Why i get pissed every time i hear about income inequality.

Are you still sad that Reagan won the Cold War?
Boloney, Gorbachev did it and Reagan and Bush screwed up the end of the Soviet Union for Gorbachev. Great job! We're lucky Reagan and his stupid bluster didn't bring back the hardliners in the Soviet Union.
Boloney, Gorbachev did it and Reagan and Bush screwed up the end of the Soviet Union for Gorbachev. Great job! We're lucky Reagan and his stupid bluster didn't bring back the hardliners in the Soviet Union.

Gorbachev did it

He lost on purpose?

We're lucky Reagan and his stupid bluster didn't bring back the hardliners in the Soviet Union.

Why? The hardliners lost. They're losers. Like all commies.
Boloney, Gorbachev did it and Reagan and Bush screwed up the end of the Soviet Union for Gorbachev. Great job! We're lucky Reagan and his stupid bluster didn't bring back the hardliners in the Soviet Union.

Were the hardliners going to have a less sucky economy? LOL!
Sounds like life is great in give away to the rich GOP America. Who needs healthcare a mental health system a living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training, an ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly taxing the rich their fair share like every other modern country? Change the channel and snap out of it....
A ID card to end illegal immigration? So everyone pouring into the Country should get a ID card?? . Taxing the rich; Do you really think the Dems are going to tax the hell out of Jeff Bezos and others? What percent would be a “ fair share” of one’s income?
The op is a great example of how the rich uses useful idiots to achieve their goals and maintain their status. Allow the poor and anyone below them to fight each other over crumbs while they lick their fingers and make tens, if not hundreds of billions while paying you squat in comparison. The better distracted they are, the less they’ll focus on the fact that I’m paying them nearly nothing to make me those billions.
I hate that expression. People who use the term "income inequality" obviously had parents who didn't teach them anything about real life: Not all people are supposed to be equal, life wasn't meant to be fair, and you really can't get something for nothing. We seem to have bred a society that holds its most productive members up to ridicule and scorn, and makes beloved mascots out of its least productive and most parasitic members.
My hard work was primarily the reason, but I definitely benefited from the economic boom due to Reagan's turnaround of Carter's disastrous economy.
Yes your hard work was the primary reason. At least you see that. So you think regan gets credit for the economy? Ok that’s fine, but Why not the compilation of all the people and businesses that did the hard work? What did regan specifically do to make the economy more prosperous?
I began my career when Reagan took office. By the time he left office I and everyone I knew was prospering. You are as usual perpetuating Liberal fantasy.
Yes he had a lot of success with the 50% top tax rate. And of course from the usual GOP corrupt bubble and bust from the S&L's... Then they had that recession and oh in 1987 he cut the top tax rate to 28% and we've been screwed ever since... I'm also very happy with him making crap propaganda like Rush and fox possible by doing away with the fairness doctrine... Reagan is a long running catastrophe still going. A great corporate spokesman for the greedy idiot rich. How is his pal Saddam doing?
My hard work was primarily the reason, but I definitely benefited from the economic boom due to Reagan's turnaround of Carter's disastrous economy.
Poor old Carter... He wanted to have a tax cut much like reagan's first one from 70 down to 50%. But teddy made it impossible. Great job damn it
Nobody is insisting on everyone being equal, that is garbage GOP hate propaganda. But the worst inequality, upward mobility, and homelessness ever anywhere is a bit much, as is the giveaway to the rich tax rates we've had since Reagan. I'm glad that GOP base finally noticed the problems, but they think Biden did it which is absolutely ridiculous. Lol
The op is a great example of how the rich uses useful idiots to achieve their goals and maintain their status. Allow the poor and anyone below them to fight each other over crumbs while they lick their fingers and make tens, if not hundreds of billions while paying you squat in comparison. The better distracted they are, the less they’ll focus on the fact that I’m paying them nearly nothing to make me those billions.
Useful idiot? Bwaaahhaaaaa....My federal taxes that i have to pay in is over 60,000 dollars a year, while my property taxes are 50,000 a year. Tell me, do you think i am just a useful idiot or one of those that uses people like you as a useful idiot, that the Democrats so groom out of public education?
Nobody is insisting on everyone being equal, that is garbage GOP hate propaganda. But the worst inequality, upward mobility, and homelessness ever anywhere is a bit much, as is the giveaway to the rich tax rates we've had since Reagan. I'm glad that GOP base finally noticed the problems, but they think Biden did it which is absolutely ridiculous. Lol
You had better start paying closer attention to what your Democrat leaders are saying. DEI is all about insuring EQUAL OUTCOMES FOR EVERYONE. That of course is impossible and stupid which is right in the Democrat's wheelhouse.

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