Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

In some parts of Texas, California and Arizona, there is already a wall. Let Trump the fuck alone and let him finish what the Dumcrates have already started. What is really needed is more border agents, drones, and the military if necessary and no more catch and release and more deportation. Enforce our existing immigration laws.

Nice. You are buying into the Snake Oil. The Walls that were built went into the Metro Areas that had the highest entry. The walls funnel down to the entry points. It's a bit difficult to determine who is and who isn't supposed to be there when there is a high degree of population around. So walls are used and there is no room for the better multi layered Security Fence that actually works better. Also, in that area, the requirement for the most dense border patrol and security devices are needed. Those are already built.

Here is a bit of info that while I type it, you can hold your hands over your eyes and ears (assuming you are a 4 handed freak of nature) and loudly yell "LaLaLa" over and over. In the Fiscal Years of 2017 and 2018, there was 1.3 billion dollars allocated for Wall/Security Fence maintenance and additions. During those two years, not one single inch of additional wall or security fence has been added. And the only place that the Wall/Security Fence has been replaced is just outside San Diego at one of the lowest intrusion areas all along the border. That part was NEVER run down. But it sure does look purty for the Richest Neighborhood in Mexico to look at.

Meanwhile, there are places along the border that are more intruded that the Wall (yes, I said wall) is falling down and just about ready to fall down. After 10 years, mother nature has been harsh to the steel walls and through rust, corrosion and people tearing at them, they are falling down. But Trump decides to doll up the part that is in good repair and works well so his Mexican Billionaires won't complain about the eyesore.

Believe it or not, you stated fixes closer to the Democrats solutions and completely foreign to Trumps way of thinking. Trump is a Carny Operator. How's it feel to be a Rube.

What you fail to mention is that none of the 1.6 billion is allowed to be used for the wall. Need the Politifact link, let me know and I’ll post it as soon as I get home.

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Your info is wrong once again. Last month, the Dems offered the 1.6. The 1.3 was included and they offered to increase it to 1.6. It's not that it's need or not, it's the figure that was offered. Trump turned it down flat now he doesn't get the 1.3. But he's been misappropriating that all along anyway so does he really need it for the "Wall"?
And I hope he keeps turning down the little tokens offered from the Democrats. There is a lot more than a wall needed to secure the border and probably much more the $5 billion needed and he should hold out for it. All or none. We are spending $trillions n the middle east so spend whatever is necessar to secure our borders. But he will settle because he does not have to cajones to hold out for what is needed. And Pelosi and Schumer have even less. We are screwed on matter what happens.

hate to break it to you but 1.3 billion isn't chicken feed for any construction project. Here is how budgeting works. You get 1.3 billion. You have to spend it all in the fiscal year or it reverts back to the general fund and then rolls over the next year. But your project lost the balance. Now, let's say you can build 90 miles of wall/security fence in one fiscal year. That means it will cost, say, 1.6 billion and you can spend that. But you received 30 billion. You can't spend that 30 billion. So you will lose 10 to 15 billion back into the general fund at the end of the fiscal year. Well, you can't have that. It's traditional to buy all the things you want no matter frivolous that may be. You spend it all if you can.

The cost per mile of the Wall/Security Fence to day has been about 178K per mile. There has already been 13 billion spent on it total in expanding it. Adjusting for inflation and for rougher terrain the whole thing that can be built (about 500 miles can't be built due to terrain problems) I would place the total completion to be about 20 billion and it can't be built in one fiscal year. There is still something just under 800 miles to build. Now, you get hundreds contractors working on it at the same time it might get done in a couple of years. Or you can do it like it was designed to do and you can complete it in 10 years. Trump has already cost us 2 years of those 10 because not one single inch has been built in the last 2 years yet for the fiscal years of 2017 and 2018, there was a total of 2.6 billion allocated for it. That means, the wall should be about 140 miles longer and it should be finished in 8 years total.

In 2009, money was allocated to replace that fence or wall that many of you have touted that is in such bad condition. It was postponed. Calico N.M. has one of the worst walls along the border. It's rusted, falling down and you can just about throw a cat through it. Not a house pet but a Earth Mover made by Caterpillar. It's one of the most favorite place to cross. Instead of repairing that wall, Trump ordered the Double Multi Layered Fence just outside of San Diego to be replaced. The fencing there is NOT rundown, it's been well maintained, and this is one of the lowest crossing points anywhere there is a barrier on the whole border. Why did he pick there? Simple. He is trying to impress the Mexican Billionaires on the other side in the richest neighborhood in Mexico. That Neighborhood has a very high degree of police and security guards and almost no one can reach the outside fence in the first place. If they reach it and do breach the security fence, they have about 200 yds before they come to a 30 foot high security fence. While they are crossing, there is listening and sensing devices along with a fully staff Border Patrol overlooking that area from a high Hill. Then if they get past all that and get over that last wall, they are now in a Wet Lands area. It's going to be really slow going across that. It's more a marsh. All this time, the Border Patrol can pick them up and wait for them on the other side comfortably. Yes, folks, he has spent that 2.6 billion bucks there on replacing security fencing that is in good shape along with the proper security personnel and electronic security measures. And you want to turn 30 billion in one lump sum over to him? Where are all the Fiscal Conservatives that once roamed the earth.
Nice. You are buying into the Snake Oil. The Walls that were built went into the Metro Areas that had the highest entry. The walls funnel down to the entry points. It's a bit difficult to determine who is and who isn't supposed to be there when there is a high degree of population around. So walls are used and there is no room for the better multi layered Security Fence that actually works better. Also, in that area, the requirement for the most dense border patrol and security devices are needed. Those are already built.

