Why Is Biden President?-The Lying Media

It was shameful how the Democrats roped Trump. The media loves a fight and Trump was all too willing to lower himself to the level of the Democrats. From the start of his presidency, I believed Trump should have left that fight to backers outside his administration and rise to the office he was elected to.
Oh so now we are saying Trump is an incompetent buffoon duped by Joe and Nancy ….,.wow
How did Trump affect who the democrats nominated.

I am curious to know how they are connected.

There's no way there even WAS an election

potato allegedly got 81 million votes to Trump's 75 million (or thereabouts)

That means that roughly half of the US voted!

Not possible---

For one thing, it is never the case that ALL registered voters vote.

Then there's this: A high percentage of the 320 million Americans in our country were NOT of voting age.

There were, however, a lot of really, really old people who voted, apparently... so old you had to go to a cemetery to find them :rolleyes:
There's no way there even WAS an election

potato allegedly got 81 million votes to Trump's 75 million (or thereabouts)

That means that roughly half of the US voted!

Not possible---

For one thing, it is never the case that ALL registered voters vote.

Then there's this: A high percentage of the 320 million Americans in our country were NOT of voting age.

There were, however, a lot of really, really old people who voted, apparently... so old you had to go to a cemetery to find them :rolleyes:
So trump was outsmarted by Joe.
That means that roughly half of the US voted!
Huh ? The population of the US us over 330 MILLION.
You’re making up shit again. There are roughly 170 million registered voters. You want to try and make up shit more convincingly ?
There's no way there even WAS an election

potato allegedly got 81 million votes to Trump's 75 million (or thereabouts)

That means that roughly half of the US voted!

Not possible---

For one thing, it is never the case that ALL registered voters vote.

Then there's this: A high percentage of the 320 million Americans in our country were NOT of voting age.

There were, however, a lot of really, really old people who voted, apparently... so old you had to go to a cemetery to find them :rolleyes:
Look at these stupid , clown like numbers he is trying to pass off and his stupid brain dead opinions of what these numbers mean. It is great to see what kind of thinking someone stupid enough to support trump uses. So not only are they traitors to this great country who support the destruction of our democracy and country but also are as dumb as door knobs. Love it!
There's no way there even WAS an election

potato allegedly got 81 million votes to Trump's 75 million (or thereabouts)

That means that roughly half of the US voted!

Not possible---

For one thing, it is never the case that ALL registered voters vote.

Then there's this: A high percentage of the 320 million Americans in our country were NOT of voting age.

There were, however, a lot of really, really old people who voted, apparently... so old you had to go to a cemetery to find them :rolleyes:
lying piece of shit!
Hunter is a lowlife but there is no evidence that Joe did anything unethical much less illegal to aid him. Hunter is his son and will always have access to his dad, as it should be. If he brings someone to get a photo op with Joe, that is on Hunter, not Joe.
Crooked Donald is responsible for Biden being president. Without Trump as the opposition candidate, Biden would not be president imho....some other democrat would be! :)
Massive fraud is responsible for Biden being president. period.
Biden, had great experience behind him, knowledge of how things work... already being V.P., and years in the senate, and he was everyone's friend in the Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, and democrats believed he had a much better chance of cleaning up Trump's mess, and believed Biden could capture some of the Never Trumper vote.

Biden was a known, a V.P. going against a President vs a rookie.

The odds were better for Democrats, to beat Trump, by backing Biden, so they unified behind him, instead of watching a bunch of rookies, duke it out and upsetting factions of the party against one rookie group of followers vs. another.
"Never underestimate Joe Biden's ability to fuck things up". - Barack Obama
The answer is Trump. Period.

We had to fire Trump, our Nation's existence, and very lives, were at stake.

Extreme tin foil hat bullshit.

That is how democrats and never Trumpers and independents viewed it.

That's why leftards get a bad rap.

Dems, including rookie candidates, decided that firing Trump, was all that mattered....and Biden is who they would all rally around, to make that happen.... United we stand, divided we fall.....this was no time to be divided.

So you went ahead and be ame as divisive as you possibly could.

Stupid move, dumbass.

Trump and his careless and mostly lawless covid spreading rallies, did him in....

we voted Trump out....

No, you didn't.

You scammed him out.

You FUNDED racial fucking riots to get him out.

Leftards are complete scum.
Extreme tin foil hat bullshit.

That's why leftards get a bad rap.

So you went ahead and be ame as divisive as you possibly could.

Stupid move, dumbass.

No, you didn't.

You scammed him out.

You FUNDED racial fucking riots to get him out.

Leftards are complete scum.
And magaturds are still losers. :itsok:

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