Why is Biden letting Covid increase around the US?

Bottom line it was Trump that got the vaccine developed in record time.

Those most resistent to getting vaccinated are AFRICAN-americans and mexicans.

AFRICAN-americans have more cases of covid than any other group....percentage wise...which most Negroid commentators on here seem unable to understand....it is just simple math...which seems too complex for NEGROES.

Not even to mention how sloe Joe lied and said there was no virus though he had already been vaccinated.

I think not as I saw my grandfathers death certificate, he did not die of covid. My friend in the car accident did not die of covid. The big lie has been fed to those easily scared.

And neither did my 94 year old Uncle who actually died from colon cancer last year.
The big covid lie is that anti-vaxers are whining that all deaths are being claimed as COVID related..they are not.
Many are not labeled correctly
the media has lied so much they have little credibility left.

not even to mention sloe joe lies more than even the lame stream media.

The ineptitude of Biden is never more apparent than with each spike in Covid deaths.

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine but their glorious leader is incapable of figuring out a way to prevent these deaths

Just amazing.

Everyone who voted for Biden and personally helped kill these people.

Joe Biden is the competent one. The vaccine is readily available to anyone who wants it. The Republican Party is responsible for the continuing spread of the coronavirus due to their misinformation campaign. Worth noting the top states in coronavirus infections are Florida, Arkansas and Missouri. All dominated by Republicans. The official in charge of immunizations in Tennessee was fired for stating Tennessee state law on vaccinations to minors. This should be a major issue in 2022.
If people refuse to get vaccinated, there's not much he can do. It's not like he could tie unvaccinated people up and hold a gun to their heads and threaten to blow it off if they don't get the shot.
Once the vaccines get full approval, the government can legally issue vaccine mandates.
That should go over well with the Drumpftards. I can see many bombings and mass shootings on the horizon if they have to force them to get jabbed.
Well, there are certain things that would increase vaccinations but considered normal....


- Requiring the vaccination for all in the Military, maybe even government contractors working for the Defense dept....

-Requiring vaccinations to enter school for those 12 and up eligible. Other vaccines are already mandated for schools.

Plus once fully approved, more businesses will be more comfortable with employee mandates.

Once more people are vaccinated with no complications, like the families of the military, may then get vaccinated.... And any of their non military anti vaxxer friends may see, that their friends that got the vaccines are doing fine, and may soon get a vaccination themselves.....?
The count is around 10,000 dead from the vaccine. But you don't know that because your party constantly lies to you.
6000 reported on VAERS, without any vetting.

200,000,000 million doses given....
10% fatality rate would be 20 million people dead.
1% fatality would be 2 million dead
1/10th of a percent fatality would be 200,000 dead
1/100th of a percent fatality rate would be 20,000 dead

1/1000th of a percent fatality rate would be 2000

6000 unverified fatalities is 3/1000ths of a percent fatality rate.... It's greater for Aspirin, than the vaccine

The ineptitude of Biden is never more apparent than with each spike in Covid deaths.

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine but their glorious leader is incapable of figuring out a way to prevent these deaths

Just amazing.

Everyone who voted for Biden and personally helped kill these people.
Misinformation as usual. Most of the new cases are due to unvaccinated morons. They are contracting the Covid. The President and medical community are doing all they can to help you and your ilk understand the importance of vaccinations. You are your own worst enemy. Blame yourselves.
If people refuse to get vaccinated, there's not much he can do. It's not like he could tie unvaccinated people up and hold a gun to their heads and threaten to blow it off if they don't get the shot.

The point is the commies blamed every US covid death on President Trump in spite of the numbers being as phony as a three dollar bill. Not once have you read any of them blame Dementia for the same thing. When Trump was President, it was "Oh, it's Trump's fault 600,000 people died of covid." Now that Dementia is in charge, it's because you can't force people to take precautionary measures.
I didn’t say those people cheered deaths. You’re just saying that because you can’t debate me on what I actually say. That’s weak. Do better

If you don't believe that, why did you post a link titled CPAC members cheered on death? How weak. Do better. It's you that posted it.
Horsecrap, just because he said something once or twice doesn't mean he has put in a true effort.

He constantly hammers same shit over and over and over in his many political rallies, "go get vaccinated" was nowhere in sight and his own vaccination was not even made public untill months later.