Here is a bit of info that while I type it, you can hold your hands over your eyes and ears (assuming you are a 4 handed freak of nature) and loudly yell "LaLaLa" over and over. In the Fiscal Years of 2017 and 2018, there was 1.3 billion dollars allocated for Wall/Security Fence maintenance and additions. During those two years, not one single inch of additional wall or security fence has been added. And the only place that the Wall/Security Fence has been replaced is just outside San Diego at one of the lowest intrusion areas all along the border. That part was NEVER run down. But it sure does look purty for the Richest Neighborhood in Mexico to look at.

Meanwhile, there are places along the border that are more intruded that the Wall (yes, I said wall) is falling down and just about ready to fall down. After 10 years, mother nature has been harsh to the steel walls and through rust, corrosion and people tearing at them, they are falling down. But Trump decides to doll up the part that is in good repair and works well so his Mexican Billionaires won't complain about the eyesore.

Believe it or not, you stated fixes closer to the Democrats solutions and completely foreign to Trumps way of thinking. Trump is a Carny Operator. How's it feel to be a Rube.

What you fail to mention is that none of the 1.6 billion is allowed to be used for the wall. Need the Politifact link, let me know and I’ll post it as soon as I get home.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Your info is wrong once again. Last month, the Dems offered the 1.6. The 1.3 was included and they offered to increase it to 1.6. It's not that it's need or not, it's the figure that was offered. Trump turned it down flat now he doesn't get the 1.3. But he's been misappropriating that all along anyway so does he really need it for the "Wall"?

No, there is what was passed last month and what the Dems are offering now. 5.6 isn’t even enough. Trump originally wanted 30 billion. He scaled that down and the Dems still won’t approve it.

Now Cruz wants to re-introduce the el chapo bill to pay for the wall. That means it won’t cost the taxpayers one red cent. Watch how Democrats still won’t allow it.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Now 5.6 isn't enough. Just how much will be enough if Trump has squandered 2.6 billion in the last 2 years that was supposed to go to wall/secure fencing. The whole idea of the 2006 Border Security Law was to get the job done over a period of years, not months. In 10 years, half has been built. It was build with due diligence during the Bush Jr and the Obama years. 70 miles per year. The time period for completion was 20 years. That's not outlandish and the US Taxpayer can easily afford it. What Trump wants to do is put everyone in a state of panic. Since he has had 2.6 billion to expand on the wall/security fence in the last 2 years and he hasn't added one single inch to it he's remiss and not following the law.
That's a lie

On top of that, he's misappropriating funds. Now, you want us to turn 30 billion over to him all at once? Not going to happen. 30 billion this year, another 30 billion next year, we have to put a stop to it and put it back to a fiscal responsible expenditure. I keep waiting for the Fiscal Conservatives to wake the hell up and start doing what they are supposed to do.

I really don't lay a lot of blame on Trump on this one. He's like the scorpion and the Frog. It's just in his nature. But I do lay the real blame on the Congress. The House has the votes to pass a Veto Free bill to restart the government with the original 1.3 billion as per the 2006 law. The Senate also has the support for a Veto proof bill. Now for the crux and the showing of REAL misspent power. Even though the votes are there in the senate to do a veto free bill, one man won't allow it. Mitch McConnel will not allow it to go onto the floor for a vote. And the other Republicans in the Senate, although they would vote to restart the Government, won't either pressure him or replace him. The GOP in the Senate needs to grow a pair. Just because a President wants some willy nilly thing is no reason to give it to him. We are supposed to have 3 branches of Government. We don't have. Congress either does exactly what Trump wants, no matter how crazy that can be, or he brings the government down to it's knees. So, we expect this from Trump but we need Congress to override him when he goes off the deep end just like we need them to do for any President that goes off the deep end. Otherwise, we will see more and more insane EOs because Congress isn't doing it's job.

How about joining in with me and getting Congress to actually do something instead of just blaming the Democrats. In this case, it's not the Democrats or even the Republicans in the House, it's the Republicans in the Senate that allow McConnel to wield so much power. Hell, he has ended up with more real power than even the President.
You gave Honduras 7 million and that hasn't stopped them from sending caravans to the US. Talk about misappropriation of funds. Spend that money on the wall instead. At least then we'll be able to see what our money bought us.

