Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

If eh Mexicans continue to invade America, they will become the majority and their way of life will be the new normal. Best start stocking up on your cardboard boxes for future housing.

Success, we will just be like what they left

With or without illegal immigration, the number of Hispanics in America will continue to grow due to a higher birth rate and legal immigration. By mid century, our minorities with be the majority.
What you're forgetting is that as Hispanics are in the country longer, they grow more affluent and their birth rate declines. Only the constant influx from the border keeps their birthrate up. Once that spigot is shut off, Hispanic will come to resemble typical Americans more and more. They will also grow more conservative as they age.

There goes the end of your majority.
Like Mulvaney said, Democrats like Smuckener, Obamy and Her Thighness Clinton voted for a barrier in 2006. A fence or wall or whatever you want to call it to keep illegals on the Mexico side of the border

Poor Billy, hundreds of miles have already been put up! Hundreds more on the way.
Listen prick, you're not going to turn this country into East Berlin.

We wouldn't possibly want to, we want you assholes to be able to leave anytime you want.


Yes, while the Berlin wall keep everyone who was out, out, because they were out, and everyone that was in, in, because they were in, no ifs, and, or buts, the southern border wall will merely stop ILLEGAL traffic so that we can at least vet who comes into the country to ensure safety and a better class of people who truly intend to contribute and be Americans.

You could call TRump's wall the anti-Berlin wall. That assholes like BilloReally can't see that only proves these people are less than idiots. The Left are a bunch of wind up puppets.

Great…so we put up a wall, have soldiers walking sentry duty across the top with automatic weapons.

Make America Great by making it look like East Berlin. :spinner::spinner:

So for you it's all about appearances and not what works?

You're just not paying attention, the border patrol says they are 95% effective, that just makes you look ignorant. After all, they are the experts. The point is to prevent them for reaching US soil, it costs almost $11,000 each to deport them.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to kill'em in US custody?

The cheapest way is to create a strong enough deterrent so they don't come here in the first place. Lead by example. If you put out a welcome mat on our border, people are going to take that literally. Same holds true for a Not Welcome mat.
Hey Dooshbag, take your strawman argument and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. The Berlin Wall and border security to keep out mere illegal traffic and potential terrorists have nothing in common except in those scrambled eggs you call a "brain." We are far closer to East German without the wall held prisoner of your radical far-Left socialist authoritarian ideology telling us what we will never do.

It's not a matter of what we want, it is a matter of federal responsibility to protect and defend our border and we simply don't have enough people to stand arm to arm across the south to try to physically stop every invader. At least the wall will keep the numbers down to a manageable level. I guarantee you the wall is happening!
Crime has gone down fuckface. And you're full of shit; you didn't stop anyone from Saudi Arabia from coming in to the country. You don't stop AIPAC from coming in and poisoning our government. You don't give a shit about the real problems this country is facing.

So what happened the last time we tried to stop people from the middle-east from coming here? Oh, that's right, an activist Obama appointed judge stopped Trump.
Look to the facts from a study, on the cost burdens surrounding illegal immigrants.

“At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion.”
So let's fix that. And let's do it without indulging the shackles of big government.

The problems we have are the welfare state and birth-right citizenship. Neither of those requires the Berlin wall.

China / Hong Kong (early 1960s) - 32 km
Botswana / Zimbabwe 2003 - 500 km
Bulgaria / Turkey 2014 - 30 km
Chinese / Korean border fence (under construction) - 1,416 km
Macedonia / Greece barrier 2015 - 30 km
India / Myanmar barrier (under construction) - 1,624 km

Just the facts, and this is to name but a few. However, we are called to follow after other nations on how government faces health care? Yet a wall is immoral and racist, despite other nations around the globe seeing fit to do so against illegal immigration.

Explain that one to me. Anyone?

Even Harry Reid saw the burden of illegals on our nation, and that was 1993. Look, liberals lost the cost argument on illegal immigration and now they are to lose on the nation’s border barrier argument.
The studies of immigration, legal or illegal seem to always focuses 1st generation immigrants since they differ the most from the general population. Second generation immigrants are much closer to the general population. For example, in 2008 2nd generation immigrants earned and average of $42,297, 32% higher than their parents. There educational level was higher than national average. Their use of social programs like their parents was less than than than the national average and their violent crime rate was well below the national average.

