Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

As of January 2009, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that it had more than 580 miles (930 km) of barriers in place. The total length of the continental border is 1,954miles (3,145 km). Why is continuing the wall a problem? Is it because Trumps wants it that the Democrats are against it? They refuse to call the existing wall a wall but a barrier. It works but more wall would work even better.

Do you want ALL the reasons we, the people, ought to be against both the left, those with TDS AND the wall?
In some parts of Texas, California and Arizona, there is already a wall. Let Trump the fuck alone and let him finish what the Dumcrates have already started. What is really needed is more border agents, drones, and the military if necessary and no more catch and release and more deportation. Enforce our existing immigration laws.

"Our" immigration laws? You're getting close to asking that question I dared all the build the wall folks like you continue to dance around.

More border agents? More drones? Us the military to enforce domestic laws? Are you even aware of the fact that it is illegal to use the military to enforce domestic law OR are you now admitting that the bulk of the build the wall advocates are actually socialists?

What are you going to do when that manpower and technology gets into the hands of those who oppose YOU politically and YOU become the target?
It's the Military's job to defend our border.

Trying to tie you to a REASON you want a wall is like squeezing slime. Most of these build the wall guys are throwing domestic law NOT National Security as the basis for their lobbying. They keep yapping about legal v. illegal and saying "illegal immigrants." That is domestic law, NOT a National Security issue - and under the de jure / lawful / legal/ constitutional interpretation of our law, the military cannot get involved in enforcing domestic laws.
I've explained this to you.
It's to keep out the trash.
The poverty stricken desperado willing to do anything for almost nothing.
It's national interest to keep out a foreign invading army, whatever form it takes.
Those who want immigration reform simply want to make these illegals legally able to migrate to America. We don't need more poor people. Migration should be based on our countries needs not the immigrants needs.
Build the damn wall and slam the door shut.

What an education you could get if you only READ this thread!

Not everybody shares your reasons - or pretexts for wanting a wall. You are extremely obstinate. If I show you the inherent weakness of your argument, you will swear and be damned I'm some kind of heretic ("for" open borders, liberal, left wing - despite Trump telling you the left was for this wall crap before the build the wall guys came along.)

Anyway, ALL the government figures show that improper entry was consistently going down, thereby destroying any argument in favor of a "National Emergency." Since most people, including you, are willingly doing business with the undocumented foreigners and they aren't coming here with guns, intending to forcibly take anything, your emotional laden invasion language is dishonest and inaccurate.

"Legal" migration leads to citizenship - point I clearly do not understand coming from you. The feds have no authority over immigration, only NATURALIZATION. Coming here "legally" is inadvertent code for citizenship since the states (constitutionally speaking) decide who comes and goes.

Your buddy Trump says he will build a wall and then increase the numbers of people he would allow to come in a be citizens. The BIG picture eludes you, doesn't it?
In some parts of Texas, California and Arizona, there is already a wall. Let Trump the fuck alone and let him finish what the Dumcrates have already started. What is really needed is more border agents, drones, and the military if necessary and no more catch and release and more deportation. Enforce our existing immigration laws.

"Our" immigration laws? You're getting close to asking that question I dared all the build the wall folks like you continue to dance around.

More border agents? More drones? Us the military to enforce domestic laws? Are you even aware of the fact that it is illegal to use the military to enforce domestic law OR are you now admitting that the bulk of the build the wall advocates are actually socialists?

What are you going to do when that manpower and technology gets into the hands of those who oppose YOU politically and YOU become the target?
It's the Military's job to defend our border.

Trying to tie you to a REASON you want a wall is like squeezing slime. Most of these build the wall guys are throwing domestic law NOT National Security as the basis for their lobbying. They keep yapping about legal v. illegal and saying "illegal immigrants." That is domestic law, NOT a National Security issue - and under the de jure / lawful / legal/ constitutional interpretation of our law, the military cannot get involved in enforcing domestic laws.
I've explained this to you.
It's to keep out the trash.
The poverty stricken desperado willing to do anything for almost nothing.
It's national interest to keep out a foreign invading army, whatever form it takes.
Those who want immigration reform simply want to make these illegals legally able to migrate to America. We don't need more poor people. Migration should be based on our countries needs not the immigrants needs.
Build the damn wall and slam the door shut.

What an education you could get if you only READ this thread!

Not everybody shares your reasons - or pretexts for wanting a wall. You are extremely obstinate. If I show you the inherent weakness of your argument, you will swear and be damned I'm some kind of heretic ("for" open borders, liberal, left wing - despite Trump telling you the left was for this wall crap before the build the wall guys came along.)

Anyway, ALL the government figures show that improper entry was consistently going down, thereby destroying any argument in favor of a "National Emergency." Since most people, including you, are willingly doing business with the undocumented foreigners and they aren't coming here with guns, intending to forcibly take anything, your emotional laden invasion language is dishonest and inaccurate.

