Why Is Biden President?-The Lying Media

You haven't dug deep enough, to how this whole scam by Trumpers began. Back in 2019, Giuliani, journalist Jon Solomon, Joe DiGenova and wife Victoria T., several Ukrainian/Russian sympathetic, corrupt oligarchs helping, paying Shokin to go to Austria by one of the Oligarchs hiding out there, Firtash, represented by DiGenova and wanted by the USA for extradition to here for his U.S. crimes, for the recent deposition, new storyline in the Shokin deposition about Burisma/Biden....

Truely, this is deeper than pastry, while y'all just believe the storyline you are fed...there is much, much, much, more to it than what is presented to you in these phony, dog and pony show, republican hearings.

Do you actually believe Hunter, the crackhead, just happened to be hired by Burisma for 86k/mth? Was it just coincidental? Do you still believe that laptop is Russian disinformation despite mountains of evidence otherwise? Do you really think all those photos of Hunter with underage girls , prostitutes and smoking crack were Photoshopped? Do you really believe Joe had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings in the Ukraine and for Burisma despite photos that say otherwise? Weird that he would lie about that. Do you really believe that a political family that is on the up an up would have so many shell companies through which large sums of money flowed? Do you really find it hard to believe that a man with the character of Hunter Biden would be involved in nefarious activities? Do you not believe that his dad, the now President of the most powerful nation in the world, at the very least, would attempt to protect his only surving son, even if that meant putting a bug in the ear of the intelligence agencies, the IRS and the DOJ to lay off? Do you not think Joe Biden would do that to protect himself if he had any involvement?

The left is twisting themselves into pretzels to defend this administration. Clearly it isn’t about the truth, just about pushing the agenda at all cost.

Where there is smoke, there is fire and the entire Hunter saga is sending smoke signals visible from outer space. The fact that you are your ilk are unable to see it, is on you, not normal folks with even a sliver of common sense.
Donald Trump defeated Donald Trump. Lies, incompetence, greed and stupidity did it.
Donald Trump is not the polar opposite of Joe in agendas. An example...Trump is not a total anti-abortion leader. As compared to Progs who are now promoting abortions after 9 months. Yet Progs are spewing the coat hanger crap drivel. Progs are scared shitless of returning power to the states. The constitution has been corrupted with checks and balances affected and even removed.
Crooked Donald is responsible for Biden being president. Without Trump as the opposition candidate, Biden would not be president imho....some other democrat would be! :)
Biden is a potato. Democrats cheated in a potato. You should be worried about being disenfranchised,

but you're not because it was "your guy" this time. How's that working out for you and yours, hmm?
How did Trump affect who the democrats nominated.

I am curious to know how they are connected.
Biden, had great experience behind him, knowledge of how things work... already being V.P., and years in the senate, and he was everyone's friend in the Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, and democrats believed he had a much better chance of cleaning up Trump's mess, and believed Biden could capture some of the Never Trumper vote.

Biden was a known, a V.P. going against a President vs a rookie.

The odds were better for Democrats, to beat Trump, by backing Biden, so they unified behind him, instead of watching a bunch of rookies, duke it out and upsetting factions of the party against one rookie group of followers vs. another.
Biden, had great experience behind him, knowledge of how things work... already being V.P., and years in the senate, and he was everyone's friend in the Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, and democrats believed he had a much better chance of cleaning up Trump's mess, and believed Biden could capture some of the Never Trumper vote.

Biden was a known, a V.P. going against a President vs a rookie.

The odds were better for Democrats, to beat Trump, by backing Biden, so they unified behind him, instead of watching a bunch of rookies, duke it out and upsetting factions of the party against one rookie group of followers vs. another.
Exactly. And he proved to be a very effective President
The leftist journalists are responsible for the election of the incompetent, lying criminal Joe Biden. Their lies and distortions defeated Donald Trump.

They aren't responsible, they didn't actually get him elected. All they did was say what they were told to say.

Biden was elected because of far more influential, wealthy and sinister people than just the news media.

The news media are just the public relations department of the people who got him and all of his cronies into office.
Biden, had great experience behind him, knowledge of how things work... already being V.P., and years in the senate, and he was everyone's friend in the Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, and democrats believed he had a much better chance of cleaning up Trump's mess, and believed Biden could capture some of the Never Trumper vote.

Biden was a known, a V.P. going against a President vs a rookie.

The odds were better for Democrats, to beat Trump, by backing Biden, so they unified behind him, instead of watching a bunch of rookies, duke it out and upsetting factions of the party against one rookie group of followers vs. another.
Joe is a fucking crook. You know it, if you could think.
Biden is a potato. Democrats cheated in a potato. You should be worried about being disenfranchised,

but you're not because it was "your guy" this time. How's that working out for you and yours, hmm?

