them in daily prayers. Shavuot celebrates Ruth, and Purim, Esther. Jewish adults don’t make fun of a woman’s menses.

On Israel, Trump seems uninformed and naive. Being an even-handed broker between a Democratic ally and Hamas is ridiculous. The fact that he approaches diplomacy as he would a business deal (which for him often ended in bankruptcy) is foolishness. Trump’s defense of his bona fides on Israel is that he once marched in an Israel Day parade. This is reminiscent of the fact that he gets foreign policy advice from watching “the shows.” There is no substance here.

I am writing this from Paris. A friend of mine told me people in the tolerant Republique de France are shocked that so many Americans would be supporting Trump for president. Americans? They have managed to marginalize Marie Le Pen in France amid all the xenophobia but Trump is winning in America? Il n’est pas possible. A few days ago, I was in London with my daughter. A friend of hers who works in the financial district told me that Trump is a hotter topic of conversation among her colleagues than “Brexit” (Great Britain leaving the European Union). “Europe depends on America,” she told me. “Europe is scared.”

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump | Opinion


Is anybody surprised? To sum up why he is opposed to Trump:

1. He won't unconditionally support Israel's Jewish supremacist ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians
2. He won't put Israel before America
3. He won't destroy the white race(Funny how his 'friend' in Europe is worried about Trump but not worried about the Jews who flood EU with third world migrants)
4. He will overthrow the Jewish American powerful establishment


Go Trump!

how about he's a bigot and disgusting?

those are good enough reasons.

or should people vote for those who hate them?

rightwingnut bigots are funny. but thanks for the dose of anti-Semitism.

How about Jews are bigots who hate non-Jews? You yourself have a severe hatred of the Palestinians. You support a right wing party in Israel, you support multiculturalism for white majority nations but oppose it for the Jewish majority nation of Israel. You claim to be a liberal but believe in an Jewish supremacist claim to a certain land.
Jewish Neo-Cons, like all other neo-Cons, hate Trump.
Most Jews are NOT neo-cons.

Most Jews are liberals. All Jews are Jewish first, no matter what their political leaning. This is why they all gather together against Trump. Along with minorities and other brainwashed self hating white's who were bombarded with white guilt factor growing up. They serve their tribe first and foremost. They make us fight their wars, they are working to make whites a minority. They corrupt the culture of the American people and many other people around the world. Until they change drastically, don't expect change of tone from me. Instead of addressing these issues, Jews ignore them as long as it they all benefit them personally. Like you're doing now, you're ignoring what makes you disliked, rather trying to get me to support you by your totally unoriginal attempt to pretend you're any different.

Same way you guys were trying to play the Germans, and then the Germans lost it with you. Something is wrong with you or you're deliberately that vile.
You realize Jews marry Jews for religious reasons and not ethnic reasons right? Are Christians who marry Christians supremacists?

Quite the opposite, they marry each other to preserve Jewish ethnicity, has nothing to do with religion. Jews are a race. They claim so themselves. They aren't white.

If the GOP takes the nomination from Trump at a brokered convention he will go 3rd party and his followers will follow him and the GOP loses.

The Republican Party could tomorrow remove Trump from standing as a Republican in the party, then he wouldn't even be able to participate in their primary process any more.

Why haven't they?

What a democratic approach you're proposing. You Jews want everything all around the world to go your way, even at expense of the majority. Can't you see how bad of an idea that is?

'You Jews'? What makes you think I'm Jewish?

All your posts are anti-white, you keep comparing Trump to Hitler. It's very clear you're Jewish, denial won't change that.

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump

As a well-identified Republican in the Los Angeles Jewish community, for weeks and months on end I have repeatedly been asked the same question by Democratic friends and colleagues, and I usually sense it coming by the person’s shifting body language: “So, would you vote for Donald Trump?” My diplomatic but evasive response came to be, “It depends on who is running against him.” But I never thought it would really come down to that. Now it appears likely.

For me, it’s time to publicly change my previous answer before it’s too late : Yes, I would Dump Trump. If it came down to the choice between Hillary Clinton (another terribly flawed candidate) and him, I would either not vote at all or support a third-party conservative candidate, if that were an option. Sometimes, regrettably, taking the least bad choice is the best option.

Trump’s outrageous statements and behavior are well worn by now: His disparagement of one ethnic group after the other; his making fun of the disabled; his admiration for Vladimir Putin; his belittling of one person after the other, from Sen. John McCain to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly to former governor and presidential candidate Jeb Bush and on and on. Remember his prank of reading Sen. Lindsey Graham’s cellphone number to a crowd? Is this befitting of a president? First he “shlonged” Hillary Clinton, and then he insisted on talking about his own in a nationally televised debate. Mr. Trump: The American presidency isn’t some vulgar reality show.

Trump currently claims to be a Republican, but Republican after Republican are disowning him. His views are certainly not consistently conservative. Using eminent domain for personal interests certainly isn’t. The problem is that no one knows what he consistently believes. His views shift in the wind from day to day or minute to minute. One minute, he would order the military to torture people, the next minute, he wouldn’t. One minute, George W. Bush lied us into war, the next day, he didn’t. How can someone who is so erratic be elected to represent a major political party, let alone be trusted with the codes to unleash the arsenal of the nuclear triad, the meaning of which he was unaware of a short time ago?

As a Jew and the son of a Holocaust survivor, what scares me about Trump is his treatment of people as groups, using negative stereotypes to stir up the emotions of uneducated and disaffected people, and appealing to the worst instincts of people. He disparages minorities before he says he “loves” some of them. For now, it’s Mexicans, Muslims, the Chinese. Jews, after all, are the ultimate minority. During the Diaspora, Jews spread out and shifted from country to country, based on acceptance by the majority in the countries to which they migrated. During World War II, we all know what happened when Jews found the doors shut. While I am not arguing for uncontrolled migration, the demonization of people seeking shelter or a better life is not compatible with our history.

One of Trump’s ex-wives alleges he kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches at his bedside. I have no idea if this is true, but the fact that she thought people would find it credible is disturbing. I haven’t heard that come up in even the bitterest divorces. Trump’s failure to immediately disavow the KKK makes you wonder.

Furthermore, Jews don’t demean women. Woman are revered. Modern synagogues treat the matriarchs as we do the patriarchs, honoring them in daily prayers. Shavuot celebrates Ruth, and Purim, Esther. Jewish adults don’t make fun of a woman’s menses.

On Israel, Trump seems uninformed and naive. Being an even-handed broker between a Democratic ally and Hamas is ridiculous. The fact that he approaches diplomacy as he would a business deal (which for him often ended in bankruptcy) is foolishness. Trump’s defense of his bona fides on Israel is that he once marched in an Israel Day parade. This is reminiscent of the fact that he gets foreign policy advice from watching “the shows.” There is no substance here.

I am writing this from Paris. A friend of mine told me people in the tolerant Republique de France are shocked that so many Americans would be supporting Trump for president. Americans? They have managed to marginalize Marie Le Pen in France amid all the xenophobia but Trump is winning in America? Il n’est pas possible. A few days ago, I was in London with my daughter. A friend of hers who works in the financial district told me that Trump is a hotter topic of conversation among her colleagues than “Brexit” (Great Britain leaving the European Union). “Europe depends on America,” she told me. “Europe is scared.”

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump | Opinion


Is anybody surprised? To sum up why he is opposed to Trump:

1. He won't unconditionally support Israel's Jewish supremacist ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians
2. He won't put Israel before America
3. He won't destroy the white race(Funny how his 'friend' in Europe is worried about Trump but not worried about the Jews who flood EU with third world migrants)
4. He will overthrow the Jewish American powerful establishment


Go Trump!

how about he's a bigot and disgusting?

those are good enough reasons.

or should people vote for those who hate them?

rightwingnut bigots are funny. but thanks for the dose of anti-Semitism.