REally now, you mean that it's part of the 1.6 billion that isn't allocated? That's what the article says. I can stage a bunch of construction equipment and call it anything I want as well. But until it's funded, it can't be started. It tells you what you want to hear, nothing more. If Trump were really spending the 2.6 billion he already received, that wall would already be built since it's a replacement for a run down wall. It's still run down, still there and still needs to be funded. Again, not one single inch of wall expansion has been done in the last 2 years. Here, let me repeat that. Not one single inch of wall or border security fence has been done in the past 2 years. And the most run down areas are still run down. He wants you to feel sorry for him when in reality, the funds for repair/replacement for those areas have already been allocated in fiscal years 2017 and 2018.
What you fail to mention is that none of the 1.6 billion is allowed to be used for the wall. Need the Politifact link, let me know and I’ll post it as soon as I get home.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Your info is wrong once again. Last month, the Dems offered the 1.6. The 1.3 was included and they offered to increase it to 1.6. It's not that it's need or not, it's the figure that was offered. Trump turned it down flat now he doesn't get the 1.3. But he's been misappropriating that all along anyway so does he really need it for the "Wall"?

No, there is what was passed last month and what the Dems are offering now. 5.6 isn’t even enough. Trump originally wanted 30 billion. He scaled that down and the Dems still won’t approve it.

Now Cruz wants to re-introduce the el chapo bill to pay for the wall. That means it won’t cost the taxpayers one red cent. Watch how Democrats still won’t allow it.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Now 5.6 isn't enough. Just how much will be enough if Trump has squandered 2.6 billion in the last 2 years that was supposed to go to wall/secure fencing. The whole idea of the 2006 Border Security Law was to get the job done over a period of years, not months. In 10 years, half has been built. It was build with due diligence during the Bush Jr and the Obama years. 70 miles per year. The time period for completion was 20 years. That's not outlandish and the US Taxpayer can easily afford it. What Trump wants to do is put everyone in a state of panic. Since he has had 2.6 billion to expand on the wall/security fence in the last 2 years and he hasn't added one single inch to it he's remiss and not following the law.
That's a lie

On top of that, he's misappropriating funds. Now, you want us to turn 30 billion over to him all at once? Not going to happen. 30 billion this year, another 30 billion next year, we have to put a stop to it and put it back to a fiscal responsible expenditure. I keep waiting for the Fiscal Conservatives to wake the hell up and start doing what they are supposed to do.

I really don't lay a lot of blame on Trump on this one. He's like the scorpion and the Frog. It's just in his nature. But I do lay the real blame on the Congress. The House has the votes to pass a Veto Free bill to restart the government with the original 1.3 billion as per the 2006 law. The Senate also has the support for a Veto proof bill. Now for the crux and the showing of REAL misspent power. Even though the votes are there in the senate to do a veto free bill, one man won't allow it. Mitch McConnel will not allow it to go onto the floor for a vote. And the other Republicans in the Senate, although they would vote to restart the Government, won't either pressure him or replace him. The GOP in the Senate needs to grow a pair. Just because a President wants some willy nilly thing is no reason to give it to him. We are supposed to have 3 branches of Government. We don't have. Congress either does exactly what Trump wants, no matter how crazy that can be, or he brings the government down to it's knees. So, we expect this from Trump but we need Congress to override him when he goes off the deep end just like we need them to do for any President that goes off the deep end. Otherwise, we will see more and more insane EOs because Congress isn't doing it's job.

How about joining in with me and getting Congress to actually do something instead of just blaming the Democrats. In this case, it's not the Democrats or even the Republicans in the House, it's the Republicans in the Senate that allow McConnel to wield so much power. Hell, he has ended up with more real power than even the President.
You gave Honduras 7 million and that hasn't stopped them from sending caravans to the US. Talk about misappropriation of funds. Spend that money on the wall instead. At least then we'll be able to see what our money bought us.

REally now, you mean that it's part of the 1.6 billion that isn't allocated? That's what the article says. I can stage a bunch of construction equipment and call it anything I want as well. But until it's funded, it can't be started. It tells you what you want to hear, nothing more. If Trump were really spending the 2.6 billion he already received, that wall would already be built since it's a replacement for a run down wall. It's still run down, still there and still needs to be funded. Again, not one single inch of wall expansion has been done in the last 2 years. Here, let me repeat that. Not one single inch of wall or border security fence has been done in the past 2 years. And the most run down areas are still run down. He wants you to feel sorry for him when in reality, the funds for repair/replacement for those areas have already been allocated in fiscal years 2017 and 2018.
Cbp contracts show how it was spent. Soe of it for Levees with New 30 foot fencing on top. Why the levees??? Flooding in the areas in 2016 put cities like Nagales under water.
Your info is wrong once again. Last month, the Dems offered the 1.6. The 1.3 was included and they offered to increase it to 1.6. It's not that it's need or not, it's the figure that was offered. Trump turned it down flat now he doesn't get the 1.3. But he's been misappropriating that all along anyway so does he really need it for the "Wall"?

No, there is what was passed last month and what the Dems are offering now. 5.6 isn’t even enough. Trump originally wanted 30 billion. He scaled that down and the Dems still won’t approve it.

