"Why I Defend Socialism" from a Cuban

Cuba is marxist socialism that doesn't allow a private sector and doesnt make respect human rights. HOw the fuck can anyone compare social democracy to it??

Pure capitalism has just as many problems.
Actually there is a thriving legitimate private sector in Cuba where people have set up their own businesses.

That is entirely true, but only in recent years under the right-wing capitalist reforms in recent years.

Before then, the entire country was entirely a trash can of poverty and decline, under left-wing socialist ideology.
Well their government hasnt changed. The BBC sent somebody there a while back and people were setting up restaurants and there was also a thriving housing market with estate agents and all their crap. I fear for Cuba. Access to US markets has not been an unalloyed joy for their neighbours.
It was the Official US Government policy not JFK s policy however to be historically accurate the Bay of Pigs Invasion was started under Eisenhower....Bay of Pigs was on 4/17/61...JFK Inaugurated on 1/20/61...
good lord

did you have to sharpen that razor to split that hair as finely as you did?

idiot, it was jfk that gave the go ahead, the failure of it and the lives lost are on him
On October 6. 1976 a Cuban Aviation flight near Barbados was the victim of a terrorist bomb placed there by CIA agent Luis POisada Carriles.....Posada Carriles , an International fugitive from Justice lives today in Coral Gables Florida protected by the US Government from demands he be deported to face Justice
Cubana Flight 455: Remembering the Victims of US
It was the Official US Government policy not JFK s policy however to be historically accurate the Bay of Pigs Invasion was started under Eisenhower....Bay of Pigs was on 4/17/61...JFK Inaugurated on 1/20/61...
good lord

did you have to sharpen that razor to split that hair as finely as you did?

idiot, it was jfk that gave the go ahead, the failure of it and the lives lost are on him
The Cuban people defeated the US hired mercenaries/terrorist the "Enemy combatants" I am glad they got their ass whipped.... I am glad the Alabama pilots paid n for what they did...they are buried in Cuba...
It was the Official US Government policy not JFK s policy however to be historically accurate the Bay of Pigs Invasion was started under Eisenhower....Bay of Pigs was on 4/17/61...JFK Inaugurated on 1/20/61...
good lord

did you have to sharpen that razor to split that hair as finely as you did?

idiot, it was jfk that gave the go ahead, the failure of it and the lives lost are on him
The Cuban people defeated the US hired mercenaries/terrorist the "Enemy combatants" I am glad they got their ass whipped.... I am glad the Alabama pilots paid n for what they did...they are buried in Cuba...
I hope there's a god, so there's a heaven and hell, so you end up in hell.

I'd be glad to find out that such a fucking degenerate got what he had coming.
idiot, it was jfk that gave the go ahead, the failure of it and the lives lost are on him
The Invasion of Cuba was an act of Terror and Infamy by a bully Government not something to be proud of
but jfk is the leftist #2 Pres of all times, right behind that vile fuck fdr

keep that in mind as you vote for more leftist filth
JFK is a leftist to nut bag know nothing blow hard goons like you...you talk so much shit you should have a toilet on your face mouth breathing jack ass

The Anti-Empire Report #134 – November 19th, 2014 – William Blum
Each fall the UN vote is a welcome reminder that the world has not completely lost its senses and that the American empire does not completely control the opinion of other governments.

Speaking before the General Assembly before last year’s vote, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez declared: “The economic damages accumulated after half a century as a result of the implementation of the blockade amount to $1.126 trillion.” He added that the blockade “has been further tightened under President Obama’s administration”, some 30 US and foreign entities being hit with $2.446 billion in fines due to their interaction with Cuba.

However, the American envoy, Ronald Godard, in an appeal to other countries to oppose the resolution, said:

The international community … cannot in good conscience ignore the ease and frequency with which the Cuban regime silences critics, disrupts peaceful assembly, impedes independent journalism and, despite positive reforms, continues to prevent some Cubans from leaving or returning to the island. The Cuban government continues its tactics of politically motivated detentions, harassment and police violence against Cuban citizens. Democracy Now!, October 30, 2013">

So there you have it. That is why Cuba must be punished. One can only guess what Mr. Godard would respond if told that more than 7,000 people were arrested in the United States during the Occupy Movement’s first 8 months of protest in 2011-12 Huffingfton Post, May 3, 2012"> ; that many of them were physically abused by the police; and that their encampments were violently destroyed.

Does Mr. Godard have access to any news media? Hardly a day passes in America without a police officer shooting to death an unarmed person.
If you didn't use bold and large print, I'd read that, but it's hard on my eyes to read such childish gibberish.

jfk got thousands of American killed in VN
he got many killed in Cuba
Wilson got hundreds of thousands killed going to WW1
fdr did the same in WW2

you leftist filth have so much America blood on your hands you should all rot in hell for keeping that party alive
Cuba: Why I Defend Socialism

"I am a Cuban who has lived for 76 years, therefore I know full well how life was before the revolution, having experienced it directly and indirectly.

As a result, it hurts me to read so many aspersions cast upon a government that fights tooth and nail to provide us a better life. If it hasn’t fully been able to do so, this is because of the many obstacles that have been put in its way."

