Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

Yeah, some real privilege here, libtards, as native American citizens are turned away and the government does nothing to prevent it.

Hum, Jewish speaker working for a jewish firm, I'm sure they would hire an American Jew.

Like I said, its who you are and who you know, and also what are you willing to do.

Gee a liberal jew hater. ... how unoriginal

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Just stating the obvious.
Yeah, some real privilege here, libtards, as native American citizens are turned away and the government does nothing to prevent it.

Hum, Jewish speaker working for a jewish firm, I'm sure they would hire an American Jew.

Like I said, its who you are and who you know, and also what are you willing to do.

Gee a liberal jew hater. ... how unoriginal

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Just stating the obvious.

That you hate jews?

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Just stating the obvious.
That you hate jews?
In gaming strategy there is an old saying that goes something like 'He who defends everything defends nothing.' I.e. you have to pick your battles or you will lose.

This is a battle not worth fighting because the Jewish PREDOMINANCE in Hollyweird is so obvious to anyone who has the honesty to look at the subject. But some just cant stand even a cursory look into the facts because they fear that it will somehow embarrass Jews or something.

No, what is embarrassing, or should be, is that so many people who are Jewish or who like Jewish people hide the fact that most of Hollyweird is populated by Jewish people. And that doesnt even count those who are Jewish by blood though not by Jewish custom, like Rupert Murdock.

There is nothing wrong with any of that, but the hiding of it makes it seem to be so and so anti-semites use it as a weapon against Jews.

It is similar to the view that Jews have of Satan, that he isnt a bad guy and is actually helpful in some ways. Though this shocks some Christians, it isnt a bad thing about Jews, though I disagree with them on the matter. Trying to hide this part of their theology makes them look Satanic in the minds of many people though and in large part it is because so many try to deny it.

Satan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Judaism, Satan is a term used since its earliest biblical contexts to refer to a human opponent.[26] Occasionally, the term has been used to suggest evil influence opposing human beings, as in the Jewish exegesis of the Yetzer hara ("evil inclination" Genesis 6:5). Micaiah's "lying spirit" in 1 Kings 22:22 is sometimes related. Thus, Satan is personified as a character in three different places of the Tenakh, serving as an accuser (Zechariah 3:1–2), a seducer (1 Chronicles 21:1), or as a heavenly persecutor who is "among the sons of God" (Job 2:1). In any case, Satan is always subordinate to the power of God, having a role in the divine plan. Satan is rarely mentioned in Tannaitic literature, but is found in Babylonian aggadah.[20]

In medieval Judaism, the Rabbis rejected these Enochic literary works into the Biblical canon, making every attempt to root them out.[19] Traditionalists and philosophers in medieval Judaism adhered to rational theology, rejecting any belief in rebel or fallen angels, and viewing evil as abstract.[27] The Yetzer hara ("evil inclination" Genesis 6:5) is a more common motif for evil in rabbinical texts. Rabbinical scholarship on the Book of Job generally follows the Talmud and Maimonides as identifying the "Adversary" in the prologue of Job as a metaphor.[28]

In Hasidic Judaism, the Kabbalah presents Satan as an agent of God whose function is to tempt one into sin, then turn around and accuse the sinner on high.[vague] The Chasidic Jews of the 18th century associated ha-Satan with Baal Davar.[29]
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Yeah, some real privilege here, libtards, as native American citizens are turned away and the government does nothing to prevent it.

Hum, Jewish speaker working for a jewish firm, I'm sure they would hire an American Jew.

Like I said, its who you are and who you know, and also what are you willing to do.

Gee a liberal jew hater. ... how unoriginal

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Just stating the obvious.

That you hate jews?

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Like I said, stating the obvious. Don't turn this on me, like I am an anti jew, I mean that is how the jews shut people up, you must be a Zionist, since your denying the obvious.
Yeah, some real privilege here, libtards, as native American citizens are turned away and the government does nothing to prevent it.

Hum, Jewish speaker working for a jewish firm, I'm sure they would hire an American Jew.

Like I said, its who you are and who you know, and also what are you willing to do.

Gee a liberal jew hater. ... how unoriginal

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Just stating the obvious.

That you hate jews?

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Like I said, stating the obvious. Don't turn this on me, like I am an anti jew, I mean that is how the shut people up, you must be a Zionist.

Sorry not a jew. It must suck being a hateful troll like you

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Hum, Jewish speaker working for a jewish firm, I'm sure they would hire an American Jew.

