Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

The far right can fulminate all they want, but the other 85% know they are full of shit.
Where is that proof fakie?
Every time you post, you give us proof of it as you chase your tail. Your self loathing must be a powerful, destructive force in your life.

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Any person who thinks he is better because of race is an idiot.

Any white in America who thinks that there is no inbred historical, racial privilege is mentally feeble, or poorly educated, or malignantly motivated, or a combination of the above.
And yet you have shown nothing to back that up

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All of what you posted is myth with job bases on reality. In most good paying jobs it is women and minorities with the advantages of getting hired. but don't let let actual truth get in your way of ideology

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You are lying again. Offer stats and surveys that conclusively support your statement. You can't.
Go look up employment stats yourself fakie you are the one saying it is all white privilege

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While "I am not guilty of anything that happened before I was born", you certainly have benefited from what happened before you were born. Accept reality, please.
And what are these things us white folk are befitting from? Please tell us fakie Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That has been proved over and over, so, no, you don't get "just once more." Ever.
No it hasn't. Not once. Just accusations from bona-fide liars like you

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The mark of every good American, regardless of color, is

"Staying out of trouble
Being on time
Taking work seriously
Not being a workplace agitator
Being reliable to do solid work"
You fail at all of it.

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I did all of that exceptionally well, and my life is super. If you do it, you may succeed, but, for you, it may be too late.
We all know you lie fakie so that means Nothing

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The mark of every good American, regardless of color, is

"Staying out of trouble
Being on time
Taking work seriously
Not being a workplace agitator
Being reliable to do solid work"

First you have to get the job.
Of witch women have a 3 to 1 advantage and minorities a 2 to 1 advantage.

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Nope. You cry and deny and lie (like immediately above), and we ask why. We know why, though. You are a loser.
How can I be a loser and be a white male?

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Part of our hiring and firing policies included identifying racialists of any color and background.

We made sure we did not hire them. If we found them in the business, we figured out how to terminate them quickly and painlessly for us.

We then made sure every member of the informal business group in each of our communities were aware of these people. John Henry Kirby crafted the black balling of applicants, and we perfected it.
You of course have proof other then your word which we all know is not worth shit

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White male privilege is not a guarantee for the lower white orders: drug dealers, share croppers, hobos, you, Thanatos. All of your type's inner angst is aimed at other races as well as women. You are losers, no two ways about it.

Prove that meme....

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Why? When I do, what are you going to do with the information? Shove it up your ass?

I've discussed this issue at length a dozen times here. Search my name and "redlining" and "legal or de facto segregation". You'll find these discussions.

You work in a convenience store, right? Will you admit your own prejudice and own up to the fact that you watch black customers more closely than white ones when they enter your store? Or.....will you lie?
Sorry folks for now the American Dream is dead , except for the privileged. While all my great nieces and nephews are in college, I do wonder about their job opportunities upon graduation. A college cert is now a dime a dozen. Better to get in the trades.

Jean Paul GettyKBE (December 15, 1892 – June 6, 1976) was an American industrialist.[2] He founded the Getty Oil Company, and in 1957 Fortune magazine named him the richest living American,[3] while the 1966 Guinness Book of Records named him as the world's richest private citizen, worth an estimated $1.2 billion (approximately $8.8 billion in 2015).[4] At his death, he was worth more than $2 billion (approximately $8.3 billion in 2015).[5] A book published in 1996 ranked him as the 67th richest American who ever lived, based on his wealth as a percentage of the gross national product.[6]

J. Paul Getty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 96 he would of been the 67th richest, most of the big money was made of this growth period, and it will not return. They are looking to Africa now, to develop there and then I imagine when the US is a third world country , they will come back here.
Gonna drink some more male tears as you live comfortably in a country men built so you women didn't have to?

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Times have changed, now women can become CEO's. For a long time women couldn't even vote. I have worked all my life, as many women have, so the men who are rich can thank me.
Self lothing? Don't project on me liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Every time you post from the convenience store on company time, you give us proof of it as you chase your tail. Your self loathing must be a powerful, destructive force in your life.

you really have to kind of feel sorry for whites who never took advantage and got a further education , just sitting back and enjoying the benefits of the white privilege system. Well looks like the ride is coming to an end and its not a pretty sight .

Prove that meme....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Why? When I do, what are you going to do with the information? Shove it up your ass?

I've discussed this issue at length a dozen times here. Search my name and "redlining" and "legal or de facto segregation". You'll find these discussions.

You work in a convenience store, right? Will you admit your own prejudice and own up to the fact that you watch black customers more closely than white ones when they enter your store? Or.....will you lie?
On other words you can't since it is a lie

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Sorry folks for now the American Dream is dead , except for the privileged. While all my great nieces and nephews are in college, I do wonder about their job opportunities upon graduation. A college cert is now a dime a dozen. Better to get in the trades.

Jean Paul GettyKBE (December 15, 1892 – June 6, 1976) was an American industrialist.[2] He founded the Getty Oil Company, and in 1957 Fortune magazine named him the richest living American,[3] while the 1966 Guinness Book of Records named him as the world's richest private citizen, worth an estimated $1.2 billion (approximately $8.8 billion in 2015).[4] At his death, he was worth more than $2 billion (approximately $8.3 billion in 2015).[5] A book published in 1996 ranked him as the 67th richest American who ever lived, based on his wealth as a percentage of the gross national product.[6]

J. Paul Getty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 96 he would of been the 67th richest, most of the big money was made of this growth period, and it will not return. They are looking to Africa now, to develop there and then I imagine when the US is a third world country , they will come back here.
Gonna drink some more male tears as you live comfortably in a country men built so you women didn't have to?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Times have changed, now women can become CEO's. For a long time women couldn't even vote. I have worked all my life, as many women have, so the men who are rich can thank me.
And your point is what? That the patriarchy is bullshit? We already know this

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Self lothing? Don't project on me liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Every time you post from the convenience store on company time, you give us proof of it as you chase your tail. Your self loathing must be a powerful, destructive force in your life.

Personal attacks of my perceived job.... again proving that you can't back up your lies

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Prove that meme....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Why? When I do, what are you going to do with the information? Shove it up your ass?

I've discussed this issue at length a dozen times here. Search my name and "redlining" and "legal or de facto segregation". You'll find these discussions.

You work in a convenience store, right? Will you admit your own prejudice and own up to the fact that you watch black customers more closely than white ones when they enter your store? Or.....will you lie?
On other words you can't since it is a lie

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You failed to discuss your approach to customers at your convenience store. Why is that?

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