Why is Bernie Sanders hated.

It's the responsibility of the nation to educate its people. That's a vital national interest.
Says who?

Says common sense.

I'll put you down for 'education is unimportant'.
LOL, since when have you had any common sense? You worship politicians and government for cryin' out loud which pretty much rules out you having any. :rolleyes:

So now that you've come out against public education, how do you propose that America's children get educated?
I see you're up to your typical disingenuous bullshit again (no surprise since you don't appear to be able to tell the truth if your life depended on it) , nobody has "come out against public education" , rebutting your idiotic statement regarding "the responsibility of the NATION to educate" doesn't rule out public education, of course you'd understand it if you weren't such a centralized government worshiping statist but you are so you probably won't get it.
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Sanders isn't hated. No one would waste that passion o Him. He is just one of the dumbest politicians in modern era, which is evident in that he proclaims socialism which was a failed idea for the past 100 years

Good answer. Forget reconstruction and the new deal, forget that Eisenhower and Roosevelt also had socialist policy positions that were instrumental in our massive growth and recovery post 1940's.

Let's just ignore recent history in the united States
The massive growth happened because of WWII.

How would a society without government work?

Explain in detail.

Nobody is talking about no government. You are confused to suggest that.

Very few Americans are against the basic governmental functions of providing for defense, courts, police etc. A user fee to pay for roads in the form of a fuel tax is acceptable to most people.

Communities pool their resources to provide for things like garbage pickup, fire protection, libraries and literacy education. No problem.

Where we have the divide is when it comes to government transfer payments where money is taken from somebody that earned it and given away to somebody else that didn't earn it. Like in subsidies, welfare, bailouts and entitlements. That is the problem. It is thievery.

It is despicable for the government to be in the business of taking away from those who earned it and giving it away to those that didn't earn. That goes the same for the welfare queen that sits on her ass all day long the same as the Solyndra Executive that got the big government subsidy for his environmental wacko scam. It also goes for Wall Street bailouts and bailouts of poorly run companies like GM. It goes for Medicaid payments, Obamacare subsidies the same as for farm subsidies.

There should absolutely be no entitlement in this country to a free college education. It does not help the economy. We have millions of college graduates in this country now that either don't have a job or who are underemployed.

Every dollar that we take out of the economy to pay for some shithead to get a degree in an unemployable field is one dollar that is not being used efficiently in the free market to produce real market driven jobs.

If you want a college education pay for it yourself. I am not responsible to pay for your college education. Stop being greedy. It just makes you look like a fool.

How would a society without government work?

Explain in detail.

Nobody is talking about no government. You are confused to suggest that.

Very few Americans are against the basic governmental functions of providing for defense, courts, police etc. A user fee to pay for roads in the form of a fuel tax is acceptable to most people.

Communities pool their resources to provide for things like garbage pickup, fire protection, libraries and literacy education. No problem.

Where we have the divide is when it comes to government transfer payments where money is taken from somebody that earned it and given away to somebody else that didn't earn it. Like in subsidies, welfare, bailouts and entitlements. That is the problem. It is thievery.

So end Medicaid and let poor people go without the basic healthcare they can't afford?

So end Medicaid and let poor people go without the basic healthcare they can't afford?

It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. It is your responsibility Moon Bat.

If you can't afford it then go get a job.

If you can find a job then stop voting for Left Wingers that screw up the economy so that there are no jobs.

If you are really hurting and need help then come to me and ask for it and if I feel you are deserving I may give you charity because after all I am a generous person but the fucking government needs to stay out of the business of taking my money by force to pay your fucking bills.

Is the concept of personal responsibility too hard for you Moon Bats to understand? What is your problem?
It's the responsibility of the nation to educate its people. That's a vital national interest.
Says who?

Says common sense.

I'll put you down for 'education is unimportant'.
LOL, since when have you had any common sense? You worship politicians and government for cryin' out loud which pretty much rules out you having any. :rolleyes:

So now that you've come out against public education, how do you propose that America's children get educated?
at the local level. get rid of everything but security and.... i'm sure there must be another something the federal government should do... i'm thinking.

