Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

I have bad news for Trumpettes. Mexicans have discovered trucks. They roll a 16 wheeler up to the wall, and put a ladder on it. At the top of the wall, they drop a knotted rope down the other side. In so doing, they have demonstrated that they not only have more intelligence than Donald, but his supporters as well.
With or without illegal immigration, the number of Hispanics in America will continue to grow due to a higher birth rate and legal immigration. By mid century, our minorities with be the majority.
What you're forgetting is that as Hispanics are in the country longer, they grow more affluent and their birth rate declines. Only the constant influx from the border keeps their birthrate up. Once that spigot is shut off, Hispanic will come to resemble typical Americans more and more. They will also grow more conservative as they age.

There goes the end of your majority.

Over 1 in 4 Americans born since 2007 are of Hispanic descent. The birth rate can be zero and it’s going to be a problem for the Republcants. This is why you guys are working 24/7 to suppress the vote.
Not just a problem for republicans, but for America in general

I totally disagree. People with Hispanic descent are not a problem. Third generation Hispanic immigrants contribute just as much to the nation as the native population, probably more.

I think you'd probably find that with any group of people. However it's unfair to others wanting to come here that we don't do anything about people from C/SA. Just because they border our country doesn't mean they should be able to cut in line which cuts other people out.
The number coming in illegal has no effect on legal immigration numbers. The rules that lead to the number allowed to enter from a country is set down in immigration law and is independent of illegal entries so no, illegal entries do not cut out legal immigrants.
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We wouldn't possibly want to, we want you assholes to be able to leave anytime you want.


Yes, while the Berlin wall keep everyone who was out, out, because they were out, and everyone that was in, in, because they were in, no ifs, and, or buts, the southern border wall will merely stop ILLEGAL traffic so that we can at least vet who comes into the country to ensure safety and a better class of people who truly intend to contribute and be Americans.

You could call TRump's wall the anti-Berlin wall. That assholes like BilloReally can't see that only proves these people are less than idiots. The Left are a bunch of wind up puppets.

Great…so we put up a wall, have soldiers walking sentry duty across the top with automatic weapons.

Make America Great by making it look like East Berlin. :spinner::spinner:

So for you it's all about appearances and not what works?


Tex, EVERYTHING with the Left is about appearances, because nothing they do ever works.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh

You just defined yourself as a liberal.
What you're forgetting is that as Hispanics are in the country longer, they grow more affluent and their birth rate declines. Only the constant influx from the border keeps their birthrate up. Once that spigot is shut off, Hispanic will come to resemble typical Americans more and more. They will also grow more conservative as they age.

There goes the end of your majority.

Over 1 in 4 Americans born since 2007 are of Hispanic descent. The birth rate can be zero and it’s going to be a problem for the Republcants. This is why you guys are working 24/7 to suppress the vote.
Not just a problem for republicans, but for America in general

I totally disagree. People with Hispanic descent are not a problem. Third generation Hispanic immigrants contribute just as much to the nation as the native population, probably more.

I think you'd probably find that with any group of people. However it's unfair to others wanting to come here that we don't do anything about people from C/SA. Just because they border our country doesn't mean they should be able to cut in line which cuts other people out.
The number coming in illegal has no effect on legal immigration numbers.

It does if those illegals are taking jobs the legals could have. After all, if you have all the illegals you want, why would you hire more expensive legals who are governed by our wage and safety laws?
Prescription drugs are indeed a issue but we canot deny or pretend that meth and cocaine herion and illegally produced Fentanyl are are killers . they all kill and are comming from south America .
They cost untold billions in damages to our nation yearly

If that was directed at me, you really missed the mark. I have to keep repeating the same points over and over. Here is an excerpt from a recent sermon (used with permission):

The average American starts their journey with having been prescribed Adderall or Ritalin for the non-existent condition of ADD / ADHD as a child. By high school they advance to opioids (whether legal or illegal.) Some of them will end up on SSRIs and mild to hard core drugs from marijuana to heroin. Many will become alcoholics. By their teens they have twenty tattoos on their bodies and a lot of body piercings; they have acquired a drug habit and a criminal record; they don't have a driver's license nor a high school diploma.