Third generation immigrants are statistically about the same as the general population since most American identify themselves as third generation immigrants. For Hispanic immigrants only 7% of third generation consider themselves Hispanic, Africans 13%, and Asians 15%.
Majority of Americans Identify Themselves as Third Generation Americans
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If you ever get your real dose of socialism, you won’t know what hit you and you will be like, “Oh fuck, I can’t make fun of those in power, because I’ll get a bullet in the head?”

You’ll be wishing it all was an SNL skit of Baldwin blasting Trump.
Yet you have no supporting evidence to your made-up claim. Sure we were pissed about Kavanaugh and what the dirty Democrats tried to do to this honest man, but it's a done issue. The ongoing issue is the wall.
Kavanaugh is a liar, drunk and attempted rapist. The fact that you think he's honest, shows your own lack of a moral compass. Which explains why you're so willing to sell out the country for this bullshit wall that ain't ever getting built.

Do you buy anything another leftist tells you or are you just making it up to have some sort of point?

Kavanaugh did drink. So what? I drink too, but that doesn't mean I'm a rapist. The man led a stellar life and not even so much as an outstanding parking ticket. Then some known leftist activist comes out and tries to make a rape claim from over 30 years ago and you believe her. None of her story checked out, none of her leads checked out, none of her so-called witnesses checked out, but because you hate Kavanaugh, believe her in spite of her terrible acting.

She erased any posts she made on FaceBook, you can't find one video of her teaching a class in college or talking to anybody. She digitally fell of the face of the planet before making this claim.
Poor Billy, hundreds of miles have already been put up! Hundreds more on the way.
Listen prick, you're not going to turn this country into East Berlin.

We wouldn't possibly want to, we want you assholes to be able to leave anytime you want.


Yes, while the Berlin wall keep everyone who was out, out, because they were out, and everyone that was in, in, because they were in, no ifs, and, or buts, the southern border wall will merely stop ILLEGAL traffic so that we can at least vet who comes into the country to ensure safety and a better class of people who truly intend to contribute and be Americans.

You could call TRump's wall the anti-Berlin wall. That assholes like BilloReally can't see that only proves these people are less than idiots. The Left are a bunch of wind up puppets.

Great…so we put up a wall, have soldiers walking sentry duty across the top with automatic weapons.

Make America Great by making it look like East Berlin. :spinner::spinner:

So for you it's all about appearances and not what works?


In the case of the wall, the appearance of an armed encampment is important and, oh yeah, it will not significantly quell illegal immigration. So it’s a lose-lose.
People invading our country is a made up issue? 20 million people here illegally is not an issue? Drug problems in this country are not an issue? 70,000 overdose deaths a year is not an issue?
You are a disgusting, scapegoating racist.

How many more children do you want to die in US custody?

None. That's why any of these so-called asylum seekers should have accepted Mexico's asylum offer. They declined.

That's why what Trump is doing today will aid in avoiding the deaths of those children. They won't be coming here in the first place.
If eh Mexicans continue to invade America, they will become the majority and their way of life will be the new normal. Best start stocking up on your cardboard boxes for future housing.

Success, we will just be like what they left

With or without illegal immigration, the number of Hispanics in America will continue to grow due to a higher birth rate and legal immigration. By mid century, our minorities with be the majority.
What you're forgetting is that as Hispanics are in the country longer, they grow more affluent and their birth rate declines. Only the constant influx from the border keeps their birthrate up. Once that spigot is shut off, Hispanic will come to resemble typical Americans more and more. They will also grow more conservative as they age.

There goes the end of your majority.

Over 1 in 4 Americans born since 2007 are of Hispanic descent. The birth rate can be zero and it’s going to be a problem for the Republcants. This is why you guys are working 24/7 to suppress the vote.
If eh Mexicans continue to invade America, they will become the majority and their way of life will be the new normal. Best start stocking up on your cardboard boxes for future housing.