Some Things Only Government Can Do - Bloomberg View
Jul 22, 2015 - Some Things Only Government Can Do ... with -- should be to re-establish popular understanding of the value of public goods. ..... A document intended to limit federal power is given the most expansive readings possible.
Ten Things the Federal Government Does Well
Jun 16, 2012 - Quick, name ten things the federal government does well. Let me be clear: not the state or local governments, only our federal government. ... Rowe Just Set America Straight With A Message Every Single Person Should See.
What are the top 3-5 things the federal government should do ...
Home | Yahoo Answers...
Mar 19, 2007 - What are the top few things you think each area of the government should be doing? After you answer these questions then think about what ...
Articles: Three Things Government Cannot Do
American Thinker
Oct 14, 2010 - These are the only things that any government can do. ... Our federal government does not, and cannot, (1) produce products, (2) create wealth, ...
Lesson 2 - Constitution Study Guide - Sites - Google
Lesson 2 - Constitution Study Guide
The Constitution lists things the national or federal government can do; these are ... All delegates agreed that George Washington should be president of the ...
What, if Anything, Should the Federal Government Do? - NCBI
National Center for Biotechnology Information
"I would suggest that federal legislation should only be directed at reducing the ... If the federal government is to get involved, what should it do? Perhaps the first and most important thing, some workshop participants said, was to keep the ...
The 10 best things government has done for us - MarketWatch
www.marketwatch.com › Commentary › Rex Nutting
Sep 27, 2011 - Or: “The government should just get out of the way. ... the early days of the republic, when they applied only to white men with property. ... often do so because the federal government was on their side in the great battles to ...
Government Should Do a Few Things and Do Them Well
National Review
Sep 4, 2013 - Government Should Do a Few Things and Do Them Well ... Indeed conservatives often try to make government operate more efficiently — only to face fierce ... Repealing Davis-Bacon would make new federal constructions ...
The Constitutional Role of the Federal Government ...
May 1, 2011 - Too often, federal policy disputes are waged only on pragmatic grounds, i.e. ... should actually be the first question asked, because the Constitution is the ....Do not post any information about yourself reasonably construed as ...
Five things the federal government should not do by Curtice ...
brennerbrief.com › Commentary
Sep 20, 2014 - There are a lot of things the federal government should not do. ... It's not only that determining the number of calories in breath mints is kind of a ...

i googled the only things fedgov should do and it comes back bloomberg, so i'd start with that.
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And I love how still no one is specifically addressing the tax policies he laid out that I referenced in the 1st post

Ignore and deflect is a good strategy

They can't, because they don't understand economics.

They're also fixated on Big Scary Words whose meaning they don't understand, either.

It's instructive to watch them do their little dance in every thread about Sanders. Anyone who's undecided is thinking Hmm, one side presents rational arguments based on logic, facts, and historical data. The other deflects and posts Photoshopped propaganda and then has screaming fits. Tough choice...
Sanders wants to move the country forward so of course conservatives hate him.

Yep, Comrade Sanders want to move the country "forward"

It's the responsibility of the nation to educate its people. That's a vital national interest.
Says who?

Says common sense.

I'll put you down for 'education is unimportant'.

If you think education is so important, why would you put the responsibility of educating yourself on some politician in Washington and expect to be educated?

Are you under the impression that professors will be replaced by politicians? What an interesting universe you inhabit.
The most common complaint I hear about Sanders is that he is going to tax you to death and give everyone free stuff.

1st of all, that's an oxymoron. If I pay more in taxes how are the things I get in return considered free.

Now to the specific complaint. The Sanders camp put out a press release outlining whose taxes he would raise and by how much.

The top marginal rate would increase from 39.6% to 52%. That seems like a substantial amount. No one pays the top marginal rate. After deductions and loopholes, your effective rate is much lower.

Example, on mitt Romney's 2011 tax form he payed 13% in federal tax even though he was in the top bracket.


He also wants a 0.5% tax on stock speculation.

In context this isn't near as dramatic as we are lead to believe.

Let's remember in the 3 decades after WW2 the top marginal rate was between 72%-90%. That's a HUGE tax rate and yet our economy experienced massive growth. So, empirically Bernie's tax rate would be much lower than the tax rate during our period of greatest economic growth.

His final tax would be to fund his Medicare for all plan. A 9% increase.

Now let's put that in context. I make $19 an hour and before Obama care went into effect I was paying $150 a week for private insurance with a $3000 deductible and $100 copays. Under Bernie's plan my taxes would increase by $70 a week, so do the math. $70 a week with no deductible or copay versus $150 a week plus copay and deductible.

Seems like Bernie's plan is cheaper than even PRE OBAMA insurance.

Now I know that no one likes discussing issues in context but there you go.

Slight increases in taxes for a substantial return.

College tuition, infrastructure, affordable healthcare. Yeah I will pay a little more for these things.

Bernie Sanders has been in the Senate for the last 25 years. I have been involved as a political junky for a couple of decades now, and have never heard his name mentioned or seen an article about him, until he decided to enter this race as a Democrat. What was he doing in the Senate for the last 25 years?

Your nursing home candidate is collapsing because this country is not Europe. It would never elect any candidate that was out there campaigning on free college tuition, and expanding Federal Government spending by 40%, when we're already 19 trillion in red ink. Furthermore, he has no support in the Senate or the House because he's not a DEMOCRAT. He's a Socialist, and recently changed his party status to Democrat to run on this ticket.