First off, he didn't need any vaccine because he already caught it and had the antibodies to fight it off if he came in contact again. Secondly, how many rallies did he have between the time the vaccine got EUA by the FDA in late December of 2020 until the time he left office on January 19th of this year? Your claim is completely ridiculous. Now for my question: Why didn't Dementia do something to stop the near 200,000 covid deaths since he's been in office since you think it's the President that has control over such things?
I didn’t say those people cheered deaths. You’re just saying that because you can’t debate me on what I actually say. That’s weak. Do better

If you don't believe that, why did you post a link titled CPAC members cheered on death? How weak. Do better. It's you that posted it.
As I already explained I was referencing the videos. I did a Google search for videos and I linked the page that had the videos. The videos that showed speakers speaking. I don’t give a shit how some blowhard wants to spin it. Media is hyperbolic and lie on both side. You wanted videos and I posted them but your obsessing over an article title. Get over it
If people refuse to get vaccinated, there's not much he can do. It's not like he could tie unvaccinated people up and hold a gun to their heads and threaten to blow it off if they don't get the shot.

The point is the commies blamed every US covid death on President Trump in spite of the numbers being as phony as a three dollar bill. Not once have you read any of them blame Dementia for the same thing. When Trump was President, it was "Oh, it's Trump's fault 600,000 people died of covid." Now that Dementia is in charge, it's because you can't force people to take precautionary measures.
The point is that the fascists think that their fascist leader has no responsibility for much of anything.
Many of the 500,000 covid deaths (they ain't phony, genius) can be attributed to Trump for his mishandling of the crisis early on. Not all deaths or illness has ever been attributed to fascist Trump.
Now we have a new crisis developing due to you morons refusing to get vaccinated because the variant is attacking mostly those who have refused the vaccination, mainly trumpiciles.
President Biden cannot force people, nor is he. However, he is trying to educate people as to the seriousness of this variant. Fascist Trump didn't try to educate anybody about anything and treated the Covid in a ho-hum manner, saying that he alone was in control of it and that it would disappear in one month. Get your facts straight, hotshot.
The point is that the fascists think that their fascist leader has no responsibility for much of anything.
Many of the 500,000 covid deaths (they ain't phony, genius) can be attributed to Trump for his mishandling of the crisis early on. Not all deaths or illness has ever been attributed to fascist Trump.
Now we have a new crisis developing due to you morons refusing to get vaccinated because the variant is attacking mostly those who have refused the vaccination, mainly trumpiciles.
President Biden cannot force people, nor is he. However, he is trying to educate people as to the seriousness of this variant. Fascist Trump didn't try to educate anybody about anything and treated the Covid in a ho-hum manner, saying that he alone was in control of it and that it would disappear in one month. Get your facts straight, hotshot.

What complete bullshit. You must not have been participating in the many covid topics on this forum. Over half of your comrades did blame Trump for every death. Trump never mishandled anything unless you can point to what action he took that you can make such a ridiculous claim. Dementia trying to educate people? This is a clown that counts aloud with Big Bird for crying out loud. People have to escort him to the bathroom.

Now post your link of Trump saying he was in total control over covid. As Dr. Fauci stated when he was being interviewed on Woodward's book, President Trump relayed all information he and the President talked about accurately and timely to the public. You people are such liars.

Yes, the death counts are phony. They are all over the internet, and I had a personal experience with it. Phony as a Biden tee shirt.
As I already explained I was referencing the videos. I did a Google search for videos and I linked the page that had the videos. The videos that showed speakers speaking. I don’t give a shit how some blowhard wants to spin it. Media is hyperbolic and lie on both side. You wanted videos and I posted them but your obsessing over an article title. Get over i

God you people on the left are such liars. I asked for a CPAC video of a speaker against anybody being vaccinated. Because they didn't exist and you made the whole thing up, you post some half ass videos out of context. So one more time: Show me an entire video of a CPAC member telling nobody to get the vaccination.
As I already explained I was referencing the videos. I did a Google search for videos and I linked the page that had the videos. The videos that showed speakers speaking. I don’t give a shit how some blowhard wants to spin it. Media is hyperbolic and lie on both side. You wanted videos and I posted them but your obsessing over an article title. Get over i

God you people on the left are such liars. I asked for a CPAC video of a speaker against anybody being vaccinated. Because they didn't exist and you made the whole thing up, you post some half ass videos out of context. So one more time: Show me an entire video of a CPAC member telling nobody to get the vaccination.
You changing the conversation again. I said the right wingers have been pushing the enti vax narrative and I saw this with speakers at CPAC. You asked for videos. And you’ve spent pages now trying to distort and spin the conversation into something you can attack.

Favt is the anti vax, anti mask movement is being propelled by the roght wing. They are hiding behind this anti government pro liberty spirit but we all know it’s political and they don’t want Biden to get credit a d they want to attack Fauci and shutdown. I don’t see how you could deny any of that. They aren’t even trying to hide it

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