"Legal" migration leads to citizenship - point I clearly do not understand coming from you. The feds have no authority over immigration, only NATURALIZATION. Coming here "legally" is inadvertent code for citizenship since the states (constitutionally speaking) decide who comes and goes.

Your buddy Trump says he will build a wall and then increase the numbers of people he would allow to come in a be citizens. The BIG picture eludes you, doesn't it?
1. Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September
Found out we can't legally imprison families longer than 20 days they rush the border.
2. Trump would increase migrants based on merit. Means only accept those we need vs those without job skills.
In some parts of Texas, California and Arizona, there is already a wall. Let Trump the fuck alone and let him finish what the Dumcrates have already started. What is really needed is more border agents, drones, and the military if necessary and no more catch and release and more deportation. Enforce our existing immigration laws.

Nice. You are buying into the Snake Oil. The Walls that were built went into the Metro Areas that had the highest entry. The walls funnel down to the entry points. It's a bit difficult to determine who is and who isn't supposed to be there when there is a high degree of population around. So walls are used and there is no room for the better multi layered Security Fence that actually works better. Also, in that area, the requirement for the most dense border patrol and security devices are needed. Those are already built.

Here is a bit of info that while I type it, you can hold your hands over your eyes and ears (assuming you are a 4 handed freak of nature) and loudly yell "LaLaLa" over and over. In the Fiscal Years of 2017 and 2018, there was 1.3 billion dollars allocated for Wall/Security Fence maintenance and additions. During those two years, not one single inch of additional wall or security fence has been added. And the only place that the Wall/Security Fence has been replaced is just outside San Diego at one of the lowest intrusion areas all along the border. That part was NEVER run down. But it sure does look purty for the Richest Neighborhood in Mexico to look at.

Meanwhile, there are places along the border that are more intruded that the Wall (yes, I said wall) is falling down and just about ready to fall down. After 10 years, mother nature has been harsh to the steel walls and through rust, corrosion and people tearing at them, they are falling down. But Trump decides to doll up the part that is in good repair and works well so his Mexican Billionaires won't complain about the eyesore.

Believe it or not, you stated fixes closer to the Democrats solutions and completely foreign to Trumps way of thinking. Trump is a Carny Operator. How's it feel to be a Rube.
"Our" immigration laws? You're getting close to asking that question I dared all the build the wall folks like you continue to dance around.

More border agents? More drones? Us the military to enforce domestic laws? Are you even aware of the fact that it is illegal to use the military to enforce domestic law OR are you now admitting that the bulk of the build the wall advocates are actually socialists?

What are you going to do when that manpower and technology gets into the hands of those who oppose YOU politically and YOU become the target?
It's the Military's job to defend our border.

Trying to tie you to a REASON you want a wall is like squeezing slime. Most of these build the wall guys are throwing domestic law NOT National Security as the basis for their lobbying. They keep yapping about legal v. illegal and saying "illegal immigrants." That is domestic law, NOT a National Security issue - and under the de jure / lawful / legal/ constitutional interpretation of our law, the military cannot get involved in enforcing domestic laws.
I've explained this to you.
It's to keep out the trash.
The poverty stricken desperado willing to do anything for almost nothing.
It's national interest to keep out a foreign invading army, whatever form it takes.
Those who want immigration reform simply want to make these illegals legally able to migrate to America. We don't need more poor people. Migration should be based on our countries needs not the immigrants needs.
Build the damn wall and slam the door shut.

What an education you could get if you only READ this thread!

Not everybody shares your reasons - or pretexts for wanting a wall. You are extremely obstinate. If I show you the inherent weakness of your argument, you will swear and be damned I'm some kind of heretic ("for" open borders, liberal, left wing - despite Trump telling you the left was for this wall crap before the build the wall guys came along.)

Anyway, ALL the government figures show that improper entry was consistently going down, thereby destroying any argument in favor of a "National Emergency." Since most people, including you, are willingly doing business with the undocumented foreigners and they aren't coming here with guns, intending to forcibly take anything, your emotional laden invasion language is dishonest and inaccurate.

"Legal" migration leads to citizenship - point I clearly do not understand coming from you. The feds have no authority over immigration, only NATURALIZATION. Coming here "legally" is inadvertent code for citizenship since the states (constitutionally speaking) decide who comes and goes.

Your buddy Trump says he will build a wall and then increase the numbers of people he would allow to come in a be citizens. The BIG picture eludes you, doesn't it?
1. Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September
Found out we can't legally imprison families longer than 20 days they rush the border.
2. Trump would increase migrants based on merit. Means only accept those we need vs those without job skills.

