Why is Bernie Sanders hated.

The most common complaint I hear about Sanders is that he is going to tax you to death and give everyone free stuff.

1st of all, that's an oxymoron. If I pay more in taxes how are the things I get in return considered free.

Now to the specific complaint. The Sanders camp put out a press release outlining whose taxes he would raise and by how much.

The top marginal rate would increase from 39.6% to 52%. That seems like a substantial amount. No one pays the top marginal rate. After deductions and loopholes, your effective rate is much lower.

Example, on mitt Romney's 2011 tax form he payed 13% in federal tax even though he was in the top bracket.


He also wants a 0.5% tax on stock speculation.

In context this isn't near as dramatic as we are lead to believe.

Let's remember in the 3 decades after WW2 the top marginal rate was between 72%-90%. That's a HUGE tax rate and yet our economy experienced massive growth. So, empirically Bernie's tax rate would be much lower than the tax rate during our period of greatest economic growth.

His final tax would be to fund his Medicare for all plan. A 9% increase.

Now let's put that in context. I make $19 an hour and before Obama care went into effect I was paying $150 a week for private insurance with a $3000 deductible and $100 copays. Under Bernie's plan my taxes would increase by $70 a week, so do the math. $70 a week with no deductible or copay versus $150 a week plus copay and deductible.

Seems like Bernie's plan is cheaper than even PRE OBAMA insurance.

Now I know that no one likes discussing issues in context but there you go.

Slight increases in taxes for a substantial return.

College tuition, infrastructure, affordable healthcare. Yeah I will pay a little more for these things.

You obviously do not understand that Romney was not in the top bracket.
His income is mostly from capital gains which is classified differently than earned income

you might want to learn about the tax codes a little bit before you decide to tell people how they work

No, his earned income put him into the top bracket. Plus capital gains tax was over 20% if I am not mistaken.

The top bracket is $400000 he was definitely in that bracket. Then add to it his investment earnings. His deductions and loopholes definitely had him paying a lower rate

Mitt Romney releases tax return for 2011, showing he paid 14.1 percent tax rate

Mitt Romney paid $1.9 million in taxes on $13.69 million in income in 2011, most of it from his investments, for an effective rate of 14.1 percent, according to hundreds of pages he released Friday in a move to quiet political controversy over his personal finances.
Sanders isn't hated. No one would waste that passion o Him. He is just one of the dumbest politicians in modern era, which is evident in that he proclaims socialism which was a failed idea for the past 100 years

Good answer. Forget reconstruction and the new deal, forget that Eisenhower and Roosevelt also had socialist policy positions that were instrumental in our massive growth and recovery post 1940's.

Let's just ignore recent history in the united States


So what the fuck are you saying ?

Add on more FAILED fascist/socialist policies because they were done in the past?

I believe it would be far better to RESTORE then ENFORCE the Constitution (1787).

The most common complaint I hear about Sanders is that he is going to tax you to death and give everyone free stuff.
The compliant is that according to him he wants to give some people "free stuff" of course those "some people" aren't the ones complaining, it's those that have to PAY for said "free stuff" that aren't too keen on ole Bernie's plans. The federal government is already deeply in debt with over $19 TRILLION in cumulative operating deficits and over $200 TRILLION in long term unfunded liabilities and Bernie wants to dig the hole deeper at a faster rate, apparently he thinks money just grows on trees and doesn't understand that those of us footing the bill actually have to WORK FOR IT.

Historically "free stuff" provided by government is the most EXPENSIVE "stuff" that can be found; as in the free market can provide the same goods and services cheaper and at higher quality if the government just gets the hell out of the way and lets them do it. Only an idiot would want more government involvement in the marketplace since it's government intervention that has caused tuition rates to skyrocket, healthcare costs to skyrocket, the costs of goods and services in general to skyrocket; every time the politicians in Washington stick their fingers into something costs go up and quality goes down and yet confused daffodils like Bernie Sanders want more intervention, when are you people going to learn? Personally I don't think you'll figure it out until the American Economy is nothing but a smoking ruin mirroring all the failed collectivist states that litter the history books, apparently that's exactly what you people want to leave future generations, a once great Republic whose capitalist economy was once the most successful in the history of the world a mere shadow of it's former self.