Like I said, its who you are and who you know, and also what are you willing to do.
Gee a liberal jew hater. ... how unoriginal

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Just stating the obvious.
That you hate jews?

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Like I said, stating the obvious. Don't turn this on me, like I am an anti jew, I mean that is how the shut people up, you must be a Zionist.
Sorry not a jew. It must suck being a hateful troll like you

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Well then you are not an informed person. I suggest you read a bit more.
Gee a liberal jew hater. ... how unoriginal

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Just stating the obvious.
That you hate jews?

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Like I said, stating the obvious. Don't turn this on me, like I am an anti jew, I mean that is how the shut people up, you must be a Zionist.
Sorry not a jew. It must suck being a hateful troll like you

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Well then you are not an informed person. I suggest you read a bit more.
I read plenty.

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Also, if you want to hear me whine about things in the past, I can mention that I am half-Irish and there's a very long history of Irish being treated badly.

But we got over it. Why can't blacks?
The author of that article spent a lot of it whining about things that happened in his family's past.

Which family ran from the version of Jim Crow visited on them, then he disparages the Jim Crow foisted on others.

Half Irish? Southie?

That is what you got from that?

He was not whining about his family's past.

He was not putting if forth as an excuse for failure or a reason why he deserves special treatment or entitlements NOW.

That's the difference.
For the love of God, Whites own most of the world, and devastated indigenous cultures. Why is it 95% of Australia is NOT ABORIGINE? Why is it 95% of the US is NOT NATIVE AMERICAN?

White privilege? You're living in someone else's country ASSHOLE.

No, we aren't. It's our country.

Fuck you.
Yes, Jews have an influence beyond their numbers, but who cares and why?

This came up in the privilege of jews hiring jews, they are over represented (in respect to their stated pop of 2-3%)in all areas, gov, Hollywood, and the press, banking, and non profit orgs.
Part of our hiring and firing policies included identifying racialists of any color and background.

We made sure we did not hire them. If we found them in the business, we figured out how to terminate them quickly and painlessly for us.

We then made sure every member of the informal business group in each of our communities were aware of these people. John Henry Kirby crafted the black balling of applicants, and we perfected it.


And considering how you knee jerk on that, you must have fucked a lot of completely innocent people.

What a fucking asshole you are.

THis is how liberals come to dominate certain industries, and then they sit around and tell each other that there are no conservatives in their industries because conservatives are all dumb, or unimaginative, or something.
Yes, Jews have an influence beyond their numbers, but who cares and why?

Err, it does raise some interesting questions.

1, Why? Is it because of a cultural strength in Judaism, such as holding a strong focus on education? That answer to that would be valuable to know.

2. Is it because of discrimination in hiring? If that is the case a LOT of investors are being screwed as their people are not hiring according to professional ability but a form of cronyism.

2b Also, a LOT of non-jewish people who have dreams of working in Hollywood then have lost out on vast wealth and privilege because they were not jewish. That would be seriously wrong.
I read plenty.
Then why are yo in denial of facts of the public domain?

You really look kind of silly denying this when even Jews like Ben Stein admit it is true that Jews have a predominance in Hollyweird.

What is so wrong about that?
Wtf are you rambling about? Jesus man keep you jew hate conspiracy shit to yourself . it is amazing how you make the regressive argument for them because you are hooked on Alex Jones

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The far right can fulminate all they want, but the other 85% know they are full of shit.
It's not the Far Right. It's the majority of American Whites. Whites Believe They Are Victims of Racism More Often Than Blacks "oth whites and blacks agree that anti-black racism has decreased over the last 60 years, according to the study. However, whites believe that anti-white racism has increased and is now a bigger problem than anti-black racism."
Some whites (the far right anti-color whites) believe that. Like you, Correll, they certainly do. What is happening is that the other Americans of color as well as women generally are getting their share of America, which means less for white males. When 54% of the voting electorate (white males) drops to 33% in fifty years, of course many white males are pissed at their diminished power.
Look at who the richest people in our society.
Yeah, all those white people on welfare sure are rich.

You are such a fucking idiot.
Finally, you admitted that there are whites on welfare. Give us the numbers and the percentages for white, black, and brown. You will find out you are talking through your ass again.

Oh, and suddenly liberals understand percentages! How convenient!
Your admission of defeat is noted and accepted. :lol:

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