The United States represents 4.4 percent of the world's population and 22 percent of the world's prison population. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. For every drug addict that is in a mental health facility, you have more than TEN drug addicts serving their time in prison. We have more people in prison than any nation on the planet.

And so, we have those who will swear up and down that these so - called "illegal" aliens somehow manage to wait in long lines all day and break the welfare system and steal (sic) your jobs at the same time. They cannot stand the reality that the undocumented workers, by and large, get an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number and pay the SS taxes. They pay $12 BILLION DOLLARS per year into Socialist Security and will never be able to take one thin dime out in retirement.

The reality is, drug cartels exist due to America's insatiable appetite for drugs. Furthermore, with the bulk of our citizenry being drug addicts, alcoholics, and people with a criminal history with no job skills, no coping skills, no education and an inability to focus they are unqualified to be in today's job market. Most of them spend their time in mommy's basement or maybe in government housing, pecking on their keyboards all day long, blaming so - called "illegal aliens." While they are suggesting that I join them in taking drugs and drowning myself in booze, I'm more likely to be searching the patches of woods in my neighborhood for the homeless. I'm trying to take those people to shelters, get them into rehab programs, and give them a reason to clean up their act and become productive.

As Americans, the parents turned the rearing of their children over to the doctors and the government. Those people used Big Pharma instead of dealing with dysfunctional homes. Now we have an entire generation of misfits that cannot function. T

Even if we could force the so - called "illegal aliens" out and build a wall around America, it could only minimize the numbers of people here. What it cannot do is to rehabilitate those who are on drugs and alcohol. It cannot educate those people or do something that would lead to the expungement of their criminal records. It won't get rid of the tattoos and body piercings that make people look like circus freaks. It won't help them to be able to read ten paragraphs and have a civil conversation. It won't help them with problem solving skills.

As long as the government is paying people NOT to work - and I have family members (just as ALL of you do and some of you doing it yourselves) that accept a government check in lieu of working a job, the real issue continues. It's easier to take that $1200 to $1500 a month (depending upon where you live) and blame those who are merely filling the void you leave behind than it is to clean up your act and become a productive citizen. If we get our own cleaned up, rehabilitated, educated, and able to hold a conversation and read a newspaper, the immigration issue would solve itself. So, when people are urging me to join them in the drug and booze culture, you pretty much see what the REAL problem is. I started a ministry to address this need to get the downtrodden back on their feet. At this point, we could use a little help and a lot less attitude from snowflakes and welfare recipients Hell bent on blaming everyone but themselves for their own shortcomings. (end of sermon quote)

The build the walls don't want those people to get a second chance; they don't want them rehabilitated. The build the wall guys want those people to carry around a scarlet letter on their head (the modern version is an inaccurate record of a person's life freely given by Uncle Scam as a background check.) They want to the foreigners out and then they don't want employers to hire the Americans. Their position is consistent only with inconsistency.
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No one said a wall would magically keep people out but it would seriously slow illegals down if it was build right and it would slow the flow of drugs .
Again a 20 percent reduction in illegals and drugs would safe 7s7s billions a year.yyear.you just cant handle the truth

When those against a militarized wall make such claims, they are said to be predictions and simply a guess.
No one said a wall would magically keep people out but it would seriously slow illegals down if it was build right and it would slow the flow of drugs .
Again a 20 percent reduction in illegals and drugs would safe 7s7s billions a year.yyear.you just cant handle the truth
With half the illegals in the country coming in legally and only a 20% drop in illegal entry it wouldn't be worth 25 or 30 billion dollars, particular when you consider that whenever democrats get control, they're going to reform immigration and the wall will be joke.

You mean like they reformed it all these years?

The Democrats are not going to do anything that doesn't benefit them. And whatever benefits the Democrats is a disadvantage to citizens.
The only reason democrats did not reform immigration law when they had the chance was because it was a low priority item with the public. The only people really interested in immigration were racists whose goal was the supremacy of the white majority.

Trump of course has created an immigration crisis where none exist. So when democrats get the opportunity, they are going to have to go after immigration law.
Trump was voted in because of the wall, that is building power.
Not from the majority of Americans.

