Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

One, you operate from confirmation bias, which tells you being a racialist is OK. You are wrong. Such people don't work for us, are not permitted to.

Two, you deserve nothing.

Three, millennials laugh at your silliness. They reject your nonsense every day and every way. If things were not going against you, you would say all is OK and going to be OK. You are screwed, dude.

Four, your definition of racialism applies to you. Good people do not make decisions based on a person's race or ethnicity or religion, etc. You do make such decisions, and you are wrong before God and man.
One, you operate from confirmation bias, which tells you being a racialist is OK. You are wrong. Such people don't work for us, are not permitted to.

Two, you deserve nothing.

Three, millennials laugh at your silliness. They reject your nonsense every day and every way. If things were not going against you, you would say all is OK and going to be OK. You are screwed, dude.

Four, your definition of racialism applies to you. Good people do not make decisions based on a person's race or ethnicity or religion, etc. You do make such decisions, and you are wrong before God and man.

1. Or maybe you are. Oh, and I got that you go around and fuck people who you don't like. Behind their backs like a coward.

2. You still aren't listening. NOthing I said was about "deserving" anything. YOu ass.

3. NO, White Millennials are getting irked at your evilness. They know damn well they don't have any Privilege, and haven't oppressed anyone. And they are and will be getting more and more irked as they realize they have less and less recourse when they are fucked by people like you.

4. YOu didn't address the fact that you just demonstrated that you are a racialist by your own definition. How do you justify that? I would think for you that this would require a period of self examination. Instead you just keep trucking. What's with that? Make you look like a complete hypocrite.
You are ranting, Correll, because your time is almost over. Tough. Shuffle off. Millennials have almost no use for your kind. The GOP millennials will axe off the far right, no doubt about it.

Cutting off racialists is not racialism, except in the head of a loon like you.

The back cover reads as well: "A fascinating biographical look at the life of a reclusive middle aged white man with typical discriminating views of the ever changing ethnic mix that is America:,,, yada yada yada.
Good luck on your best seller.
You are ranting, Correll, because your time is almost over. Tough. Shuffle off. Millennials have almost no use for your kind. The GOP millennials will axe off the far right, no doubt about it.

Cutting off racialists is not racialism, except in the head of a loon like you.

View attachment 59445

Poor kids, they've been lied to their whole lives. But some of the lies contradict what they know about themselves.

Race, Millennials and Reverse Discrimination

'A solid majority of white Millennials, 56 percent, say that government has paid too much attention to the problems of blacks and other minorities. An even larger majority, 58 percent, say that “discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.”

You'll have your Minority Majority Population, Jake.

But young WHites who have NEVER been in a position of Privilege are not going to be receptive to being called "racialist" just because they don't want to be discriminated against.

I really hope you enjoy how polite people are to you today Jake. Because these are the Good Old Days.
Yeah, some real privilege here, libtards, as native American citizens are turned away and the government does nothing to prevent it.

That video really pisses me off. The practice of bringing in H1Bs has got to stop. 330 million people in this country and a company can't find a qualified programmer here? Screw that shit!
Why I'll never apologize for my white privilege:

Great grandparents were dirt poor Southerners living through the 1st world war and depression. Survived by hunting deer and canning food they grew. Taught their kids to survive with less and save...

Grandparents. Grandpa was poor. Enlisted in Navy. Fought in 2 wars. Grandma stayed home to care for modest old home and raised 3 kids. Took on a job as a maid after grandpa came home. They saved every dime they earned. Both died having never owned a new car. Never owned a color TV. BUT....they left the house and land to their kids to set them up.

My parents....fixed that old house up. Lived in it a while. Then sold it. Bought a home in a better school district. Thank you grandpa and grandma. That old house they scratched and saved ended up being a blessing. Parents each worked 2 jobs to raise me and my brother. ONCE AGAIN....never splurged on shit. Stayed out of trouble.

And guess what? Because we moved to a better school district...i got a good high school education....AND...a good high school football coach...and that helped me get my way into Furman University, paid for by football. And that education paid off for me. Hardest 4 heads of my life. But it paid off.

Now....I worked 8 years in law enforcement. Was injured on duty. Retired. Now work in the corporate fitness world after enjoying the rehab process a lot.

And that's my "white privilege". Rooted all the way back to great grandpa hunting deer and grandma canning beans and apples to get through the winter. Chopping fire wood because we couldn't afford a heater. Saving instead of buying a new car or TV.

SETTING UP their children to have more success than they did. That's white privilege apparently.
. Yours is a story of countless white families who came from having nothing to making a living for themselves and their family. I too consider it a privilege to be born white.
Ha, ha, ha. "White Privilege!" Next time I'm shoveling manure out of my barn, I'll have to remember that I'm only there because of "White Privilege". Wonder how many other people would trade me places to get a little of that "White Privilege"? I can answer that... NONE!