How about Jews are bigots who hate non-Jews? You yourself have a severe hatred of the Palestinians. You support a right wing party in Israel, you support multiculturalism for white majority nations but oppose it for the Jewish majority nation of Israel. You claim to be a liberal but believe in an Jewish supremacist claim to a certain land.
Jewish Neo-Cons, like all other neo-Cons, hate Trump.
Most Jews are NOT neo-cons.

Most Jews are liberals. All Jews are Jewish first, no matter what their political leaning. This is why they all gather together against Trump. Along with minorities and other brainwashed self hating white's who were bombarded with white guilt factor growing up. They serve their tribe first and foremost. They make us fight their wars, they are working to make whites a minority. They corrupt the culture of the American people and many other people around the world. Until they change drastically, don't expect change of tone from me. Instead of addressing these issues, Jews ignore them as long as it they all benefit them personally. Like you're doing now, you're ignoring what makes you disliked, rather trying to get me to support you by your totally unoriginal attempt to pretend you're any different.

Same way you guys were trying to play the Germans, and then the Germans lost it with you. Something is wrong with you or you're deliberately that vile.

Most Jewish billionaires are neo-cons.
Most Jews are not billionaires.
Most Jews are voting for Trump.
The assimilation rate of Jews is alarmingly high.
Please expel us from the US to Israel so the US can collapse financially and Israel can flourish.
You realize Jews marry Jews for religious reasons and not ethnic reasons right? Are Christians who marry Christians supremacists?

Quite the opposite, they marry each other to preserve Jewish ethnicity, has nothing to do with religion. Jews are a race. They claim so themselves. They aren't white.

What a democratic approach you're proposing. You Jews want everything all around the world to go your way, even at expense of the majority. Can't you see how bad of an idea that is?

'You Jews'? What makes you think I'm Jewish?

All your posts are anti-white, you keep comparing Trump to Hitler. It's very clear you're Jewish, denial won't change that.

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump

As a well-identified Republican in the Los Angeles Jewish community, for weeks and months on end I have repeatedly been asked the same question by Democratic friends and colleagues, and I usually sense it coming by the person’s shifting body language: “So, would you vote for Donald Trump?” My diplomatic but evasive response came to be, “It depends on who is running against him.” But I never thought it would really come down to that. Now it appears likely.

For me, it’s time to publicly change my previous answer before it’s too late : Yes, I would Dump Trump. If it came down to the choice between Hillary Clinton (another terribly flawed candidate) and him, I would either not vote at all or support a third-party conservative candidate, if that were an option. Sometimes, regrettably, taking the least bad choice is the best option.

Trump’s outrageous statements and behavior are well worn by now: His disparagement of one ethnic group after the other; his making fun of the disabled; his admiration for Vladimir Putin; his belittling of one person after the other, from Sen. John McCain to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly to former governor and presidential candidate Jeb Bush and on and on. Remember his prank of reading Sen. Lindsey Graham’s cellphone number to a crowd? Is this befitting of a president? First he “shlonged” Hillary Clinton, and then he insisted on talking about his own in a nationally televised debate. Mr. Trump: The American presidency isn’t some vulgar reality show.

Trump currently claims to be a Republican, but Republican after Republican are disowning him. His views are certainly not consistently conservative. Using eminent domain for personal interests certainly isn’t. The problem is that no one knows what he consistently believes. His views shift in the wind from day to day or minute to minute. One minute, he would order the military to torture people, the next minute, he wouldn’t. One minute, George W. Bush lied us into war, the next day, he didn’t. How can someone who is so erratic be elected to represent a major political party, let alone be trusted with the codes to unleash the arsenal of the nuclear triad, the meaning of which he was unaware of a short time ago?

As a Jew and the son of a Holocaust survivor, what scares me about Trump is his treatment of people as groups, using negative stereotypes to stir up the emotions of uneducated and disaffected people, and appealing to the worst instincts of people. He disparages minorities before he says he “loves” some of them. For now, it’s Mexicans, Muslims, the Chinese. Jews, after all, are the ultimate minority. During the Diaspora, Jews spread out and shifted from country to country, based on acceptance by the majority in the countries to which they migrated. During World War II, we all know what happened when Jews found the doors shut. While I am not arguing for uncontrolled migration, the demonization of people seeking shelter or a better life is not compatible with our history.

One of Trump’s ex-wives alleges he kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches at his bedside. I have no idea if this is true, but the fact that she thought people would find it credible is disturbing. I haven’t heard that come up in even the bitterest divorces. Trump’s failure to immediately disavow the KKK makes you wonder.

Furthermore, Jews don’t demean women. Woman are revered. Modern synagogues treat the matriarchs as we do the patriarchs, honoring them in daily prayers. Shavuot celebrates Ruth, and Purim, Esther. Jewish adults don’t make fun of a woman’s menses.

On Israel, Trump seems uninformed and naive. Being an even-handed broker between a Democratic ally and Hamas is ridiculous. The fact that he approaches diplomacy as he would a business deal (which for him often ended in bankruptcy) is foolishness. Trump’s defense of his bona fides on Israel is that he once marched in an Israel Day parade. This is reminiscent of the fact that he gets foreign policy advice from watching “the shows.” There is no substance here.

I am writing this from Paris. A friend of mine told me people in the tolerant Republique de France are shocked that so many Americans would be supporting Trump for president. Americans? They have managed to marginalize Marie Le Pen in France amid all the xenophobia but Trump is winning in America? Il n’est pas possible. A few days ago, I was in London with my daughter. A friend of hers who works in the financial district told me that Trump is a hotter topic of conversation among her colleagues than “Brexit” (Great Britain leaving the European Union). “Europe depends on America,” she told me. “Europe is scared.”

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump | Opinion


Is anybody surprised? To sum up why he is opposed to Trump:

1. He won't unconditionally support Israel's Jewish supremacist ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians
2. He won't put Israel before America
3. He won't destroy the white race(Funny how his 'friend' in Europe is worried about Trump but not worried about the Jews who flood EU with third world migrants)
4. He will overthrow the Jewish American powerful establishment


Go Trump!

how about he's a bigot and disgusting?

those are good enough reasons.

or should people vote for those who hate them?

rightwingnut bigots are funny. but thanks for the dose of anti-Semitism.

How about Jews are bigots who hate non-Jews? You yourself have a severe hatred of the Palestinians. You support a right wing party in Israel, you support multiculturalism for white majority nations but oppose it for the Jewish majority nation of Israel. You claim to be a liberal but believe in an Jewish supremacist claim to a certain land.
Jewish Neo-Cons, like all other neo-Cons, hate Trump.
Most Jews are NOT neo-cons.

Most Jews are liberals. All Jews are Jewish first, no matter what their political leaning. This is why they all gather together against Trump. Along with minorities and other brainwashed self hating white's who were bombarded with white guilt factor growing up. They serve their tribe first and foremost. They make us fight their wars, they are working to make whites a minority. They corrupt the culture of the American people and many other people around the world. Until they change drastically, don't expect change of tone from me. Instead of addressing these issues, Jews ignore them as long as it they all benefit them personally. Like you're doing now, you're ignoring what makes you disliked, rather trying to get me to support you by your totally unoriginal attempt to pretend you're any different.

Same way you guys were trying to play the Germans, and then the Germans lost it with you. Something is wrong with you or you're deliberately that vile.

Please expel us from the US to Israel so the US can collapse financially and Israel can flourish.

Did I strike a nerve? You're blackmailing Americans now, how cute. :lol:

Yet in Jewish media your people claim to represent Americans and their views. Please leave now though, we wouldn't mind it at all. Let's see how Israel 'flourishes' without unconditional US support. :)
You realize Jews marry Jews for religious reasons and not ethnic reasons right? Are Christians who marry Christians supremacists?

Quite the opposite, they marry each other to preserve Jewish ethnicity, has nothing to do with religion. Jews are a race. They claim so themselves. They aren't white.