You shouldn't try to educate the Trump is God supporters. Trump won because he got the most electoral votes. He lost the popular vote.

In 2020 the liberals get to change the federal Congressional districts. By pushing B.S. laws that offend the masses, the Republicans are absolutely guaranteeing they will be in the minority in just about every district in America after 2020.

I'm not a liberal, but once these arrogant build the wall guys get knocked on their ass, they can decide to fight or die. They are not strategists. 2020 won't come none too soon.
No one said a wall would magically keep people out but it would seriously slow illegals down if it was build right and it would slow the flow of drugs .
Again a 20 percent reduction in illegals and drugs would safe 7s7s billions a year.yyear.you just cant handle the truth
With half the illegals in the country coming in legally and only a 20% drop in illegal entry it wouldn't be worth 25 or 30 billion dollars, particular when you consider that whenever democrats get control, they're going to reform immigration and the wall will be joke.

You mean like they reformed it all these years?

The Democrats are not going to do anything that doesn't benefit them. And whatever benefits the Democrats is a disadvantage to citizens.
The only reason democrats did not reform immigration law when they had the chance was because it was a low priority item with the public. The only people really interested in immigration were racists whose goal was the supremacy of the white majority.

Trump of course has created an immigration crisis where none exist. So when democrats get the opportunity, they are going to have to go after immigration law.

They didn't do anything because it was going in their favor. Young male men who could fight for their country, kids, pregnant women all came here and got in under Catch and Release. So the Democrats are going to have to do something (if they ever gain full power again) because Trump is doing what he can to solve this problem. The anti-white party doesn't want the problem solved, they want it to grow.
Yes, while the Berlin wall keep everyone who was out, out, because they were out, and everyone that was in, in, because they were in, no ifs, and, or buts, the southern border wall will merely stop ILLEGAL traffic so that we can at least vet who comes into the country to ensure safety and a better class of people who truly intend to contribute and be Americans.

You could call TRump's wall the anti-Berlin wall. That assholes like BilloReally can't see that only proves these people are less than idiots. The Left are a bunch of wind up puppets.

Great…so we put up a wall, have soldiers walking sentry duty across the top with automatic weapons.

Make America Great by making it look like East Berlin. :spinner::spinner:

So for you it's all about appearances and not what works?


In the case of the wall, the appearance of an armed encampment is important and, oh yeah, it will not significantly quell illegal immigration. So it’s a lose-lose.

The border patrol disagrees, I'll happily take their word over yours.

You really think the border patrol would disagree with the boss. Not going to happen.

Run along child, they've been saying it before Trump and will be saying long after he leaves if you commies have your way.

You shouldn't try to educate the Trump is God supporters. Trump won because he got the most electoral votes. He lost the popular vote.

That leftist argument doesn't fly. It's like saying because football team A got more yards than football team B, football team A was the better team even though they lost.

We didn't have a race for the popular vote so nobody planned their strategy that way. Trump didn't waste time in highly populated liberal areas because it would have been a waste of time, and Hillary stuck to those areas because the others would have been a waste of time for her.

You can't claim victory over something that accidentally happened.
Over 1 in 4 Americans born since 2007 are of Hispanic descent. The birth rate can be zero and it’s going to be a problem for the Republcants. This is why you guys are working 24/7 to suppress the vote.
Not just a problem for republicans, but for America in general

I totally disagree. People with Hispanic descent are not a problem. Third generation Hispanic immigrants contribute just as much to the nation as the native population, probably more.

I think you'd probably find that with any group of people. However it's unfair to others wanting to come here that we don't do anything about people from C/SA. Just because they border our country doesn't mean they should be able to cut in line which cuts other people out.
The number coming in illegal has no effect on legal immigration numbers.

It does if those illegals are taking jobs the legals could have. After all, if you have all the illegals you want, why would you hire more expensive legals who are governed by our wage and safety laws?
Legal immigrants can work anywhere in the country because they have documentation and they will pass verification.