Stupidest thing I've ever heard of.
Lol. How long did it take your family to get you to say manure?
For the love of God, Whites own most of the world, and devastated indigenous cultures. Why is it 95% of Australia is NOT ABORIGINE? Why is it 95% of the US is NOT NATIVE AMERICAN?

White privilege? You're living in someone else's country ASSHOLE.
Show us the Injun's deed to the land.
Having to share the pie is not racialism, Correll. Fighting against it because of white privilege is racialism.
"Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege"

Likely because there's nothing to 'apologize' for.

That white men enjoy an advantage in hiring and education is a fact beyond dispute.

Conservatives who seek to contrive this fact into a partisan wedge issue should consider apologizing for attempting to do so, as well as others on the right who work to propagate the lie that to acknowledge the fact that white men enjoy an advantage in hiring and education manifests as an 'attack' on white males, or advocacy of 'discrimination' against white men – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
That white men are victims of a DISadvantage in hiring and education is a fact beyond dispute. Liberal liars continue to appeal to blacks and other minorities for their votes, by bribing them with affirmative action and other such pandering, while simultaneously supporting the most despicable racial and sexist discrimination against white males.

Not only do white men suffer the negative effects of losing admissions to colleges, losing college financial aid (if they ever DO get in), losing jobs, losing job promotions (if they ever DO get hired), losing business loans, but all of this massive lo$$, then becomes more lo$$ in later life, when Social Security benefits are reduced, due to the lower income over the years/decades.

And it isn't just white males who are suffering this discrimination. They may be the biggest victims for sure, but Hispanics, Asians, and white women are discriminated against too. When I was unjustly denied an assistantship in my graduate school in 1977, I (et al) was forced to drop out. 4.5 years of tough college study, including a BA, went right down the drain, same as if I had never gone to college at all. I spent the next 30+ years driving a cab, motel clerk, working as a security guard (sometimes at minimum wage), and doing most anything I could get that didn't have an affirmative action screen attached to it (which eliminated all the better jobs) And discriminated against,along with me, in my graduate school, were 2 other Hispanics (I am 1/2 Hispanic), 2 Asians, and 3 white women. The only students who were granted assistantships, all were black. No one else.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION has brought about the largest race/sex discrimination against. by far, the largest number of people (mostly whites), over the past 50 years. Most of them probably don't even know they have been discriminated against, as the liberals who deviously create and propagate these affirmative action programs, do it deceitfully, pretending that the questionairres are only for statistical recordkeeping. Then you go to the office were you applied for a job, and find 50 people working there > ALL BLACK. (Rocket scientist not needed).

What is needed is a massive REPARATIONS program to compensate all whites, and any victims of affirmative action racism/sexism over the past 50 years, and the $$$ paid out shouldn't come from taxpayers - it should come from the personal bank accounts of those who have perpetrated this insidious discrimination against whites, while simultaneously, liberal liars, like the soulless C_Clayton_Jones here, pretend it is a good thing.
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What we need is the nonsense of the Protectionists posted often so we can laugh at that nonsense and stay in reality.

Protectionist continues to


Bucs90 is going to post below in a way that shows he has not read the latest posts.

What a dope.
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What we need is the nonsense of the Protectionists posted often so we can laugh at that nonsense and stay in reality.

Protectionist continues to


The "protectionists"??? Oh brother. Ok. What the fuck is this newest liberal whiner phrase supposed to represent? Whites who want to keep what they've earned?
Having to share the pie is not racialism, Correll. Fighting against it because of white privilege is racialism.

Insisting that people who have never had a Day of Privilege are Privileged is not a prelude to fair and equal sharing but a rationalization on how you are planning to fuck them.
Having to share the pie is not racialism, Correll. Fighting against it because of white privilege is racialism.

Insisting that people who have never had a Day of Privilege are Privileged is not a prelude to fair and equal sharing but a rationalization on how you are planning to fuck them.
You are lying again. White male privilege is dying. Your racialist power is dying. That's the end of it.
Having to share the pie is not racialism, Correll. Fighting against it because of white privilege is racialism.

Insisting that people who have never had a Day of Privilege are Privileged is not a prelude to fair and equal sharing but a rationalization on how you are planning to fuck them.
You are lying again. White male privilege is dying. Your racialist power is dying. That's the end of it.

Insisting that people who have never had a Day of Privilege are Privileged is not a prelude to fair and equal sharing but a rationalization on how you are planning to fuck them.
Those are your words, Correll, and they are not true. You have a fair and equal opportunity like everyone else, nothing more. Your days of white privilege as a male are gone, over, done. Tough.
Those are your words, Correll, and they are not true. You have a fair and equal opportunity like everyone else, nothing more. Your days of white privilege as a male are gone, over, done. Tough.

Hmmm. So....if true....what changes????

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