Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

You shouldn't try to educate the Trump is God supporters. Trump won because he got the most electoral votes. He lost the popular vote.

That leftist argument doesn't fly.

That argument doesn't fly, Ray, because it is a bullshit argument, used here over and over again (because it is all they have). The popular vote only counts or decides anything at the STATE level. Take away a couple of square miles of area around LA and NYC and Hillary lost the popular vote as well. Once you win a county or a state by two votes, it doesn't matter if you add 200,000 more---- you've already won. The democrats have wet dreams about someday making the USA a pure democracy (the popular vote a la mob rule) because they want to be the mob, but the founders were wise and realized that to be president, you should represent the people, so they created the Electoral College so that by winning, a far wider swath of people and states would be represented that never would have any voice in their government otherwise.

In the Left's world, winning would become very easy. Just win California (LA and SanFran) and New York (City) and every time you've won! Screw all the deplorables everywhere else. Why else do you think they are so adamant on filling up states with illegal Latino democrat voters?! I happen to know a lot of people both in California and New York who DON'T live in those areas (the Valley and upstate NY) and they HATE how these small city areas decide everything against their wishes.
If American hadn’t supported corrupt thuggish governments in Sth America for decades and given meaningful aid instead the economic and political nightmare those countries have become wouldn’t have as many wanting to escape.What goes around, comes around.
Ask any Chilean what they think about our CIA?
The CIA played no part in overthrowing the government, asshole. If they aren't communists, Chileans love the CIA.
Wrong again, douchebag. Every native born American has a right to stop them. Furthermore, their lives aren't threatened, only their standard of living.
You're such a fuckin' liar. As well as a bad American.
It isn't possible for that to be a lie, moron. It's an opinion, and it's far more credible than yours. The theory that foreigners have a right to emigrate here couldn't be more idiotic.
The cheapest way is to create a strong enough deterrent so they don't come here in the first place. Lead by example. If you put out a welcome mat on our border, people are going to take that literally. Same holds true for a Not Welcome mat.
If your life and the life of your family is threatened in your own country and you come here seeking asylum as a last resort, inhuman pieces of shit like yourself have no right to stop them.
Wrong again, douchebag. Every native born American has a right to stop them. Furthermore, their lives aren't threatened, only their standard of living.
If American hadn’t supported corrupt thuggish governments in Sth America for decades and given meaningful aid instead the economic and political nightmare those countries have become wouldn’t have as many wanting to escape.What goes around, comes around.

That's obvious horseshit. The alternative would have been communism, and we've all seen how that turns out. What government could be more corrupt or thuggish than Venezuela or Cuba?
We aren't discussing "immigrants." We're discussing illegal aliens. Douchebags like you always like to blur the distinction between the two.

Sure we are. We're discussing immigrants and guest workers. The reason there are so many "illegals" here is because the laws limiting entry are too restrictive. If we changed that, if we made it easier for immigrants and workers to enter the country legally, we could focus on the remaining "illegals" knowing that they were up to no good.

As it is, you have little sympathy for the crackdown on "illegals" because people know that most of them are just trying to feed their families.

Wrong. The reason is that both Democrat and Republican presidents have refused to enforce the law. We don't need to loosen the laws. We need to tighten them.

Every person in the world is trying to feed his family. That doesn't give him the right to do it here.
We aren't discussing "immigrants." We're discussing illegal aliens. Douchebags like you always like to blur the distinction between the two.

Sure we are. We're discussing immigrants and guest workers. The reason there are so many "illegals" here is because the laws limiting entry are too restrictive. If we changed that, if we made it easier for immigrants and workers to enter the country legally, we could focus on the remaining "illegals" knowing that they were up to no good.

As it is, you have little sympathy for the crackdown on "illegals" because people know that most of them are just trying to feed their families.

Wrong. The reason is that both Democrat and Republican presidents have refused to enforce the law. We don't need to loosen the laws. We need to tighten them.