Illegal immigrants are no threat to employment. Adult illegal immigrants are only about 3% of the workforce. Lack of language skills, documentation, and verifiable previous employment restricts most illegal immigrants to agriculture, housekeeping and manual labor often temp jobs, part time, and seasonal work.
Not just a problem for republicans, but for America in general

I totally disagree. People with Hispanic descent are not a problem. Third generation Hispanic immigrants contribute just as much to the nation as the native population, probably more.

I think you'd probably find that with any group of people. However it's unfair to others wanting to come here that we don't do anything about people from C/SA. Just because they border our country doesn't mean they should be able to cut in line which cuts other people out.
The number coming in illegal has no effect on legal immigration numbers.

It does if those illegals are taking jobs the legals could have. After all, if you have all the illegals you want, why would you hire more expensive legals who are governed by our wage and safety laws?
Legal immigrants can work anywhere in the country because they have documentation and they will pass verification.

Illegal immigrants are no threat to employment. Adult illegal immigrants are only about 4% of the workforce. Lack of language skills, documentation, verifiable previous employment restricts most illegal immigrants to agriculture, housekeeping and manual labor often temp jobs and seasonal work.

So that makes it fair to the people that did it legally and the right way?

Hispanic Voters Favor Strong Border: Poll
Look to the facts from a study, on the cost burdens surrounding illegal immigrants.

“At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion.”
So let's fix that. And let's do it without indulging the shackles of big government.

The problems we have are the welfare state and birth-right citizenship. Neither of those requires the Berlin wall.

China / Hong Kong (early 1960s) - 32 km
Botswana / Zimbabwe 2003 - 500 km
Bulgaria / Turkey 2014 - 30 km
Chinese / Korean border fence (under construction) - 1,416 km
Macedonia / Greece barrier 2015 - 30 km
India / Myanmar barrier (under construction) - 1,624 km

Just the facts, and this is to name but a few. However, we are called to follow after other nations on how government faces health care? Yet a wall is immoral and racist, despite other nations around the globe seeing fit to do so against illegal immigration.

Explain that one to me. Anyone?

Even Harry Reid saw the burden of illegals on our nation, and that was 1993. Look, liberals lost the cost argument on illegal immigration and now they are to lose on the nation’s border barrier argument.
The studies of immigration, legal or illegal seem to always focuses 1st generation immigrants since they differ the most from the general population. Second generation immigrants are much closer to the general population. For example, in 2008 2nd generation immigrants earned and average of $42,297, 32% higher than their parents. There educational level was higher than national average. Their use of social programs like their parents was less than than than the national average and their violent crime rate was well below the national average.

Third generation immigrants are statistically about the same as the general population since most American identify themselves as third generation immigrants. For Hispanic immigrants only 7% of third generation consider themselves Hispanic, Africans 13%, and Asians 15%.
Majority of Americans Identify Themselves as Third Generation Americans
We aren't discussing "immigrants." We're discussing illegal aliens. Douchebags like you always like to blur the distinction between the two.
If eh Mexicans continue to invade America, they will become the majority and their way of life will be the new normal. Best start stocking up on your cardboard boxes for future housing.

Success, we will just be like what they left

With or without illegal immigration, the number of Hispanics in America will continue to grow due to a higher birth rate and legal immigration. By mid century, our minorities with be the majority.
What you're forgetting is that as Hispanics are in the country longer, they grow more affluent and their birth rate declines. Only the constant influx from the border keeps their birthrate up. Once that spigot is shut off, Hispanic will come to resemble typical Americans more and more. They will also grow more conservative as they age.

There goes the end of your majority.

Over 1 in 4 Americans born since 2007 are of Hispanic descent. The birth rate can be zero and it’s going to be a problem for the Republcants. This is why you guys are working 24/7 to suppress the vote.
Not just a problem for republicans, but for America in general

I totally disagree. People with Hispanic descent are not a problem. Third generation Hispanic immigrants contribute just as much to the nation as the native population, probably more.
In the mean time, they are driving down American wages for 40 years. You actually only made the case for controlling the border even stronger. Also, once again, you fail to make the distinction between "immigrants" and illegal aliens. That's because you're a douche bag open borders propagandist.
No one said a wall would magically keep people out but it would seriously slow illegals down if it was build right and it would slow the flow of drugs .
Again a 20 percent reduction in illegals and drugs would safe 7s7s billions a year.yyear.you just cant handle the truth
The wall will cut the number of aliens crossing our border illegally by 100%
Sorry, but I fail to subscribe to this idiocy of All or Nothing. To say we shouldn't be doing anything on our southern border because of the other ways they get here is as ridiculous of an argument as one could make. It's like saying I'm not going to fence off my property to stop intruders because I can't afford an alarm system in my house right now.