'You Jews'? What makes you think I'm Jewish?

All your posts are anti-white, you keep comparing Trump to Hitler. It's very clear you're Jewish, denial won't change that.

how about he's a bigot and disgusting?

those are good enough reasons.

or should people vote for those who hate them?

rightwingnut bigots are funny. but thanks for the dose of anti-Semitism.

How about Jews are bigots who hate non-Jews? You yourself have a severe hatred of the Palestinians. You support a right wing party in Israel, you support multiculturalism for white majority nations but oppose it for the Jewish majority nation of Israel. You claim to be a liberal but believe in an Jewish supremacist claim to a certain land.
Jewish Neo-Cons, like all other neo-Cons, hate Trump.
Most Jews are NOT neo-cons.

Most Jews are liberals. All Jews are Jewish first, no matter what their political leaning. This is why they all gather together against Trump. Along with minorities and other brainwashed self hating white's who were bombarded with white guilt factor growing up. They serve their tribe first and foremost. They make us fight their wars, they are working to make whites a minority. They corrupt the culture of the American people and many other people around the world. Until they change drastically, don't expect change of tone from me. Instead of addressing these issues, Jews ignore them as long as it they all benefit them personally. Like you're doing now, you're ignoring what makes you disliked, rather trying to get me to support you by your totally unoriginal attempt to pretend you're any different.

Same way you guys were trying to play the Germans, and then the Germans lost it with you. Something is wrong with you or you're deliberately that vile.

Please expel us from the US to Israel so the US can collapse financially and Israel can flourish.

Did I strike a nerve? You're blackmailing Americans now, how cute. :lol:

Yet in Jewish media your people claim to represent Americans and their views. Please leave now though, we wouldn't mind it at all. Let's see how Israel 'flourishes' without unconditional US support. :)

Israel would do fine though most hospitals and charities in the US would have to close down.
You realize Jews marry Jews for religious reasons and not ethnic reasons right? Are Christians who marry Christians supremacists?

Quite the opposite, they marry each other to preserve Jewish ethnicity, has nothing to do with religion. Jews are a race. They claim so themselves. They aren't white.

All your posts are anti-white, you keep comparing Trump to Hitler. It's very clear you're Jewish, denial won't change that.

How about Jews are bigots who hate non-Jews? You yourself have a severe hatred of the Palestinians. You support a right wing party in Israel, you support multiculturalism for white majority nations but oppose it for the Jewish majority nation of Israel. You claim to be a liberal but believe in an Jewish supremacist claim to a certain land.
Jewish Neo-Cons, like all other neo-Cons, hate Trump.
Most Jews are NOT neo-cons.

Most Jews are liberals. All Jews are Jewish first, no matter what their political leaning. This is why they all gather together against Trump. Along with minorities and other brainwashed self hating white's who were bombarded with white guilt factor growing up. They serve their tribe first and foremost. They make us fight their wars, they are working to make whites a minority. They corrupt the culture of the American people and many other people around the world. Until they change drastically, don't expect change of tone from me. Instead of addressing these issues, Jews ignore them as long as it they all benefit them personally. Like you're doing now, you're ignoring what makes you disliked, rather trying to get me to support you by your totally unoriginal attempt to pretend you're any different.

Same way you guys were trying to play the Germans, and then the Germans lost it with you. Something is wrong with you or you're deliberately that vile.

Please expel us from the US to Israel so the US can collapse financially and Israel can flourish.

Did I strike a nerve? You're blackmailing Americans now, how cute. :lol:

Yet in Jewish media your people claim to represent Americans and their views. Please leave now though, we wouldn't mind it at all. Let's see how Israel 'flourishes' without unconditional US support. :)

Israel would do fine though most hospitals and charities in the US would have to close down.

Okay buddy, do us a favor and spark the change. Start by moving over there yourself. :)
You realize Jews marry Jews for religious reasons and not ethnic reasons right? Are Christians who marry Christians supremacists?

Quite the opposite, they marry each other to preserve Jewish ethnicity, has nothing to do with religion. Jews are a race. They claim so themselves. They aren't white.

Jewish Neo-Cons, like all other neo-Cons, hate Trump.
Most Jews are NOT neo-cons.

Most Jews are liberals. All Jews are Jewish first, no matter what their political leaning. This is why they all gather together against Trump. Along with minorities and other brainwashed self hating white's who were bombarded with white guilt factor growing up. They serve their tribe first and foremost. They make us fight their wars, they are working to make whites a minority. They corrupt the culture of the American people and many other people around the world. Until they change drastically, don't expect change of tone from me. Instead of addressing these issues, Jews ignore them as long as it they all benefit them personally. Like you're doing now, you're ignoring what makes you disliked, rather trying to get me to support you by your totally unoriginal attempt to pretend you're any different.

Same way you guys were trying to play the Germans, and then the Germans lost it with you. Something is wrong with you or you're deliberately that vile.

Please expel us from the US to Israel so the US can collapse financially and Israel can flourish.

Did I strike a nerve? You're blackmailing Americans now, how cute. :lol:

Yet in Jewish media your people claim to represent Americans and their views. Please leave now though, we wouldn't mind it at all. Let's see how Israel 'flourishes' without unconditional US support. :)

Israel would do fine though most hospitals and charities in the US would have to close down.

Okay buddy, do us a favor and spark the change. Start by moving over there yourself. :)
I think it would take you and your well organized army to encourage neighborhoods to move en masse,
I'm sure you have more behind you then just your effemminette ad libs.
Quite the opposite, they marry each other to preserve Jewish ethnicity, has nothing to do with religion. Jews are a race. They claim so themselves. They aren't white.

Most Jews are liberals. All Jews are Jewish first, no matter what their political leaning. This is why they all gather together against Trump. Along with minorities and other brainwashed self hating white's who were bombarded with white guilt factor growing up. They serve their tribe first and foremost. They make us fight their wars, they are working to make whites a minority. They corrupt the culture of the American people and many other people around the world. Until they change drastically, don't expect change of tone from me. Instead of addressing these issues, Jews ignore them as long as it they all benefit them personally. Like you're doing now, you're ignoring what makes you disliked, rather trying to get me to support you by your totally unoriginal attempt to pretend you're any different.

Same way you guys were trying to play the Germans, and then the Germans lost it with you. Something is wrong with you or you're deliberately that vile.

Please expel us from the US to Israel so the US can collapse financially and Israel can flourish.

Did I strike a nerve? You're blackmailing Americans now, how cute. :lol:

Yet in Jewish media your people claim to represent Americans and their views. Please leave now though, we wouldn't mind it at all. Let's see how Israel 'flourishes' without unconditional US support. :)

Israel would do fine though most hospitals and charities in the US would have to close down.

Okay buddy, do us a favor and spark the change. Start by moving over there yourself. :)
I think it would take you and your well organized army to encourage neighborhoods to move en masse,
I'm sure you have more behind you then just your effemminette ad libs.

Why are you backing down now? You said Israel will flourish once you move there, you praise Israel all the time. What's stopping you from going? Forget the rest of the Jews in the US, we're talking about you, please leave. :)
Please expel us from the US to Israel so the US can collapse financially and Israel can flourish.

Did I strike a nerve? You're blackmailing Americans now, how cute. :lol:

Yet in Jewish media your people claim to represent Americans and their views. Please leave now though, we wouldn't mind it at all. Let's see how Israel 'flourishes' without unconditional US support. :)

Israel would do fine though most hospitals and charities in the US would have to close down.

Okay buddy, do us a favor and spark the change. Start by moving over there yourself. :)
I think it would take you and your well organized army to encourage neighborhoods to move en masse,
I'm sure you have more behind you then just your effemminette ad libs.

Why are you backing down now? You said Israel will flourish once you move there, you praise Israel all the time. What's stopping you from going? Forget the rest of the Jews in the US, we're talking about you, please leave. :)
The move should be for your benefit.
You MUST have many followers who would be happy to help you make arrangements to create a Jew free US.
You realize Jews marry Jews for religious reasons and not ethnic reasons right? Are Christians who marry Christians supremacists?