Every person in the world is trying to feed his family. That doesn't give him the right to do it here.
the law is to establish an uniform rule of naturalization, not immigration. only the right wing, never gets it.
Just Trump getting elected with his pro-wall stance was enough to seriously quell illegals for a very long time. Just imagine what the wall would do. You think invite them?????????
There is no such thing as an illegal person.


Thanks for proving once and for all times that you are a total idiot not worth my spit. Right BR. Now there is no such thing as a law breaker. :auiqs.jpg: ALL people have some inalienable right to do whatever they please. Please send me your address; I want to come there and rob you of everything you have (if you have anything worth taking). It's my inalienable right.
You shouldn't try to educate the Trump is God supporters. Trump won because he got the most electoral votes. He lost the popular vote.

That leftist argument doesn't fly.

That argument doesn't fly, Ray, because it is a bullshit argument, used here over and over again (because it is all they have). The popular vote only counts or decides anything at the STATE level. Take away a couple of square miles of area around LA and NYC and Hillary lost the popular vote as well. Once you win a county or a state by two votes, it doesn't matter if you add 200,000 more---- you've already won. The democrats have wet dreams about someday making the USA a pure democracy (the popular vote a la mob rule) because they want to be the mob, but the founders were wise and realized that to be president, you should represent the people, so they created the Electoral College so that by winning, a far wider swath of people and states would be represented that never would have any voice in their government otherwise.

In the Left's world, winning would become very easy. Just win California (LA and SanFran) and New York (City) and every time you've won! Screw all the deplorables everywhere else. Why else do you think they are so adamant on filling up states with illegal Latino democrat voters?! I happen to know a lot of people both in California and New York who DON'T live in those areas (the Valley and upstate NY) and they HATE how these small city areas decide everything against their wishes.

For decades, the anti-white party has been telling their people that Republicans are a thing of the past. Old white men that are dying off. People who are stuck in the 1940's. A party losing political ground every year.

When Republicans do win, they must have cheated somehow because it just isn't possible. I'm a liberal, all my friends are liberals, most of my family is liberal, all the people at Starbucks are liberals, and everybody in my state is liberal. Sure, there are Republicans; here and there; in flyover country, some on yachts, in pickup trucks with gun racks. But the rest of the country is like me.....liberal.

The Democrat party cannot tell their constituents the truth, otherwise many would lose faith and might quit voting. So they need to lie to them.

Donald Trump: James Comey, Russian collusion, the Electoral College, third party candidate, unequal campaign coverage, subservient white women who take voting orders from their Republican husbands.

2010 Republican victory in Congress: Voter-ID, voter suppression, gerrymandering.

George Bush reelection: Diebold machines, gerrymandering.

George Bush election: hanging chads, selected not elected, brother is the Governor, voter purging.

Brainwashing dictates they tell their constituents they never lost, they won, it's just the Republicans found a way to cheat them somehow. Liberals are way too closed minded to see a pattern like I listed above.
Wrong again, douchebag. Every native born American has a right to stop them. Furthermore, their lives aren't threatened, only their standard of living.
You're such a fuckin' liar. As well as a bad American.
It isn't possible for that to be a lie, moron. It's an opinion, and it's far more credible than yours. The theory that foreigners have a right to emigrate here couldn't be more idiotic.

1) Despite the irrefutable FACT that this question was answered in court - in a case wherein a civilian border patrol got into a spat with undocumented foreigners trying to trespass over private property and effect an improper entry, you make that blatantly false claim???

Those who were brought into court even refused sound counsel to appeal the ruling

2) The Declaration of Independence states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Do you know what the meaning of the word unalienable is? Can you explain how our Creator (whoever your God is) only gave citizens unalienable Rights?

It would appear to me that you are historically and legally ignorant on this point. So, your contention is, only citizens have rights and the government doles them out on the basis of your citizenship? If that is the case, you could stand on the border and pop the foreigner the moment they set foot on U.S. soil, right?

I mean, our county government allows us to kill squirrels when they come on our property. The squirrels are trespassing and have no rights. So, if the foreigners have no rights, how come you suppose it's against the law to use force against them if they come across your property? It's because they DO have Rights and it was people that support you who brought that ruling about.
I totally disagree. People with Hispanic descent are not a problem. Third generation Hispanic immigrants contribute just as much to the nation as the native population, probably more.