Success, we will just be like what they left

With or without illegal immigration, the number of Hispanics in America will continue to grow due to a higher birth rate and legal immigration. By mid century, our minorities with be the majority.
What you're forgetting is that as Hispanics are in the country longer, they grow more affluent and their birth rate declines. Only the constant influx from the border keeps their birthrate up. Once that spigot is shut off, Hispanic will come to resemble typical Americans more and more. They will also grow more conservative as they age.

There goes the end of your majority.

Over 1 in 4 Americans born since 2007 are of Hispanic descent. The birth rate can be zero and it’s going to be a problem for the Republcants. This is why you guys are working 24/7 to suppress the vote.
Not just a problem for republicans, but for America in general

If eh Mexicans continue to invade America, they will become the majority and their way of life will be the new normal. Best start stocking up on your cardboard boxes for future housing.

Success, we will just be like what they left

With or without illegal immigration, the number of Hispanics in America will continue to grow due to a higher birth rate and legal immigration. By mid century, our minorities with be the majority.
What you're forgetting is that as Hispanics are in the country longer, they grow more affluent and their birth rate declines. Only the constant influx from the border keeps their birthrate up. Once that spigot is shut off, Hispanic will come to resemble typical Americans more and more. They will also grow more conservative as they age.

There goes the end of your majority.

Over 1 in 4 Americans born since 2007 are of Hispanic descent. The birth rate can be zero and it’s going to be a problem for the Republcants. This is why you guys are working 24/7 to suppress the vote.
Not just a problem for republicans, but for America in general

You're just not paying attention, the border patrol says they are 95% effective, that just makes you look ignorant. After all, they are the experts. The point is to prevent them for reaching US soil, it costs almost $11,000 each to deport them.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to kill'em in US custody?

The cheapest way is to create a strong enough deterrent so they don't come here in the first place. Lead by example. If you put out a welcome mat on our border, people are going to take that literally. Same holds true for a Not Welcome mat.
We know most illegal immigrants are in the country to work so just issue more work permits to those without criminal records. Secondly, the big surge in illegal immigration is coming from central america's northern triangle, which is ruled by the cartels and gangs. Spending only a fraction of the cost of a border wall to make this area safe would dramatically reduce illegal immigration as well the drug trade. Change the asylum law so these people have to apply for asylum through their local US embassy or consulate and the caravans would disappear.
Concentrate on ports of entry since this how most of the illegal immigrant population gets into the US. Lastly change the immigration law to make it easier for people with expiring visas to stay in the US and enforce visa overstays.
You're just not paying attention, the border patrol says they are 95% effective, that just makes you look ignorant. After all, they are the experts. The point is to prevent them for reaching US soil, it costs almost $11,000 each to deport them.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to kill'em in US custody?

The cheapest way is to create a strong enough deterrent so they don't come here in the first place. Lead by example. If you put out a welcome mat on our border, people are going to take that literally. Same holds true for a Not Welcome mat.
We know most illegal immigrants are in the country to work so just issue more work permits to those without criminal records. Secondly, the big surge in illegal immigration is coming from central america's northern triangle, which is ruled by the cartels and gangs. Spending only a fraction of the cost of a border wall to make this area safe would dramatically reduce illegal immigration as well the drug trade. Change the asylum law so these people have to apply for asylum through their local US embassy or consulate and the caravans would disappear.
Concentrate on ports of entry since this how most of the illegal immigrant population gets into the US. Lastly change the immigration law to make it easier for people with expiring visas to stay in the US and enforce visa overstays.

All that is nice, but try to get anybody in Congress to do any of these things. But even if you could, it would be fruitless without a wall. The wall is the foundation to tackling this problem.
If eh Mexicans continue to invade America, they will become the majority and their way of life will be the new normal. Best start stocking up on your cardboard boxes for future housing.

Success, we will just be like what they left

With or without illegal immigration, the number of Hispanics in America will continue to grow due to a higher birth rate and legal immigration. By mid century, our minorities with be the majority.
What you're forgetting is that as Hispanics are in the country longer, they grow more affluent and their birth rate declines. Only the constant influx from the border keeps their birthrate up. Once that spigot is shut off, Hispanic will come to resemble typical Americans more and more. They will also grow more conservative as they age.

