Why is Bernie Sanders hated.

Sanders can't raise shit without the consent of Congress.

He's a moron. A loser. A leech. A numbskull. An imbecile.

I can find common ground with some aspects of honest socialism but NEVER with a dimocrap scumbag. Never.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

socialists too often go from honest reformers to totalitarian butchers. I have no fear of that happening in the US thanks to the 2nd Amendment but with socialism, there MUST be forced behavior of the people. The government MUST use force, either through the Courts, the Police or regulators.

socialism can not exist without the promiscuous use of FORCE by the government.

Just can't be done.

Then, after that particular socialist moves on, you can't just tear down the system so you get a choice of socialist Door #1, #2 or #3.

The ONLY way socialism has ever been stopped is by the tearing down of the entire system; usually with violence. Extreme violence

And, BTW. Don't count the USSR. They never really walked away from socialism. Now they have a form of Crony Socialism that bears no resemblance to Capitalism whatsoever.

Bernie is a moron. And so are his followers

And, people? I'm not here to convert dimocrap scum. There is no chance of that happening. No way they will ever convert from their dark, sick, twisted beliefs.

I am here to remind all the good and decent people in here that they must be destroyed. Completely and without mercy.

If logic and reason worked on dimocrap scum....... There would BE no dimocrap scum.

That simple
Sanders can't raise shit without the consent of Congress.

He's a moron. A loser. A leech. A numbskull. An imbecile.

I can find common ground with some aspects of honest socialism but NEVER with a dimocrap scumbag. Never.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

socialists too often go from honest reformers to totalitarian butchers. I have no fear of that happening in the US thanks to the 2nd Amendment but with socialism, there MUST be forced behavior of the people. The government MUST use force, either through the Courts, the Police or regulators.

socialism can not exist without the promiscuous use of FORCE by the government.

Just can't be done.

Then, after that particular socialist moves on, you can't just tear down the system so you get a choice of socialist Door #1, #2 or #3.

The ONLY way socialism has ever been stopped is by the tearing down of the entire system.

And, BTW. Don't count the USSR. They never really walked away from socialism. Now they have a form of Crony Socialism that bears no resemblance to Capitalism whatsoever.

Bernie is a moron. And so are his followers

And, people? I'm not here to convert dimocrap scum. There is no chance of that happening. No way they will ever convert from their dark, sick, twisted beliefs.

I am here to remind all the good and decent people in here that they must be destroyed. Completely and without mercy.

If logic and reason worked on dimocrap scum....... There would BE no dimocrap scum.

That simple

Your meltdowns are getting boring.
The most common complaint I hear about Sanders is that he is going to tax you to death and give everyone free stuff.

1st of all, that's an oxymoron. If I pay more in taxes how are the things I get in return considered free.

Now to the specific complaint. The Sanders camp put out a press release outlining whose taxes he would raise and by how much.

The top marginal rate would increase from 39.6% to 52%. That seems like a substantial amount. No one pays the top marginal rate. After deductions and loopholes, your effective rate is much lower.

Example, on mitt Romney's 2011 tax form he payed 13% in federal tax even though he was in the top bracket.


He also wants a 0.5% tax on stock speculation.

In context this isn't near as dramatic as we are lead to believe.

Let's remember in the 3 decades after WW2 the top marginal rate was between 72%-90%. That's a HUGE tax rate and yet our economy experienced massive growth. So, empirically Bernie's tax rate would be much lower than the tax rate during our period of greatest economic growth.

His final tax would be to fund his Medicare for all plan. A 9% increase.

Now let's put that in context. I make $19 an hour and before Obama care went into effect I was paying $150 a week for private insurance with a $3000 deductible and $100 copays. Under Bernie's plan my taxes would increase by $70 a week, so do the math. $70 a week with no deductible or copay versus $150 a week plus copay and deductible.

Seems like Bernie's plan is cheaper than even PRE OBAMA insurance.

Now I know that no one likes discussing issues in context but there you go.

Slight increases in taxes for a substantial return.

College tuition, infrastructure, affordable healthcare. Yeah I will pay a little more for these things.
Romney's taxes, like Buffet were/are based on investments, not earned income. Why liberals still can't figure than out is beyond me. You get taxed on your income, you put it in the market to hopefully grow and you want any growth to be taxed at the same rate as income? Who would invest?