Quite the opposite, they marry each other to preserve Jewish ethnicity, has nothing to do with religion. Jews are a race. They claim so themselves. They aren't white.

What a democratic approach you're proposing. You Jews want everything all around the world to go your way, even at expense of the majority. Can't you see how bad of an idea that is?

'You Jews'? What makes you think I'm Jewish?

All your posts are anti-white, you keep comparing Trump to Hitler. It's very clear you're Jewish, denial won't change that.

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump

As a well-identified Republican in the Los Angeles Jewish community, for weeks and months on end I have repeatedly been asked the same question by Democratic friends and colleagues, and I usually sense it coming by the person’s shifting body language: “So, would you vote for Donald Trump?” My diplomatic but evasive response came to be, “It depends on who is running against him.” But I never thought it would really come down to that. Now it appears likely.

For me, it’s time to publicly change my previous answer before it’s too late : Yes, I would Dump Trump. If it came down to the choice between Hillary Clinton (another terribly flawed candidate) and him, I would either not vote at all or support a third-party conservative candidate, if that were an option. Sometimes, regrettably, taking the least bad choice is the best option.

Trump’s outrageous statements and behavior are well worn by now: His disparagement of one ethnic group after the other; his making fun of the disabled; his admiration for Vladimir Putin; his belittling of one person after the other, from Sen. John McCain to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly to former governor and presidential candidate Jeb Bush and on and on. Remember his prank of reading Sen. Lindsey Graham’s cellphone number to a crowd? Is this befitting of a president? First he “shlonged” Hillary Clinton, and then he insisted on talking about his own in a nationally televised debate. Mr. Trump: The American presidency isn’t some vulgar reality show.

Trump currently claims to be a Republican, but Republican after Republican are disowning him. His views are certainly not consistently conservative. Using eminent domain for personal interests certainly isn’t. The problem is that no one knows what he consistently believes. His views shift in the wind from day to day or minute to minute. One minute, he would order the military to torture people, the next minute, he wouldn’t. One minute, George W. Bush lied us into war, the next day, he didn’t. How can someone who is so erratic be elected to represent a major political party, let alone be trusted with the codes to unleash the arsenal of the nuclear triad, the meaning of which he was unaware of a short time ago?

As a Jew and the son of a Holocaust survivor, what scares me about Trump is his treatment of people as groups, using negative stereotypes to stir up the emotions of uneducated and disaffected people, and appealing to the worst instincts of people. He disparages minorities before he says he “loves” some of them. For now, it’s Mexicans, Muslims, the Chinese. Jews, after all, are the ultimate minority. During the Diaspora, Jews spread out and shifted from country to country, based on acceptance by the majority in the countries to which they migrated. During World War II, we all know what happened when Jews found the doors shut. While I am not arguing for uncontrolled migration, the demonization of people seeking shelter or a better life is not compatible with our history.

One of Trump’s ex-wives alleges he kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches at his bedside. I have no idea if this is true, but the fact that she thought people would find it credible is disturbing. I haven’t heard that come up in even the bitterest divorces. Trump’s failure to immediately disavow the KKK makes you wonder.

Furthermore, Jews don’t demean women. Woman are revered. Modern synagogues treat the matriarchs as we do the patriarchs, honoring them in daily prayers. Shavuot celebrates Ruth, and Purim, Esther. Jewish adults don’t make fun of a woman’s menses.

On Israel, Trump seems uninformed and naive. Being an even-handed broker between a Democratic ally and Hamas is ridiculous. The fact that he approaches diplomacy as he would a business deal (which for him often ended in bankruptcy) is foolishness. Trump’s defense of his bona fides on Israel is that he once marched in an Israel Day parade. This is reminiscent of the fact that he gets foreign policy advice from watching “the shows.” There is no substance here.

I am writing this from Paris. A friend of mine told me people in the tolerant Republique de France are shocked that so many Americans would be supporting Trump for president. Americans? They have managed to marginalize Marie Le Pen in France amid all the xenophobia but Trump is winning in America? Il n’est pas possible. A few days ago, I was in London with my daughter. A friend of hers who works in the financial district told me that Trump is a hotter topic of conversation among her colleagues than “Brexit” (Great Britain leaving the European Union). “Europe depends on America,” she told me. “Europe is scared.”

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump | Opinion


Is anybody surprised? To sum up why he is opposed to Trump:

1. He won't unconditionally support Israel's Jewish supremacist ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians
2. He won't put Israel before America
3. He won't destroy the white race(Funny how his 'friend' in Europe is worried about Trump but not worried about the Jews who flood EU with third world migrants)
4. He will overthrow the Jewish American powerful establishment


Go Trump!

how about he's a bigot and disgusting?

those are good enough reasons.

or should people vote for those who hate them?

rightwingnut bigots are funny. but thanks for the dose of anti-Semitism.

How about Jews are bigots who hate non-Jews? You yourself have a severe hatred of the Palestinians. You support a right wing party in Israel, you support multiculturalism for white majority nations but oppose it for the Jewish majority nation of Israel. You claim to be a liberal but believe in an Jewish supremacist claim to a certain land.
Jewish Neo-Cons, like all other neo-Cons, hate Trump.
Most Jews are NOT neo-cons.

Most Jews are liberals. All Jews are Jewish first, no matter what their political leaning. This is why they all gather together against Trump. Along with minorities and other brainwashed self hating white's who were bombarded with white guilt factor growing up. They serve their tribe first and foremost. They make us fight their wars, they are working to make whites a minority. They corrupt the culture of the American people and many other people around the world. Until they change drastically, don't expect change of tone from me. Instead of addressing these issues, Jews ignore them as long as it they all benefit them personally. Like you're doing now, you're ignoring what makes you disliked, rather trying to get me to support you by your totally unoriginal attempt to pretend you're any different.

Same way you guys were trying to play the Germans, and then the Germans lost it with you. Something is wrong with you or you're deliberately that vile.

Most Jewish billionaires are neo-cons.
Most Jews are not billionaires.
Most Jews are voting for Trump.
The assimilation rate of Jews is alarmingly high.
Please expel us from the US to Israel so the US can collapse financially and Israel can flourish.

I think Jews make the best movies as well.
Did I strike a nerve? You're blackmailing Americans now, how cute. :lol:

Yet in Jewish media your people claim to represent Americans and their views. Please leave now though, we wouldn't mind it at all. Let's see how Israel 'flourishes' without unconditional US support. :)

Israel would do fine though most hospitals and charities in the US would have to close down.

Okay buddy, do us a favor and spark the change. Start by moving over there yourself. :)
I think it would take you and your well organized army to encourage neighborhoods to move en masse,
I'm sure you have more behind you then just your effemminette ad libs.

Why are you backing down now? You said Israel will flourish once you move there, you praise Israel all the time. What's stopping you from going? Forget the rest of the Jews in the US, we're talking about you, please leave. :)
The move should be for your benefit.
You MUST have many followers who would be happy to help you make arrangements to create a Jew free US.

I thought US would collapse if that happened, so how is to my benefit? :)

You said you wanted to move to great Israel, go over there, leave us alone. Go flourish on your own, show us how it's done. :)
I think you will get your wish. The Tea Party will almost certainly split off from the Republicans this year and form their own party.

Not if there is a Cruz/Rubio ticket

If the GOP takes the nomination from Trump at a brokered convention he will go 3rd party and his followers will follow him and the GOP loses.

The Republican Party could tomorrow remove Trump from standing as a Republican in the party, then he wouldn't even be able to participate in their primary process any more.

Why haven't they?

What a democratic approach you're proposing. You Jews want everything all around the world to go your way, even at expense of the majority. Can't you see how bad of an idea that is?

