Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

No one said a wall would magically keep people out but it would seriously slow illegals down if it was build right and it would slow the flow of drugs .
Again a 20 percent reduction in illegals and drugs would safe 7s7s billions a year.yyear.you just cant handle the truth
The wall will cut the number of aliens crossing our border illegally by 100%
no where near 100 percent.
No one said a wall would magically keep people out but it would seriously slow illegals down if it was build right and it would slow the flow of drugs .
Again a 20 percent reduction in illegals and drugs would safe 7s7s billions a year.yyear.you just cant handle the truth
The wall will cut the number of aliens crossing our border illegally by 100%
no where near 100 percent.

Wrong again commie, 95% is near. But I love your mindless meme.

No one said a wall would magically keep people out but it would seriously slow illegals down if it was build right and it would slow the flow of drugs .
Again a 20 percent reduction in illegals and drugs would safe 7s7s billions a year.yyear.you just cant handle the truth
The wall will cut the number of aliens crossing our border illegally by 100%
no where near 100 percent.

Wrong again commie, 95% is near. But I love your mindless meme.


Commie? That is SO 1991. You seriously need to update your act....
No one said a wall would magically keep people out but it would seriously slow illegals down if it was build right and it would slow the flow of drugs .
Again a 20 percent reduction in illegals and drugs would safe 7s7s billions a year.yyear.you just cant handle the truth
The wall will cut the number of aliens crossing our border illegally by 100%
no where near 100 percent.

Wrong again commie, 95% is near. But I love your mindless meme.


Commie? That is SO 1991. You seriously need to update your act....

Do you really think so? The US Communist party supported the last three presidential Democrat nominees, and special love for Bernie Sanders. I mean........if you can't trust a Communist, who can you trust?
No one said a wall would magically keep people out but it would seriously slow illegals down if it was build right and it would slow the flow of drugs .
Again a 20 percent reduction in illegals and drugs would safe 7s7s billions a year.yyear.you just cant handle the truth
The wall will cut the number of aliens crossing our border illegally by 100%
no where near 100 percent.

Wrong again commie, 95% is near. But I love your mindless meme.


Commie? That is SO 1991. You seriously need to update your act....

I'm good, thanks. BTW your dear leader said it was the 1980s.

Correct, this is a barrier free country, and that's why we have over 20 million illegals here. If you don't think 20 million people here illegally is an issue, over 70,000 Americans dying from overdoses every year is an issue, Americans losing work and working for lower pay because of foreigners is an issue, Americans getting murdered by these foreigners is an issue, then what is an issue to you?

I don't like that we spend 70 billion a year on food stamps either; especially when I see the kind of people using them at my grocery store, but hey......... we keep spending it anyway.

A wall that we originally wanted is less than half of that, and it's one time only, not an annual thing.
The majority of those 20 million came in to the country legally, then wound up not reporting to the INS when their visas ran out. They take jobs Americans don't want. And you have a bigger chance getting murdered by the alt right, than you do someone whose in the country illegally.

This is a non-issue. Only 10% of the most whacked out part of our population wants this wall.

Sure, if you believe biased polling that wants to convince people of something that's not true.

Trump won the presidential election because of the wall. Last midterms broke records for turnouts on both sides. If nobody wanted the wall, the Republican turnout would have been pathetic.
Of course someone wants a big beautiful wall. However, a lot more people want to know that it will really work, how much will it cost, how long will it take to build it, what parts of the border will have a wall, what is the environmental impact, and what will be done with the rest of the border. Trump tweets one thing today and something entirely different tomorrow. That is not a plan.

So walls are a new concept to people??

What kind of post is that, did they just hear of locks also?

No one said a wall would magically keep people out but it would seriously slow illegals down if it was build right and it would slow the flow of drugs .
Again a 20 percent reduction in illegals and drugs would safe 7s7s billions a year.yyear.you just cant handle the truth
The wall will cut the number of aliens crossing our border illegally by 100%
no where near 100 percent.

Wrong again commie, 95% is near. But I love your mindless meme.


Commie? That is SO 1991. You seriously need to update your act....

I've got a copy of the first edition of Mao"s little red book that I can sell cheap!
I forgot to adress your comment that they are white people.

First so you know im not white.

Second when we start having the same problem with the northern boarder I would call for the same action.

What problem do we have now that we didn't have in 1969 (50 years ago); strictly speaking of the border?

200 million people in 1969, 320 million 2018..

A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.

Then we need a Canadian wall.

Why we have a huge flow of Canadian's come here?

No one said a wall would magically keep people out but it would seriously slow illegals down if it was build right and it would slow the flow of drugs .
Again a 20 percent reduction in illegals and drugs would safe 7s7s billions a year.yyear.you just cant handle the truth
The wall will cut the number of aliens crossing our border illegally by 100%
no where near 100 percent.

Wrong again commie, 95% is near. But I love your mindless meme.


Commie? That is SO 1991. You seriously need to update your act....

I've got a copy of the first edition of Mao"s little red book that I can sell cheap!

I rest my case, commie. LMAO I checked one out from the library once, but I wouldn't want to own one, got to know what you sneaky commies are up to.

The cheapest way is to create a strong enough deterrent so they don't come here in the first place. Lead by example. If you put out a welcome mat on our border, people are going to take that literally. Same holds true for a Not Welcome mat.
If your life and the life of your family is threatened in your own country and you come here seeking asylum as a last resort, inhuman pieces of shit like yourself have no right to stop them.
So what happened the last time we tried to stop people from the middle-east from coming here? Oh, that's right, an activist Obama appointed judge stopped Trump.
That's because it was a racist law, you racist asshole.

I remember when the incoming Bush Administration was warned about people coming in here to do us harm by the outgoing Clinton Administration and he did nothing for 8 months.
None. That's why any of these so-called asylum seekers should have accepted Mexico's asylum offer. They declined.

That's why what Trump is doing today will aid in avoiding the deaths of those children. They won't be coming here in the first place.
You're a fucked up, inhuman piece of shit! I'd rather have them in this country than you.
Following this I’m made aware of a problem. Those who hate everything Trump stands for just because they hate him, ( and believe me I detest the man) are blind to the few sane ideas the brat in the Whitehouse has that actually make sense. Instance, his stance against China’s theft of intellectual property and the mounting objection to state owned companies such as Huawei operating in the US are positive moves. It may be he’s actually listening to one of his advisors for a change. Let’s hope he doesn’t fire them like all the others.

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