Now Cruz wants to re-introduce the el chapo bill to pay for the wall. That means it won’t cost the taxpayers one red cent. Watch how Democrats still won’t allow it.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Now 5.6 isn't enough. Just how much will be enough if Trump has squandered 2.6 billion in the last 2 years that was supposed to go to wall/secure fencing. The whole idea of the 2006 Border Security Law was to get the job done over a period of years, not months. In 10 years, half has been built. It was build with due diligence during the Bush Jr and the Obama years. 70 miles per year. The time period for completion was 20 years. That's not outlandish and the US Taxpayer can easily afford it. What Trump wants to do is put everyone in a state of panic. Since he has had 2.6 billion to expand on the wall/security fence in the last 2 years and he hasn't added one single inch to it he's remiss and not following the law.
That's a lie

On top of that, he's misappropriating funds. Now, you want us to turn 30 billion over to him all at once? Not going to happen. 30 billion this year, another 30 billion next year, we have to put a stop to it and put it back to a fiscal responsible expenditure. I keep waiting for the Fiscal Conservatives to wake the hell up and start doing what they are supposed to do.

I really don't lay a lot of blame on Trump on this one. He's like the scorpion and the Frog. It's just in his nature. But I do lay the real blame on the Congress. The House has the votes to pass a Veto Free bill to restart the government with the original 1.3 billion as per the 2006 law. The Senate also has the support for a Veto proof bill. Now for the crux and the showing of REAL misspent power. Even though the votes are there in the senate to do a veto free bill, one man won't allow it. Mitch McConnel will not allow it to go onto the floor for a vote. And the other Republicans in the Senate, although they would vote to restart the Government, won't either pressure him or replace him. The GOP in the Senate needs to grow a pair. Just because a President wants some willy nilly thing is no reason to give it to him. We are supposed to have 3 branches of Government. We don't have. Congress either does exactly what Trump wants, no matter how crazy that can be, or he brings the government down to it's knees. So, we expect this from Trump but we need Congress to override him when he goes off the deep end just like we need them to do for any President that goes off the deep end. Otherwise, we will see more and more insane EOs because Congress isn't doing it's job.

How about joining in with me and getting Congress to actually do something instead of just blaming the Democrats. In this case, it's not the Democrats or even the Republicans in the House, it's the Republicans in the Senate that allow McConnel to wield so much power. Hell, he has ended up with more real power than even the President.
You gave Honduras 7 million and that hasn't stopped them from sending caravans to the US. Talk about misappropriation of funds. Spend that money on the wall instead. At least then we'll be able to see what our money bought us.

REally now, you mean that it's part of the 1.6 billion that isn't allocated? That's what the article says. I can stage a bunch of construction equipment and call it anything I want as well. But until it's funded, it can't be started. It tells you what you want to hear, nothing more. If Trump were really spending the 2.6 billion he already received, that wall would already be built since it's a replacement for a run down wall. It's still run down, still there and still needs to be funded. Again, not one single inch of wall expansion has been done in the last 2 years. Here, let me repeat that. Not one single inch of wall or border security fence has been done in the past 2 years. And the most run down areas are still run down. He wants you to feel sorry for him when in reality, the funds for repair/replacement for those areas have already been allocated in fiscal years 2017 and 2018.
Cbp contracts show how it was spent. Soe of it for Levees with New 30 foot fencing on top. Why the levees??? Flooding in the areas in 2016 put cities like Nagales under water.

But not 2.6 billion dollars worth of Levees.
...we subscribe to Capitalism not national socialism. Capitalism should solve all of our problems not Government;

only the Right Wing,

never gets it.
You're not making any sense. You want employment at will, where everyone who doesn't have a job receives unemployment benefits for being unemployed. How is that a Capitalistic solution?
It is Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment; socialism calls it Capitalism's natural rate of inefficiency.
I'm sorry, You are too stupid to be here, or I am. You make absolutely no sense at all.
not dumb enough for the right wing? Capitalism creates the problem. Socialism solves it.
For the first time in 50 years I'm going to put someone on ignore. Congratulations.

Oh, please, me next, me next.
No, there is what was passed last month and what the Dems are offering now. 5.6 isn’t even enough. Trump originally wanted 30 billion. He scaled that down and the Dems still won’t approve it.

Now Cruz wants to re-introduce the el chapo bill to pay for the wall. That means it won’t cost the taxpayers one red cent. Watch how Democrats still won’t allow it.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Now 5.6 isn't enough. Just how much will be enough if Trump has squandered 2.6 billion in the last 2 years that was supposed to go to wall/secure fencing. The whole idea of the 2006 Border Security Law was to get the job done over a period of years, not months. In 10 years, half has been built. It was build with due diligence during the Bush Jr and the Obama years. 70 miles per year. The time period for completion was 20 years. That's not outlandish and the US Taxpayer can easily afford it. What Trump wants to do is put everyone in a state of panic. Since he has had 2.6 billion to expand on the wall/security fence in the last 2 years and he hasn't added one single inch to it he's remiss and not following the law.
That's a lie

On top of that, he's misappropriating funds. Now, you want us to turn 30 billion over to him all at once? Not going to happen. 30 billion this year, another 30 billion next year, we have to put a stop to it and put it back to a fiscal responsible expenditure. I keep waiting for the Fiscal Conservatives to wake the hell up and start doing what they are supposed to do.