We experienced high productivity because we had almost no competition. Then the east and Europe rebuilt and started competing. Plus, as you mentioned earlier, no one payed 90% on their taxes. anyone with that kind of dough had people who knew how to get around it. I guess you forgot your own point in your zeal to polish your turd.

I don't hate Sanders, I don't think many on the right do. Why do liberals lie so often? It's like all you know how to do. Socialism isn't what made us great. Capitalism did. And making the market less free has only hurt us. Sanders would definitely make it worse. Tax corporations more to keep more of them here? In what reality?
Socialism always fails long term, and turns into dictatorships...

The last couple of century's are proof... But dumbass lemmings keep wishing.
Sanders wants to move the country forward so of course conservatives hate him.

No he wants a country full of lazy government dependent good for nothings like him

You mean like Vermont?
watch it man.... heh... it's true though, most people can't afford to move here. our population is going down.

The Phony Revolutionary: Bernie Sanders' Repeated Sellouts for Political Expediency
OK let me try to hit a specific argument because this is ballooning.

What causes lack of growth in our economy.

Let's start with regulations and taxes. Those both dampen growth. Also, massive government deficit spending.

Solution? Let's repeal glass steagal, let's cut taxes, let's deregulate financial markets. Let's increase government debt.

Welcome to 1980-2008 economics. Bush and Reagan cut taxes. Bush Reagan and Clinton deregulated the financial industry.

That worked out well. Thank you for deregulation and cutting taxes. Short term growth led to long term disaster
Nice, except deregulation and lower taxes weren't the primary drivers for the market meltdown (and glass-steagal was NOT repealed, only the 2 affiliation provisions in it were). the primary drivers of the "great recession" were central bankers expanding the money supply at above historical norms and Greenspan signalling to the markets that Treasury rates would remain low for the foreseeable both of which conspired to create a glut of global capital AND driving investors into the MBS market, couple that with the Fed (a quasi government institution) loosening lending standards and you have a recipe for a bubble of massive proportions.

Government agencies responsible for market oversight failed (as they usually do) to issue any warnings regarding the risk associated with hyper-inflated MBS products and possible negative consequences of CDS (in fact they did the opposite with repeated re-assurances to the public that "all was well"). The "great recession" is directly attributable to government intervention in the marketplace, that's not to say that you don't have a WHOLE LOT of Wall Street Bankers that acted recklessly but they were just responding to changes in the marketplace that were driven by government and central bankers.
The most common complaint I hear about Sanders is that he is going to tax you to death and give everyone free stuff.

1st of all, that's an oxymoron. If I pay more in taxes how are the things I get in return considered free.

Now to the specific complaint. The Sanders camp put out a press release outlining whose taxes he would raise and by how much.

The top marginal rate would increase from 39.6% to 52%. That seems like a substantial amount. No one pays the top marginal rate. After deductions and loopholes, your effective rate is much lower.

Example, on mitt Romney's 2011 tax form he payed 13% in federal tax even though he was in the top bracket.


He also wants a 0.5% tax on stock speculation.

In context this isn't near as dramatic as we are lead to believe.

Let's remember in the 3 decades after WW2 the top marginal rate was between 72%-90%. That's a HUGE tax rate and yet our economy experienced massive growth. So, empirically Bernie's tax rate would be much lower than the tax rate during our period of greatest economic growth.

His final tax would be to fund his Medicare for all plan. A 9% increase.

Now let's put that in context. I make $19 an hour and before Obama care went into effect I was paying $150 a week for private insurance with a $3000 deductible and $100 copays. Under Bernie's plan my taxes would increase by $70 a week, so do the math. $70 a week with no deductible or copay versus $150 a week plus copay and deductible.

Seems like Bernie's plan is cheaper than even PRE OBAMA insurance.

Now I know that no one likes discussing issues in context but there you go.

Slight increases in taxes for a substantial return.

College tuition, infrastructure, affordable healthcare. Yeah I will pay a little more for these things.
Romney's taxes, like Buffet were/are based on investments, not earned income. Why liberals still can't figure than out is beyond me. You get taxed on your income, you put it in the market to hopefully grow and you want any growth to be taxed at the same rate as income? Who would invest?

We experienced high productivity because we had almost no competition. Then the east and Europe rebuilt and started competing. Plus, as you mentioned earlier, no one payed 90% on their taxes. anyone with that kind of dough had people who knew how to get around it. I guess you forgot your own point in your zeal to polish your turd.

