Why is Bernie Sanders hated.

Sanders' ideas on economics has destroyed or damaged many economies int he world and it is not going to somehow magically work here in the US.

What countries have been destroyed by providing taxpayer funded college to their kids?

Since the end of WWII the relatively more capitalistic US economy has grown at twice the rate of the more socialist European countries and that is the one of the cost of free government shit. After all their ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Socialism has always been a bad economic model. You don't prosper by having an economic system where the government takes money from those that earn it and give it away to those that didn't earn it.

It is despicable that you would suggest that it is somehow my responsibility to send you or your kids to college. That is your responsibility.

However, you being greedy you think you are somehow entitled to get me to pay your bills.
Government agencies responsible for market oversight failed (as they usually do) to issue any warnings regarding the risk associated with hyper-inflated MBS products and possible negative consequences of CDS (in fact they did the opposite with repeated re-assurances to the public that "all was well"). The "great recession" is directly attributable to government intervention in the marketplace, that's not to say that you don't have a WHOLE LOT of Wall Street Bankers that acted recklessly but they were just responding to changes in the marketplace that were driven by government and central bankers.
Even worse, Barney Franks outright lied about the condition of Freddy and Fanny was in. But the libs still blame Bush.
they still entirely blame the banks. from little a c o r n s grow the mighty scandalist oaks.

free college
“Well our mayor is at it again,” former UVM President Lattie Coor said.

UVM was, and still is, a non-profit, so it does not pay property taxes.

Sanders, mayor from 1981- 1988, did not think this was fair, because, between the Med- ical Center, the University and the city’s churches, nearly half of Burlington was a tax-exempt property, Coor said.

Coor, who was President from 1976 to 1989, was refer- ring to Bernie Sanders, the then-mayor of Burlington (1981-1988), and his plan to tax UVM. This would have in- creased tuition for all students, Coor said.

In the 1986 Burlington city election, the city voted in favor of charging UVM with a prop- erty tax, according to a March 1986 Cynic article.

The property tax proposal went to the state legislature where it was defeated in a nine- to-one vote by the Senate Municipal Elections and Corporations Committee, according to an April 1986 Cynic article.

The property tax proposal went to the state legislature where it was defeated in a nine- to-one vote by the Senate Municipal Elections and Corporations Committee, according to an April 1986 Cynic article.

So, in the end,the property tax for UVM did not go through. “I have told the mayor ever since he first raised this issue in his first campaign that … it would violate a public policy of tax-exempt status that applies to every state university in the nation,” Coor said in a Jan. 1986 op-ed.

Sanders, now famous for his stance on free college tuition, wanted to tax UVM because of all of the city services used by the University, which could’ve resulted in an increase of tuition costs.

“Should UVM pay property taxes to the city of Burlington? In my view, the answer is yes!” Sanders said in a Feb. 1986 op- ed.

to that i can add that groovie UV is the fifth oldest university in the country, land donated by ira allen.
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Sanders' ideas on economics has destroyed or damaged many economies int he world and it is not going to somehow magically work here in the US.

What countries have been destroyed by providing taxpayer funded college to their kids?

Since the end of WWII the relatively more capitalistic US economy has grown at twice the rate of the more socialist European countries and that is the one of the cost of free government shit. After all their ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Socialism has always been a bad economic model. You don't prosper by having an economic system where the government takes money from those that earn it and give it away to those that didn't earn it.

It is despicable that you would suggest that it is somehow my responsibility to send you or your kids to college. That is your responsibility.

However, you being greedy you think you are somehow entitled to get me to pay your bills.

Shall I repeat the question?

Shall I repeat the question?

You didn't answer my question.

Who in the hell are you to think that I should have to pay for you or your kids to go to college? Isn't that your responsibility?

Why are you so greedy to think you are somehow entitled to have somebody else to pay your bills? What is your problem?

Shall I repeat the question?

You didn't answer my question.

Who in the hell are you to think that I should have to pay for you or your kids to go to college? Isn't that your responsibility?

Why are you so greedy to think you are somehow entitled to have somebody else to pay your bills? What is your problem?

It's the responsibility of the nation to educate its people. That's a vital national interest.

It's the responsibility of the nation to educate its people. That's a vital national interest.

It is not my responsibility to pay for you kids to go to college you greedy nitwit.

