Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

Such an elitist! :rolleyes:
It isnt that Meathead is such an elitist, so much as you are just a dumbassist.
:lol: You, one of the most stupid members of the Board criticizing your betters, continue to be a joke. You are relentlessly stupid. You never would have made it to Burger King senior assistant manager without white privilege.
Screw you and your self loathing. Go bury yourself.
Pretty sure Jake Starkey has been screwing himself since at least the 60's.
While "I am not guilty of anything that happened before I was born", you certainly have benefited from what happened before you were born. Accept reality, please.

I want to especially thank Archimedes and Ptolemy for my privileges.

Such an elitist! :rolleyes:
It isnt that Meathead is such an elitist, so much as you are just a dumbassist.
:lol: You, one of the most stupid members of the Board criticizing your betters, continue to be a joke. You are relentlessly stupid. You never would have made it to Burger King senior assistant manager without white privilege.
Screw you and your self loathing. Go bury yourself.
Your self loathing is evident as you acknowledge that I and others are your betters. You are always a joke. That will never change. Your rage is entertaining.
Betters?...Please. Stop trying to impress yourself.
You are disgusted in what you see in the mirror. You wring your hands in your own guilt. You are the WORST kind of racist.
Don't project that on others. Here's your shovel.
"And don't come back with the simplistic nonsense of white privilege. That is an answer. Not an explanation". That has been explained. You just don't like it. Sux to be you, does it not?
No it hasn't. :"White privilege" is a buzz term. The asinine tripe used to describe the term is the narrative. Fact is, so called white privilege exists only in the minds of racists.
While "I am not guilty of anything that happened before I was born", you certainly have benefited from what happened before you were born. Accept reality, please.
I want to especially thank Archimedes and Ptolemy for my privileges. Greg
Go right ahead. :lol:
That stupid comeback is proof positive that your are excrement spewing sewage.
I'd like to see you walk into a neighborhood tavern and start spewing this horse shit.
You'd have as much luck as the motorcycle gang in the bar scene in A Bronx Tale"...

The bikers get the living shit beat out of them.....
Such an elitist! :rolleyes:
It isnt that Meathead is such an elitist, so much as you are just a dumbassist.
:lol: You, one of the most stupid members of the Board criticizing your betters, continue to be a joke. You are relentlessly stupid. You never would have made it to Burger King senior assistant manager without white privilege.
Screw you and your self loathing. Go bury yourself.
Pretty sure Jake Starkey has been screwing himself since at least the 60's.
He's the worst. He has no compass. He questions everything and stands for nothing. He has no honor.
He's a fence sitter. he looks to see which is the more popular viewpoint on an issue and goes that way.
Such an elitist! :rolleyes:
It isnt that Meathead is such an elitist, so much as you are just a dumbassist.
:lol: You, one of the most stupid members of the Board criticizing your betters, continue to be a joke. You are relentlessly stupid. You never would have made it to Burger King senior assistant manager without white privilege.
Screw you and your self loathing. Go bury yourself.
Your self loathing is evident as you acknowledge that I and others are your betters. You are always a joke. That will never change. Your rage is entertaining.
Betters?...Please. Stop trying to impress yourself.
You are disgusted in what you see in the mirror. You wring your hands in your own guilt. You are the WORST kind of racist.
Don't project that on others. Here's your shovel.
Projecting your inner anger onto your betters only increases your self loathing. Always has been, always will be.
While "I am not guilty of anything that happened before I was born", you certainly have benefited from what happened before you were born. Accept reality, please.
I want to especially thank Archimedes and Ptolemy for my privileges. Greg
Go right ahead. :lol:
That stupid comeback is proof positive that your are excrement spewing sewage.
I'd like to see you walk into a neighborhood tavern and start spewing this horse shit.
You'd have as much luck as the motorcycle gang in the bar scene in A Bronx Tale"...

The bikers get the living shit beat out of them.....
Your bravado is laughable. Yes, you have benefited from what has happened before. You can deny it all you want, but that changes nothing.
Any person who thinks he is better because of race is an idiot.

Any white in America who thinks that there is no inbred historical, racial privilege is mentally feeble, or poorly educated, or malignantly motivated, or a combination of the above.
Bottom line, going forward the entire construct of whitey christian America and their institutional systemic privilege is going way. Now white christian Americans will be one of many groups competing and living on a somewhat even playing field

guno, the christian religious groups have oodles of money, so the playing field will continue to unlevel for a while.
"Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege"

Likely because there's nothing to 'apologize' for.

That white men enjoy an advantage in hiring and education is a fact beyond dispute.

Conservatives who seek to contrive this fact into a partisan wedge issue should consider apologizing for attempting to do so, as well as others on the right who work to propagate the lie that to acknowledge the fact that white men enjoy an advantage in hiring and education manifests as an 'attack' on white males, or advocacy of 'discrimination' against white men – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
All of what you posted is myth with no bases on reality. In most good paying jobs it is women and minorities with the advantages of getting hired. but don't let let actual truth get in your way of ideology

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It was their privilege to come to a country that grants equal protection under the law to its citizens, that cares not about religion or race, but the content of your character.
Yeah right. Tell it to the blacks who suffered under Jim Crow. The guy has white conservative innocence.
Sorry but what does democrats racism have to do with a Jewish kid in college?

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While "I am not guilty of anything that happened before I was born", you certainly have benefited from what happened before you were born. Accept reality, please.
And what are these things us white folk are befitting from? Please tell us fakie

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