As I continue to repeatedly point out, if foreigners had no unalienable Rights, it would be perfectly acceptable for you to go out and put a bullet in them. The reality is, they DO have unalienable Rights. As the Declaration of Independence puts it:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Unalienable Rights are those Rights that you are born with. NO government can take them from you - not Donald Trump, not you, not anyone. And who is welcome in America? Have you ever seen the words at the base of the Statue of Liberty?

""Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

That is the welcome mat to come into the United States. The arguments you make are socialist arguments. But, don't despair. There are constitutional ways that will give you most of what you look for without a wall; without socialism; without Donald Trump. It won't keep all of the little brown people you don't like out, but even in Jesus time Canaanites came in despite there being THREE WALLS. The caravans are a political stunt to make you react, Pavlovian style, like a hungry dog when his master calls out here boy.
It's the Military's job to defend our border.

Trying to tie you to a REASON you want a wall is like squeezing slime. Most of these build the wall guys are throwing domestic law NOT National Security as the basis for their lobbying. They keep yapping about legal v. illegal and saying "illegal immigrants." That is domestic law, NOT a National Security issue - and under the de jure / lawful / legal/ constitutional interpretation of our law, the military cannot get involved in enforcing domestic laws.
I've explained this to you.
It's to keep out the trash.
The poverty stricken desperado willing to do anything for almost nothing.
It's national interest to keep out a foreign invading army, whatever form it takes.
Those who want immigration reform simply want to make these illegals legally able to migrate to America. We don't need more poor people. Migration should be based on our countries needs not the immigrants needs.
Build the damn wall and slam the door shut.

What an education you could get if you only READ this thread!

Not everybody shares your reasons - or pretexts for wanting a wall. You are extremely obstinate. If I show you the inherent weakness of your argument, you will swear and be damned I'm some kind of heretic ("for" open borders, liberal, left wing - despite Trump telling you the left was for this wall crap before the build the wall guys came along.)

Anyway, ALL the government figures show that improper entry was consistently going down, thereby destroying any argument in favor of a "National Emergency." Since most people, including you, are willingly doing business with the undocumented foreigners and they aren't coming here with guns, intending to forcibly take anything, your emotional laden invasion language is dishonest and inaccurate.

"Legal" migration leads to citizenship - point I clearly do not understand coming from you. The feds have no authority over immigration, only NATURALIZATION. Coming here "legally" is inadvertent code for citizenship since the states (constitutionally speaking) decide who comes and goes.

Your buddy Trump says he will build a wall and then increase the numbers of people he would allow to come in a be citizens. The BIG picture eludes you, doesn't it?
1. Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September
Found out we can't legally imprison families longer than 20 days they rush the border.
2. Trump would increase migrants based on merit. Means only accept those we need vs those without job skills.

As I continue to repeatedly point out, if foreigners had no unalienable Rights, it would be perfectly acceptable for you to go out and put a bullet in them. The reality is, they DO have unalienable Rights. As the Declaration of Independence puts it:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Unalienable Rights are those Rights that you are born with. NO government can take them from you - not Donald Trump, not you, not anyone. And who is welcome in America? Have you ever seen the words at the base of the Statue of Liberty?

""Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

That is the welcome mat to come into the United States. The arguments you make are socialist arguments. But, don't despair. There are constitutional ways that will give you most of what you look for without a wall; without socialism; without Donald Trump. It won't keep all of the little brown people you don't like out, but even in Jesus time Canaanites came in despite there being THREE WALLS. The caravans are a political stunt to make you react, Pavlovian style, like a hungry dog when his master calls out here boy.
Not anymore.
It's the Military's job to defend our border.

Trying to tie you to a REASON you want a wall is like squeezing slime. Most of these build the wall guys are throwing domestic law NOT National Security as the basis for their lobbying. They keep yapping about legal v. illegal and saying "illegal immigrants." That is domestic law, NOT a National Security issue - and under the de jure / lawful / legal/ constitutional interpretation of our law, the military cannot get involved in enforcing domestic laws.
I've explained this to you.
It's to keep out the trash.
The poverty stricken desperado willing to do anything for almost nothing.
It's national interest to keep out a foreign invading army, whatever form it takes.
Those who want immigration reform simply want to make these illegals legally able to migrate to America. We don't need more poor people. Migration should be based on our countries needs not the immigrants needs.
Build the damn wall and slam the door shut.

What an education you could get if you only READ this thread!

Not everybody shares your reasons - or pretexts for wanting a wall. You are extremely obstinate. If I show you the inherent weakness of your argument, you will swear and be damned I'm some kind of heretic ("for" open borders, liberal, left wing - despite Trump telling you the left was for this wall crap before the build the wall guys came along.)

