Why Is Biden President?-The Lying Media

Cute, but a non-answer. You have no obligation to convince me of anything but this doesn't generate any respect. Just so you know why people, namely me, don't take you seriously.
If you think a VP‘s or president’s son selling his daddy’s influence to make millions is acceptable, just try to think again.
If you think a VP‘s or president’s son selling his daddy’s influence to make millions is acceptable, just try to think again.
Hunter is a lowlife but there is no evidence that Joe did anything unethical much less illegal to aid him. Hunter is his son and will always have access to his dad, as it should be. If he brings someone to get a photo op with Joe, that is on Hunter, not Joe.
Nobody brought it knowingly over here. Covid has a long incubation period. By the time people knew there was something wrong, they had already infected many others.
Grifty's response to Covid is what damaged him. He wanted to shrug it off when people were dying everywhere.
Covid was an elitist plot. It proved things. It hurt our economy pushing us further into a globalist government and strengthened China's and proved that when the time comes certain groups will be blamed and killed.
Turns out that not too digging was really necessary. The trick was to get the US government agencies to stop covering it up. The problem is, there are far too many swamp creatures that stand to be ensnarled if we dig too deep.
You haven't dug deep enough, to how this whole scam by Trumpers began. Back in 2019, Giuliani, journalist Jon Solomon, Joe DiGenova and wife Victoria T., several Ukrainian/Russian sympathetic, corrupt oligarchs helping, paying Shokin to go to Austria by one of the Oligarchs hiding out there, Firtash, represented by DiGenova and wanted by the USA for extradition to here for his U.S. crimes, for the recent deposition, new storyline in the Shokin deposition about Burisma/Biden....

Truely, this is deeper than pastry, while y'all just believe the storyline you are fed...there is much, much, much, more to it than what is presented to you in these phony, dog and pony show, republican hearings.
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Hunter is a lowlife but there is no evidence that Joe did anything unethical much less illegal to aid him. Hunter is his son and will always have access to his dad, as it should be. If he brings someone to get a photo op with Joe, that is on Hunter, not Joe.
I doubt that. Dumb Joe was heavily involved.
I can think of no better Dem leader and public Dem example than that stuttering dimwit Biden, he's destroyed the Dem brand. When you think Dem think Joe Biden :auiqs.jpg:
No, it was fraud that put Biden in office. Trump actually won but he was overthrown by a coup.
Dems knew precisely which districts they had to cheat in, then paused counting to on election night to steal it. It was only a few thousand votes. The TELL was Republicans won all the down ballot races in those same districts, which has never happened before. All kinds of science based historical upsets on that night.

Like the swing district that on election day had horrible election day turn out at the polls. The Dem MSM was in a panic reporting on this. Then like magic overnight it was reported...historic election day turnout never before seen in that Dem district.

It's safe to say Democrats decided to steal that election by whatever means necessary, the FIX was always in.
Dems knew precisely which districts they had to cheat in, then paused counting to on election night to steal it. It was only a few thousand votes. The TELL was Republicans won all the down ballot races in those same districts, which has never happened before. All kinds of science based historical upsets on that night.

Like the swing district that on election day had horrible election day turn out at the polls. The Dem MSM was in a panic reporting on this. Then like magic overnight it was reported...historic election day turnout never before seen in that Dem district.

It's safe to say Democrats decided to steal that election by whatever means necessary, the FIX was always in.
All correct, BluesLegend.
Nobody brought it knowingly over here. Covid has a long incubation period. By the time people knew there was something wrong, they had already infected many others.
Grifty's response to Covid is what damaged him. He wanted to shrug it off when people were dying everywhere.

Calling on Americans to get vaccinated against Covid-19, Biden said, “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit and you’re not going to die.”
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The leftist journalists are responsible for the election of the incompetent, lying criminal Joe Biden. Their lies and distortions defeated Donald Trump.
So how did the “leftist journalists” infiltrate the election process?
Trump created the narrative of hate around him.

Some of it for sure, but much of it was fabricated by the MSM twisting and straight up lying. The opposite is very true for Democrats, particularly Biden.
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It was 50 EX Intelligence figures.... They did not work for the government, they were private citizens and have first amendment rights to voice their opinions or to support a candidate.

who did not lie to the American people.... They gave their opinion that the lap top story could be a Russian psyops.... They did not say it WAS Russian shenanigans, but it had the signs of possibly being....

Third, because social media chose to ban the article for a few days....the uproar brought more readers to the NYPost site to read the lap top article than any other time in the NY Post's history.

MORE PEOPLE read it, than if it were not censored by Twitter etc....it's called The Streisand Effect, Google it. It was AMPLIFIED not censored.

Giuliani dropping the lap top story in the NY POST for an October surprise failed because there was not enough time or tangible files for the news to verify the story and the NYPOST refused to hand over copies of the lap top files for verification before the election.
You're so fulla shit I'm going to start calling you "Depends".

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