The top marginal rate would increase from 39.6% to 52%. That seems like a substantial amount. No one pays the top marginal rate. After deductions and loopholes, your effective rate is much lower.
Then why even do it ? If nobody is going to pay it? Aren't you tired of Federal Government shell games? The Federal Tax Code needs to be SIMPLIFIED not made more complex so that career politicians like Bernie Sanders can play games while hiding what is really going on with OTHER PEOPLES Money.

College tuition, infrastructure, affordable healthcare. Yeah I will pay a little more for these things.
Good, then start writing checks and stay the hell out of everybody Else's wallets.....You want something then YOU pay for it and let everybody else decide how to spend the fruits of their own labor.

I'm so sick of politicians trying to buy votes with MY money and their followers that expect other people to pay for their wants.
The most common complaint I hear about Sanders is that he is going to tax you to death and give everyone free stuff.

1st of all, that's an oxymoron. If I pay more in taxes how are the things I get in return considered free.

Now to the specific complaint. The Sanders camp put out a press release outlining whose taxes he would raise and by how much.

The top marginal rate would increase from 39.6% to 52%. That seems like a substantial amount. No one pays the top marginal rate. After deductions and loopholes, your effective rate is much lower.

Example, on mitt Romney's 2011 tax form he payed 13% in federal tax even though he was in the top bracket.


He also wants a 0.5% tax on stock speculation.

In context this isn't near as dramatic as we are lead to believe.

Let's remember in the 3 decades after WW2 the top marginal rate was between 72%-90%. That's a HUGE tax rate and yet our economy experienced massive growth. So, empirically Bernie's tax rate would be much lower than the tax rate during our period of greatest economic growth.

His final tax would be to fund his Medicare for all plan. A 9% increase.

Now let's put that in context. I make $19 an hour and before Obama care went into effect I was paying $150 a week for private insurance with a $3000 deductible and $100 copays. Under Bernie's plan my taxes would increase by $70 a week, so do the math. $70 a week with no deductible or copay versus $150 a week plus copay and deductible.

Seems like Bernie's plan is cheaper than even PRE OBAMA insurance.

Now I know that no one likes discussing issues in context but there you go.

Slight increases in taxes for a substantial return.

College tuition, infrastructure, affordable healthcare. Yeah I will pay a little more for these things.

And by the way there, the problem isn't we are taxed to little, the problem is......we spend to much! Look at our tax receipts compared to most countries with our population. You would think the Feds could do a better job with the cash we give them already, instead of constantly coming back for more.

The whole TAX debate is a canard to make people dislike other people, while deflecting from Washington DC, which is the real problem in this fiasco.
The most common complaint I hear about Sanders is that he is going to tax you to death and give everyone free stuff.

1st of all, that's an oxymoron. If I pay more in taxes how are the things I get in return considered free.

Now to the specific complaint. The Sanders camp put out a press release outlining whose taxes he would raise and by how much.

The top marginal rate would increase from 39.6% to 52%. That seems like a substantial amount. No one pays the top marginal rate. After deductions and loopholes, your effective rate is much lower.

Example, on mitt Romney's 2011 tax form he payed 13% in federal tax even though he was in the top bracket.


He also wants a 0.5% tax on stock speculation.

In context this isn't near as dramatic as we are lead to believe.

Let's remember in the 3 decades after WW2 the top marginal rate was between 72%-90%. That's a HUGE tax rate and yet our economy experienced massive growth. So, empirically Bernie's tax rate would be much lower than the tax rate during our period of greatest economic growth.

His final tax would be to fund his Medicare for all plan. A 9% increase.