Anyway, ALL the government figures show that improper entry was consistently going down, thereby destroying any argument in favor of a "National Emergency." Since most people, including you, are willingly doing business with the undocumented foreigners and they aren't coming here with guns, intending to forcibly take anything, your emotional laden invasion language is dishonest and inaccurate.

"Legal" migration leads to citizenship - point I clearly do not understand coming from you. The feds have no authority over immigration, only NATURALIZATION. Coming here "legally" is inadvertent code for citizenship since the states (constitutionally speaking) decide who comes and goes.

Your buddy Trump says he will build a wall and then increase the numbers of people he would allow to come in a be citizens. The BIG picture eludes you, doesn't it?
1. Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September
Found out we can't legally imprison families longer than 20 days they rush the border.
2. Trump would increase migrants based on merit. Means only accept those we need vs those without job skills.

As I continue to repeatedly point out, if foreigners had no unalienable Rights, it would be perfectly acceptable for you to go out and put a bullet in them. The reality is, they DO have unalienable Rights. As the Declaration of Independence puts it:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Unalienable Rights are those Rights that you are born with. NO government can take them from you - not Donald Trump, not you, not anyone. And who is welcome in America? Have you ever seen the words at the base of the Statue of Liberty?

""Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

That is the welcome mat to come into the United States. The arguments you make are socialist arguments. But, don't despair. There are constitutional ways that will give you most of what you look for without a wall; without socialism; without Donald Trump. It won't keep all of the little brown people you don't like out, but even in Jesus time Canaanites came in despite there being THREE WALLS. The caravans are a political stunt to make you react, Pavlovian style, like a hungry dog when his master calls out here boy.

Has the Constitution been nullified?

I just had a similar discussion on another thread. But, the way I see it, that GoFundMe page collapsed and the recipients have had their money refunded. That $5.7 BILLION DOLLAR price tag for a wall needs to be put into perspective for you:

There are 350 plus million Americans. If half of the American population donated toward the wall, it would be $34 each. Let's be honest here:

The build the wall guys have lied to the people about health care for years. IF medical costs and the undocumented were a burden on the health care community, they alone would have underwritten your wall.

Physicians have a base pay of $189,000 per year

The Best- And Worst-Paying Jobs For Doctors

There are over 1 million physicians in the United States

Topic: Physicians

Let's talk drops in a bucket. If the medical community were on board, physicians have a total net yearly income of 189 BILLION DOLLARS in the United States. IF what your side has alleged all along were true, the doctors of America would have already built the wall themselves. Who, in their right mind, would not want to be treating fewer patients each day? What doctor would not want more than the 8 minutes per patient during a visit they are currently allotted?

This has been fun, but there simply is no support for the wall. You still have a problem. You still need a solution.
In some parts of Texas, California and Arizona, there is already a wall. Let Trump the fuck alone and let him finish what the Dumcrates have already started. What is really needed is more border agents, drones, and the military if necessary and no more catch and release and more deportation. Enforce our existing immigration laws.

Nice. You are buying into the Snake Oil. The Walls that were built went into the Metro Areas that had the highest entry. The walls funnel down to the entry points. It's a bit difficult to determine who is and who isn't supposed to be there when there is a high degree of population around. So walls are used and there is no room for the better multi layered Security Fence that actually works better. Also, in that area, the requirement for the most dense border patrol and security devices are needed. Those are already built.

Here is a bit of info that while I type it, you can hold your hands over your eyes and ears (assuming you are a 4 handed freak of nature) and loudly yell "LaLaLa" over and over. In the Fiscal Years of 2017 and 2018, there was 1.3 billion dollars allocated for Wall/Security Fence maintenance and additions. During those two years, not one single inch of additional wall or security fence has been added. And the only place that the Wall/Security Fence has been replaced is just outside San Diego at one of the lowest intrusion areas all along the border. That part was NEVER run down. But it sure does look purty for the Richest Neighborhood in Mexico to look at.

Meanwhile, there are places along the border that are more intruded that the Wall (yes, I said wall) is falling down and just about ready to fall down. After 10 years, mother nature has been harsh to the steel walls and through rust, corrosion and people tearing at them, they are falling down. But Trump decides to doll up the part that is in good repair and works well so his Mexican Billionaires won't complain about the eyesore.

Believe it or not, you stated fixes closer to the Democrats solutions and completely foreign to Trumps way of thinking. Trump is a Carny Operator. How's it feel to be a Rube.

What you fail to mention is that none of the 1.6 billion is allowed to be used for the wall. Need the Politifact link, let me know and I’ll post it as soon as I get home.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Trying to tie you to a REASON you want a wall is like squeezing slime. Most of these build the wall guys are throwing domestic law NOT National Security as the basis for their lobbying. They keep yapping about legal v. illegal and saying "illegal immigrants." That is domestic law, NOT a National Security issue - and under the de jure / lawful / legal/ constitutional interpretation of our law, the military cannot get involved in enforcing domestic laws.
I've explained this to you.
It's to keep out the trash.
The poverty stricken desperado willing to do anything for almost nothing.
It's national interest to keep out a foreign invading army, whatever form it takes.
Those who want immigration reform simply want to make these illegals legally able to migrate to America. We don't need more poor people. Migration should be based on our countries needs not the immigrants needs.
Build the damn wall and slam the door shut.