I really don't lay a lot of blame on Trump on this one. He's like the scorpion and the Frog. It's just in his nature. But I do lay the real blame on the Congress. The House has the votes to pass a Veto Free bill to restart the government with the original 1.3 billion as per the 2006 law. The Senate also has the support for a Veto proof bill. Now for the crux and the showing of REAL misspent power. Even though the votes are there in the senate to do a veto free bill, one man won't allow it. Mitch McConnel will not allow it to go onto the floor for a vote. And the other Republicans in the Senate, although they would vote to restart the Government, won't either pressure him or replace him. The GOP in the Senate needs to grow a pair. Just because a President wants some willy nilly thing is no reason to give it to him. We are supposed to have 3 branches of Government. We don't have. Congress either does exactly what Trump wants, no matter how crazy that can be, or he brings the government down to it's knees. So, we expect this from Trump but we need Congress to override him when he goes off the deep end just like we need them to do for any President that goes off the deep end. Otherwise, we will see more and more insane EOs because Congress isn't doing it's job.

How about joining in with me and getting Congress to actually do something instead of just blaming the Democrats. In this case, it's not the Democrats or even the Republicans in the House, it's the Republicans in the Senate that allow McConnel to wield so much power. Hell, he has ended up with more real power than even the President.
You gave Honduras 7 million and that hasn't stopped them from sending caravans to the US. Talk about misappropriation of funds. Spend that money on the wall instead. At least then we'll be able to see what our money bought us.

REally now, you mean that it's part of the 1.6 billion that isn't allocated? That's what the article says. I can stage a bunch of construction equipment and call it anything I want as well. But until it's funded, it can't be started. It tells you what you want to hear, nothing more. If Trump were really spending the 2.6 billion he already received, that wall would already be built since it's a replacement for a run down wall. It's still run down, still there and still needs to be funded. Again, not one single inch of wall expansion has been done in the last 2 years. Here, let me repeat that. Not one single inch of wall or border security fence has been done in the past 2 years. And the most run down areas are still run down. He wants you to feel sorry for him when in reality, the funds for repair/replacement for those areas have already been allocated in fiscal years 2017 and 2018.
Cbp contracts show how it was spent. Soe of it for Levees with New 30 foot fencing on top. Why the levees??? Flooding in the areas in 2016 put cities like Nagales under water.

But not 2.6 billion dollars worth of Levees.
The levees were only a portion. Ive shown the updwtes and construction on too many threads alredy.
In one post here I showed how the wall idea began and has been under the control of nazis. I think the word racist is used as a scare word, but politically speaking the proposed wall solution is socialist from its very beginnings.

I'm not fighting people over their racial ideology. It's the socialism that they need to consider.
Fair trade is not fair unless we are on equal trading fields. It isn't fair that Americans have to compete with third worlders for American jobs.
It isn't fair that China uses slave labor to make their products cheaper than we can make them here thus tariffs are needed.
And it isn't fair that everything our ancestors worked for, for their children, is going to crap in the name of Globalism.

You are dealing with half an equation. When Americans are forced to hire foreigners because the American's prices are too high and the work too shoddy, it is the American's fault.

We make our decisions based on our own experiences. My brother in law knows how to do remodeling work and so forth. He said that he'd do some work for me for about 25 percent less than the big box guys that charge, essentially, $300 an hour. The gutters he put up leak; the siding he put on the front of the house is not what he was supposed to pick up. So, the siding don't match the rest of the house.

A car load of Mexicans come over, do the job for about 40 percent of what the big box people wanted and it worked out to $35 an hour for them. Of course, we both realize the head honcho made a lot per hour and his buddies were paid $15 or so dollars. It's free enterprise and those guys made good money while I was able not to take a soaking on trying to fix the place up. I agree with you on the tariffs, but you're side has a lot of learning to do.

Foreigners did not subject you to the income tax. The Democrats conned the Republicans into passing that plank out of the Communist Manifesto. If you don't like the NEW WORLD ORDER and communism / globalism / One World Government, then quit criticizing me and help me. Support an American's Right to do with their private property what they want to do with it. Jobs created in the private sector do not belong to the citizenry. They belong to the person who created the job.

If the build the wall advocates would quityerbitching and start businesses, ignoring the unconstitutional laws where they tell you who to hire and you hire from among those complaining, all of you would have a job, but less time to come here and wail about so - called "illegal immigrants."
More important than that I support my "need" to earn enough money to support my family without becoming a workaholic.

Then you should budget your time and learn all about an issue before jumping onto anyone's bandwagon. The build the wall guys and the liberal Democrats are both going to the same destination by way of different routes.
I have roasted your butts with information on what has been built and what the budget is for.

You just want your illegal labor. You have proven that.

You are the one who makes this pretentious argument about this being something related to jobs. It's not my fault that your argument imploded on you.

And there you go again, showing the people on this board your abject stupidity. There is a couple of questions you haven't asked me. I'm not going to respond to baseless accusations. People might think I see some merit in your dishonesty. If you want to KNOW where I stand, why aren't you asking a couple of relevant questions? You'd just get another beat down. The truth is something that evades you.
In one post here I showed how the wall idea began and has been under the control of nazis. I think the word racist is used as a scare word, but politically speaking the proposed wall solution is socialist from its very beginnings.