I don't hate Sanders, I don't think many on the right do. Why do liberals lie so often? It's like all you know how to do. Socialism isn't what made us great. Capitalism did. And making the market less free has only hurt us. Sanders would definitely make it worse. Tax corporations more to keep more of them here? In what reality?
calling someone hateful or racist is the new transparency.
That would be correct but it ignores the fact of profit margin and the explosion in the pay of top earners. Taxes were cut and at the same time CEO versus hourly pay widened substantially.

Kennedy still had a top marginal rate over 60%. What has happened is as taxes have been cut to "stimulate growth" the money just went back into the pockets of the upper class. Wages have been stagnant for 30 years but taxes have been cut repeatedly. At the same time that taxes have been cut and wages have been stagnant the top earners have amassed exponentially more wealth and a larger share of the economic pie.
Your argument doesn't hold any water.
The Bush era tax cut was eliminated for the top earners. There are numerous reasons why the gap has widened. You don't seem to be very interested in anything other than pining it on corporate greed.

Kennedy cut taxes, the Dems would kick his ass out of the party today. The economy went up. Same with Reagan. Same with Bush. All you have to offer is lies in order to steal more people's money.

Bernie won't win anyway, he's just a leftist's wet dream for the moment. Hillary is backed by those mega corporations you rail against. Ask yourself why.
OK let me try to hit a specific argument because this is ballooning.

What causes lack of growth in our economy.

Let's start with regulations and taxes. Those both dampen growth. Also, massive government deficit spending.

Solution? Let's repeal glass steagal, let's cut taxes, let's deregulate financial markets. Let's increase government debt.

Welcome to 1980-2008 economics. Bush and Reagan cut taxes. Bush Reagan and Clinton deregulated the financial industry.

That worked out well. Thank you for deregulation and cutting taxes. Short term growth led to long term disaster

Wait a minute, WAIT a MINUTE! Are you telling everyone reading, that the reason the economy tanked was because people got to keep more of their own money?

By the way? What are you using to communicate to us with, an I-Pad, computer, or smart phone? Geeze, if they taxed you more, I wonder how long it would have taken you to be able to communicate, as you had to save far longer!

So anyway, I see you are an advocate for the government taking more money. By your thought process, none of the economic meltdown would have happened if we would have let them tax us at what..........70, 80, 90%? Hmmmmm, how has that worked out for other SOCIALISTIC countries?

Do you think Denmark is SOCIALISTIC, lol. Why don't you take a gander at their corporate tax rates, then come back and tell us all about it-)
Government agencies responsible for market oversight failed (as they usually do) to issue any warnings regarding the risk associated with hyper-inflated MBS products and possible negative consequences of CDS (in fact they did the opposite with repeated re-assurances to the public that "all was well"). The "great recession" is directly attributable to government intervention in the marketplace, that's not to say that you don't have a WHOLE LOT of Wall Street Bankers that acted recklessly but they were just responding to changes in the marketplace that were driven by government and central bankers.
Even worse, Barney Franks outright lied about the condition of Freddy and Fanny was in. But the libs still blame Bush.
Cause he sells the Robin Hood fairy tale and the mythical utopia that does not exist. He is a marxist but he calls himself a socialist.

He is an unappreciative asshole who shits on the country that provided him all of opportunities he had his entire pathetic JINO life.

He pits classes against each other and he is resentful towards anyone that achieved success. He appeals to the gullible morons on the left who are sold on all of these divisive tactics by the left on a daily fucking basis.

Bernie's tactical strategy is ALL about calling the rich the problem. Of course his sheep just clap away as they dream of their fucking utopia.
That would be correct but it ignores the fact of profit margin and the explosion in the pay of top earners. Taxes were cut and at the same time CEO versus hourly pay widened substantially.

Kennedy still had a top marginal rate over 60%. What has happened is as taxes have been cut to "stimulate growth" the money just went back into the pockets of the upper class. Wages have been stagnant for 30 years but taxes have been cut repeatedly. At the same time that taxes have been cut and wages have been stagnant the top earners have amassed exponentially more wealth and a larger share of the economic pie.
Your argument doesn't hold any water.
The Bush era tax cut was eliminated for the top earners. There are numerous reasons why the gap has widened. You don't seem to be very interested in anything other than pining it on corporate greed.

Kennedy cut taxes, the Dems would kick his ass out of the party today. The economy went up. Same with Reagan. Same with Bush. All you have to offer is lies in order to steal more people's money.

