Why Is Biden President?-The Lying Media

The leftist journalists are responsible for the election of the incompetent, lying criminal Joe Biden. Their lies and distortions defeated Donald Trump.
You give them way too much credit, besides their 'lies and distortions" are more than balanced out by the lies and distortions of the Right wing media.
  • Fake News
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It’s been two years since 51 intelligence agents interfered with an election — they still won’t apologize​

It was all a lie. Their letter was the culprit“interfering with democracy” in broad daylight.

Not one of the 51 had seen any material from the laptop or bothered asking for it, but their letter, instigated by, signed and delivered to Politico by Democratic operative and former John Brennan aide Nick Shapiro, killed the story stone dead. It got candidate Joe Biden off the hook for the corrupt influence-peddling scheme his family had been running through the eight years of his vice presidency.

The shameful letter was used by Joe Biden three days later, on October 22, to deflect Trump’s attack in their last debate.
News flash. Hunter Biden was not running for President. I have yet to see anything from that laptop directly implicating Joe. If I missed it please send me a link.
News flash. Hunter Biden was not running for President. I have yet to see anything from that laptop directly implicating Joe. If I missed it please send me a link.

MSM talking point.
Trump told us he was scared of Biden by pestering Zelinsky of Ukraine to dig up dirt on him. Trump told us

Turns out that not too digging was really necessary. The trick was to get the US government agencies to stop covering it up. The problem is, there are far too many swamp creatures that stand to be ensnarled if we dig too deep.
The media didn't damage trump. Trump damaged trump. The media just reported on it.

What a load of crap. They routinely mis-quoted Trump to create the narrative of hate around him. If you asked people on the street to identify the person that said the various racist things that Biden has said over the years, many, if not most, would attribute them to Trump. That is because they have been totally brainwashed by the MSM with mis-quotes from Trump and omissions from Biden.
Nobody brought it knowingly over here. Covid has a long incubation period. By the time people knew there was something wrong, they had already infected many others.
Grifty's response to Covid is what damaged him. He wanted to shrug it off when people were dying everywhere.
Trump handled Covid the right way when he downplayed it. If he made a big deal out of Covid, the stock market would have been in a panic.
The media didn't damage trump. Trump damaged trump. The media just reported on it.
The MSM played a part. Their constant criticism of Trump most certainly had an effect. Though its also true Don is a dumb fuck and failed to learn from his mistakes.
What a load of crap. They routinely mis-quoted Trump to create the narrative of hate around him. If you asked people on the street to identify the person that said the various racist things that Biden has said over the years, many, if not most, would attribute them to Trump. That is because they have been totally brainwashed by the MSM with mis-quotes from Trump and omissions from Biden.
Trump created the narrative of hate around him.
The MSM played a part. Their constant criticism of Trump most certainly had an effect. Though its also true Don is a dumb fuck and failed to learn from his mistakes.
If trump didn't constantly do stuff to be criticized for, the media wouldn't report it.
If trump didn't constantly do stuff to be criticized for, the media wouldn't report it.
No. I’m not accepting that. Much of the criticism was politically based and unwarranted. That said, Trump failed to understand what opposed him and kept making dumb mistakes the msm could easily use against him.

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