I'm not fighting people over their racial ideology. It's the socialism that they need to consider.
Fair trade is not fair unless we are on equal trading fields. It isn't fair that Americans have to compete with third worlders for American jobs.
It isn't fair that China uses slave labor to make their products cheaper than we can make them here thus tariffs are needed.
And it isn't fair that everything our ancestors worked for, for their children, is going to crap in the name of Globalism.

You are dealing with half an equation. When Americans are forced to hire foreigners because the American's prices are too high and the work too shoddy, it is the American's fault.

We make our decisions based on our own experiences. My brother in law knows how to do remodeling work and so forth. He said that he'd do some work for me for about 25 percent less than the big box guys that charge, essentially, $300 an hour. The gutters he put up leak; the siding he put on the front of the house is not what he was supposed to pick up. So, the siding don't match the rest of the house.

A car load of Mexicans come over, do the job for about 40 percent of what the big box people wanted and it worked out to $35 an hour for them. Of course, we both realize the head honcho made a lot per hour and his buddies were paid $15 or so dollars. It's free enterprise and those guys made good money while I was able not to take a soaking on trying to fix the place up. I agree with you on the tariffs, but you're side has a lot of learning to do.

Foreigners did not subject you to the income tax. The Democrats conned the Republicans into passing that plank out of the Communist Manifesto. If you don't like the NEW WORLD ORDER and communism / globalism / One World Government, then quit criticizing me and help me. Support an American's Right to do with their private property what they want to do with it. Jobs created in the private sector do not belong to the citizenry. They belong to the person who created the job.

If the build the wall advocates would quityerbitching and start businesses, ignoring the unconstitutional laws where they tell you who to hire and you hire from among those complaining, all of you would have a job, but less time to come here and wail about so - called "illegal immigrants."
More important than that I support my "need" to earn enough money to support my family without becoming a workaholic.

Then you should budget your time and learn all about an issue before jumping onto anyone's bandwagon. The build the wall guys and the liberal Democrats are both going to the same destination by way of different routes.
Without the wall we have uncontrolled immigration.
With the wall we have controlled immigration.
Controlled is better than uncontrolled.
Fighting who will be allowed in to take our jobs can be fought after we solved the uncontrolled immigration problem.

Can you explain to us how our forefathers built the greatest nation in the annals of history without a wall?

The problem with trying to control people as opposed to regulating how people come and go means that one day YOU will be the one being controlled. Read the admonition of a founding father:

"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." Thomas Paine

Infringing on the unalienable Rights of others puts YOUR Freedom and Liberty in control once your political enemies gain control of the government.

If you didn't create a job, you do not own it. Again, you're making a socialist argument.
Fair trade is not fair unless we are on equal trading fields. It isn't fair that Americans have to compete with third worlders for American jobs.
It isn't fair that China uses slave labor to make their products cheaper than we can make them here thus tariffs are needed.
And it isn't fair that everything our ancestors worked for, for their children, is going to crap in the name of Globalism.

You are dealing with half an equation. When Americans are forced to hire foreigners because the American's prices are too high and the work too shoddy, it is the American's fault.

We make our decisions based on our own experiences. My brother in law knows how to do remodeling work and so forth. He said that he'd do some work for me for about 25 percent less than the big box guys that charge, essentially, $300 an hour. The gutters he put up leak; the siding he put on the front of the house is not what he was supposed to pick up. So, the siding don't match the rest of the house.

A car load of Mexicans come over, do the job for about 40 percent of what the big box people wanted and it worked out to $35 an hour for them. Of course, we both realize the head honcho made a lot per hour and his buddies were paid $15 or so dollars. It's free enterprise and those guys made good money while I was able not to take a soaking on trying to fix the place up. I agree with you on the tariffs, but you're side has a lot of learning to do.

Foreigners did not subject you to the income tax. The Democrats conned the Republicans into passing that plank out of the Communist Manifesto. If you don't like the NEW WORLD ORDER and communism / globalism / One World Government, then quit criticizing me and help me. Support an American's Right to do with their private property what they want to do with it. Jobs created in the private sector do not belong to the citizenry. They belong to the person who created the job.

If the build the wall advocates would quityerbitching and start businesses, ignoring the unconstitutional laws where they tell you who to hire and you hire from among those complaining, all of you would have a job, but less time to come here and wail about so - called "illegal immigrants."
More important than that I support my "need" to earn enough money to support my family without becoming a workaholic.

Then you should budget your time and learn all about an issue before jumping onto anyone's bandwagon. The build the wall guys and the liberal Democrats are both going to the same destination by way of different routes.
Without the wall we have uncontrolled immigration.
With the wall we have controlled immigration.
Controlled is better than uncontrolled.
Fighting who will be allowed in to take our jobs can be fought after we solved the uncontrolled immigration problem.

Can you explain to us how our forefathers built the greatest nation in the annals of history without a wall?
The needs of the past are not the needs of the present.
Labor was once valuable, now it is not.
You are dealing with half an equation. When Americans are forced to hire foreigners because the American's prices are too high and the work too shoddy, it is the American's fault.

