Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Based upon what, exactly?
Based on the Constitution and plain logic.

Can you show me what section of the Constitution that says foreigners have no right to live in the United States?

The Congress shall have Power To...establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization....

Article I, Section 8, Clause 4

Naturalization is about citizenship. Not everyone who comes to the United States wants to become a citizen. Citizenship is a privilege.

Liberty is an unalienable Right.
You're saying the US doesn't have the right to control who crosses our borders?

Control over the border is a different issue. Is it possible for you to stay with me for a minute and answer my questions? I'm not calling you names; not slinging skeet at you. I've been so hung up on my own four decades of research and experience that I'm not sure where you're coming from.

As I've stated many times, patriots and constitutionalists didn't change, the people did. And, you represent a new breed of people with a concept that I'm trying to understand.
Based on the Constitution and plain logic.

Can you show me what section of the Constitution that says foreigners have no right to live in the United States?

The Congress shall have Power To...establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization....

Article I, Section 8, Clause 4

Naturalization is about citizenship. Not everyone who comes to the United States wants to become a citizen. Citizenship is a privilege.

Liberty is an unalienable Right.
You're saying the US doesn't have the right to control who crosses our borders?

Control over the border is a different issue. Is it possible for you to stay with me for a minute and answer my questions? I'm not calling you names; not slinging skeet at you. I've been so hung up on my own four decades of research and experience that I'm not sure where you're coming from.

As I've stated many times, patriots and constitutionalists didn't change, the people did. And, you represent a new breed of people with a concept that I'm trying to understand.
Answer the question: do we have the right to control who crosses our border or not?
The wall isn't about protecting sovereignty against invasion.
But wide open borders are?
Believe it or not, it's not a choice between one or the other.
The fact that you call a mob of desperate poor people an "invasion" makes your whole argument laughable.
Nothing funny about up to 700,000 illegal aliens invading our country against our laws every year. If I'm desperate and poor and break into your home to rob you because you have more, you'd shoot me.

So shoot them. Just don't turn our nation into a prison because you're frightened.
But it's not a joke. The walls, and other authoritarian laws that you're clamoring for, will still be there when the mob dwindles
If the mob ever dwindles, it will only be because they realize they can no longer easily get in, or there is no one left on the other side wanting in.
The mob will dwindle as soon as the TV crews leave. It's all a staged melodrama to provoke fear. And you're falling for it.
- a testament to fear and stupidity. And they will be used against you.
Yep. Can't wait to see how the wall on the Mexican border will be used against me.

You don't have to wait. Look up the Berlin Wall.
When an employer hires a foreigner, then they have that employer's permission to be here. Why do they need YOUR permission?

So, you THINK that if some Mexican comes here and starts a business in this country and hires an illegal alien, his "permission" to be here for whatever reason to work for him usurps all federal law and authority no matter what laws have been broken? So I can hire an illegal, deported criminal snuck back into the country under orders never to enter here again is now made NULL AND VOID because I simply disregarded all laws and hired him? What kind of unbelievable shameless TWIT are you?
Just don't turn our nation into a prison because you're frightened.

I'm not afraid of anything. YOU are the one scared shitless about a simple wall. There has been a wall or fence down there in parts for decades but only NOW does it create a prison for Me by protecting me from illegals getting in??? How do you proffer such GARBAGE with a straight face??? You've lost all credibility here.

If I put a fence and a gate around my property, it doesn't make ME a prisoner, boob! I can come and go as I please and I can leave this country any time I want.
Only natural born Americans have any RIGHT to this country..

This a dangerous idea that's been brewing since the "war" on terror nonsense. Some of you are convinced that only the rights of citizens should be protected by government. But freedoms that are protected for some, and not for others, are privileges. Rights are universal and unalienable. Giving government the power to pick and choose as to whose rights are protected, and whose aren't, puts all of us at risk.
Just don't turn our nation into a prison because you're frightened.

I'm not afraid of anything. YOU are the one scared shitless about a simple wall.
I'm not scared of the wall - it's little more than a symbol. I'm scared of the kind of government you morons are clamoring for. You really want an authoritarian police state, and I don't want to live like that.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.


It would reduce the number of potential Dem voters. That is all the left cares about. It would also reduce the number of trafficking victims, drugs, terrorists and gang members. The left doesn't care about that because the safety of American citizens is no where on their agenda.

Walls work and that has been proven. Most sheeple can only repeat the talking points by claiming it's racist.

Hillary talked about one world government and supports it. So, having no borders, no U.S. constitution, no rights, and ceding all freedom to government is the endgame.