I think you'd probably find that with any group of people. However it's unfair to others wanting to come here that we don't do anything about people from C/SA. Just because they border our country doesn't mean they should be able to cut in line which cuts other people out.
The number coming in illegal has no effect on legal immigration numbers.

It does if those illegals are taking jobs the legals could have. After all, if you have all the illegals you want, why would you hire more expensive legals who are governed by our wage and safety laws?
Legal immigrants can work anywhere in the country because they have documentation and they will pass verification.

Illegal immigrants are no threat to employment. Adult illegal immigrants are only about 3% of the workforce. Lack of language skills, documentation, and verifiable previous employment restricts most illegal immigrants to agriculture, housekeeping and manual labor often temp jobs, part time, and seasonal work.

Ray knows that the undocumented foreigners don't really threaten the job market. He works in an industry that is woefully lacking in people to fill the many positions available. There was a tv show on a few days ago showing a sikh that began driving a truck and he was being interviewed. He said he started driving a few years ago, having borrowed money to buy his first truck. Now he owns four trucks and a truck stop.

Opportunities are out there. While Ray wants to do something good for his race - and I dare not condemn him for that, this strategy of making undocumented foreigners the scapegoats for the white man's inability to get his fellow whites off their butts and back into the work force will end in inevitable defeat for him and those following that path to destruction.

Actually it's liberalism responsible for that. Giving people the option to work instead of making it a necessity of survival.

Prior to the election of Donald Trump and Republican Governors who instituted regulations on receiving food stamps, one out of every seven Americans were using them. That means if you were in a room with 14 other Americans, 13 of you were feeding the other two.

You are not slick enough to notice what's really going on, but we on the right are. Making people dependent on the government promotes laziness and irresponsibility. It's not just white people, but Americans in general that fall into this trap. If we could ever rid this country of victims and government dependents, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party would be in history books.

So when Democrats have any kind of power, it makes sense for them to create more government dependents. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. DumBama created 20 million new government dependents on Commie Care. He created another 20 million more new dependents on food stamps. So during his 8 years in office, he managed to create 40 million more new government dependents on those two programs alone, and it was far from an accident or circumstantial.

"Folks, if you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh
You shouldn't try to educate the Trump is God supporters. Trump won because he got the most electoral votes. He lost the popular vote.

That leftist argument doesn't fly.

That argument doesn't fly, Ray, because it is a bullshit argument, used here over and over again (because it is all they have). The popular vote only counts or decides anything at the STATE level. Take away a couple of square miles of area around LA and NYC and Hillary lost the popular vote as well. Once you win a county or a state by two votes, it doesn't matter if you add 200,000 more---- you've already won. The democrats have wet dreams about someday making the USA a pure democracy (the popular vote a la mob rule) because they want to be the mob, but the founders were wise and realized that to be president, you should represent the people, so they created the Electoral College so that by winning, a far wider swath of people and states would be represented that never would have any voice in their government otherwise.

In the Left's world, winning would become very easy. Just win California (LA and SanFran) and New York (City) and every time you've won! Screw all the deplorables everywhere else. Why else do you think they are so adamant on filling up states with illegal Latino democrat voters?! I happen to know a lot of people both in California and New York who DON'T live in those areas (the Valley and upstate NY) and they HATE how these small city areas decide everything against their wishes.

For decades, the anti-white party has been telling their people that Republicans are a thing of the past. Old white men that are dying off. People who are stuck in the 1940's. A party losing political ground every year.

When Republicans do win, they must have cheated somehow because it just isn't possible. I'm a liberal, all my friends are liberals, most of my family is liberal, all the people at Starbucks are liberals, and everybody in my state is liberal. Sure, there are Republicans; here and there; in flyover country, some on yachts, in pickup trucks with gun racks. But the rest of the country is like me.....liberal.

The Democrat party cannot tell their constituents the truth, otherwise many would lose faith and might quit voting. So they need to lie to them.