Now let's put that in context. I make $19 an hour and before Obama care went into effect I was paying $150 a week for private insurance with a $3000 deductible and $100 copays. Under Bernie's plan my taxes would increase by $70 a week, so do the math. $70 a week with no deductible or copay versus $150 a week plus copay and deductible.

Seems like Bernie's plan is cheaper than even PRE OBAMA insurance.

Now I know that no one likes discussing issues in context but there you go.

Slight increases in taxes for a substantial return.

College tuition, infrastructure, affordable healthcare. Yeah I will pay a little more for these things.
another winner ! this is a big thing. democrats change the names of things and espouse "don't worry, your govenment knows what you need, don't be concerned so much with the process. let's make the laws first, so we can run them by the people. bernie sanders glosses thing over, and his facts are wrong. i've known the man for decades, he glosses things over. i am stunned that benghazi came up in the debate.

if the media is bringing it up that's amazing and great, we will debate. obama has lied about or cooked just about every number in our economy. unemployment topping the list. it's a democrat house of cards about to collapse.

under Trump you leadership will get to keep you paycheck. you won't have to pay for shrimp on a treadmill, or give hillary's polster (mark penn) six million dollars of stimumus money. how that was legal, i'll never know.

Thank you for addressing anything I said about Bernie Sanders and his tax plan, or anything I said about our modern history and the post WW2 era.

I think I addressed you before, and if I did, you didn't listen------>

The 70 to 90% tax rates were fine and dandy, as long as we were the only game in town. (the world) WWII had ended, and European production was decimated. If most anything had to be built, it had to be built here in the USA, because we were the only country feeding the world industrial goods.

As soon as the rest of the world started to get back on it's industrial feet, what happened? Economy started to tank, and JFK had to LOWER taxes across the board to re-invigorate the American economy as capital fled to greener pastures, meaning a far less taxing authority. The scenario was again played out in the 80s as Reagan was elected, because of STAGFLATION. (ever hear that word?)

As long as you are the ONLY game in town, you can charge, or tax whatever you want. But if you have others competing, since most forms of taxes are built into the cost of a product, nobody will build it here.

If Americas tax rate on profits were made 30%, and another countries tax rate was 20%, that means the producer of that product would pay MORE taxes here. In essence, the producer there could lower the price to "break even" to stay afloat, while causing the company here to lose money and go under, at the same price point!

It is just that easy to figure out!

That would be correct but it ignores the fact of profit margin and the explosion in the pay of top earners. Taxes were cut and at the same time CEO versus hourly pay widened substantially.

Kennedy still had a top marginal rate over 60%. What has happened is as taxes have been cut to "stimulate growth" the money just went back into the pockets of the upper class. Wages have been stagnant for 30 years but taxes have been cut repeatedly. At the same time that taxes have been cut and wages have been stagnant the top earners have amassed exponentially more wealth and a larger share of the economic pie.
Your argument doesn't hold any water.
Sanders isn't hated. No one would waste that passion o Him. He is just one of the dumbest politicians in modern era, which is evident in that he proclaims socialism which was a failed idea for the past 100 years

Good answer. Forget reconstruction and the new deal, forget that Eisenhower and Roosevelt also had socialist policy positions that were instrumental in our massive growth and recovery post 1940's.

Let's just ignore recent history in the united States
they also built up the military, which the socialist countries don't need because of us.
This didn't help his "cause", race baiting old jackass

The $4 trillion a year that the filthy ass Federal government spends each year is already more money than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth and this idiot Sanders wants to increase it more to give away free stuff. What is not to "hate" with stupidity like that?

I "hate" Sanders because he is a greedy asshole that thinks somebody else should earn money to pay his bills. That is thievery.

Sanders' ideas on economics has destroyed or damaged many economies int he world and it is not going to somehow magically work here in the US.
The most common complaint I hear about Sanders is that he is going to tax you to death and give everyone free stuff.

1st of all, that's an oxymoron. If I pay more in taxes how are the things I get in return considered free.

Now to the specific complaint. The Sanders camp put out a press release outlining whose taxes he would raise and by how much.