We make our decisions based on our own experiences. My brother in law knows how to do remodeling work and so forth. He said that he'd do some work for me for about 25 percent less than the big box guys that charge, essentially, $300 an hour. The gutters he put up leak; the siding he put on the front of the house is not what he was supposed to pick up. So, the siding don't match the rest of the house.

A car load of Mexicans come over, do the job for about 40 percent of what the big box people wanted and it worked out to $35 an hour for them. Of course, we both realize the head honcho made a lot per hour and his buddies were paid $15 or so dollars. It's free enterprise and those guys made good money while I was able not to take a soaking on trying to fix the place up. I agree with you on the tariffs, but you're side has a lot of learning to do.

Foreigners did not subject you to the income tax. The Democrats conned the Republicans into passing that plank out of the Communist Manifesto. If you don't like the NEW WORLD ORDER and communism / globalism / One World Government, then quit criticizing me and help me. Support an American's Right to do with their private property what they want to do with it. Jobs created in the private sector do not belong to the citizenry. They belong to the person who created the job.

If the build the wall advocates would quityerbitching and start businesses, ignoring the unconstitutional laws where they tell you who to hire and you hire from among those complaining, all of you would have a job, but less time to come here and wail about so - called "illegal immigrants."
More important than that I support my "need" to earn enough money to support my family without becoming a workaholic.

Then you should budget your time and learn all about an issue before jumping onto anyone's bandwagon. The build the wall guys and the liberal Democrats are both going to the same destination by way of different routes.
Without the wall we have uncontrolled immigration.
With the wall we have controlled immigration.
Controlled is better than uncontrolled.
Fighting who will be allowed in to take our jobs can be fought after we solved the uncontrolled immigration problem.

Can you explain to us how our forefathers built the greatest nation in the annals of history without a wall?
The needs of the past are not the needs of the present.
Labor was once valuable, now it is not.

If you have a skill set, it can be very valuable. Still, jobs either belong to the person who creates the job OR it is owned by the citizenry. The definition of socialism is when the government and the public at large own the jobs and control production.

America was founded and built on the free market model. If you return to that, you will be much more prosperous as a nation.
More important than that I support my "need" to earn enough money to support my family without becoming a workaholic.

Then you should budget your time and learn all about an issue before jumping onto anyone's bandwagon. The build the wall guys and the liberal Democrats are both going to the same destination by way of different routes.
Without the wall we have uncontrolled immigration.
With the wall we have controlled immigration.
Controlled is better than uncontrolled.
Fighting who will be allowed in to take our jobs can be fought after we solved the uncontrolled immigration problem.

Can you explain to us how our forefathers built the greatest nation in the annals of history without a wall?
The needs of the past are not the needs of the present.
Labor was once valuable, now it is not.

If you have a skill set, it can be very valuable. Still, jobs either belong to the person who creates the job OR it is owned by the citizenry. The definition of socialism is when the government and the public at large own the jobs and control production.

America was founded and built on the free market model. If you return to that, you will be much more prosperous as a nation.
I'm bi-polar, can't hold down a job. I might as well have 0 experience and nobody cares about my 148 IQ. I have to compete with Mehicans for jobs, because I have to compete with no job history. I'm a COBOL Programer and nobody cares. I type 85 wpm, and they still don't care. I don't need immigrants taking away my right to live.
Fair trade is not fair unless we are on equal trading fields. It isn't fair that Americans have to compete with third worlders for American jobs.
It isn't fair that China uses slave labor to make their products cheaper than we can make them here thus tariffs are needed.
And it isn't fair that everything our ancestors worked for, for their children, is going to crap in the name of Globalism.

You are dealing with half an equation. When Americans are forced to hire foreigners because the American's prices are too high and the work too shoddy, it is the American's fault.

We make our decisions based on our own experiences. My brother in law knows how to do remodeling work and so forth. He said that he'd do some work for me for about 25 percent less than the big box guys that charge, essentially, $300 an hour. The gutters he put up leak; the siding he put on the front of the house is not what he was supposed to pick up. So, the siding don't match the rest of the house.

A car load of Mexicans come over, do the job for about 40 percent of what the big box people wanted and it worked out to $35 an hour for them. Of course, we both realize the head honcho made a lot per hour and his buddies were paid $15 or so dollars. It's free enterprise and those guys made good money while I was able not to take a soaking on trying to fix the place up. I agree with you on the tariffs, but you're side has a lot of learning to do.

Foreigners did not subject you to the income tax. The Democrats conned the Republicans into passing that plank out of the Communist Manifesto. If you don't like the NEW WORLD ORDER and communism / globalism / One World Government, then quit criticizing me and help me. Support an American's Right to do with their private property what they want to do with it. Jobs created in the private sector do not belong to the citizenry. They belong to the person who created the job.

If the build the wall advocates would quityerbitching and start businesses, ignoring the unconstitutional laws where they tell you who to hire and you hire from among those complaining, all of you would have a job, but less time to come here and wail about so - called "illegal immigrants."
More important than that I support my "need" to earn enough money to support my family without becoming a workaholic.

Then you should budget your time and learn all about an issue before jumping onto anyone's bandwagon. The build the wall guys and the liberal Democrats are both going to the same destination by way of different routes.
I have roasted your butts with information on what has been built and what the budget is for.