Donald Trump: James Comey, Russian collusion, the Electoral College, third party candidate, unequal campaign coverage, subservient white women who take voting orders from their Republican husbands.

2010 Republican victory in Congress: Voter-ID, voter suppression, gerrymandering.

George Bush reelection: Diebold machines, gerrymandering.

George Bush election: hanging chads, selected not elected, brother is the Governor, voter purging.

Brainwashing dictates they tell their constituents they never lost, they won, it's just the Republicans found a way to cheat them somehow. Liberals are way too closed minded to see a pattern like I listed above.

IF America were still white and IF Americans still respected the basics of our Declaration of Independence, Constitution,and founding principles then they could count on being re-elected. The reality is, when the economy was improving, the Democrats took the House. In Georgia where a lot of precincts are up to 87 percent white Republicans, a fraction of 1 percent of the votes separated the candidates for governor and the race for Secretary of State had to have a second run-off, neither major candidate getting 50 percent of the vote. A LOT of races here were decided by less than one percent of the vote.

I think that when America swings left again, they are going to make you sorry that you had such a cocky attitude. You should win with grace and style and NOT give your political opponents a reason to hate you. It only guarantees that they will show up on election day.
I think you'd probably find that with any group of people. However it's unfair to others wanting to come here that we don't do anything about people from C/SA. Just because they border our country doesn't mean they should be able to cut in line which cuts other people out.
The number coming in illegal has no effect on legal immigration numbers.

It does if those illegals are taking jobs the legals could have. After all, if you have all the illegals you want, why would you hire more expensive legals who are governed by our wage and safety laws?
Legal immigrants can work anywhere in the country because they have documentation and they will pass verification.

Illegal immigrants are no threat to employment. Adult illegal immigrants are only about 3% of the workforce. Lack of language skills, documentation, and verifiable previous employment restricts most illegal immigrants to agriculture, housekeeping and manual labor often temp jobs, part time, and seasonal work.

Ray knows that the undocumented foreigners don't really threaten the job market. He works in an industry that is woefully lacking in people to fill the many positions available. There was a tv show on a few days ago showing a sikh that began driving a truck and he was being interviewed. He said he started driving a few years ago, having borrowed money to buy his first truck. Now he owns four trucks and a truck stop.

Opportunities are out there. While Ray wants to do something good for his race - and I dare not condemn him for that, this strategy of making undocumented foreigners the scapegoats for the white man's inability to get his fellow whites off their butts and back into the work force will end in inevitable defeat for him and those following that path to destruction.

Actually it's liberalism responsible for that. Giving people the option to work instead of making it a necessity of survival.

Prior to the election of Donald Trump and Republican Governors who instituted regulations on receiving food stamps, one out of every seven Americans were using them. That means if you were in a room with 14 other Americans, 13 of you were feeding the other two.

You are not slick enough to notice what's really going on, but we on the right are. Making people dependent on the government promotes laziness and irresponsibility. It's not just white people, but Americans in general that fall into this trap. If we could ever rid this country of victims and government dependents, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party would be in history books.

So when Democrats have any kind of power, it makes sense for them to create more government dependents. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. DumBama created 20 million new government dependents on Commie Care. He created another 20 million more new dependents on food stamps. So during his 8 years in office, he managed to create 40 million more new government dependents on those two programs alone, and it was far from an accident or circumstantial.

"Folks, if you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't"
Rush Limbaugh

Ray, you are the most disrespectful and ignorant person posting on this thread. You've been told, repeatedly, I'm not a liberal. Yet you continue to knowingly and deliberately lie.

The fact is, when those who want to shut down our borders LOST in court over that question as to whether or not undocumented foreigners have rights, I was on the side that urged those people to appeal that decision. Where were you at back then Ray? Which side did you support? I think that's pretty well obvious.

BEFORE the non-thinking dolts that refuse to engage in a civil conversation came along, judging people by whether or not they support a wall as the only solution, the patriots and the constitutionalists had this issue well under control. The fact is, if you took all the build the wall guys and put them together, then turned their brains into dynamite, you couldn't get enough charge to blow one's nose.

