Zone1 Why is antisemitism so much more prevalent among blacks than whites - 4x worse in the most antisemitic category?

Hey I can't help it that you are in denial. See I had to educate myself on the subject, because you mislead me in school. So do as I did and educate yourself, if you choose not to that is on you.
You went to school with Kruschka? How did he mislead you?
The same way you were mislead.

I was?? So you mean blacks WEREN’T slaves? That blacks were always seen as equal to whites in the past? There was no Trail of Tears? No James Brown raid at Harper’s Ferry? Lincoln wasn’t assassinated? Booth didn’t leap onto the stage at Ford’s Theater?

All stuff I learned in junior high and high school. Damn, didn’t know I was misled!
What ? You support archaic IQ testing and you have no idea how and why it was first used ?
IQ testing has become more accurate. There are tests now that require no knowledge of mathematics, no knowledge of reading, and no knowledge of English. A space alien could take one of those tests. I am confident the space alien would get a perfect score in record time.
IQ testing has become more accurate. There are tests now that require no knowledge of mathematics, no knowledge of reading, and no knowledge of English. A space alien could take one of those tests. I am confident the space alien would get a perfect score in record time.
Sounds like Trump University. Just send in a check for $2500.
If it bounces, no score comes back. It it cashes, you’re a genius. 150, highly gifted, just next to Trumps 165, a stable genius.
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He’s not making assumptions. He’s quoting well-accepted studies. On average, children do better when their parents are married - including higher levels of educational attainment, less crime, and less poverty. And the vast majority of black children are born to single mothers. It’s such a shame, really.
The shame is that there are ignorant, hateful people in the world who like to put other human beings down. Like the Nazis did to your ancestors. I would think you'd be more understanding. Why would you want to hate other people based on their race when you know what that feels like?
I try to be understanding of other people going thru difficulty. Because I know what being the object of racism and bigotry feel like.
IQ testing has become more accurate. There are tests now that require no knowledge of mathematics, no knowledge of reading, and no knowledge of English. A space alien could take one of those tests. I am confident the space alien would get a perfect score in record time.
I am confident you could get a perfect score too. :)

IQ tests are great for assessing whether a child is performing to his potential. The idea that Dagosa would try to put the validity of IQ tests down is because he doesn’t like the result: that blacks, as an average, score lower than whites. They also, as an average, score lower on the SAT.
I put it down for one simple reason. Ready ?
No one uses them to hire anyone and every institute of higher learning disses them .
The shame is that there are ignorant, hateful people in the world who like to put other human beings down. Like the Nazis did to your ancestors. I would think you'd be more understanding. Why would you want to hate other people based on their race when you know what that feels like?
I try to be understanding of other people going thru difficulty. Because I know what being the object of racism and bigotry feel like.
Huh? Who’s putting people down? I’m saying that blacks can all move beyond poverty and crime by emulating the Jews - and noting that certain behaviors are correlated with certain outcomes. Are blacks so incapable that they can’t be held responsible? Seems that’s what leftists are saying, and that the only way to help them is to hand them a fortune they didn’t earn. Then they go in to accuse people who disagree with them as hating blacks, as you have.

People going through hard times due to having multiple children out of wedlock made that decision. Stop enabling bad behavior by making excuses for it.

I’m thinking you’re a grad student doing a master’s thesis.
I put it down for one simple reason. Ready ?
No one uses them to hire anyone and every institute of higher learning disses them .
It was helpful to me to learn my own IQ. Gave me confidence that I was capable of succeeding beyond that which I gave myself credit for.
IQ testing has become more accurate. There are tests now that require no knowledge of mathematics, no knowledge of reading, and no knowledge of English. A space alien could take one of those tests. I am confident the space alien would get a perfect score in record time.
The leftists want to erase any tests that reveal that people are not all equal. That’s also why so many universities got rid of SATs.

It all started decades ago with the “gold star for everyone” nonsense. By the time I was 8 years old, I knew I wasn’t any good at kickball but I sure could read above grade level. Good thing to learn about oneself - skilled in some areas, not so much in others.
The leftists want to erase any tests that reveal that people are not all equal. That’s also why so many universities got rid of SATs.

It all started decades ago with the “gold star for everyone” nonsense. By the time I was 8 years old, I knew I wasn’t any good at kickball but I sure could read above grade level. Good thing to learn about oneself - skilled in some areas, not so much in others.

Actually, they are getting rid of SAT's because they are a scam.

Every student has a unique thought process, but when it comes to being forced to think like the test-makers, students have to stray away from their creative thinking and problem-solving skills and answer the questions the way the test makers want them to.

Since the SAT does not allow students to think in their own unique and creative ways, the test does not accurately reflect a student’s true potential to succeed in college and beyond. If a student struggles with English and mathematics, they will likely not do well on the SAT, a college will interpret that low score as an inadequate understanding of these disciplines, thus suggesting the student is incapable of achieving at that institution.

The SAT does not allow colleges to take into consideration that a student may possess skills that cannot be measured by a standardized test.

Because it largely determines a student’s chances of getting into college, the SAT can be immensely stressful and overwhelming. These elevated levels of stress can put students at risk of experiencing test anxiety.
It was helpful to me to learn my own IQ. Gave me confidence that I was capable of succeeding beyond that which I gave myself credit for.
Of course, someone telling you they’re smart helps confidence. But it doesn’t change how things actually are especially if you’re a conspiracy theorist.
The leftists want to erase any tests that reveal that people are not all equal. That’s also why so many universities got rid of SATs.
Hilarious. Of course people are not all equal, and neither are the so called IQ test that says the average person has an IQ of 100 when they all take the same standardized test.
It was helpful to me to learn my own IQ. Gave me confidence that I was capable of succeeding beyond that which I gave myself credit for.
It may give you confidence but really, it didn’t teach you anymore skills. If you were good at English grammar and sucked at math going in, you were the same coming out.
It may give you confidence but really, it didn’t teach you anymore skills. If you were good at English grammar and sucked at math going in, you were the same coming out.
Not true. I sucked at math, true, and thought I just wasn’t smart enough to master it, but knowing my IQ score convinced me I could do it.

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