'You Jews'? What makes you think I'm Jewish?

All your posts are anti-white, you keep comparing Trump to Hitler. It's very clear you're Jewish, denial won't change that.

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump

As a well-identified Republican in the Los Angeles Jewish community, for weeks and months on end I have repeatedly been asked the same question by Democratic friends and colleagues, and I usually sense it coming by the person’s shifting body language: “So, would you vote for Donald Trump?” My diplomatic but evasive response came to be, “It depends on who is running against him.” But I never thought it would really come down to that. Now it appears likely.

For me, it’s time to publicly change my previous answer before it’s too late : Yes, I would Dump Trump. If it came down to the choice between Hillary Clinton (another terribly flawed candidate) and him, I would either not vote at all or support a third-party conservative candidate, if that were an option. Sometimes, regrettably, taking the least bad choice is the best option.

Trump’s outrageous statements and behavior are well worn by now: His disparagement of one ethnic group after the other; his making fun of the disabled; his admiration for Vladimir Putin; his belittling of one person after the other, from Sen. John McCain to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly to former governor and presidential candidate Jeb Bush and on and on. Remember his prank of reading Sen. Lindsey Graham’s cellphone number to a crowd? Is this befitting of a president? First he “shlonged” Hillary Clinton, and then he insisted on talking about his own in a nationally televised debate. Mr. Trump: The American presidency isn’t some vulgar reality show.

Trump currently claims to be a Republican, but Republican after Republican are disowning him. His views are certainly not consistently conservative. Using eminent domain for personal interests certainly isn’t. The problem is that no one knows what he consistently believes. His views shift in the wind from day to day or minute to minute. One minute, he would order the military to torture people, the next minute, he wouldn’t. One minute, George W. Bush lied us into war, the next day, he didn’t. How can someone who is so erratic be elected to represent a major political party, let alone be trusted with the codes to unleash the arsenal of the nuclear triad, the meaning of which he was unaware of a short time ago?

As a Jew and the son of a Holocaust survivor, what scares me about Trump is his treatment of people as groups, using negative stereotypes to stir up the emotions of uneducated and disaffected people, and appealing to the worst instincts of people. He disparages minorities before he says he “loves” some of them. For now, it’s Mexicans, Muslims, the Chinese. Jews, after all, are the ultimate minority. During the Diaspora, Jews spread out and shifted from country to country, based on acceptance by the majority in the countries to which they migrated. During World War II, we all know what happened when Jews found the doors shut. While I am not arguing for uncontrolled migration, the demonization of people seeking shelter or a better life is not compatible with our history.

One of Trump’s ex-wives alleges he kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches at his bedside. I have no idea if this is true, but the fact that she thought people would find it credible is disturbing. I haven’t heard that come up in even the bitterest divorces. Trump’s failure to immediately disavow the KKK makes you wonder.

Furthermore, Jews don’t demean women. Woman are revered. Modern synagogues treat the matriarchs as we do the patriarchs, honoring them in daily prayers. Shavuot celebrates Ruth, and Purim, Esther. Jewish adults don’t make fun of a woman’s menses.

On Israel, Trump seems uninformed and naive. Being an even-handed broker between a Democratic ally and Hamas is ridiculous. The fact that he approaches diplomacy as he would a business deal (which for him often ended in bankruptcy) is foolishness. Trump’s defense of his bona fides on Israel is that he once marched in an Israel Day parade. This is reminiscent of the fact that he gets foreign policy advice from watching “the shows.” There is no substance here.

I am writing this from Paris. A friend of mine told me people in the tolerant Republique de France are shocked that so many Americans would be supporting Trump for president. Americans? They have managed to marginalize Marie Le Pen in France amid all the xenophobia but Trump is winning in America? Il n’est pas possible. A few days ago, I was in London with my daughter. A friend of hers who works in the financial district told me that Trump is a hotter topic of conversation among her colleagues than “Brexit” (Great Britain leaving the European Union). “Europe depends on America,” she told me. “Europe is scared.”

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump | Opinion


Is anybody surprised? To sum up why he is opposed to Trump:

1. He won't unconditionally support Israel's Jewish supremacist ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians
2. He won't put Israel before America
3. He won't destroy the white race(Funny how his 'friend' in Europe is worried about Trump but not worried about the Jews who flood EU with third world migrants)
4. He will overthrow the Jewish American powerful establishment


Go Trump!

how about he's a bigot and disgusting?

those are good enough reasons.

or should people vote for those who hate them?

rightwingnut bigots are funny. but thanks for the dose of anti-Semitism.

How about Jews are bigots who hate non-Jews? You yourself have a severe hatred of the Palestinians. You support a right wing party in Israel, you support multiculturalism for white majority nations but oppose it for the Jewish majority nation of Israel. You claim to be a liberal but believe in an Jewish supremacist claim to a certain land.

jews are mostly white, you pathetic lowlife. :cuckoo:

and most certainly don't hate non-jews,

you really are too stupid for air.
Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump

As a well-identified Republican in the Los Angeles Jewish community, for weeks and months on end I have repeatedly been asked the same question by Democratic friends and colleagues, and I usually sense it coming by the person’s shifting body language: “So, would you vote for Donald Trump?” My diplomatic but evasive response came to be, “It depends on who is running against him.” But I never thought it would really come down to that. Now it appears likely.

For me, it’s time to publicly change my previous answer before it’s too late : Yes, I would Dump Trump. If it came down to the choice between Hillary Clinton (another terribly flawed candidate) and him, I would either not vote at all or support a third-party conservative candidate, if that were an option. Sometimes, regrettably, taking the least bad choice is the best option.

Trump’s outrageous statements and behavior are well worn by now: His disparagement of one ethnic group after the other; his making fun of the disabled; his admiration for Vladimir Putin; his belittling of one person after the other, from Sen. John McCain to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly to former governor and presidential candidate Jeb Bush and on and on. Remember his prank of reading Sen. Lindsey Graham’s cellphone number to a crowd? Is this befitting of a president? First he “shlonged” Hillary Clinton, and then he insisted on talking about his own in a nationally televised debate. Mr. Trump: The American presidency isn’t some vulgar reality show.

Trump currently claims to be a Republican, but Republican after Republican are disowning him. His views are certainly not consistently conservative. Using eminent domain for personal interests certainly isn’t. The problem is that no one knows what he consistently believes. His views shift in the wind from day to day or minute to minute. One minute, he would order the military to torture people, the next minute, he wouldn’t. One minute, George W. Bush lied us into war, the next day, he didn’t. How can someone who is so erratic be elected to represent a major political party, let alone be trusted with the codes to unleash the arsenal of the nuclear triad, the meaning of which he was unaware of a short time ago?

As a Jew and the son of a Holocaust survivor, what scares me about Trump is his treatment of people as groups, using negative stereotypes to stir up the emotions of uneducated and disaffected people, and appealing to the worst instincts of people. He disparages minorities before he says he “loves” some of them. For now, it’s Mexicans, Muslims, the Chinese. Jews, after all, are the ultimate minority. During the Diaspora, Jews spread out and shifted from country to country, based on acceptance by the majority in the countries to which they migrated. During World War II, we all know what happened when Jews found the doors shut. While I am not arguing for uncontrolled migration, the demonization of people seeking shelter or a better life is not compatible with our history.

One of Trump’s ex-wives alleges he kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches at his bedside. I have no idea if this is true, but the fact that she thought people would find it credible is disturbing. I haven’t heard that come up in even the bitterest divorces. Trump’s failure to immediately disavow the KKK makes you wonder.

Furthermore, Jews don’t demean women. Woman are revered. Modern synagogues treat the matriarchs as we do the patriarchs, honoring them in daily prayers. Shavuot celebrates Ruth, and Purim, Esther. Jewish adults don’t make fun of a woman’s menses.