Bernie won't win anyway, he's just a leftist's wet dream for the moment. Hillary is backed by those mega corporations you rail against. Ask yourself why.

Isn't it funny how people try and convince you that taking some of your money and giving it to them, is good for the economy. How many of them post on here about asking for a job? Nope, it is always about taking our money, and giving it to them.

Tell you what, you want some of my money? I am returning to Northwest Indiana shortly after the 15th. Want some money Sanders supporters? Come cut my GRASS! That is how you acquire money, not by trying to circumvent the American dream and steal it from those that have already earned it!
Sanders isn't hated. No one would waste that passion o Him. He is just one of the dumbest politicians in modern era, which is evident in that he proclaims socialism which was a failed idea for the past 100 years

Good answer. Forget reconstruction and the new deal, forget that Eisenhower and Roosevelt also had socialist policy positions that were instrumental in our massive growth and recovery post 1940's.

Let's just ignore recent history in the united States


So what the fuck are you saying ?

Add on more FAILED fascist/socialist policies because they were done in the past?

I believe it would be far better to RESTORE then ENFORCE the Constitution (1787).


I completely concur, which is why we should vote for Ted Cruz
The most common complaint I hear about Sanders is that he is going to tax you to death and give everyone free stuff.

1st of all, that's an oxymoron. If I pay more in taxes how are the things I get in return considered free.

Now to the specific complaint. The Sanders camp put out a press release outlining whose taxes he would raise and by how much.

The top marginal rate would increase from 39.6% to 52%. That seems like a substantial amount. No one pays the top marginal rate. After deductions and loopholes, your effective rate is much lower.

Example, on mitt Romney's 2011 tax form he payed 13% in federal tax even though he was in the top bracket.


He also wants a 0.5% tax on stock speculation.

In context this isn't near as dramatic as we are lead to believe.

Let's remember in the 3 decades after WW2 the top marginal rate was between 72%-90%. That's a HUGE tax rate and yet our economy experienced massive growth. So, empirically Bernie's tax rate would be much lower than the tax rate during our period of greatest economic growth.

His final tax would be to fund his Medicare for all plan. A 9% increase.

Now let's put that in context. I make $19 an hour and before Obama care went into effect I was paying $150 a week for private insurance with a $3000 deductible and $100 copays. Under Bernie's plan my taxes would increase by $70 a week, so do the math. $70 a week with no deductible or copay versus $150 a week plus copay and deductible.

Seems like Bernie's plan is cheaper than even PRE OBAMA insurance.

Now I know that no one likes discussing issues in context but there you go.

Slight increases in taxes for a substantial return.

College tuition, infrastructure, affordable healthcare. Yeah I will pay a little more for these things.
another winner ! this is a big thing. democrats change the names of things and espouse "don't worry, your govenment knows what you need, don't be concerned so much with the process. let's make the laws first, so we can run them by the people. bernie sanders glosses thing over, and his facts are wrong. i've known the man for decades, he glosses things over. i am stunned that benghazi came up in the debate.

if the media is bringing it up that's amazing and great, we will debate. obama has lied about or cooked just about every number in our economy. unemployment topping the list. it's a democrat house of cards about to collapse.

under Trump you leadership will get to keep your paycheck. you won't have to pay for shrimp on a treadmill, or give hillary's polster (mark penn) six million dollars of stimumus money. how that was legal, i'll never know. i call it stealing.

The famous shrimp treadmill study, conducted by researchers at Pacific University and College of Charleston, came under scrutiny during debates over the federal deficit and wasteful spending in 2011.

Yes, the shrimp treadmill research cost taxpayers more than $3 million over the course of a decade. That includes a a $559,681 grant for research into "Impaired Metabolism and Performance in Crustaceans Exposed to Bacteria."

socialism is wrong for vermont, it's wrong for America. if the democrat socialists lose, taxes will go down, business will go up again.

The study was about how shrimp (an important food source) responds to changing water quality. The treadmill was a small portion of that study and only cost about $1k.

Stop being a blind lemming and do some real research.
The study was about how shrimp (an important food source) responds to changing water quality. The treadmill was a small portion of that study and only cost about $1k.

Stop being a blind lemming and do some real research.
Shrimp is an important food source, if you are a whale. But why should the government be involved? Sure they should help protect the environment from polluters but we don't need them to make study after study on things that won't make a difference in the real world. There are countless examples, if you can't see them you are part of the problem.

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