Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

you really have to kind of feel sorry for whites who never took advantage and got a further education , just sitting back and enjoying the benefits of the white privilege system. Well looks like the ride is coming to an end and its not a pretty sight .

Tell me why is it you think that being white gives us a privilege when there are actual laws making sure women and minorities have privilege?

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Prove that meme....

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Why? When I do, what are you going to do with the information? Shove it up your ass?

I've discussed this issue at length a dozen times here. Search my name and "redlining" and "legal or de facto segregation". You'll find these discussions.

You work in a convenience store, right? Will you admit your own prejudice and own up to the fact that you watch black customers more closely than white ones when they enter your store? Or.....will you lie?
On other words you can't since it is a lie

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You failed to discuss your approach to customers at your convenience store. Why is that?
That's all you have? Who is showing privilege now?

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We intercepted communications from Thanatos and his master.


Thanatos, stop chasing your tail and relying on white male privilege.

Go get the training and skill sets you need to succeed.
Prove that meme....

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Why? When I do, what are you going to do with the information? Shove it up your ass?

I've discussed this issue at length a dozen times here. Search my name and "redlining" and "legal or de facto segregation". You'll find these discussions.

You work in a convenience store, right? Will you admit your own prejudice and own up to the fact that you watch black customers more closely than white ones when they enter your store? Or.....will you lie?
On other words you can't since it is a lie

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You failed to discuss your approach to customers at your convenience store. Why is that?
That's all you have? Who is showing privilege now?

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You are avoiding the request.
Yeah, some real privilege here, libtards, as native American citizens are turned away and the government does nothing to prevent it.

Hum, Jewish speaker working for a jewish firm, I'm sure they would hire an American Jew.

Like I said, its who you are and who you know, and also what are you willing to do.

Gee a liberal jew hater. ... how unoriginal

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I fail to see where pointing out the tribal preferences some Asiatic ethnic groups still have is tantamount to 'hate'.

Anyone that does much reading on subjects that delve into Jewish business decisions and hiring decisions know that they usually give preferential hiring/business with fellow Jews, as is their right to do so.
The mark of every good American, regardless of color, is

"Staying out of trouble
Being on time
Taking work seriously
Not being a workplace agitator
Being reliable to do solid work"
You fail at all of it.
Jake specializes in failure; failure to understand anything, failure to be honest about what he actually knows, failure at being a decent human being as he lies about just about everything, and lowest of all, failure to change his diaper daily.
Yeah, some real privilege here, libtards, as native American citizens are turned away and the government does nothing to prevent it.

Hum, Jewish speaker working for a jewish firm, I'm sure they would hire an American Jew.

Like I said, its who you are and who you know, and also what are you willing to do.

Gee a liberal jew hater. ... how unoriginal

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I fail to see where pointing out the tribal preferences some Asiatic ethnic groups still have is tantamount to 'hate'.

Anyone that does much reading on subjects that delve into Jewish business decisions and hiring decisions know that they usually give preferential hiring/business with fellow Jews, as is their right to do so.

Do you believe in Santa and fairies as well?

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Yeah, some real privilege here, libtards, as native American citizens are turned away and the government does nothing to prevent it.

Hum, Jewish speaker working for a jewish firm, I'm sure they would hire an American Jew.

Like I said, its who you are and who you know, and also what are you willing to do.

Gee a liberal jew hater. ... how unoriginal

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I fail to see where pointing out the tribal preferences some Asiatic ethnic groups still have is tantamount to 'hate'.

Anyone that does much reading on subjects that delve into Jewish business decisions and hiring decisions know that they usually give preferential hiring/business with fellow Jews, as is their right to do so.

Do you believe in Santa and fairies as well?

Lol, dude use your fucking brain.

Look at all the Jewish actors and actresses in entertainment. Goes way beyond their 2% of the population. They will hire any Jew they want no matter anyone else thinks about it and the data proves it.
Yeah, some real privilege here, libtards, as native American citizens are turned away and the government does nothing to prevent it.

Hum, Jewish speaker working for a jewish firm, I'm sure they would hire an American Jew.

Like I said, its who you are and who you know, and also what are you willing to do.

Gee a liberal jew hater. ... how unoriginal

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I fail to see where pointing out the tribal preferences some Asiatic ethnic groups still have is tantamount to 'hate'.

Anyone that does much reading on subjects that delve into Jewish business decisions and hiring decisions know that they usually give preferential hiring/business with fellow Jews, as is their right to do so.

Do you believe in Santa and fairies as well?

Lol, dude use your fucking brain.

Look at all the Jewish actors and actresses in entertainment. Goes way beyond their 2% of the population. They will hire any Jew they want no matter anyone else thinks about it and the data proves it.

............... put down the bong.

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Hum, Jewish speaker working for a jewish firm, I'm sure they would hire an American Jew.

Like I said, its who you are and who you know, and also what are you willing to do.
Gee a liberal jew hater. ... how unoriginal

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I fail to see where pointing out the tribal preferences some Asiatic ethnic groups still have is tantamount to 'hate'.

Anyone that does much reading on subjects that delve into Jewish business decisions and hiring decisions know that they usually give preferential hiring/business with fellow Jews, as is their right to do so.
Do you believe in Santa and fairies as well?

Lol, dude use your fucking brain.

