Zone1 Why is antisemitism so much more prevalent among blacks than whites - 4x worse in the most antisemitic category?

Not true. I sucked at math, true, and thought I just wasn’t smart enough to master it, but knowing my IQ score convinced me I could do it.
But you haven’t have you ? No more then you could before. if you didn't have a clue how to solve differential equations going in, don’t tell me you suddenly know now. That’s hilarious. Btw, did it suddenly make you NOT a climate change denier ? If you still are, your math sucks.
No, because an high IQ means something, since not everyone has one, and a gold star for everyone is just meaningless.
Oh, just so you know, test of any kind don’t mean a thing unless you use them to identify poor skills, then deveolpe the skills. You may feel better, but you can still suck at math.
But you haven’t have you ? No more then you could before. if you didn't have a clue how to solve differential equations going in, don’t tell me you suddenly know now. That’s hilarious. Btw, did it suddenly make you NOT a climate change denier ? If you still are, your math sucks.
You don’t understand the power of confidence.
I’m saying that blacks can all move beyond poverty and crime by emulating the Jews
Seriously ? Emulating the Jews ? You want them to be non Christian’s and attend a synagogue every week ? How about eating kosha foods ?
Oh, just so you know, test of any kind don’t mean a thing unless you use them to identify poor skills, then deveolpe the skills. You may feel better, but you can still suck at math.
That’s assuming the individual CAN develop the skills to, let’s say, master higher math. Some people aren’t smart enough. Others are, but are not applying themselves fully. The IQ test developed in 1904 could help distinguish between the two.
Seriously ? Emulating the Jews ? You want them to be non Christian’s and attend a synagogue every week ? How about eating kosha foods ?
You know what I mean by emulating the Jews: place a very high priority on higher education, value the idea of children born within marriage, and work hard to achieve one’s goals. If one runs into antisemitic roadblocks, find a different path. That is why the Jews have succeeded despite the millenia of persecution throughout the world.

As a leftist, you won’t give Jews credit for success despite horrific antisemitism because it proves that one’s outcomes in life are largely a result of the correct choices and traits.
Really ? You guys call liberals dumb yet I and many others are freakin good at HS math including solving differential equations.
What does that have to do with the idea that some people are smart and have high IQs and others are average and hover around 100?
IQ is irrelevant. Only an ignoramus who doesn’t understand intellect would think that ONE IQ number given on one test has anything to do with intellect. Your intellect is sadly lacking around this. No, irregularities in IQ testing is the NORM not the exception.

Its hilarious how you racists bend yourselves up in knots to explain why a black from Africa has less intellect. Your clan used to have the same opinion of orientals, but when it comes to being racist, they become your allies. You have no idea what the IQ tests measure do you ? You have no idea why they were written and who they were written by do you ?

Look up the IQ test was originally for…..look it up. we’ll wait while you make a fool of yourself.

I’m not upset. I’m rolling over in laughter. You’re delusional. Why don’t you look up why and how IQ tests were developed.
The racist right is awash in ignorance.

What ? You support archaic IQ testing and you have no idea how and why it was first used ?
Every post you make like this confirms that you took an IQ test and scored really low.

Like to take another? I'll go find a free one fer ya! :D
What does that have to do with the idea that some people are smart and have high IQs and others are average and hover around 100?
There is no such thing as, “some peoples as a group are smarter than others. “
Its BS racism.
Every post you make like this confirms that you took an IQ test and scored really low.

Like to take another? I'll go find a free one fer ya! :D
He sure is working hard to discredit IQ tests, isn’t he?

Reminds me of a manager I had who kept saying a college degree was worthless - and this was 40 years ago when they meant something. That’s because she didn’t have one.
.. See I had to educate myself on the subject,
No wonder - that explains everything
because you mislead me in school.
You never attended my school - and I was never a teacher, it's time for you get an appointment with a psychiatrist, but before:
I am still waiting for the name of your history book - to which according to you, Jews were black. ...waiting...still waiting......still wait.......
Every post you make like this confirms that you took an IQ test and scored really low.

Like to take another? I'll go find a free one fer ya! :D
Dagosa is so dumb that he thinks I don’t believe in evolution just because I am a Republican.

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