You need to get off your fat ass and pay for it yourself.
Cause he sells the Robin Hood fairy tale and the mythical utopia that does not exist. He is a marxist but he calls himself a socialist.

He is an unappreciative asshole who shits on the country that provided him all of opportunities he had his entire pathetic JINO life.

He pits classes against each other and he is resentful towards anyone that achieved success. He appeals to the gullible morons on the left who are sold on all of these divisive tactics by the left on a daily fucking basis.

Bernie's tactical strategy is ALL about calling the rich the problem. Of course his sheep just clap away as they dream of their fucking utopia.

That's because many don't realize robin hood was conservative. He was taking from government to give to the people. He was fighting to restore the rights of the people under a tyrant
It's the responsibility of the nation to educate its people. That's a vital national interest.
Says who? it seems to me (and the span of history) that the responsibility to educate lies with parents (for their own children) and individuals (once they become adults); ever since the federal government got involved with "education" outcomes have been worse and costs have been higher, of course with you gub'mint worshipers the solution is always to double down on failure, so it's no surprise you want more government control over education. :rolleyes:

Shall I repeat the question?

You didn't answer my question.

Who in the hell are you to think that I should have to pay for you or your kids to go to college? Isn't that your responsibility?

Why are you so greedy to think you are somehow entitled to have somebody else to pay your bills? What is your problem?

It's the responsibility of the nation to educate its people. That's a vital national interest.

And yet the founders, in their wisdom, left the issue of education for the states and people. Not the federal government

Shall I repeat the question?

You didn't answer my question.

Who in the hell are you to think that I should have to pay for you or your kids to go to college? Isn't that your responsibility?

Why are you so greedy to think you are somehow entitled to have somebody else to pay your bills? What is your problem?

It's the responsibility of the nation to educate its people. That's a vital national interest.

And yet the founders, in their wisdom, left the issue of education for the states and people. Not the federal government

The founders were no wiser than any generation of smart guys. They left OPEN the issue of education as to whether it would be a national or state issue.
It's the responsibility of the nation to educate its people. That's a vital national interest.
Says who?

Says common sense.

I'll put you down for 'education is unimportant'.
That's because you're a lowlife liar. That's about all you ever do.

If you thought education was important you'd want every child to have access to it regardless of whether or not his parents, or he himself, could pay for it.
It's the responsibility of the nation to educate its people. That's a vital national interest.
Says who?

Says common sense.

I'll put you down for 'education is unimportant'.
LOL, since when have you had any common sense? You worship politicians and government for cryin' out loud which pretty much rules out you having any. :rolleyes:

How would a society without government work?

Explain in detail.
It's the responsibility of the nation to educate its people. That's a vital national interest.
Says who?

Says common sense.

I'll put you down for 'education is unimportant'.
LOL, since when have you had any common sense? You worship politicians and government for cryin' out loud which pretty much rules out you having any. :rolleyes:

So now that you've come out against public education, how do you propose that America's children get educated?
It's the responsibility of the nation to educate its people. That's a vital national interest.
Says who?

Says common sense.

I'll put you down for 'education is unimportant'.
That's because you're a lowlife liar. That's about all you ever do.

If you thought education was important you'd want every child to have access to it regardless of whether or not his parents, or he himself, could pay for it.
I think food is important but feel no obligation to feed your lazy ass. You lied.

And yet the founders, in their wisdom, left the issue of education for the states and people. Not the federal government

The historical American model for education is that communities pool their resources and provide a basic literacy education for everyone in the community.

However, like everything to do with the government it morphed into a massive effort where the Federal government got involved and now we are spending more money on education than any country on earth and getting some of the poorest results. It has become a cash cow for the unions and for the politicians that are in the back pocket of the unions, like Bernie Sanders.

Providing a "free" college education is nothing more that continuation of the disasterous bloated ineffective education system we have now and will do nothing to improve anything.

We also don't have jobs for many of our college graduates now so there is really no economic need to provide more.

Then there is the greed factor.

It is not my responsibility to pay for your kids to go to college. It is your responsibility.
It's the responsibility of the nation to educate its people. That's a vital national interest.
Says who?

Says common sense.

I'll put you down for 'education is unimportant'.
LOL, since when have you had any common sense? You worship politicians and government for cryin' out loud which pretty much rules out you having any. :rolleyes:

So now that you've come out against public education, how do you propose that America's children get educated?
Where did you see those words?

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