Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

People invading our country is a made up issue? 20 million people here illegally is not an issue? Drug problems in this country are not an issue? 70,000 overdose deaths a year is not an issue?
You are a disgusting, scapegoating racist.

How many more children do you want to die in US custody?

Fuck the children and their criminal parents that are responsible for their deaths. The border patrol did everything they could to save those kids. How many are dying in the desert that you'll never hear about?

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Hey Dooshbag, take your strawman argument and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. The Berlin Wall and border security to keep out mere illegal traffic and potential terrorists have nothing in common except in those scrambled eggs you call a "brain." We are far closer to East German without the wall held prisoner of your radical far-Left socialist authoritarian ideology telling us what we will never do.

It's not a matter of what we want, it is a matter of federal responsibility to protect and defend our border and we simply don't have enough people to stand arm to arm across the south to try to physically stop every invader. At least the wall will keep the numbers down to a manageable level. I guarantee you the wall is happening!
Crime has gone down fuckface. And you're full of shit; you didn't stop anyone from Saudi Arabia from coming in to the country. You don't stop AIPAC from coming in and poisoning our government. You don't give a shit about the real problems this country is facing.
Certainly. Good thing for us, building robots to do menial work is an American industry to eliminate any possible need for Mexicans which are NOT Americans. Never have been, never will. be Did I go too fast for you?
Tell that to the Americans who build cars in Detroit you prick.
You're just not paying attention, the border patrol says they are 95% effective, that just makes you look ignorant. After all, they are the experts. The point is to prevent them for reaching US soil, it costs almost $11,000 each to deport them.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to kill'em in US custody?
You're just not paying attention, the border patrol says they are 95% effective, that just makes you look ignorant. After all, they are the experts. The point is to prevent them for reaching US soil, it costs almost $11,000 each to deport them.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to kill'em in US custody?

It would be cheaper if they didn’t bring an 8 year old on a 2000 trek with no food or water.

This is what my grandfather escaped from Latvia thanks to Uncle Joe Stalin and FDR didn’t think it was enough oppsession to allow him refugee status. Canada did, and I thank them.

Is this what these people are fleeing in Mexico?

Rumbula massacre - Wikipedia
People invading our country is a made up issue? 20 million people here illegally is not an issue? Drug problems in this country are not an issue? 70,000 overdose deaths a year is not an issue?
You are a disgusting, scapegoating racist.

How many more children do you want to die in US custody?
Of the ones here illegally? ALL of them. Then deport the parents.
Fuck the children and their criminal parents that are responsible for their deaths. The border patrol did everything they could to save those kids. How many are dying in the desert that you'll never hear about?

People like you, give all Americans a bad name.

People like you, are the reason others want to fly planes into our buildings.
You're just not paying attention, the border patrol says they are 95% effective, that just makes you look ignorant. After all, they are the experts. The point is to prevent them for reaching US soil, it costs almost $11,000 each to deport them.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to kill'em in US custody?

No, it would be cheaper to kill'em before they cross, better yet why not prevent them form crossing with a wall.


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