Collectively, they are too stupid to see that there are a lot of people willing to acknowledge that there is an immigration issue, but disagree with them on their proposed solution. When they do REALLY stupid stuff, they begin to see that when someone's mind is changed, it is changed to the benefit of the left. It's not because others don't care about the changing demographics of America; people are changing their views because the build the wall guys are arrogant and power hungry, letting you know that merely disagreeing with the solution will get you killed in their Utopian nightmare.
You shouldn't try to educate the Trump is God supporters. Trump won because he got the most electoral votes. He lost the popular vote.

That leftist argument doesn't fly.

That argument doesn't fly, Ray, because it is a bullshit argument, used here over and over again (because it is all they have). The popular vote only counts or decides anything at the STATE level. Take away a couple of square miles of area around LA and NYC and Hillary lost the popular vote as well. Once you win a county or a state by two votes, it doesn't matter if you add 200,000 more---- you've already won. The democrats have wet dreams about someday making the USA a pure democracy (the popular vote a la mob rule) because they want to be the mob, but the founders were wise and realized that to be president, you should represent the people, so they created the Electoral College so that by winning, a far wider swath of people and states would be represented that never would have any voice in their government otherwise.

In the Left's world, winning would become very easy. Just win California (LA and SanFran) and New York (City) and every time you've won! Screw all the deplorables everywhere else. Why else do you think they are so adamant on filling up states with illegal Latino democrat voters?! I happen to know a lot of people both in California and New York who DON'T live in those areas (the Valley and upstate NY) and they HATE how these small city areas decide everything against their wishes.

For decades, the anti-white party has been telling their people that Republicans are a thing of the past. Old white men that are dying off. People who are stuck in the 1940's. A party losing political ground every year.

When Republicans do win, they must have cheated somehow because it just isn't possible. I'm a liberal, all my friends are liberals, most of my family is liberal, all the people at Starbucks are liberals, and everybody in my state is liberal. Sure, there are Republicans; here and there; in flyover country, some on yachts, in pickup trucks with gun racks. But the rest of the country is like me.....liberal.

The Democrat party cannot tell their constituents the truth, otherwise many would lose faith and might quit voting. So they need to lie to them.

Donald Trump: James Comey, Russian collusion, the Electoral College, third party candidate, unequal campaign coverage, subservient white women who take voting orders from their Republican husbands.

2010 Republican victory in Congress: Voter-ID, voter suppression, gerrymandering.

George Bush reelection: Diebold machines, gerrymandering.

George Bush election: hanging chads, selected not elected, brother is the Governor, voter purging.

Brainwashing dictates they tell their constituents they never lost, they won, it's just the Republicans found a way to cheat them somehow. Liberals are way too closed minded to see a pattern like I listed above.

IF America were still white and IF Americans still respected the basics of our Declaration of Independence, Constitution,and founding principles then they could count on being re-elected. The reality is, when the economy was improving, the Democrats took the House. In Georgia where a lot of precincts are up to 87 percent white Republicans, a fraction of 1 percent of the votes separated the candidates for governor and the race for Secretary of State had to have a second run-off, neither major candidate getting 50 percent of the vote. A LOT of races here were decided by less than one percent of the vote.

I think that when America swings left again, they are going to make you sorry that you had such a cocky attitude. You should win with grace and style and NOT give your political opponents a reason to hate you. It only guarantees that they will show up on election day.

Lots of leftists are fleeing their high taxed states and polluting lower taxed red states. So unfortunately, you are seeing changes.

However a large part of change comes from liberalism. If you look at statistics, less people are claiming to be religious or believe in God. More people believe in Socialism. This is especially true of younger people and college kids. This is the era of "gimme."

So evil is spreading as planned and we on the right are trying to fight the will of Satan. People are becoming less and less responsible every year. More and more people want government to handle all their personal and financial affairs.

I don't know what will happen in 50 years from now, but I"m glad I'll be off this earth by then. Because the great experiment is coming to an end. Once Democrats wipe out white people and make us a minority, we will have a single-party government forever. Socialism will then be the new government quickly followed by Communism. The only hope I have is that they don't destroy history books like they are with statues and religious items today so people in the future can figure out where we went wrong and how we failed them.
Brainwashing dictates they tell their constituents they never lost, they won, it's just the Republicans found a way to cheat them somehow. Liberals are way too closed minded to see a pattern like I listed above.