Writer compares Cuba to Bolivia and Venezuela, and I think these examples could be extended by others, which Cuba is doing fairly well against. Especially considering the fact that; Cuba was blockaded by the Super Power of this planet for long and lacked the natural resources.

Tough job, good work, imo....
I have never been to Cuba but my parents were there before Castro and before I was born.. Armando, a personal friend of my parents may or may not been part of Batista and Castro took his shoe factory with nothing in return but Armando escaped and found safe refuge in the US. I met Armando in our rural country home when I was ten years old and he gave me a little Cuban flag that I still have to this very day..
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Cuba in the Cross-Hairs: A Near Half-Century of Terror, by

Cuba in the Cross-Hairs: A Near Half-Century of Terror
Noam Chomsky

Excerpted fromHegemony or Survival, Metropolitan Books, 2003

The Batista dictatorship was overthrown in January 1959 by Castro’s guerrilla forces. In March, the National Security Council (NSC) considered means to institute regime change. In May, the CIA began to arm guerrillas inside Cuba. “During the Winter of 1959-1960, there was a significant increase in CIA-supervised bombing and incendiary raids piloted by exiled Cubans” based in the US. We need not tarry on what the US or its clients would do under such circumstances. Cuba, however, did not respond with violent actions within the United States for revenge or deterrence. Rather, it followed the procedure required by international law. In July 1960, Cuba called on the UN for help, providing the Security Council with records of some twenty bombings, including names of pilots, plane registration numbers, unexploded bombs, and other specific details, alleging considerable damage and casualties and calling for resolution of the conflict through diplomatic channels. US Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge responded by giving his “assurance [that] the United States has no aggressive purpose against Cuba.” Four months before, in March 1960, his government had made a formal decision in secret to overthrow the Castro government, and preparations for the Bay of Pigs invasion were well advanced.

............................Eisenhower’s March 1960 plan called for the overthrow of Castro in favor of a regime “more devoted to the true interests of the Cuban people and more acceptable to the U.S.,” including support for “military operation on the island” and “development of an adequate paramilitary force outside of Cuba.” Intelligence reported that popular support for Castro was high, but the US would determine the “true interests of the Cuban people.
If you didn't use bold and large print, I'd read that, but it's hard on my eyes to read such childish gibberish.

jfk got thousands of American killed in VN
he got many killed in Cuba
Wilson got hundreds of thousands killed going to WW1
fdr did the same in WW2

you leftist filth have so much America blood on your hands you should all rot in hell for keeping that party alive

Fuck you worthless mouth breathing asshole ....the US is an Empire a war like Empire you fuck head..,hysterical right wing know nothing creep
idiot, it was jfk that gave the go ahead, the failure of it and the lives lost are on him
The Invasion of Cuba was an act of Terror and Infamy by a bully Government not something to be proud of
but jfk is the leftist #2 Pres of all times, right behind that vile fuck fdr

keep that in mind as you vote for more leftist filth
JFK is as leftist as Richard Nixon you are a fucking moron the # 1 fucking moron I have encountered this morning fuck you worthless asshole
How the embargo began: On April 6, 1960, Lester D. Mallory, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, wrote in an internal memorandum: “The majority of Cubans support Castro … The only foreseeable means of alienating internal support is through disenchantment and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship. … every possible means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of Cuba.” Mallory proposed “a line of action which … makes the greatest inroads in denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government.”
If you didn't use bold and large print, I'd read that, but it's hard on my eyes to read such childish gibberish.

jfk got thousands of American killed in VN
he got many killed in Cuba
Wilson got hundreds of thousands killed going to WW1
fdr did the same in WW2

you leftist filth have so much America blood on your hands you should all rot in hell for keeping that party alive
Fuck you worthless mouth breathing asshole ....the US is an Empire a war like Empire you fuck head..,hysterical right wing know nothing creep
childish big bold words

you mad bro?

yea, you mad, b/c you live in a country you hate but are to scared to move out.

fucking mad pussy, that' what you are.
idiot, it was jfk that gave the go ahead, the failure of it and the lives lost are on him
The Invasion of Cuba was an act of Terror and Infamy by a bully Government not something to be proud of
but jfk is the leftist #2 Pres of all times, right behind that vile fuck fdr

keep that in mind as you vote for more leftist filth
JFK is as leftist as Richard Nixon you are a fucking moron the # 1 fucking moron I have encountered this morning fuck you worthless asshole
jfk sent us to war in VN, got Americans killed, but he's your hero b/c some media outlet told you he was great.

sucks to be dumb, not that I'd know, but it looks like it hurts
idiot, it was jfk that gave the go ahead, the failure of it and the lives lost are on him
The Invasion of Cuba was an act of Terror and Infamy by a bully Government not something to be proud of
but jfk is the leftist #2 Pres of all times, right behind that vile fuck fdr

keep that in mind as you vote for more leftist filth
JFK is as leftist as Richard Nixon you are a fucking moron the # 1 fucking moron I have encountered this morning fuck you worthless asshole
jfk sent us to war in VN, got Americans killed, but he's your hero b/c some media outlet told you he was great.

sucks to be dumb, not that I'd know, but it looks like it hurts

JFK sent us to war in VN and LBJ escalated it. The Paris Peace Talks ended VN under RMN.

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