On Israel, Trump seems uninformed and naive. Being an even-handed broker between a Democratic ally and Hamas is ridiculous. The fact that he approaches diplomacy as he would a business deal (which for him often ended in bankruptcy) is foolishness. Trump’s defense of his bona fides on Israel is that he once marched in an Israel Day parade. This is reminiscent of the fact that he gets foreign policy advice from watching “the shows.” There is no substance here.

I am writing this from Paris. A friend of mine told me people in the tolerant Republique de France are shocked that so many Americans would be supporting Trump for president. Americans? They have managed to marginalize Marie Le Pen in France amid all the xenophobia but Trump is winning in America? Il n’est pas possible. A few days ago, I was in London with my daughter. A friend of hers who works in the financial district told me that Trump is a hotter topic of conversation among her colleagues than “Brexit” (Great Britain leaving the European Union). “Europe depends on America,” she told me. “Europe is scared.”

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump | Opinion


Is anybody surprised? To sum up why he is opposed to Trump:

1. He won't unconditionally support Israel's Jewish supremacist ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians
2. He won't put Israel before America
3. He won't destroy the white race(Funny how his 'friend' in Europe is worried about Trump but not worried about the Jews who flood EU with third world migrants)
4. He will overthrow the Jewish American powerful establishment


Go Trump!

To sum up yet another reason why I'm opposed to Trump:

He attracts shitstains like you.

Any idea what you will do if Trump gets the nomination? I'm thinking tea party ticket.

Hell, if there was a Tea Party ticket, I'd have already abandoned the Republican Party like the Titanic after the iceberg it so resembles. I'm hoping and praying that when the GOP heads for the floor of the political ocean, the Tea Party will actually form up into an official political party.

Meanwhile, I fully intend to write in Ted Cruz, and thank God that write-ins are allowed.

maybe you and other cesspits like you should start your own party instead of hijacking the smarter people. *shrug*
Not if there is a Cruz/Rubio ticket

If the GOP takes the nomination from Trump at a brokered convention he will go 3rd party and his followers will follow him and the GOP loses.

The Republican Party could tomorrow remove Trump from standing as a Republican in the party, then he wouldn't even be able to participate in their primary process any more.

Why haven't they?

What a democratic approach you're proposing. You Jews want everything all around the world to go your way, even at expense of the majority. Can't you see how bad of an idea that is?

'You Jews'? What makes you think I'm Jewish?

All your posts are anti-white, you keep comparing Trump to Hitler. It's very clear you're Jewish, denial won't change that.

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump

As a well-identified Republican in the Los Angeles Jewish community, for weeks and months on end I have repeatedly been asked the same question by Democratic friends and colleagues, and I usually sense it coming by the person’s shifting body language: “So, would you vote for Donald Trump?” My diplomatic but evasive response came to be, “It depends on who is running against him.” But I never thought it would really come down to that. Now it appears likely.

For me, it’s time to publicly change my previous answer before it’s too late : Yes, I would Dump Trump. If it came down to the choice between Hillary Clinton (another terribly flawed candidate) and him, I would either not vote at all or support a third-party conservative candidate, if that were an option. Sometimes, regrettably, taking the least bad choice is the best option.

Trump’s outrageous statements and behavior are well worn by now: His disparagement of one ethnic group after the other; his making fun of the disabled; his admiration for Vladimir Putin; his belittling of one person after the other, from Sen. John McCain to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly to former governor and presidential candidate Jeb Bush and on and on. Remember his prank of reading Sen. Lindsey Graham’s cellphone number to a crowd? Is this befitting of a president? First he “shlonged” Hillary Clinton, and then he insisted on talking about his own in a nationally televised debate. Mr. Trump: The American presidency isn’t some vulgar reality show.

Trump currently claims to be a Republican, but Republican after Republican are disowning him. His views are certainly not consistently conservative. Using eminent domain for personal interests certainly isn’t. The problem is that no one knows what he consistently believes. His views shift in the wind from day to day or minute to minute. One minute, he would order the military to torture people, the next minute, he wouldn’t. One minute, George W. Bush lied us into war, the next day, he didn’t. How can someone who is so erratic be elected to represent a major political party, let alone be trusted with the codes to unleash the arsenal of the nuclear triad, the meaning of which he was unaware of a short time ago?

As a Jew and the son of a Holocaust survivor, what scares me about Trump is his treatment of people as groups, using negative stereotypes to stir up the emotions of uneducated and disaffected people, and appealing to the worst instincts of people. He disparages minorities before he says he “loves” some of them. For now, it’s Mexicans, Muslims, the Chinese. Jews, after all, are the ultimate minority. During the Diaspora, Jews spread out and shifted from country to country, based on acceptance by the majority in the countries to which they migrated. During World War II, we all know what happened when Jews found the doors shut. While I am not arguing for uncontrolled migration, the demonization of people seeking shelter or a better life is not compatible with our history.

One of Trump’s ex-wives alleges he kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches at his bedside. I have no idea if this is true, but the fact that she thought people would find it credible is disturbing. I haven’t heard that come up in even the bitterest divorces. Trump’s failure to immediately disavow the KKK makes you wonder.

Furthermore, Jews don’t demean women. Woman are revered. Modern synagogues treat the matriarchs as we do the patriarchs, honoring them in daily prayers. Shavuot celebrates Ruth, and Purim, Esther. Jewish adults don’t make fun of a woman’s menses.

On Israel, Trump seems uninformed and naive. Being an even-handed broker between a Democratic ally and Hamas is ridiculous. The fact that he approaches diplomacy as he would a business deal (which for him often ended in bankruptcy) is foolishness. Trump’s defense of his bona fides on Israel is that he once marched in an Israel Day parade. This is reminiscent of the fact that he gets foreign policy advice from watching “the shows.” There is no substance here.

I am writing this from Paris. A friend of mine told me people in the tolerant Republique de France are shocked that so many Americans would be supporting Trump for president. Americans? They have managed to marginalize Marie Le Pen in France amid all the xenophobia but Trump is winning in America? Il n’est pas possible. A few days ago, I was in London with my daughter. A friend of hers who works in the financial district told me that Trump is a hotter topic of conversation among her colleagues than “Brexit” (Great Britain leaving the European Union). “Europe depends on America,” she told me. “Europe is scared.”

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump | Opinion


Is anybody surprised? To sum up why he is opposed to Trump:

1. He won't unconditionally support Israel's Jewish supremacist ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians
2. He won't put Israel before America
3. He won't destroy the white race(Funny how his 'friend' in Europe is worried about Trump but not worried about the Jews who flood EU with third world migrants)
4. He will overthrow the Jewish American powerful establishment


Go Trump!

how about he's a bigot and disgusting?

those are good enough reasons.

or should people vote for those who hate them?

rightwingnut bigots are funny. but thanks for the dose of anti-Semitism.

How about Jews are bigots who hate non-Jews? You yourself have a severe hatred of the Palestinians. You support a right wing party in Israel, you support multiculturalism for white majority nations but oppose it for the Jewish majority nation of Israel. You claim to be a liberal but believe in an Jewish supremacist claim to a certain land.
Jewish Neo-Cons, like all other neo-Cons, hate Trump.
Most Jews are NOT neo-cons.

the jews i know find his type of bigotry disgusting.
You realize Jews marry Jews for religious reasons and not ethnic reasons right? Are Christians who marry Christians supremacists?

Quite the opposite, they marry each other to preserve Jewish ethnicity, has nothing to do with religion. Jews are a race. They claim so themselves. They aren't white.

What a democratic approach you're proposing. You Jews want everything all around the world to go your way, even at expense of the majority. Can't you see how bad of an idea that is?

'You Jews'? What makes you think I'm Jewish?

All your posts are anti-white, you keep comparing Trump to Hitler. It's very clear you're Jewish, denial won't change that.