There goes the end of your majority.

Over 1 in 4 Americans born since 2007 are of Hispanic descent. The birth rate can be zero and it’s going to be a problem for the Republcants. This is why you guys are working 24/7 to suppress the vote.
Not just a problem for republicans, but for America in general

I totally disagree. People with Hispanic descent are not a problem. Third generation Hispanic immigrants contribute just as much to the nation as the native population, probably more.
Listen prick, you're not going to turn this country into East Berlin.

We wouldn't possibly want to, we want you assholes to be able to leave anytime you want.


Yes, while the Berlin wall keep everyone who was out, out, because they were out, and everyone that was in, in, because they were in, no ifs, and, or buts, the southern border wall will merely stop ILLEGAL traffic so that we can at least vet who comes into the country to ensure safety and a better class of people who truly intend to contribute and be Americans.

You could call TRump's wall the anti-Berlin wall. That assholes like BilloReally can't see that only proves these people are less than idiots. The Left are a bunch of wind up puppets.

Great…so we put up a wall, have soldiers walking sentry duty across the top with automatic weapons.

Make America Great by making it look like East Berlin. :spinner::spinner:

So for you it's all about appearances and not what works?


In the case of the wall, the appearance of an armed encampment is important and, oh yeah, it will not significantly quell illegal immigration. So it’s a lose-lose.

The border patrol disagrees, I'll happily take their word over yours.

If eh Mexicans continue to invade America, they will become the majority and their way of life will be the new normal. Best start stocking up on your cardboard boxes for future housing.

Success, we will just be like what they left

With or without illegal immigration, the number of Hispanics in America will continue to grow due to a higher birth rate and legal immigration. By mid century, our minorities with be the majority.
What you're forgetting is that as Hispanics are in the country longer, they grow more affluent and their birth rate declines. Only the constant influx from the border keeps their birthrate up. Once that spigot is shut off, Hispanic will come to resemble typical Americans more and more. They will also grow more conservative as they age.

There goes the end of your majority.

Over 1 in 4 Americans born since 2007 are of Hispanic descent. The birth rate can be zero and it’s going to be a problem for the Republcants. This is why you guys are working 24/7 to suppress the vote.
Not just a problem for republicans, but for America in general

I totally disagree. People with Hispanic descent are not a problem. Third generation Hispanic immigrants contribute just as much to the nation as the native population, probably more.

So how long does it take to recoup the trillion plus spent on the first two generations over 10 years?

We wouldn't possibly want to, we want you assholes to be able to leave anytime you want.


Yes, while the Berlin wall keep everyone who was out, out, because they were out, and everyone that was in, in, because they were in, no ifs, and, or buts, the southern border wall will merely stop ILLEGAL traffic so that we can at least vet who comes into the country to ensure safety and a better class of people who truly intend to contribute and be Americans.

You could call TRump's wall the anti-Berlin wall. That assholes like BilloReally can't see that only proves these people are less than idiots. The Left are a bunch of wind up puppets.

Great…so we put up a wall, have soldiers walking sentry duty across the top with automatic weapons.

Make America Great by making it look like East Berlin. :spinner::spinner:

So for you it's all about appearances and not what works?


In the case of the wall, the appearance of an armed encampment is important and, oh yeah, it will not significantly quell illegal immigration. So it’s a lose-lose.

The border patrol disagrees, I'll happily take their word over yours.


Make America Great by making it look like East Berlin. :spinner::spinner:

EXCEPT, Candycornhole, East Berlin had its guns aimed at its own people as a prison. Our guns are aimed outside merely trying to protect our sovereign integrity from illegal invasion. Big, BIG difference that anyone with an IQ over 43 could see. Thanks for proving yours isn't.

PUT ANOTHER WAY for the doting Left, if it's OK for an illegal to invade us simply because we have a better way of life here for them against all our laws, then it is just as OK for me to break into some rich guys home and steal all his jewelry because they have a better life there for me.

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