SOCIALISM is what Bernie Sanders represents to Americans. They will not vote for that.

Americans were founded on a hard work ethic. It's in our genetics. Those that work harder, are more motivated deserve higher pay. Those that don't work hard, if at all, and are unmotivated don't deserve as much.

The 5 best sentences written about socialism aka wealth redistribution are:

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Now according to Bernie Sanders himself, one of his most admired leaders Winston Churchill stated this:

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Winston Churchill

Bernie Sanders, if the nominee of the Democrat party would get wiped out in a National Election of epic proportion. Just move the blue over to New Hampshire & Vermont and color the rest of this country RED.


Reagan v Mondale 1984

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These stupid Moon bats have no idea what will happen with "free" college education.

It is a dumbass idea by both Sanders and Clinton but of course everything they propose is dumb.

Putting aside the disastrous fact that it will be a significant burden on the economy when we have minimal economic growth and are in debt $20 trillion.

Diploma mills will spring up to accommodate all this influx of money. These diploma mills will turn out a poor product, i.e. uneducated graduates.

We already have millions of college graduates out of work or underemployed in this country so we will increase the number.

We will provide four years of many students being able to live off the government without having to be held accountable for their economic decisions.

It will dilute a college education to being almost worthless.

But hey, its free stuff, right? These Moon bats love their free stuff.
Sanders isn't hated. No one would waste that passion to hate Him. He is just one of the dumbest politicians in modern era, which is evident in that he proclaims socialism which was a failed idea for the past 100 years
^^^ Take it from the guy who still follows a failed religion, ridiculed around the world.
The study was about how shrimp (an important food source) responds to changing water quality. The treadmill was a small portion of that study and only cost about $1k.

Stop being a blind lemming and do some real research.
Shrimp is an important food source, if you are a whale. But why should the government be involved? Sure they should help protect the environment from polluters but we don't need them to make study after study on things that won't make a difference in the real world. There are countless examples, if you can't see them you are part of the problem.

That's your answer? Why wouldn't we have study after study on environmental and economic impacts that affect our country? It would be irresponsible not to.

Enjoy your ridiculous little "shrimp treadmill" which you think cost millions, didn't even reply about how that is a complete lie.
The study was about how shrimp (an important food source) responds to changing water quality. The treadmill was a small portion of that study and only cost about $1k.

Stop being a blind lemming and do some real research.
Shrimp is an important food source, if you are a whale. But why should the government be involved? Sure they should help protect the environment from polluters but we don't need them to make study after study on things that won't make a difference in the real world. There are countless examples, if you can't see them you are part of the problem.

That's your answer? Why wouldn't we have study after study on environmental and economic impacts that affect our country? It would be irresponsible not to.

Enjoy your ridiculous little "shrimp treadmill" which you think cost millions, didn't even reply about how that is a complete lie.
You are fucked up. I didn't even mention a treadmill. I responded to your claim that shrimp is an important food source. I haven't had it in years. Testing water and air is one thing, creating cottage industries in how to spend money to keep people employed is another.
Sanders is a socialist pover of shit. That's why we hate him.

His latest stupid idea is to destroy the trucking industry.
The most common complaint I hear about Sanders is that he is going to tax you to death and give everyone free stuff.

1st of all, that's an oxymoron. If I pay more in taxes how are the things I get in return considered free.

Now to the specific complaint. The Sanders camp put out a press release outlining whose taxes he would raise and by how much.

The top marginal rate would increase from 39.6% to 52%. That seems like a substantial amount. No one pays the top marginal rate. After deductions and loopholes, your effective rate is much lower.

Example, on mitt Romney's 2011 tax form he payed 13% in federal tax even though he was in the top bracket.


He also wants a 0.5% tax on stock speculation.

In context this isn't near as dramatic as we are lead to believe.

Let's remember in the 3 decades after WW2 the top marginal rate was between 72%-90%. That's a HUGE tax rate and yet our economy experienced massive growth. So, empirically Bernie's tax rate would be much lower than the tax rate during our period of greatest economic growth.

His final tax would be to fund his Medicare for all plan. A 9% increase.

Now let's put that in context. I make $19 an hour and before Obama care went into effect I was paying $150 a week for private insurance with a $3000 deductible and $100 copays. Under Bernie's plan my taxes would increase by $70 a week, so do the math. $70 a week with no deductible or copay versus $150 a week plus copay and deductible.

Seems like Bernie's plan is cheaper than even PRE OBAMA insurance.

Now I know that no one likes discussing issues in context but there you go.

Slight increases in taxes for a substantial return.

College tuition, infrastructure, affordable healthcare. Yeah I will pay a little more for these things.

When someone wants to use guns to plunder you, why do you care if they are the mafia, local youths or the President of the United States?

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