If the anti-white party wants to take down a wall; a wall that taxpayers just spent X billions on, it would reveal to the country their real intentions which is not to stop illegal immigration and show the world they are for open borders. So they will never do that. They want to keep their dog and pony show of saying they want to do things and not really do them.

And as we asked repeatedly, how does a wall have anything to do with freedom, the Bill of Rights, Socialism, or any American rights? You are just making crap up. You have zero evidence to support your claims. It's paranoia delusion.

Do you bother paying attention? What makes you lie like a New York politician? You most assuredly HAVE BEEN shown how the enforcement of laws related to immigration affect your Rights. Are you going to force me to repeat the Printz decision (a pro-gun ruling) being used to justify Sanctuary Cities? Do I have to repeat that to you? Do you see why my posts to you cannot be brief? I'll help you out. Read what I read this morning:

Trump was right.

See posts 5 through 8. Maybe they can explain this so you get the picture.

Insofar as the all or nothing comment, I'll say this:

It would be easier and more prudent; cheaper and more likely to pass an idea to Congress a bill that both sides would sign. The thing of it is, some folks done figured it out. You've been had and that link above shows that you are about to be in a world of skeet... or how did they put it in the movie Full Metal Jacket?

I have no idea what that outdoors blog has to do with this conversation. As for the link that started it, it only explained how Trump was talking about closing down the border if Mexico wasn't going to help. What does that prove? The article talked about how gang members were planning to use our systems to enter the country illegally, and thankfully since we DO HAVE border agents, they busted them.

The border has nothing to do with my rights or yours. It didn't have anything to do with my rights last year, the year before, ten years before, or even twenty, and extending the border wall won't change that either.

You live in a state of denial. WHEN Nancy Pelosi sticks that gun up your arse, you are welcome to come back here and make the idiotic, irrelevant, stupid, and moronic statements you've become noted for.

Everything associated with that wall will have a cost - and I agree, it WILL be built. It will be built at a cost to your constitutional Liberties just as that link is also predicting. If you don't understand the correlation, you should read a few civics books and give it a rest on the posting. Those posts talked about a HELL of a lot more than what you claim. You must think that those who agree with you are total idiots and won't check it out for themselves. You may or may not be right, but if even one of them checks it out, they will begin thinking about the real costs of forfeiting their Liberty for a stupid wall.

Well I'll tell you what, if the wall is built and you lose some sort of liberty, start a topic on it and I'll be glad to be one of the first posters to tell you that you're right.

The Democrats have been trying to disarm America for as long as I remember. A wall won't change that pro or con. What secures our rights is not a wall, but an American unbiased Supreme Court which has already stopped Democrats from trying to make it more difficult and costly to secure our Second Amendment rights.

What you are trying to do is convince us that your predictions are set in stone. There is no truth to that. You can speculate all you want, but until you have some sort of evidence of your claim, it's moot just like anybody else's claims are here. When it comes to politics, you're not the only soothsayer in the bunch. Just read the topics on this service.

1) What you are giving up in order to get the wall is pretty much common sense. I realize that you have not grown up beyond believing in Santa Claus, but in order to get the wall passed, you have to give up something. That is simply reality Ray

2) We've discussed before how the draconian enforcement of the existing laws have eviscerated the Fourth Amendment when the Constitution Free Zone is being enforced against Americans:

3) Political strategists think like chess players - a game you and I know damn well you don't know squat about. You're more like the wrestler who allows his opponent to get behind him and outmaneuver you because you do not have the capability to think about what the opponent's next move is in advance.

But, since the build the wall guys don't understand basic legal principles, they are the same people that supported the Printz case in the United States Supreme Court (Hell some of the original Plaintiffs are today build the wall supporters.) Then, the legal principle followed that local and state LEOs do not have to enforce federal laws which led to the feds not being able to shut down Sanctuary Cities.