Whatever the case, the one sure thing is that the DNC paints the story then their followers carry the water to places like this. It's like they all read off the same card, sometimes word for word. As to liberals, I use that word a lot, but I'm careful to understand that a real liberal, libertarian, is not always a real bad thing. I really prefer to try to keep them distinct from the actual LEFTARD LEFTIST HARD-LEFT, even though many liberals are Leftist too.
We aren't discussing "immigrants." We're discussing illegal aliens. Douchebags like you always like to blur the distinction between the two.

Sure we are. We're discussing immigrants and guest workers. The reason there are so many "illegals" here is because the laws limiting entry are too restrictive. If we changed that, if we made it easier for immigrants and workers to enter the country legally, we could focus on the remaining "illegals" knowing that they were up to no good.

As it is, you have little sympathy for the crackdown on "illegals" because people know that most of them are just trying to feed their families.

Then let them feed their families at home. Surrendering is never a winning strategy. It's an admission of failure.

Having people come here to make money and take it back home might not be devastating now, but this economy won't last forever. Democrats will be in charge of Congress next week and then we may see harsh changes.

So what about these people wanting to feed their families when our people want to feed theirs? Isn't it bad enough we've lowered pay scales by allowing these people to come here? Now we are going to give them priority over our own people?
Brainwashing dictates they tell their constituents they never lost, they won, it's just the Republicans found a way to cheat them somehow. Liberals are way too closed minded to see a pattern like I listed above.

Whatever the case, the one sure thing is that the DNC paints the story then their followers carry the water to places like this. It's like they all read off the same card, sometimes word for word. As to liberals, I use that word a lot, but I'm careful to understand that a real liberal, libertarian, is not always a real bad thing. I really prefer to try to keep them distinct from the actual LEFTARD LEFTIST HARD-LEFT, even though many liberals are Leftist too.

LOL, they've changed it so many times it's hard to keep up.

Brainwashing works for the left. It's why they use it. It's why when you turn on any MSM channel, they are all repeating the same thing and even to the point of the exact same phrases and words. Limbaugh plays this on his show constantly. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be hysterical. Here, take a listen:

Your stupidity is showing now, the States do the redistricting not congress and the majority of the State legislatures aren't liberal. In fact liberal States will be losing seats to more conservative States.

Due to republican voter fraud like in North Carolina?
Something both sides of politics in the US haven’t woken up to yet. Putin is laughing himself stupid since he’s managed to make American politics into a mindless cat fight whilst using his Trump puppet to achieve his own ends. Just about every move Trump has made in foreign policy is from the Kremlin guide book.

Russian  dressing.jpeg
<snip> IF America were still white ~~~ then they could count on being re-elected. I think that when America swings left again, they are going to make you sorry that you had such a cocky attitude. You should win with grace and style.

Dear Porterhouse, as someone who hasn't any idea if the wall is steel, wood, concrete, Play-Doh or bubblegum, you sure have a lot to say. But then, so does a Talking Kathie doll. But you're sure you could torch, saw, hammer or chew and blow your way through while US Border Patrol just slept away. Your idiot racist views that you think whites only vote for whites and need a majority of whites for a white to win----- I vote for the best candidate, and sometimes that might have been a black guy (Alan Keyes) or a woman (Carly Fiorina) if it had come down to them vs. a democrat.

What you're thinking is every non-white: if a black runs for office, you can be sure 88% of the blacks will vote for them purely on skin color. Much the same can be said for young women. It wasn't blacks though that put Obama in office, it was WHITES.

It is almost with disbelief I read shamelessly from you about cocky attitudes and winning with grace and style after the way Al Gore, Hillary Clinton and democrats in general like Rachael Maddow (which NBC has now blocked all the video) acted after losing to GW, and being sure Hillary totally had it in the bag. You are a buffoon sans pareil.

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