What an education you could get if you only READ this thread!

Not everybody shares your reasons - or pretexts for wanting a wall. You are extremely obstinate. If I show you the inherent weakness of your argument, you will swear and be damned I'm some kind of heretic ("for" open borders, liberal, left wing - despite Trump telling you the left was for this wall crap before the build the wall guys came along.)

Anyway, ALL the government figures show that improper entry was consistently going down, thereby destroying any argument in favor of a "National Emergency." Since most people, including you, are willingly doing business with the undocumented foreigners and they aren't coming here with guns, intending to forcibly take anything, your emotional laden invasion language is dishonest and inaccurate.

"Legal" migration leads to citizenship - point I clearly do not understand coming from you. The feds have no authority over immigration, only NATURALIZATION. Coming here "legally" is inadvertent code for citizenship since the states (constitutionally speaking) decide who comes and goes.

Your buddy Trump says he will build a wall and then increase the numbers of people he would allow to come in a be citizens. The BIG picture eludes you, doesn't it?
1. Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September
Found out we can't legally imprison families longer than 20 days they rush the border.
2. Trump would increase migrants based on merit. Means only accept those we need vs those without job skills.

As I continue to repeatedly point out, if foreigners had no unalienable Rights, it would be perfectly acceptable for you to go out and put a bullet in them. The reality is, they DO have unalienable Rights. As the Declaration of Independence puts it:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Unalienable Rights are those Rights that you are born with. NO government can take them from you - not Donald Trump, not you, not anyone. And who is welcome in America? Have you ever seen the words at the base of the Statue of Liberty?

""Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

That is the welcome mat to come into the United States. The arguments you make are socialist arguments. But, don't despair. There are constitutional ways that will give you most of what you look for without a wall; without socialism; without Donald Trump. It won't keep all of the little brown people you don't like out, but even in Jesus time Canaanites came in despite there being THREE WALLS. The caravans are a political stunt to make you react, Pavlovian style, like a hungry dog when his master calls out here boy.

Has the Constitution been nullified?

I just had a similar discussion on another thread. But, the way I see it, that GoFundMe page collapsed and the recipients have had their money refunded. That $5.7 BILLION DOLLAR price tag for a wall needs to be put into perspective for you:

There are 350 plus million Americans. If half of the American population donated toward the wall, it would be $34 each. Let's be honest here:

The build the wall guys have lied to the people about health care for years. IF medical costs and the undocumented were a burden on the health care community, they alone would have underwritten your wall.

Physicians have a base pay of $189,000 per year

The Best- And Worst-Paying Jobs For Doctors

There are over 1 million physicians in the United States

Topic: Physicians

Let's talk drops in a bucket. If the medical community were on board, physicians have a total net yearly income of 189 BILLION DOLLARS in the United States. IF what your side has alleged all along were true, the doctors of America would have already built the wall themselves. Who, in their right mind, would not want to be treating fewer patients each day? What doctor would not want more than the 8 minutes per patient during a visit they are currently allotted?

This has been fun, but there simply is no support for the wall. You still have a problem. You still need a solution.
It's less than the handout we are giving Honduras.
It's much less than the handouts we are giving all foreign countries, which is 54 Billion.
Cust them off before we cut off the wall.
I've explained this to you.
It's to keep out the trash.
The poverty stricken desperado willing to do anything for almost nothing.
It's national interest to keep out a foreign invading army, whatever form it takes.
Those who want immigration reform simply want to make these illegals legally able to migrate to America. We don't need more poor people. Migration should be based on our countries needs not the immigrants needs.
Build the damn wall and slam the door shut.

What an education you could get if you only READ this thread!

Not everybody shares your reasons - or pretexts for wanting a wall. You are extremely obstinate. If I show you the inherent weakness of your argument, you will swear and be damned I'm some kind of heretic ("for" open borders, liberal, left wing - despite Trump telling you the left was for this wall crap before the build the wall guys came along.)

Anyway, ALL the government figures show that improper entry was consistently going down, thereby destroying any argument in favor of a "National Emergency." Since most people, including you, are willingly doing business with the undocumented foreigners and they aren't coming here with guns, intending to forcibly take anything, your emotional laden invasion language is dishonest and inaccurate.

"Legal" migration leads to citizenship - point I clearly do not understand coming from you. The feds have no authority over immigration, only NATURALIZATION. Coming here "legally" is inadvertent code for citizenship since the states (constitutionally speaking) decide who comes and goes.