I can promise you that she has no idea that times are bad.
Joe is a fucking crook. You know it, if you could think.
Nope.... How could I know that, when there is no tangible evidence to support your accusations?

We don't live in a fairy tale gipper, accusations mean nothing, without proof, without actual ... evidence....
Nope.... How could I know that, when there is no tangible evidence to support your accusations?

We don't live in a fairy tale gipper, accusations mean nothing, without proof, without actual ... evidence....
Lol. No evidence. Lol.

His son the crackhead drunk is a millionaire thanks to selling influence of his daddy. His daddy helped him. They even set up multiple phony companies to launder the loot. Daddy even admitted it on tape.

Nothing to see here though. Lol.
Donald Trump is not the polar opposite of Joe in agendas. An example...Trump is not a total anti-abortion leader. As compared to Progs who are now promoting abortions after 9 months. Yet Progs are spewing the coat hanger crap drivel. Progs are scared shitless of returning power to the states. The constitution has been corrupted with checks and balances affected and even removed.

Results asshole. It doesn't matter what Trump's personal beliefs might be, it matters what the results of his agenda have been.

Trump appointed 3 SC Justices for the sole purpose of overturning Roe. And he succeeded in doing so. This triggered abortion bans throughout the southern states. As a result, the maternal death rate for pregnant women in the USA, which was already the highest in the first world, has jumped by 50% in the past 2.5 years, and doubled in red states with 6 and 12 week abortion bans.

The reason the abortion ban was overturned in the first place was because thousands of women were dying from botched abortions and miscarriages. That literally ended overnight when Roe became law.

This is why American children need to learn their history because, instead of learning from your past mistakes, you fools keep repeating them over and over again, and expecting a different result.

Like racial unrest and segregation, that you are refusing to teach to white children. White American children must be the most fragile little snowflakes on the face of the planet. They'll be destroyed if they learn that white people mistreated and abused racial minorities and there were protests and violence until the Civil Rights Act passed.

Canadian children are much stronger. My grandkids learned about the Residential Schools abuses and they're only 6 and 8. They were very sad for the native children and said that shouldn't have happened. They showed respect at the memorials for Truth And Reconcilliation Day.

The truth will set you free.
Biden is a potato. Democrats cheated in a potato. You should be worried about being disenfranchised,

but you're not because it was "your guy" this time. How's that working out for you and yours, hmm?
Nope. Truth is known, we did not cheat. We exercised our constitutional right to vote, as citizens!

We followed what the courts ruled, when challenged, and the voters voted, in the means and ways their government told them, they could. We, the voters, did NOT CHEAT. We fired Trump, by majority in all the states needed to reach an electoral college win, and some.

The government can not tell voters it is okay to vote absentee ballot right before the election, so voters voted that way,

To come back after an election to tell them OOPS, we made a mistake, your vote does not count. We, the citizen, voted by means we were told was okay....

That's all that counts....

The next election can have remedies put in, to keep the mistakes from happening again, if need be....

But you can NOT EVER take away a vote of a legal citizen, that voted the way that was pronounced to them, to be !egal
Lol. No evidence. Lol.

His son the crackhead drunk is a millionaire thanks to selling influence of his daddy. His daddy helped him. They even set up multiple phony companies to launder the loot. Daddy even admitted it on tape.

Nothing to see here though. Lol.
Link it, show proof, not speculation....surely, you know the difference?
Nope. Truth is known, we did not cheat. We exercised our constitutional right to vote, as citizens!

We followed what the courts ruled, when challenged, and the voters voted, in the means and ways their government told them, they could. We, the voters, did NOT CHEAT. We fired Trump, by majority in all the states needed to reach an electoral college win, and some.

The government can not tell voters it is okay to vote absentee ballot right before the election, so voters voted that way,

To come back after an election to tell them OOPS, we made a mistake, your vote does not count. We, the citizen, voted by means we were told was okay....

That's all that counts....

The next election can have remedies put in, to keep the mistakes from happening again, if need be....

But you can NOT EVER take away a vote of a legal citizen, that voted the way that was pronounced to them, to be !egal
Your cult like fixation on Trump, proves you’re a dupe of the establishment. Shut off MSNBC and seek independent sources of information. You’ll thank me later.
Joe is a fucking crook. You know it, if you could think.

Where is your proof of this? Are you seriously believing ANYTHING Republicans tell you at this point????? How gullible are you, given they've never provided proof of any of their claims.

The only person making these claims is Donald Trump - the most dishonest politician in American history. None of the people he's accused of committing crimes has been arrested, because there's no evidence that any of these people did any of things that Trump accuses them of.

Trump told you Hillary is a crook too, but after 25+ investigations without a single charge, only a fool would believe it's true.

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