The top marginal rate would increase from 39.6% to 52%. That seems like a substantial amount. No one pays the top marginal rate. After deductions and loopholes, your effective rate is much lower.

Example, on mitt Romney's 2011 tax form he payed 13% in federal tax even though he was in the top bracket.


He also wants a 0.5% tax on stock speculation.

In context this isn't near as dramatic as we are lead to believe.

Let's remember in the 3 decades after WW2 the top marginal rate was between 72%-90%. That's a HUGE tax rate and yet our economy experienced massive growth. So, empirically Bernie's tax rate would be much lower than the tax rate during our period of greatest economic growth.

His final tax would be to fund his Medicare for all plan. A 9% increase.

Now let's put that in context. I make $19 an hour and before Obama care went into effect I was paying $150 a week for private insurance with a $3000 deductible and $100 copays. Under Bernie's plan my taxes would increase by $70 a week, so do the math. $70 a week with no deductible or copay versus $150 a week plus copay and deductible.

Seems like Bernie's plan is cheaper than even PRE OBAMA insurance.

Now I know that no one likes discussing issues in context but there you go.

Slight increases in taxes for a substantial return.

College tuition, infrastructure, affordable healthcare. Yeah I will pay a little more for these things.
another winner ! this is a big thing. democrats change the names of things and espouse "don't worry, your govenment knows what you need, don't be concerned so much with the process. let's make the laws first, so we can run them by the people. bernie sanders glosses thing over, and his facts are wrong. i've known the man for decades, he glosses things over. i am stunned that benghazi came up in the debate.

if the media is bringing it up that's amazing and great, we will debate. obama has lied about or cooked just about every number in our economy. unemployment topping the list. it's a democrat house of cards about to collapse.

under Trump you leadership will get to keep you paycheck. you won't have to pay for shrimp on a treadmill, or give hillary's polster (mark penn) six million dollars of stimumus money. how that was legal, i'll never know.

Thank you for addressing anything I said about Bernie Sanders and his tax plan, or anything I said about our modern history and the post WW2 era.
heh, i think we're on the same side here, ;);). this is from our local liberal village voice type paper

What a 1987 Tax Battle Says About Bernie Sanders

Hospital officials claimed moral high ground in the 1987 tax fight. A July 1 hospital newsletter argued, "The effects of stripping the hospital of its tax-exempt status are far-reaching. The first to suffer would be patients. The finance office estimated the cost of the average patient stay would increase by about $300."


i suppose churches would be next on the march to the animal farm.

feel the burnycare.
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Austerity in the aftermath of the recession is what has rocked European countries, we have fared better because we decided to spend, not cut.

Just Google search what austerity did to Europe's economies post 2008
The most common complaint I hear about Sanders is that he is going to tax you to death and give everyone free stuff.

1st of all, that's an oxymoron. If I pay more in taxes how are the things I get in return considered free.

Now to the specific complaint. The Sanders camp put out a press release outlining whose taxes he would raise and by how much.

The top marginal rate would increase from 39.6% to 52%. That seems like a substantial amount. No one pays the top marginal rate. After deductions and loopholes, your effective rate is much lower.

Example, on mitt Romney's 2011 tax form he payed 13% in federal tax even though he was in the top bracket.


He also wants a 0.5% tax on stock speculation.

In context this isn't near as dramatic as we are lead to believe.

Let's remember in the 3 decades after WW2 the top marginal rate was between 72%-90%. That's a HUGE tax rate and yet our economy experienced massive growth. So, empirically Bernie's tax rate would be much lower than the tax rate during our period of greatest economic growth.

His final tax would be to fund his Medicare for all plan. A 9% increase.

Now let's put that in context. I make $19 an hour and before Obama care went into effect I was paying $150 a week for private insurance with a $3000 deductible and $100 copays. Under Bernie's plan my taxes would increase by $70 a week, so do the math. $70 a week with no deductible or copay versus $150 a week plus copay and deductible.