Your buddy Trump says he will build a wall and then increase the numbers of people he would allow to come in a be citizens. The BIG picture eludes you, doesn't it?
1. Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September
Found out we can't legally imprison families longer than 20 days they rush the border.
2. Trump would increase migrants based on merit. Means only accept those we need vs those without job skills.

As I continue to repeatedly point out, if foreigners had no unalienable Rights, it would be perfectly acceptable for you to go out and put a bullet in them. The reality is, they DO have unalienable Rights. As the Declaration of Independence puts it:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Unalienable Rights are those Rights that you are born with. NO government can take them from you - not Donald Trump, not you, not anyone. And who is welcome in America? Have you ever seen the words at the base of the Statue of Liberty?

""Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

That is the welcome mat to come into the United States. The arguments you make are socialist arguments. But, don't despair. There are constitutional ways that will give you most of what you look for without a wall; without socialism; without Donald Trump. It won't keep all of the little brown people you don't like out, but even in Jesus time Canaanites came in despite there being THREE WALLS. The caravans are a political stunt to make you react, Pavlovian style, like a hungry dog when his master calls out here boy.

Has the Constitution been nullified?

I just had a similar discussion on another thread. But, the way I see it, that GoFundMe page collapsed and the recipients have had their money refunded. That $5.7 BILLION DOLLAR price tag for a wall needs to be put into perspective for you:

There are 350 plus million Americans. If half of the American population donated toward the wall, it would be $34 each. Let's be honest here:

The build the wall guys have lied to the people about health care for years. IF medical costs and the undocumented were a burden on the health care community, they alone would have underwritten your wall.

Physicians have a base pay of $189,000 per year

The Best- And Worst-Paying Jobs For Doctors

There are over 1 million physicians in the United States

Topic: Physicians

Let's talk drops in a bucket. If the medical community were on board, physicians have a total net yearly income of 189 BILLION DOLLARS in the United States. IF what your side has alleged all along were true, the doctors of America would have already built the wall themselves. Who, in their right mind, would not want to be treating fewer patients each day? What doctor would not want more than the 8 minutes per patient during a visit they are currently allotted?

This has been fun, but there simply is no support for the wall. You still have a problem. You still need a solution.
It's less than the handout we are giving Honduras.
It's much less than the handouts we are giving all foreign countries, which is 54 Billion.
Cust them off before we cut off the wall.

What is cust them off?

IIRC, you said you wanted "all of them" out of the U.S. What are you going to do with their USDA approved, National ID Card carrying, Socialist Surveillance Number owning relatives that subjects of America's NEW WORLD ORDER?
What an education you could get if you only READ this thread!

Not everybody shares your reasons - or pretexts for wanting a wall. You are extremely obstinate. If I show you the inherent weakness of your argument, you will swear and be damned I'm some kind of heretic ("for" open borders, liberal, left wing - despite Trump telling you the left was for this wall crap before the build the wall guys came along.)

Anyway, ALL the government figures show that improper entry was consistently going down, thereby destroying any argument in favor of a "National Emergency." Since most people, including you, are willingly doing business with the undocumented foreigners and they aren't coming here with guns, intending to forcibly take anything, your emotional laden invasion language is dishonest and inaccurate.

"Legal" migration leads to citizenship - point I clearly do not understand coming from you. The feds have no authority over immigration, only NATURALIZATION. Coming here "legally" is inadvertent code for citizenship since the states (constitutionally speaking) decide who comes and goes.

Your buddy Trump says he will build a wall and then increase the numbers of people he would allow to come in a be citizens. The BIG picture eludes you, doesn't it?
1. Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September
Found out we can't legally imprison families longer than 20 days they rush the border.
2. Trump would increase migrants based on merit. Means only accept those we need vs those without job skills.

As I continue to repeatedly point out, if foreigners had no unalienable Rights, it would be perfectly acceptable for you to go out and put a bullet in them. The reality is, they DO have unalienable Rights. As the Declaration of Independence puts it:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Unalienable Rights are those Rights that you are born with. NO government can take them from you - not Donald Trump, not you, not anyone. And who is welcome in America? Have you ever seen the words at the base of the Statue of Liberty?

""Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

That is the welcome mat to come into the United States. The arguments you make are socialist arguments. But, don't despair. There are constitutional ways that will give you most of what you look for without a wall; without socialism; without Donald Trump. It won't keep all of the little brown people you don't like out, but even in Jesus time Canaanites came in despite there being THREE WALLS. The caravans are a political stunt to make you react, Pavlovian style, like a hungry dog when his master calls out here boy.

Has the Constitution been nullified?