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump

As a well-identified Republican in the Los Angeles Jewish community, for weeks and months on end I have repeatedly been asked the same question by Democratic friends and colleagues, and I usually sense it coming by the person’s shifting body language: “So, would you vote for Donald Trump?” My diplomatic but evasive response came to be, “It depends on who is running against him.” But I never thought it would really come down to that. Now it appears likely.

For me, it’s time to publicly change my previous answer before it’s too late : Yes, I would Dump Trump. If it came down to the choice between Hillary Clinton (another terribly flawed candidate) and him, I would either not vote at all or support a third-party conservative candidate, if that were an option. Sometimes, regrettably, taking the least bad choice is the best option.

Trump’s outrageous statements and behavior are well worn by now: His disparagement of one ethnic group after the other; his making fun of the disabled; his admiration for Vladimir Putin; his belittling of one person after the other, from Sen. John McCain to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly to former governor and presidential candidate Jeb Bush and on and on. Remember his prank of reading Sen. Lindsey Graham’s cellphone number to a crowd? Is this befitting of a president? First he “shlonged” Hillary Clinton, and then he insisted on talking about his own in a nationally televised debate. Mr. Trump: The American presidency isn’t some vulgar reality show.

Trump currently claims to be a Republican, but Republican after Republican are disowning him. His views are certainly not consistently conservative. Using eminent domain for personal interests certainly isn’t. The problem is that no one knows what he consistently believes. His views shift in the wind from day to day or minute to minute. One minute, he would order the military to torture people, the next minute, he wouldn’t. One minute, George W. Bush lied us into war, the next day, he didn’t. How can someone who is so erratic be elected to represent a major political party, let alone be trusted with the codes to unleash the arsenal of the nuclear triad, the meaning of which he was unaware of a short time ago?

As a Jew and the son of a Holocaust survivor, what scares me about Trump is his treatment of people as groups, using negative stereotypes to stir up the emotions of uneducated and disaffected people, and appealing to the worst instincts of people. He disparages minorities before he says he “loves” some of them. For now, it’s Mexicans, Muslims, the Chinese. Jews, after all, are the ultimate minority. During the Diaspora, Jews spread out and shifted from country to country, based on acceptance by the majority in the countries to which they migrated. During World War II, we all know what happened when Jews found the doors shut. While I am not arguing for uncontrolled migration, the demonization of people seeking shelter or a better life is not compatible with our history.

One of Trump’s ex-wives alleges he kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches at his bedside. I have no idea if this is true, but the fact that she thought people would find it credible is disturbing. I haven’t heard that come up in even the bitterest divorces. Trump’s failure to immediately disavow the KKK makes you wonder.

Furthermore, Jews don’t demean women. Woman are revered. Modern synagogues treat the matriarchs as we do the patriarchs, honoring them in daily prayers. Shavuot celebrates Ruth, and Purim, Esther. Jewish adults don’t make fun of a woman’s menses.

On Israel, Trump seems uninformed and naive. Being an even-handed broker between a Democratic ally and Hamas is ridiculous. The fact that he approaches diplomacy as he would a business deal (which for him often ended in bankruptcy) is foolishness. Trump’s defense of his bona fides on Israel is that he once marched in an Israel Day parade. This is reminiscent of the fact that he gets foreign policy advice from watching “the shows.” There is no substance here.

I am writing this from Paris. A friend of mine told me people in the tolerant Republique de France are shocked that so many Americans would be supporting Trump for president. Americans? They have managed to marginalize Marie Le Pen in France amid all the xenophobia but Trump is winning in America? Il n’est pas possible. A few days ago, I was in London with my daughter. A friend of hers who works in the financial district told me that Trump is a hotter topic of conversation among her colleagues than “Brexit” (Great Britain leaving the European Union). “Europe depends on America,” she told me. “Europe is scared.”

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump | Opinion


Is anybody surprised? To sum up why he is opposed to Trump:

1. He won't unconditionally support Israel's Jewish supremacist ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians
2. He won't put Israel before America
3. He won't destroy the white race(Funny how his 'friend' in Europe is worried about Trump but not worried about the Jews who flood EU with third world migrants)
4. He will overthrow the Jewish American powerful establishment


Go Trump!

how about he's a bigot and disgusting?

those are good enough reasons.

or should people vote for those who hate them?

rightwingnut bigots are funny. but thanks for the dose of anti-Semitism.

How about Jews are bigots who hate non-Jews? You yourself have a severe hatred of the Palestinians. You support a right wing party in Israel, you support multiculturalism for white majority nations but oppose it for the Jewish majority nation of Israel. You claim to be a liberal but believe in an Jewish supremacist claim to a certain land.
Jewish Neo-Cons, like all other neo-Cons, hate Trump.
Most Jews are NOT neo-cons.

Most Jews are liberals. All Jews are Jewish first, no matter what their political leaning. This is why they all gather together against Trump. Along with minorities and other brainwashed self hating white's who were bombarded with white guilt factor growing up. They serve their tribe first and foremost. They make us fight their wars, they are working to make whites a minority. They corrupt the culture of the American people and many other people around the world. Until they change drastically, don't expect change of tone from me. Instead of addressing these issues, Jews ignore them as long as it they all benefit them personally. Like you're doing now, you're ignoring what makes you disliked, rather trying to get me to support you by your totally unoriginal attempt to pretend you're any different.

Same way you guys were trying to play the Germans, and then the Germans lost it with you. Something is wrong with you or you're deliberately that vile.

Most Jewish billionaires are neo-cons.
Most Jews are not billionaires.
Most Jews are voting for Trump.
The assimilation rate of Jews is alarmingly high.
Please expel us from the US to Israel so the US can collapse financially and Israel can flourish.

where are you that you think most jews are voting for trump? i'm in nyc and i know they aren't.
Israel would do fine though most hospitals and charities in the US would have to close down.

Okay buddy, do us a favor and spark the change. Start by moving over there yourself. :)
I think it would take you and your well organized army to encourage neighborhoods to move en masse,
I'm sure you have more behind you then just your effemminette ad libs.

Why are you backing down now? You said Israel will flourish once you move there, you praise Israel all the time. What's stopping you from going? Forget the rest of the Jews in the US, we're talking about you, please leave. :)
The move should be for your benefit.
You MUST have many followers who would be happy to help you make arrangements to create a Jew free US.

I thought US would collapse if that happened, so how is to my benefit? :)

You said you wanted to move to great Israel, go over there, leave us alone. Go flourish on your own, show us how it's done. :)

Israel is already flourishing.
I want you to gather all your friends, except the one you see in the mirror, and send us all to Israel.
You realize Jews marry Jews for religious reasons and not ethnic reasons right? Are Christians who marry Christians supremacists?

Quite the opposite, they marry each other to preserve Jewish ethnicity, has nothing to do with religion. Jews are a race. They claim so themselves. They aren't white.

'You Jews'? What makes you think I'm Jewish?

All your posts are anti-white, you keep comparing Trump to Hitler. It's very clear you're Jewish, denial won't change that.

how about he's a bigot and disgusting?

those are good enough reasons.

or should people vote for those who hate them?

rightwingnut bigots are funny. but thanks for the dose of anti-Semitism.

How about Jews are bigots who hate non-Jews? You yourself have a severe hatred of the Palestinians. You support a right wing party in Israel, you support multiculturalism for white majority nations but oppose it for the Jewish majority nation of Israel. You claim to be a liberal but believe in an Jewish supremacist claim to a certain land.
Jewish Neo-Cons, like all other neo-Cons, hate Trump.
Most Jews are NOT neo-cons.

Most Jews are liberals. All Jews are Jewish first, no matter what their political leaning. This is why they all gather together against Trump. Along with minorities and other brainwashed self hating white's who were bombarded with white guilt factor growing up. They serve their tribe first and foremost. They make us fight their wars, they are working to make whites a minority. They corrupt the culture of the American people and many other people around the world. Until they change drastically, don't expect change of tone from me. Instead of addressing these issues, Jews ignore them as long as it they all benefit them personally. Like you're doing now, you're ignoring what makes you disliked, rather trying to get me to support you by your totally unoriginal attempt to pretend you're any different.