Seems like Bernie's plan is cheaper than even PRE OBAMA insurance.

Now I know that no one likes discussing issues in context but there you go.

Slight increases in taxes for a substantial return.

College tuition, infrastructure, affordable healthcare. Yeah I will pay a little more for these things.
another winner ! this is a big thing. democrats change the names of things and espouse "don't worry, your govenment knows what you need, don't be concerned so much with the process. let's make the laws first, so we can run them by the people. bernie sanders glosses thing over, and his facts are wrong. i've known the man for decades, he glosses things over. i am stunned that benghazi came up in the debate.

if the media is bringing it up that's amazing and great, we will debate. obama has lied about or cooked just about every number in our economy. unemployment topping the list. it's a democrat house of cards about to collapse.

under Trump you leadership will get to keep you paycheck. you won't have to pay for shrimp on a treadmill, or give hillary's polster (mark penn) six million dollars of stimumus money. how that was legal, i'll never know.

Thank you for addressing anything I said about Bernie Sanders and his tax plan, or anything I said about our modern history and the post WW2 era.

I think I addressed you before, and if I did, you didn't listen------>

The 70 to 90% tax rates were fine and dandy, as long as we were the only game in town. (the world) WWII had ended, and European production was decimated. If most anything had to be built, it had to be built here in the USA, because we were the only country feeding the world industrial goods.

As soon as the rest of the world started to get back on it's industrial feet, what happened? Economy started to tank, and JFK had to LOWER taxes across the board to re-invigorate the American economy as capital fled to greener pastures, meaning a far less taxing authority. The scenario was again played out in the 80s as Reagan was elected, because of STAGFLATION. (ever hear that word?)

As long as you are the ONLY game in town, you can charge, or tax whatever you want. But if you have others competing, since most forms of taxes are built into the cost of a product, nobody will build it here.

If Americas tax rate on profits were made 30%, and another countries tax rate was 20%, that means the producer of that product would pay MORE taxes here. In essence, the producer there could lower the price to "break even" to stay afloat, while causing the company here to lose money and go under, at the same price point!

It is just that easy to figure out!

That would be correct but it ignores the fact of profit margin and the explosion in the pay of top earners. Taxes were cut and at the same time CEO versus hourly pay widened substantially.

Kennedy still had a top marginal rate over 60%. What has happened is as taxes have been cut to "stimulate growth" the money just went back into the pockets of the upper class. Wages have been stagnant for 30 years but taxes have been cut repeatedly. At the same time that taxes have been cut and wages have been stagnant the top earners have amassed exponentially more wealth and a larger share of the economic pie.
Your argument doesn't hold any water.

Yes it does, you haven't refuted one thing I said. Why don't you check and see when the largest expansion in the economy was over the last 50 years. Do you think that was all an accident?

As far as JFK, his lowering re-ignited the economy, but the tax rates were still to high, which is why by the time Carter showed up, it was a disaster.

You also should do some research on what tax rates actually bring in. You see, it makes little difference what the tax rates are, the Fed gets the same percentage within 1 point. So why is that significant? Because tax rates cause money to STOP moving, and money moving is what grows our economy.

Put on your thinking cap for a minute! If you had 100 dollars to invest, and whatever profit you made was taxed at 20%, but you could also lose most or all of the investment, you might say, ok, I will take the chance. Same scenario, but you are taxed at 70%? Ummmmmmmm, why would you invest it, lol. So the money sits, not being used for expansion, you keep your 100 bucks, and it goes nowhere. It sits on the sidelines in the economy. Multiply that by trillions, and that is how you get a stagnant economy.
The most common complaint I hear about Sanders is that he is going to tax you to death and give everyone free stuff.

1st of all, that's an oxymoron. If I pay more in taxes how are the things I get in return considered free.

Now to the specific complaint. The Sanders camp put out a press release outlining whose taxes he would raise and by how much.

The top marginal rate would increase from 39.6% to 52%. That seems like a substantial amount. No one pays the top marginal rate. After deductions and loopholes, your effective rate is much lower.