You just want your illegal labor. You have proven that.

You are the one who makes this pretentious argument about this being something related to jobs. It's not my fault that your argument imploded on you.

And there you go again, showing the people on this board your abject stupidity. There is a couple of questions you haven't asked me. I'm not going to respond to baseless accusations. People might think I see some merit in your dishonesty. If you want to KNOW where I stand, why aren't you asking a couple of relevant questions? You'd just get another beat down. The truth is something that evades you.
Early on you stated it.
I don't need immigrants taking away my right to live.

Competing for your job isn't taking away your right to live.
If they are here legally. No problem. Illegally I have a problem. No one is going to work in a slaughter house for substandard wages.

Do you support reforms making it easier for immigrants to come here legally? Are you OK with widening the pipeline for legal immigrants?

Regardless, my comment stands. Competing for your job isn't taking away your right to live.
Then you should budget your time and learn all about an issue before jumping onto anyone's bandwagon. The build the wall guys and the liberal Democrats are both going to the same destination by way of different routes.
Without the wall we have uncontrolled immigration.
With the wall we have controlled immigration.
Controlled is better than uncontrolled.
Fighting who will be allowed in to take our jobs can be fought after we solved the uncontrolled immigration problem.

Can you explain to us how our forefathers built the greatest nation in the annals of history without a wall?
The needs of the past are not the needs of the present.
Labor was once valuable, now it is not.

If you have a skill set, it can be very valuable. Still, jobs either belong to the person who creates the job OR it is owned by the citizenry. The definition of socialism is when the government and the public at large own the jobs and control production.

America was founded and built on the free market model. If you return to that, you will be much more prosperous as a nation.
I'm bi-polar, can't hold down a job. I might as well have 0 experience and nobody cares about my 148 IQ. I have to compete with Mehicans for jobs, because I have to compete with no job history. I'm a COBOL Programer and nobody cares. I type 85 wpm, and they still don't care. I don't need immigrants taking away my right to live.

Nobody is taking away your Right to live. The guys you surround yourself with advocate taking away the Right of others to live.
You are dealing with half an equation. When Americans are forced to hire foreigners because the American's prices are too high and the work too shoddy, it is the American's fault.

We make our decisions based on our own experiences. My brother in law knows how to do remodeling work and so forth. He said that he'd do some work for me for about 25 percent less than the big box guys that charge, essentially, $300 an hour. The gutters he put up leak; the siding he put on the front of the house is not what he was supposed to pick up. So, the siding don't match the rest of the house.

A car load of Mexicans come over, do the job for about 40 percent of what the big box people wanted and it worked out to $35 an hour for them. Of course, we both realize the head honcho made a lot per hour and his buddies were paid $15 or so dollars. It's free enterprise and those guys made good money while I was able not to take a soaking on trying to fix the place up. I agree with you on the tariffs, but you're side has a lot of learning to do.

Foreigners did not subject you to the income tax. The Democrats conned the Republicans into passing that plank out of the Communist Manifesto. If you don't like the NEW WORLD ORDER and communism / globalism / One World Government, then quit criticizing me and help me. Support an American's Right to do with their private property what they want to do with it. Jobs created in the private sector do not belong to the citizenry. They belong to the person who created the job.

If the build the wall advocates would quityerbitching and start businesses, ignoring the unconstitutional laws where they tell you who to hire and you hire from among those complaining, all of you would have a job, but less time to come here and wail about so - called "illegal immigrants."
More important than that I support my "need" to earn enough money to support my family without becoming a workaholic.

Then you should budget your time and learn all about an issue before jumping onto anyone's bandwagon. The build the wall guys and the liberal Democrats are both going to the same destination by way of different routes.
I have roasted your butts with information on what has been built and what the budget is for.

You just want your illegal labor. You have proven that.

You are the one who makes this pretentious argument about this being something related to jobs. It's not my fault that your argument imploded on you.

And there you go again, showing the people on this board your abject stupidity. There is a couple of questions you haven't asked me. I'm not going to respond to baseless accusations. People might think I see some merit in your dishonesty. If you want to KNOW where I stand, why aren't you asking a couple of relevant questions? You'd just get another beat down. The truth is something that evades you.
Early on you stated it.

You're admitting I stated the truth? I could not state answers to questions not asked.
I don't need immigrants taking away my right to live.

Competing for your job isn't taking away your right to live.
If they are here legally. No problem. Illegally I have a problem. No one is going to work in a slaughter house for substandard wages.

Do you support reforms making it easier for immigrants to come here legally? Are you OK with widening the pipeline for legal immigrants?

Regardless, my comment stands. Competing for your job isn't taking away your right to live.
LEGAL entry...........yes...........but only when this flood of illegals is stopped. And verification of employment VERIFIED via a E-Verify system that stops the fraud going on now. Once that is done...........then they can get in line.......and businesses can use the LEGAL METHODS OF HIRING THEM........Not the Fake ID network we have now.

If I want to visit a foreign country I need a PASSPORT..........why should we just let anyone in when most of the World doesn't.......that is a broken system and it's been broken for decades.

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