In the instant case, since the border will also impose on private property, the LEO community can do a warrant less search on your property on the pretext of maintaining their precious wall. There goes your private property Rights

4) Many people still don't realize that this obsession with pursuing undocumented foreigners from south of the border caused the first supporters of their cause to lose in court AND the judge ruled that the civilian border patrol violated the civil rights of the undocumented foreigners who trespassed over private property and entered the U.S. improperly.

The decision in that ruling ended the question of whether or not undocumented foreigners had constitutional rights in the United States. THAT, like the way the Printz case was decided in favor of the foreigners, is simply because people like Ray could not think and anticipate: SSN based National ID, profiling, warrant less searches, undocumented foreigners having constitutional rights, the end of innocent until proven guilty were all confirmed by the courts because people just like Ray want what they want and refuse to be told to think ahead

5) Finally, in this response, the build the wall guys have argued this is a legal issue (as differentiated from a military / National Security issue.) NOBODY could talk them out of it. While Ray is trying to be a smart ass with his comment about my alleged "predictions." In EVERY case cited above, people on the same side that Ray is on (like the link he tries to belittle) have tried to warn about the consequences predicated on a knowledge of legal precedents. Ray's kind cannot grasp the fact that they have LOST every single, solitary case regarding undocumented foreigners

6) With respect to Ray's uneducated and misinformed ideas about the United States Supreme Court and guns, the gun owners LOST EVERY TIME the United States Supreme Court has ruled in Ray's life.

One such case was Heller v DC wherein the Court RULED:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited."

That ruling is 180 degrees OPPOSITE of EVERY state court's FIRST interpretation of the Second Amendment and fully contradicts the United States Supreme Court's FIRST interpretation of the Second Amendment. By legislating from the bench, even conservatives have invalidated the Constitution and spit on that document. But, Ray, is so brainwashed and single minded, he cannot see the truth.

The supreme court has always been the largest impediment to liberty of our three branches. Because of the highly politicized cases they hear, there is no effective check on the power they assume. You might want to read Men in Black by Mark Levin, it demonstrates and analyzes case after case where the court has exceeded its constitutional authority. It is a bit of a tedious read though, because of the legal jargon.

I have bad news for Trumpettes. Mexicans have discovered trucks. They roll a 16 wheeler up to the wall, and put a ladder on it. At the top of the wall, they drop a knotted rope down the other side. In so doing, they have demonstrated that they not only have more intelligence than Donald, but his supporters as well.
I doubt they are going to do that more than once since the border patrol will expropriate their truck the first time they try it. See, the wall isn't going to be built right on top of the border. It's going to be set back a ways, which means that truck will be subject to US law.

When you're making your excuses for not defending the border, you open-borders douchebags keep assuming that no one is going to be guarding the wall. That's why you all come off as such flaming morons.
You shouldn't try to educate the Trump is God supporters. Trump won because he got the most electoral votes. He lost the popular vote.

That leftist argument doesn't fly. It's like saying because football team A got more yards than football team B, football team A was the better team even though they lost.

We didn't have a race for the popular vote so nobody planned their strategy that way. Trump didn't waste time in highly populated liberal areas because it would have been a waste of time, and Hillary stuck to those areas because the others would have been a waste of time for her.

You can't claim victory over something that accidentally happened.
Furthermore, Trump had more legal votes than Hillary.
Trump was voted in because of the wall, that is building power.
Not from the majority of Americans.

You shouldn't try to educate the Trump is God supporters. Trump won because he got the most electoral votes. He lost the popular vote.

In 2020 the liberals get to change the federal Congressional districts. By pushing B.S. laws that offend the masses, the Republicans are absolutely guaranteeing they will be in the minority in just about every district in America after 2020.

I'm not a liberal, but once these arrogant build the wall guys get knocked on their ass, they can decide to fight or die. They are not strategists. 2020 won't come none too soon.

Your stupidity is showing now, the States do the redistricting not congress and the majority of the State legislatures aren't liberal. In fact liberal States will be losing seats to more conservative States.


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