I just had a similar discussion on another thread. But, the way I see it, that GoFundMe page collapsed and the recipients have had their money refunded. That $5.7 BILLION DOLLAR price tag for a wall needs to be put into perspective for you:

There are 350 plus million Americans. If half of the American population donated toward the wall, it would be $34 each. Let's be honest here:

The build the wall guys have lied to the people about health care for years. IF medical costs and the undocumented were a burden on the health care community, they alone would have underwritten your wall.

Physicians have a base pay of $189,000 per year

The Best- And Worst-Paying Jobs For Doctors

There are over 1 million physicians in the United States

Topic: Physicians

Let's talk drops in a bucket. If the medical community were on board, physicians have a total net yearly income of 189 BILLION DOLLARS in the United States. IF what your side has alleged all along were true, the doctors of America would have already built the wall themselves. Who, in their right mind, would not want to be treating fewer patients each day? What doctor would not want more than the 8 minutes per patient during a visit they are currently allotted?

This has been fun, but there simply is no support for the wall. You still have a problem. You still need a solution.
It's less than the handout we are giving Honduras.
It's much less than the handouts we are giving all foreign countries, which is 54 Billion.
Cust them off before we cut off the wall.

What is cust them off?

IIRC, you said you wanted "all of them" out of the U.S. What are you going to do with their USDA approved, National ID Card carrying, Socialist Surveillance Number owning relatives that subjects of America's NEW WORLD ORDER?
Typo; cut them off.

I have neuropathy and my pinkies don't feel the keys of the keyboard and I make typos from time to time.
1. Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September
Found out we can't legally imprison families longer than 20 days they rush the border.
2. Trump would increase migrants based on merit. Means only accept those we need vs those without job skills.

As I continue to repeatedly point out, if foreigners had no unalienable Rights, it would be perfectly acceptable for you to go out and put a bullet in them. The reality is, they DO have unalienable Rights. As the Declaration of Independence puts it:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Unalienable Rights are those Rights that you are born with. NO government can take them from you - not Donald Trump, not you, not anyone. And who is welcome in America? Have you ever seen the words at the base of the Statue of Liberty?

""Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

That is the welcome mat to come into the United States. The arguments you make are socialist arguments. But, don't despair. There are constitutional ways that will give you most of what you look for without a wall; without socialism; without Donald Trump. It won't keep all of the little brown people you don't like out, but even in Jesus time Canaanites came in despite there being THREE WALLS. The caravans are a political stunt to make you react, Pavlovian style, like a hungry dog when his master calls out here boy.

Has the Constitution been nullified?

I just had a similar discussion on another thread. But, the way I see it, that GoFundMe page collapsed and the recipients have had their money refunded. That $5.7 BILLION DOLLAR price tag for a wall needs to be put into perspective for you:

There are 350 plus million Americans. If half of the American population donated toward the wall, it would be $34 each. Let's be honest here:

The build the wall guys have lied to the people about health care for years. IF medical costs and the undocumented were a burden on the health care community, they alone would have underwritten your wall.

Physicians have a base pay of $189,000 per year

The Best- And Worst-Paying Jobs For Doctors

There are over 1 million physicians in the United States

Topic: Physicians

Let's talk drops in a bucket. If the medical community were on board, physicians have a total net yearly income of 189 BILLION DOLLARS in the United States. IF what your side has alleged all along were true, the doctors of America would have already built the wall themselves. Who, in their right mind, would not want to be treating fewer patients each day? What doctor would not want more than the 8 minutes per patient during a visit they are currently allotted?

This has been fun, but there simply is no support for the wall. You still have a problem. You still need a solution.
It's less than the handout we are giving Honduras.
It's much less than the handouts we are giving all foreign countries, which is 54 Billion.
Cust them off before we cut off the wall.

What is cust them off?

IIRC, you said you wanted "all of them" out of the U.S. What are you going to do with their USDA approved, National ID Card carrying, Socialist Surveillance Number owning relatives that subjects of America's NEW WORLD ORDER?
Typo; cut them off.

I have neuropathy and my pinkies don't feel the keys of the keyboard and I make typos from time to time.

I thought you were trying to say cussed. My bad. Most of my posts are edited a couple of times due to typos. I never do one without at least one mistake.

In one post here I showed how the wall idea began and has been under the control of nazis. I think the word racist is used as a scare word, but politically speaking the proposed wall solution is socialist from its very beginnings.

I'm not fighting people over their racial ideology. It's the socialism that they need to consider.
Fair trade is not fair unless we are on equal trading fields. It isn't fair that Americans have to compete with third worlders for American jobs.
It isn't fair that China uses slave labor to make their products cheaper than we can make them here thus tariffs are needed.
And it isn't fair that everything our ancestors worked for, for their children, is going to crap in the name of Globalism.

