Why Is Biden President?-The Lying Media

Where is your proof of this? Are you seriously believing ANYTHING Republicans tell you at this point????? How gullible are you, given they've never provided proof of any of their claims.

The only person making these claims is Donald Trump - the most dishonest politician in American history. None of the people he's accused of committing crimes has been arrested, because there's no evidence that any of these people did any of things that Trump accuses them of.

Trump told you Hillary is a crook too, but after 25+ investigations without a single charge, only a fool would believe it's true.
Again, it’s obvious. Wake up.
Do you actually believe Hunter, the crackhead, just happened to be hired by Burisma for 86k/mth? Was it just coincidental? Do you still believe that laptop is Russian disinformation despite mountains of evidence otherwise? Do you really think all those photos of Hunter with underage girls , prostitutes and smoking crack were Photoshopped? Do you really believe Joe had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings in the Ukraine and for Burisma despite photos that say otherwise? Weird that he would lie about that. Do you really believe that a political family that is on the up an up would have so many shell companies through which large sums of money flowed? Do you really find it hard to believe that a man with the character of Hunter Biden would be involved in nefarious activities? Do you not believe that his dad, the now President of the most powerful nation in the world, at the very least, would attempt to protect his only surving son, even if that meant putting a bug in the ear of the intelligence agencies, the IRS and the DOJ to lay off? Do you not think Joe Biden would do that to protect himself if he had any involvement?

The left is twisting themselves into pretzels to defend this administration. Clearly it isn’t about the truth, just about pushing the agenda at all cost.

Where there is smoke, there is fire and the entire Hunter saga is sending smoke signals visible from outer space. The fact that you are your ilk are unable to see it, is on you, not normal folks with even a sliver of common sense.
She knows none of that. MSNBC has duped her. It’s her sole source of information. So, there.
Biden is a potato. Democrats cheated in a potato. You should be worried about being disenfranchised,

but you're not because it was "your guy" this time. How's that working out for you and yours, hmm?
It's working out just fine. Your guy is facing 91 felonies. Seems he's not working out so well for you.
Link it, show proof, not speculation....surely, you know the difference?
No doubt you think the re-election of Don would be the worst thing EVER! All the while ignoring Joe’s policies resulting in the deaths of 400-500,000 Ukrainian men to enrich his war profiteer donors, flooding the nation with illiterate immigrants, and doing nothing to help the poor and working class.

You might want to pay attention rather than allow the establishment to deceive you.

Don is awful, but so is old dumb Joe. Objectivity is a sign of intelligence. If only you had some.
Biden, had great experience behind him, knowledge of how things work... already being V.P., and years in the senate, and he was everyone's friend in the Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, and democrats believed he had a much better chance of cleaning up Trump's mess, and believed Biden could capture some of the Never Trumper vote.

Biden was a known, a V.P. going against a President vs a rookie.

The odds were better for Democrats, to beat Trump, by backing Biden, so they unified behind him, instead of watching a bunch of rookies, duke it out and upsetting factions of the party against one rookie group of followers vs. another.

That speaks to the democrats, not Trump's influence.

The entire way Biden was nominated has been put in question. The rookies just rolled over ?
The leftist journalists are responsible for the election of the incompetent, lying criminal Joe Biden. Their lies and distortions defeated Donald Trump.
What got Biden elected was a bunch of ignorant as fuck but able to vote in spite of it Americans once saw Trum on a corny reality TV show and actually believed it was all real and decided in 2016 "hey, I think that guy would make a good president.
The rest of the world has been laughing at us ever since.
That speaks to the democrats, not Trump's influence.

The entire way Biden was nominated has been put in question. The rookies just rolled over ?
The answer is Trump. Period.

We had to fire Trump, our Nation's existence, and very lives, were at stake.

That is how democrats and never Trumpers and independents viewed it.

Dems, including rookie candidates, decided that firing Trump, was all that mattered....and Biden is who they would all rally around, to make that happen.... United we stand, divided we fall.....this was no time to be divided.

Trump and his careless and mostly lawless covid spreading rallies, did him in....

we voted Trump out....
Dems, including rookie candidates, decided that firing Trump, was all that mattered....and Biden is who they would all rally around, to make that happen.... United we stand, divided we fall.....this was no time to be divided.

Not buying it.

Biden got his ass kicked in the first two primaries. He was fading.

It was the black vote in South Carolina (and in other places) that got him back on track.

His opposition lost funding and faded. They didn't choose to step out.
The answer is Trump. Period.

We had to fire Trump, our Nation's existence, and very lives, were at stake.

That is how democrats and never Trumpers and independents viewed it.

Thanks for confirming that the lemming left is under the thumb of a corrupt media.

While I don't like Trump, nothing was wrong with his presidency up until COVID.

He was very popular and the stupid impeachment trial only helped him.

Most on the left agree that if there is no COVID, Trump would be in the W.H. now.
Thanks for confirming that the lemming left is under the thumb of a corrupt media.

While I don't like Trump, nothing was wrong with his presidency up until COVID.

He was very popular and the stupid impeachment trial only helped him.

Most on the left agree that if there is no COVID, Trump would be in the W.H. now.
Many agree that without Covid, and trump's massive mishandeling of that pandemic, it's possible that trump could have been our president right now. Whether they believe he should have been our president right now is a completely different question.
Many agree that without Covid, and trump's massive mishandeling of that pandemic, it's possible that trump could have been our president right now. Whether they believe he should have been our president right now is a completely different question.

Yes, your second question is meaningless to the discussion.

But I get you need to make yourself feel better.

When you say "many agree", that is "many on the left agree". His popularity was pretty good.

That is why I soured on him. I felt he threw away 2020 by being as ass during COVID. He played into the hands of the left and showed just how inflexible he is. He threw away our efforts with his conceited behavior.
Most on the left agree that if there is no COVID, Trump would be in the W.H. now
Yes, he could have perhaps held his position, if it were not for his disastrous covid handling.... :)

But Trump was never popular with the masses! The masses of Republican trumpers...sure, but I'd venture to say no democratic support and we are in the majority as far as voters compared to Rs.

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