Look at all the Jewish actors and actresses in entertainment. Goes way beyond their 2% of the population. They will hire any Jew they want no matter anyone else thinks about it and the data proves it.
............... put down the bong.

Show me a list of any other religion/denomination with so many actors and actresses.

List of Jewish actors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have seen estimates of 15% to 80% of the actors/actresses in Hollywood are Jewish. What ever it actually is, as many Jews hide their ethnicity, it is far more than their 2% of the population.

So put down your bong, dude, and wake the fuck up.

Minorities can hire whoever the fuck they want to and Jews are a religious minority who still practice tribal preferences.
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Ben Stein's thoughts on the predominance of Jews in Hollywood.

Do Jews Run Hollywood? - You Bet They Do...And What Of It?

A few days after Marlon Brando scandalized the airwaves by referring to the Jews who worked in Hollywood as "kikes," I got a call from an editor at 60 Minutes. The woman wanted to know how I felt about Brando's use of words and his allegation that Hollywood is "run by Jews."
She suggested the desired answer by noting that her researchers had conclusively proven that Jews do not run Hollywood.

Crafty 60 Minutes had studied the top slots in town. Their research showed that "only" about 60 percent of the most important positions in Hollywood were run by Jews. What did I think?

I managed to disqualify myself by saying that while Hollywood was not really "run" by anyone (it's far too chaotic for that), if Jews were about 2.5 percent of the population and were about 60 percent of Hollywood, they might well be said to be extremely predominant in that sector.
That was far too logical and un-PC an answer, and I never heard from her again.

But Jews are a big part of my thoughts (as they are of every Jew's thoughts). Plus, I live and struggle in Hollywood, so the combination intrigues me. What exactly is the role of the Jew in Hollywood? More to the point, what does it signify, if anything, if Jews have a big role? And, most interesting of all, why do we care?

First, it is extremely clear to anyone in Hollywood that Jews are, so to speak, "in charge" in Hollywood in a way that is not duplicated in any other large business, except maybe garments or scrap metal or folding boxes.

At mighty Paramount, the controlling stockholder is Sumner Redstone. Head of the studio is Jon Dolgen. Head of production is Sherry Lansing--all members of the tribe.

At titanic Disney, the CEO is Michael Eisner, the world's most assimilated Jew, who might as well be a Presbyterian. Deputy head is Michael Ovitz, karate champ but also a Jew. Head of the studio is Joe Roth.

At newly energized ICM, the top dogs are Jeff Berg and Jim Wiatt. At still overwhelming CAA, Jack Rapke and other members of my faith predominate. At William Morris, Jon Burnham and other Jews are, by and large, in the power positions.

This has always been true in Hollywood. The ex-furriers who created Hollywood were Eastern European Jewish immigrants, and all of the great edifice of fantasy-making in Hollywood is their handiwork. Names like Zukor and Lasky and Goldwyn and Cohn are the foundation of mass culture in America and the world.

There is a much quoted note that it took all these Eastern European Yiddish-speaking Jews to create the lasting, worldwide image of America and what America is--the mass culture mirror that America likes to hold up to its face.

This thought is made concrete by the simple line at the beginning of Gone with the Wind that it is "A David O. Selznick Production." It took a Selznick, married to the daughter of a Louis B. Mayer, working with a Thalberg, to create the ultimate vision of romantic America--the antebellum South.
It took a Jew--Leslie Howard--to play Ashley Wilkes, the bedrock image of what a perfect American gentleman is supposed to be.
Thus, the fact of Hollywood's being very largely Jewish is not exactly news. The news is that Hollywood is rapidly becoming ethnically far more diverse than it was only a couple of decades ago, when I first arrived here.

You can take it from the studio level, where probably the most powerful man in town is of the Australian faith--one Rupert Murdoch by name. Murdoch, no one's idea of a Jew, controls a major studio, a major broadcast network and the largest aggregation of TV stations in America.

The head of programming at ABC is a full-on gentile, Ted Harbert. The owner and head of production of what has become the Tiffany studio, MGM, are Kirk Kerkorian and Frank Mancuso, also not members of Temple Israel. And on and on....
Jews in Hollywood have every right to hire anyone they damned well please, fellow members of the tribe or not.

What is amusing is that so many people try to obscure it when it is as plain as day.

The dark side of the topic though is that most people have no idea and when anti-semites bring it up, the naive deny it and are shocked if they finally dig into the topic...and the anti-semites score big points that they do not deserve.
No, they don't, because it is all in your heads.

No wonder only a few people think like you two cretins. :lol: I say that with a smile.
Jews in Hollywood have every right to hire anyone they damned well please, fellow members of the tribe or not.

What is amusing is that so many people try to obscure it when it is as plain as day.

The dark side of the topic though is that most people have no idea and when anti-semites bring it up, the naive deny it and are shocked if they finally dig into the topic...and the anti-semites score big points that they do not deserve.

go bow to your statues and swinging your rosary, things you actually know about
Jews in Hollywood have every right to hire anyone they damned well please, fellow members of the tribe or not.

What is amusing is that so many people try to obscure it when it is as plain as day.

The dark side of the topic though is that most people have no idea and when anti-semites bring it up, the naive deny it and are shocked if they finally dig into the topic...and the anti-semites score big points that they do not deserve.

go bow to your statues and swinging your rosary, things you actually know about

Lol, well this thread is about dead when Batshit shows up,


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