Just don't turn our nation into a prison because you're frightened.

I'm not afraid of anything. YOU are the one scared shitless about a simple wall. There has been a wall or fence down there in parts for decades but only NOW does it create a prison for Me by protecting me from illegals getting in??? How do you proffer such GARBAGE with a straight face??? You've lost all credibility here.

If I put a fence and a gate around my property, it doesn't make ME a prisoner, boob! I can come and go as I please and I can leave this country any time I want.
I marvel at this argument snowflakes use that we should accept unlimited immigration to show how brave we are.

I can't imagine any idea dumber than that.
Just don't turn our nation into a prison because you're frightened.

I'm not afraid of anything. YOU are the one scared shitless about a simple wall.
I'm not scared of the wall - it's little more than a symbol. I'm scared of the kind of government you morons are clamoring for. You really want an authoritarian police state, and I don't want to live like that.
We want a government that builds a wall. How is that "authoritarian?" The ACA was actual authoritarianism. The wall, on the other hand, doesn't prevent me from doing Jack.
Can you show me what section of the Constitution that says foreigners have no right to live in the United States?

The Congress shall have Power To...establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization....

Article I, Section 8, Clause 4

Naturalization is about citizenship. Not everyone who comes to the United States wants to become a citizen. Citizenship is a privilege.

Liberty is an unalienable Right.
You're saying the US doesn't have the right to control who crosses our borders?

Control over the border is a different issue. Is it possible for you to stay with me for a minute and answer my questions? I'm not calling you names; not slinging skeet at you. I've been so hung up on my own four decades of research and experience that I'm not sure where you're coming from.

As I've stated many times, patriots and constitutionalists didn't change, the people did. And, you represent a new breed of people with a concept that I'm trying to understand.
Answer the question: do we have the right to control who crosses our border or not?

The military has the responsibility of protecting us from foreign invasions; states have the right to regulate who they allow to come and go. If conditions warrant, we could shut the border down in a national emergency.

Is there any special reason you can't focus on one issue at a time?
Just don't turn our nation into a prison because you're frightened.

I'm not afraid of anything. YOU are the one scared shitless about a simple wall.
I'm not scared of the wall - it's little more than a symbol. I'm scared of the kind of government you morons are clamoring for. You really want an authoritarian police state, and I don't want to live like that.
We want a government that builds a wall. How is that "authoritarian?" The ACA was actual authoritarianism. The wall, on the other hand, doesn't prevent me from doing Jack.

They're both authoritarian. "It's different when we do it".
The Congress shall have Power To...establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization....

Article I, Section 8, Clause 4

Naturalization is about citizenship. Not everyone who comes to the United States wants to become a citizen. Citizenship is a privilege.

Liberty is an unalienable Right.
You're saying the US doesn't have the right to control who crosses our borders?

Control over the border is a different issue. Is it possible for you to stay with me for a minute and answer my questions? I'm not calling you names; not slinging skeet at you. I've been so hung up on my own four decades of research and experience that I'm not sure where you're coming from.

As I've stated many times, patriots and constitutionalists didn't change, the people did. And, you represent a new breed of people with a concept that I'm trying to understand.
Answer the question: do we have the right to control who crosses our border or not?

The military has the responsibility of protecting us from foreign invasions; states have the right to regulate who they allow to come and go. If conditions warrant, we could shut the border down in a national emergency.

Is there any special reason you can't focus on one issue at a time?
In other words, you believe we don't have the right to control who crosses our borders. That's the end of the discussion.
When an employer hires a foreigner, then they have that employer's permission to be here. Why do they need YOUR permission?

So, you THINK that if some Mexican comes here and starts a business in this country and hires an illegal alien, his "permission" to be here for whatever reason to work for him usurps all federal law and authority no matter what laws have been broken? So I can hire an illegal, deported criminal snuck back into the country under orders never to enter here again is now made NULL AND VOID because I simply disregarded all laws and hired him? What kind of unbelievable shameless TWIT are you?

Federal jurisdiction does not extend to the daily business of individuals and businesses. It's not in the Constitution. I have fully responded to this in post #2806.

Aside from the name calling, do you have anything productive to add to this conversation?
Only natural born Americans have any RIGHT to this country..
This a dangerous idea

YOU are a dangerous idea. If what I said were not true, then any foreigner could come here, run for office, become president, then turn over sovereignty of the USA to his home country, asshole. NO ONE makes assholes like the Left.

Are you still convinced I'm on "the left"? Is it so hard for you to acknowledge your most strident enemies are libertarians and conservatives?

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