In one post here I showed how the wall idea began and has been under the control of nazis. I think the word racist is used as a scare word, but politically speaking the proposed wall solution is socialist from its very beginnings.

I'm not fighting people over their racial ideology. It's the socialism that they need to consider.
Fair trade is not fair unless we are on equal trading fields. It isn't fair that Americans have to compete with third worlders for American jobs.
It isn't fair that China uses slave labor to make their products cheaper than we can make them here thus tariffs are needed.
And it isn't fair that everything our ancestors worked for, for their children, is going to crap in the name of Globalism.
You can thanks the rich for globalism..
Fair trade is not fair unless we are on equal trading fields. It isn't fair that Americans have to compete with third worlders for American jobs.
It isn't fair that China uses slave labor to make their products cheaper than we can make them here thus tariffs are needed.
And it isn't fair that everything our ancestors worked for, for their children, is going to crap in the name of Globalism.

"Fair trade" is a socialist concept in the first place, meant to replace free trade with government "wisdom".
In some parts of Texas, California and Arizona, there is already a wall. Let Trump the fuck alone and let him finish what the Dumcrates have already started. What is really needed is more border agents, drones, and the military if necessary and no more catch and release and more deportation. Enforce our existing immigration laws.

Nice. You are buying into the Snake Oil. The Walls that were built went into the Metro Areas that had the highest entry. The walls funnel down to the entry points. It's a bit difficult to determine who is and who isn't supposed to be there when there is a high degree of population around. So walls are used and there is no room for the better multi layered Security Fence that actually works better. Also, in that area, the requirement for the most dense border patrol and security devices are needed. Those are already built.

Here is a bit of info that while I type it, you can hold your hands over your eyes and ears (assuming you are a 4 handed freak of nature) and loudly yell "LaLaLa" over and over. In the Fiscal Years of 2017 and 2018, there was 1.3 billion dollars allocated for Wall/Security Fence maintenance and additions. During those two years, not one single inch of additional wall or security fence has been added. And the only place that the Wall/Security Fence has been replaced is just outside San Diego at one of the lowest intrusion areas all along the border. That part was NEVER run down. But it sure does look purty for the Richest Neighborhood in Mexico to look at.

Meanwhile, there are places along the border that are more intruded that the Wall (yes, I said wall) is falling down and just about ready to fall down. After 10 years, mother nature has been harsh to the steel walls and through rust, corrosion and people tearing at them, they are falling down. But Trump decides to doll up the part that is in good repair and works well so his Mexican Billionaires won't complain about the eyesore.

Believe it or not, you stated fixes closer to the Democrats solutions and completely foreign to Trumps way of thinking. Trump is a Carny Operator. How's it feel to be a Rube.

In some parts of Texas, California and Arizona, there is already a wall. Let Trump the fuck alone and let him finish what the Dumcrates have already started. What is really needed is more border agents, drones, and the military if necessary and no more catch and release and more deportation. Enforce our existing immigration laws.

Nice. You are buying into the Snake Oil. The Walls that were built went into the Metro Areas that had the highest entry. The walls funnel down to the entry points. It's a bit difficult to determine who is and who isn't supposed to be there when there is a high degree of population around. So walls are used and there is no room for the better multi layered Security Fence that actually works better. Also, in that area, the requirement for the most dense border patrol and security devices are needed. Those are already built.

Here is a bit of info that while I type it, you can hold your hands over your eyes and ears (assuming you are a 4 handed freak of nature) and loudly yell "LaLaLa" over and over. In the Fiscal Years of 2017 and 2018, there was 1.3 billion dollars allocated for Wall/Security Fence maintenance and additions. During those two years, not one single inch of additional wall or security fence has been added. And the only place that the Wall/Security Fence has been replaced is just outside San Diego at one of the lowest intrusion areas all along the border. That part was NEVER run down. But it sure does look purty for the Richest Neighborhood in Mexico to look at.

Meanwhile, there are places along the border that are more intruded that the Wall (yes, I said wall) is falling down and just about ready to fall down. After 10 years, mother nature has been harsh to the steel walls and through rust, corrosion and people tearing at them, they are falling down. But Trump decides to doll up the part that is in good repair and works well so his Mexican Billionaires won't complain about the eyesore.

Believe it or not, you stated fixes closer to the Democrats solutions and completely foreign to Trumps way of thinking. Trump is a Carny Operator. How's it feel to be a Rube.

What you fail to mention is that none of the 1.6 billion is allowed to be used for the wall. Need the Politifact link, let me know and I’ll post it as soon as I get home.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Your info is wrong once again. Last month, the Dems offered the 1.6. The 1.3 was included and they offered to increase it to 1.6. It's not that it's need or not, it's the figure that was offered. Trump turned it down flat now he doesn't get the 1.3. But he's been misappropriating that all along anyway so does he really need it for the "Wall"?

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