Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

Or maybe it’s the privilege my grandmother had of spending weeks upon weeks on a death march through Polish forests in subzero temperatures, one of just a handful to survive, only to be put in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp where she would have died but for the Allied forces who liberated her and helped her regain her health when her weight dwindled to barely 80 pounds.

Well I have a story to tell him about my Mom. I would seldom take any lessons from a 20 year old who by the way did grown up privileged, and why they have to bring up jewish side of WWII all the time is beyond me. I can only imagine his arrogance at 40.

He is right about one thing, morality does start at home, and so does arrogance.
Does it hurt your female privileged heart knowing his family actually went through turmoil to get where they are at and didn't have to make shit up like feminists?

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All of what you posted is myth with job bases on reality. In most good paying jobs it is women and minorities with the advantages of getting hired. but don't let let actual truth get in your way of ideology

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You are lying again. Offer stats and surveys that conclusively support your statement. You can't.
While "I am not guilty of anything that happened before I was born", you certainly have benefited from what happened before you were born. Accept reality, please.
And what are these things us white folk are befitting from? Please tell us fakie Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That has been proved over and over, so, no, you don't get "just once more." Ever.
Yeah, some real privilege here, libtards, as native American citizens are turned away and the government does nothing to prevent it.

Hum, Jewish speaker working for a jewish firm, I'm sure they would hire an American Jew.

Like I said, its who you are and who you know, and also what are you willing to do.

Gee a liberal jew hater. ... how unoriginal

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Why I'll never apologize for my white privilege:

Great grandparents were dirt poor Southerners living through the 1st world war and depression. Survived by hunting deer and canning food they grew. Taught their kids to survive with less and save...

Grandparents. Grandpa was poor. Enlisted in Navy. Fought in 2 wars. Grandma stayed home to care for modest old home and raised 3 kids. Took on a job as a maid after grandpa came home. They saved every dime they earned. Both died having never owned a new car. Never owned a color TV. BUT....they left the house and land to their kids to set them up.

My parents....fixed that old house up. Lived in it a while. Then sold it. Bought a home in a better school district. Thank you grandpa and grandma. That old house they scratched and saved ended up being a blessing. Parents each worked 2 jobs to raise me and my brother. ONCE AGAIN....never splurged on shit. Stayed out of trouble.

And guess what? Because we moved to a better school district...i got a good high school education....AND...a good high school football coach...and that helped me get my way into Furman University, paid for by football. And that education paid off for me. Hardest 4 heads of my life. But it paid off.

Now....I worked 8 years in law enforcement. Was injured on duty. Retired. Now work in the corporate fitness world after enjoying the rehab process a lot.

And that's my "white privilege". Rooted all the way back to great grandpa hunting deer and grandma canning beans and apples to get through the winter. Chopping fire wood because we couldn't afford a heater. Saving instead of buying a new car or TV.

SETTING UP their children to have more success than they did. That's white privilege apparently.
To the regressive feminist mindset you must feel guilty that your parents and grandparents had better moral values then thiers.....

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Sorry folks for now the American Dream is dead , except for the privileged. While all my great nieces and nephews are in college, I do wonder about their job opportunities upon graduation. A college cert is now a dime a dozen. Better to get in the trades.

Jean Paul GettyKBE (December 15, 1892 – June 6, 1976) was an American industrialist.[2] He founded the Getty Oil Company, and in 1957 Fortune magazine named him the richest living American,[3] while the 1966 Guinness Book of Records named him as the world's richest private citizen, worth an estimated $1.2 billion (approximately $8.8 billion in 2015).[4] At his death, he was worth more than $2 billion (approximately $8.3 billion in 2015).[5] A book published in 1996 ranked him as the 67th richest American who ever lived, based on his wealth as a percentage of the gross national product.[6]

J. Paul Getty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 96 he would of been the 67th richest, most of the big money was made of this growth period, and it will not return. They are looking to Africa now, to develop there and then I imagine when the US is a third world country , they will come back here.
Gonna drink some more male tears as you live comfortably in a country men built so you women didn't have to?

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The mark of every good American, regardless of color, is

"Staying out of trouble
Being on time
Taking work seriously
Not being a workplace agitator
Being reliable to do solid work"

First you have to get the job.
Of which women have a 3 to 1 advantage and minorities a 2 to 1 advantage.

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Also, if you want to hear me whine about things in the past, I can mention that I am half-Irish and there's a very long history of Irish being treated badly.

But we got over it. Why can't blacks?
The author of that article spent a lot of it whining about things that happened in his family's past.

Which family ran from the version of Jim Crow visited on them, then he disparages the Jim Crow foisted on others.

Half Irish? Southie?
Did you just compare Jim crow to the Holocaust as if one was better then then other? Put down the Crack pipe

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The mark of every good American, regardless of color, is

"Staying out of trouble
Being on time
Taking work seriously
Not being a workplace agitator
Being reliable to do solid work"
You fail at all of it.

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I did all of that exceptionally well, and my life is super. If you do it, you may succeed, but, for you, it may be too late.
For the love of God, Whites own most of the world, and devastated indigenous cultures. Why is it 95% of Australia is NOT ABORIGINE? Why is it 95% of the US is NOT NATIVE AMERICAN?

White privilege? You're living in someone else's country ASSHOLE.
Because they didn't work hard

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The mark of every good American, regardless of color, is

"Staying out of trouble
Being on time
Taking work seriously
Not being a workplace agitator
Being reliable to do solid work"

First you have to get the job.
Of witch women have a 3 to 1 advantage and minorities a 2 to 1 advantage.

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Nope. You cry and deny and lie (like immediately above), and we ask why. We know why, though. You are a loser.
"Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege"

Likely because there's nothing to 'apologize' for.

That white men enjoy an advantage in hiring and education is a fact beyond dispute.

Conservatives who seek to contrive this fact into a partisan wedge issue should consider apologizing for attempting to do so, as well as others on the right who work to propagate the lie that to acknowledge the fact that white men enjoy an advantage in hiring and education manifests as an 'attack' on white males, or advocacy of 'discrimination' against white men – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
white men enjoy an advantage in hiring and education is a fact beyond dispute.
Crock of SHIT......Dismissed
Proof he didn't research since women make up the majority of those in higher education.

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If people heard the stories behind every "success" story in America, they would stop believing in the myth of merit.
Merit is a myth? Please enlighten us.

Look at who the richest people in our society. With a few individual exceptions, they produce nothing. Worse yet, when it comes to the financial sector that most such people work in, they actively pilfer and destroy that which the rest of us produce--and that without the least remorse.
They produce nothing? Are you talking about democrats again?

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Part of our hiring and firing policies included identifying racialists of any color and background.

We made sure we did not hire them. If we found them in the business, we figured out how to terminate them quickly and painlessly for us.

We then made sure every member of the informal business group in each of our communities were aware of these people. John Henry Kirby crafted the black balling of applicants, and we perfected it.

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