Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Let's waste Billions if not TRILLONS of dollars on a freaking wall that, under the next liberal will be defunded. Then you will have miles and miles of walls with graffiti on them with broken cameras and the JBTs assigned to watch the wall will be patrolling and controlling those who suffer from TDS. Careful of what you wish for.
You need decaf coffee.............Trillions..........you are off your rocker.

You've obviously forgotten the costs of implementing National ID and the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security that were started to justify "border security. Build the wall, the drones, the manpower, the sensors, the motion detectors, etc. - naw that stuff is cheap... NOT
I've looked at the proposals and budget and equipment.......it's not a Trillion........geesh............

You've looked at estimates and those stop at building your precious wall. I don't particularly like to discuss the costs in dollars and cents. Trillions have been spent already and you still aren't satisfied. I'm concerned about the costs relative to Liberty and the strategy that will end in defeat within a generation.
You need to be more specific .......how so.......on the wall that is BS.........And not all CBP work on the Southern Border.....They are customs enforcement too at POE's and Airports and Sea Ports............Are you trying to imply the total bill for manpower over time.........or just the Wall.

If it's just the Wall......then you are WAY OFF.

You cannot separate the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, etc. from the wall. The cost of the wall is immaterial - UNLESS you're agreeing with me that once the liberals get back in power, the wall would just be an eyesore covered in graffiti and be a symbol of the stupidity of modern Americans.

Trying to tie the build the wall guys is like trying go grip a handful of slime. All the manpower, maintenance, uniforms, firearms, etc. are all a part of this equation. Don't you recall in 2013 how the DHS bought 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition?

You're so blinded by the wall, you can't see the forest for the wall.
You need decaf coffee.............Trillions..........you are off your rocker.

You've obviously forgotten the costs of implementing National ID and the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security that were started to justify "border security. Build the wall, the drones, the manpower, the sensors, the motion detectors, etc. - naw that stuff is cheap... NOT
I've looked at the proposals and budget and equipment.......it's not a Trillion........geesh............

You've looked at estimates and those stop at building your precious wall. I don't particularly like to discuss the costs in dollars and cents. Trillions have been spent already and you still aren't satisfied. I'm concerned about the costs relative to Liberty and the strategy that will end in defeat within a generation.
You need to be more specific .......how so.......on the wall that is BS.........And not all CBP work on the Southern Border.....They are customs enforcement too at POE's and Airports and Sea Ports............Are you trying to imply the total bill for manpower over time.........or just the Wall.

If it's just the Wall......then you are WAY OFF.

You cannot separate the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, etc. from the wall. The cost of the wall is immaterial - UNLESS you're agreeing with me that once the liberals get back in power, the wall would just be an eyesore covered in graffiti and be a symbol of the stupidity of modern Americans.

Trying to tie the build the wall guys is like trying go grip a handful of slime. All the manpower, maintenance, uniforms, firearms, etc. are all a part of this equation. Don't you recall in 2013 how the DHS bought 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition?

You're so blinded by the wall, you can't see the forest for the wall.
You are full of it..........I've been putting the data all over threads on the aspects of this............I asked for clarity on the Trillions.......where is it.......
You've obviously forgotten the costs of implementing National ID and the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security that were started to justify "border security. Build the wall, the drones, the manpower, the sensors, the motion detectors, etc. - naw that stuff is cheap... NOT
I've looked at the proposals and budget and equipment.......it's not a Trillion........geesh............

You've looked at estimates and those stop at building your precious wall. I don't particularly like to discuss the costs in dollars and cents. Trillions have been spent already and you still aren't satisfied. I'm concerned about the costs relative to Liberty and the strategy that will end in defeat within a generation.
You need to be more specific .......how so.......on the wall that is BS.........And not all CBP work on the Southern Border.....They are customs enforcement too at POE's and Airports and Sea Ports............Are you trying to imply the total bill for manpower over time.........or just the Wall.

If it's just the Wall......then you are WAY OFF.

You cannot separate the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, etc. from the wall. The cost of the wall is immaterial - UNLESS you're agreeing with me that once the liberals get back in power, the wall would just be an eyesore covered in graffiti and be a symbol of the stupidity of modern Americans.