Same way you guys were trying to play the Germans, and then the Germans lost it with you. Something is wrong with you or you're deliberately that vile.

Most Jewish billionaires are neo-cons.
Most Jews are not billionaires.
Most Jews are voting for Trump.
The assimilation rate of Jews is alarmingly high.
Please expel us from the US to Israel so the US can collapse financially and Israel can flourish.

where are you that you think most jews are voting for trump? i'm in nyc and i know they aren't.

My wife and I are on many Jewish social networks event though I spend most of my time here...
My wife is on Jewish group in Facebook, Yahoo, Young Israel, Five Towns, etc...
The non neo-Cons in the suburbs are voting for Trump and many of the Physicians in NYC that are being fired by Hospitals and Clinics that put Hilary stickers on the car bumpers are voting for Trump.
The only group that isn't being threatened by Globalization are business owners.
You realize Jews marry Jews for religious reasons and not ethnic reasons right? Are Christians who marry Christians supremacists?

Quite the opposite, they marry each other to preserve Jewish ethnicity, has nothing to do with religion. Jews are a race. They claim so themselves. They aren't white.

All your posts are anti-white, you keep comparing Trump to Hitler. It's very clear you're Jewish, denial won't change that.

How about Jews are bigots who hate non-Jews? You yourself have a severe hatred of the Palestinians. You support a right wing party in Israel, you support multiculturalism for white majority nations but oppose it for the Jewish majority nation of Israel. You claim to be a liberal but believe in an Jewish supremacist claim to a certain land.
Jewish Neo-Cons, like all other neo-Cons, hate Trump.
Most Jews are NOT neo-cons.

Most Jews are liberals. All Jews are Jewish first, no matter what their political leaning. This is why they all gather together against Trump. Along with minorities and other brainwashed self hating white's who were bombarded with white guilt factor growing up. They serve their tribe first and foremost. They make us fight their wars, they are working to make whites a minority. They corrupt the culture of the American people and many other people around the world. Until they change drastically, don't expect change of tone from me. Instead of addressing these issues, Jews ignore them as long as it they all benefit them personally. Like you're doing now, you're ignoring what makes you disliked, rather trying to get me to support you by your totally unoriginal attempt to pretend you're any different.

Same way you guys were trying to play the Germans, and then the Germans lost it with you. Something is wrong with you or you're deliberately that vile.

Most Jewish billionaires are neo-cons.
Most Jews are not billionaires.
Most Jews are voting for Trump.
The assimilation rate of Jews is alarmingly high.
Please expel us from the US to Israel so the US can collapse financially and Israel can flourish.

where are you that you think most jews are voting for trump? i'm in nyc and i know they aren't.

My wife and I are on many Jewish social networks event though I spend most of my time here...
My wife is on Jewish group in Facebook, Yahoo, Young Israel, Five Towns, etc...
The non neo-Cons in the suburbs are voting for Trump and many of the Physicians in NYC that are being fired by Hospitals and Clinics that put Hilary stickers on the car bumpers are voting for Trump.
The only group that isn't being threatened by Globalization are business owners.

i can only go by what i'm seeing. i would suspect, however, that, as here, people on line are much more extreme than the general population. i'm hearing a lot of republicans saying they're going to vote for hillary because they hate trump and everything he stands for.

no jew should ever vote for trump. we know what "populism" is.
You realize Jews marry Jews for religious reasons and not ethnic reasons right? Are Christians who marry Christians supremacists?

Quite the opposite, they marry each other to preserve Jewish ethnicity, has nothing to do with religion. Jews are a race. They claim so themselves. They aren't white.

Jewish Neo-Cons, like all other neo-Cons, hate Trump.
Most Jews are NOT neo-cons.

Most Jews are liberals. All Jews are Jewish first, no matter what their political leaning. This is why they all gather together against Trump. Along with minorities and other brainwashed self hating white's who were bombarded with white guilt factor growing up. They serve their tribe first and foremost. They make us fight their wars, they are working to make whites a minority. They corrupt the culture of the American people and many other people around the world. Until they change drastically, don't expect change of tone from me. Instead of addressing these issues, Jews ignore them as long as it they all benefit them personally. Like you're doing now, you're ignoring what makes you disliked, rather trying to get me to support you by your totally unoriginal attempt to pretend you're any different.

Same way you guys were trying to play the Germans, and then the Germans lost it with you. Something is wrong with you or you're deliberately that vile.

Most Jewish billionaires are neo-cons.
Most Jews are not billionaires.
Most Jews are voting for Trump.
The assimilation rate of Jews is alarmingly high.
Please expel us from the US to Israel so the US can collapse financially and Israel can flourish.

where are you that you think most jews are voting for trump? i'm in nyc and i know they aren't.

My wife and I are on many Jewish social networks event though I spend most of my time here...
My wife is on Jewish group in Facebook, Yahoo, Young Israel, Five Towns, etc...
The non neo-Cons in the suburbs are voting for Trump and many of the Physicians in NYC that are being fired by Hospitals and Clinics that put Hilary stickers on the car bumpers are voting for Trump.
The only group that isn't being threatened by Globalization are business owners.

i can only go by what i'm seeing. i would suspect, however, that, as here, people on line are much more extreme than the general population. i'm hearing a lot of republicans saying they're going to vote for hillary because they hate trump and everything he stands for.

no jew should ever vote for trump. we know what "populism" is.

In my job I meet retired Cons everyday who are voting for Trump as they can no longer support their children and grandchildren.
Please define "populism".
Quite the opposite, they marry each other to preserve Jewish ethnicity, has nothing to do with religion. Jews are a race. They claim so themselves. They aren't white.

Most Jews are liberals. All Jews are Jewish first, no matter what their political leaning. This is why they all gather together against Trump. Along with minorities and other brainwashed self hating white's who were bombarded with white guilt factor growing up. They serve their tribe first and foremost. They make us fight their wars, they are working to make whites a minority. They corrupt the culture of the American people and many other people around the world. Until they change drastically, don't expect change of tone from me. Instead of addressing these issues, Jews ignore them as long as it they all benefit them personally. Like you're doing now, you're ignoring what makes you disliked, rather trying to get me to support you by your totally unoriginal attempt to pretend you're any different.

Same way you guys were trying to play the Germans, and then the Germans lost it with you. Something is wrong with you or you're deliberately that vile.

Most Jewish billionaires are neo-cons.
Most Jews are not billionaires.
Most Jews are voting for Trump.
The assimilation rate of Jews is alarmingly high.
Please expel us from the US to Israel so the US can collapse financially and Israel can flourish.

where are you that you think most jews are voting for trump? i'm in nyc and i know they aren't.

My wife and I are on many Jewish social networks event though I spend most of my time here...
My wife is on Jewish group in Facebook, Yahoo, Young Israel, Five Towns, etc...
The non neo-Cons in the suburbs are voting for Trump and many of the Physicians in NYC that are being fired by Hospitals and Clinics that put Hilary stickers on the car bumpers are voting for Trump.
The only group that isn't being threatened by Globalization are business owners.

i can only go by what i'm seeing. i would suspect, however, that, as here, people on line are much more extreme than the general population. i'm hearing a lot of republicans saying they're going to vote for hillary because they hate trump and everything he stands for.

no jew should ever vote for trump. we know what "populism" is.

In my job I meet retired Cons everyday who are voting for Trump as they can no longer support their children and grandchildren.
Please define "populism".

standard definition

  1. Populism is a doctrine that appeals to the interests and conceptions (such as hopes and fears) of the general population, especially when contrasting any new collective consciousness push against the prevailing status quo interests of any predominant political sector.
    Populism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaPopulism
i'm not surprised that economically marginalized right-wingers are voting for trump.... see definition of populism above. odd question since it's not exactly an uncommon term..

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