Example, on mitt Romney's 2011 tax form he payed 13% in federal tax even though he was in the top bracket.


He also wants a 0.5% tax on stock speculation.

In context this isn't near as dramatic as we are lead to believe.

Let's remember in the 3 decades after WW2 the top marginal rate was between 72%-90%. That's a HUGE tax rate and yet our economy experienced massive growth. So, empirically Bernie's tax rate would be much lower than the tax rate during our period of greatest economic growth.

His final tax would be to fund his Medicare for all plan. A 9% increase.

Now let's put that in context. I make $19 an hour and before Obama care went into effect I was paying $150 a week for private insurance with a $3000 deductible and $100 copays. Under Bernie's plan my taxes would increase by $70 a week, so do the math. $70 a week with no deductible or copay versus $150 a week plus copay and deductible.

Seems like Bernie's plan is cheaper than even PRE OBAMA insurance.

Now I know that no one likes discussing issues in context but there you go.

Slight increases in taxes for a substantial return.

College tuition, infrastructure, affordable healthcare. Yeah I will pay a little more for these things.
Please read for a prime example of how badly America has dumbed down.
The most common complaint I hear about Sanders is that he is going to tax you to death and give everyone free stuff.

1st of all, that's an oxymoron. If I pay more in taxes how are the things I get in return considered free.

Now to the specific complaint. The Sanders camp put out a press release outlining whose taxes he would raise and by how much.

The top marginal rate would increase from 39.6% to 52%. That seems like a substantial amount. No one pays the top marginal rate. After deductions and loopholes, your effective rate is much lower.

Example, on mitt Romney's 2011 tax form he payed 13% in federal tax even though he was in the top bracket.


He also wants a 0.5% tax on stock speculation.

In context this isn't near as dramatic as we are lead to believe.

Let's remember in the 3 decades after WW2 the top marginal rate was between 72%-90%. That's a HUGE tax rate and yet our economy experienced massive growth. So, empirically Bernie's tax rate would be much lower than the tax rate during our period of greatest economic growth.

His final tax would be to fund his Medicare for all plan. A 9% increase.

Now let's put that in context. I make $19 an hour and before Obama care went into effect I was paying $150 a week for private insurance with a $3000 deductible and $100 copays. Under Bernie's plan my taxes would increase by $70 a week, so do the math. $70 a week with no deductible or copay versus $150 a week plus copay and deductible.

Seems like Bernie's plan is cheaper than even PRE OBAMA insurance.

Now I know that no one likes discussing issues in context but there you go.

Slight increases in taxes for a substantial return.

College tuition, infrastructure, affordable healthcare. Yeah I will pay a little more for these things.
First of all he's a delusional bag of wind, his ideas would destroy the country - in particular small business.
Second socialism in any form is a failure to all people...

Third anyone drawn to his hypocrisy and his controlling nature should have their head examined, fucking lemmings.

Austerity in the aftermath of the recession is what has rocked European countries, we have fared better because we decided to spend, not cut.
Yeah that's what happens when you get your Economy addicted to wasteful and unnecessary government spending and intervention, when the heroine supply runs out you go through withdrawals, of course gub'mint worshipers prescription for the problem is MORE HEROINE, cure the disease with more of the disease, makes sense if you're totally oblivious to long term economic consequences. That doesn't happen to economies where free markets are allowed to flourish sans over taxation, over regulation and wasteful government spending, they can function just fine without needing the state to prop them up.
OK let me try to hit a specific argument because this is ballooning.

What causes lack of growth in our economy.

Let's start with regulations and taxes. Those both dampen growth. Also, massive government deficit spending.

Solution? Let's repeal glass steagal, let's cut taxes, let's deregulate financial markets. Let's increase government debt.

Welcome to 1980-2008 economics. Bush and Reagan cut taxes. Bush Reagan and Clinton deregulated the financial industry.

That worked out well. Thank you for deregulation and cutting taxes. Short term growth led to long term disaster

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