Trying to tie the build the wall guys is like trying go grip a handful of slime. All the manpower, maintenance, uniforms, firearms, etc. are all a part of this equation. Don't you recall in 2013 how the DHS bought 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition?

You're so blinded by the wall, you can't see the forest for the wall.
You are full of it..........I've been putting the data all over threads on the aspects of this............I asked for clarity on the Trillions.......where is it.......

Your posts with endless ellipsis are idiotic and look like the ravings of a freaking lunatic. Try reading the posts. The higher dollar items are listed for you.

The Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security which oversees "border security" has a budget of $40.6 BILLION DOLLARS a year. That department is 17 years old. A quick swag tells me that in 24 years DHS will spend a TRILLION DOLLARS. In 8 more years, that agency ALONE will have cost a TRILLION DOLLARS.

Ah, yes, we see your objection now. A lot of that money is being spent on things OTHER THAN border security at the southern border, but the lion's share is being invested in the place where the build the wall guys worship. And that is just ONE AGENCY.

So, what exactly, is your point or do you even have one? Complete sentences in English appreciated.

BTW, I guess you don't understand that the $5.7 BILLION dollars (which will be significantly more only costs the building of the wall.) Buying private property, fighting private property owners that don't want to sale and lawsuits filed by various people - like environmentalists have to be included.

Your silly posts presume that the drones, ninja clad mercenaries with their perks (time off, uniforms, insurance, weapons, etc.) along with cameras, motion sensors, etc. will be donated for free and replaced / maintained at no cost.

Proving that you are already in this for Trillions is child's play. It is of little concern to me. I AM MORE FOCUSED ON THE COSTS TO OUR LIBERTIES... A COST YOU CONVENIENTLY AVOID.
Last edited:
I've looked at the proposals and budget and equipment.......it's not a Trillion........geesh............

You've looked at estimates and those stop at building your precious wall. I don't particularly like to discuss the costs in dollars and cents. Trillions have been spent already and you still aren't satisfied. I'm concerned about the costs relative to Liberty and the strategy that will end in defeat within a generation.
You need to be more specific .......how so.......on the wall that is BS.........And not all CBP work on the Southern Border.....They are customs enforcement too at POE's and Airports and Sea Ports............Are you trying to imply the total bill for manpower over time.........or just the Wall.

If it's just the Wall......then you are WAY OFF.

You cannot separate the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, etc. from the wall. The cost of the wall is immaterial - UNLESS you're agreeing with me that once the liberals get back in power, the wall would just be an eyesore covered in graffiti and be a symbol of the stupidity of modern Americans.

Trying to tie the build the wall guys is like trying go grip a handful of slime. All the manpower, maintenance, uniforms, firearms, etc. are all a part of this equation. Don't you recall in 2013 how the DHS bought 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition?

You're so blinded by the wall, you can't see the forest for the wall.
You are full of it..........I've been putting the data all over threads on the aspects of this............I asked for clarity on the Trillions.......where is it.......

Your posts with endless ellipsis are idiotic and look like the ravings of a freaking lunatic. Try reading the posts. The higher dollar items are listed for you.

The Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security which oversees "border security" has a budget of $40.6 BILLION DOLLARS a year. That department is 17 years old. A quick swag tells me that in 24 years DHS will spend a TRILLION DOLLARS. In 8 more years, that agency ALONE will have cost a TRILLION DOLLARS.

Ah, yes, we see your objection now. A lot of that money is being spent on things OTHER THAN border security at the southern border, but the lion's share is being invested in the place where the build the wall guys worship. And that is just ONE AGENCY.

So, what exactly, is your point or do you even have one? Complete sentences in English appreciated.
That is 974.4 Billion in 24 years..........Is your calculator broken...........That hasn't reached a Trillion yet.............You said TRILLIONS.......PLURAL.......then didn't specify from what........and their entire budget takes 25 years to reach a TRILLION............singular..........

So you don't CLARIFY your TRILLIONS REMARK......and then try to back it up with today's numbers.......which are higher than previous years.....and then can't even use a calculator to know how many years at that amount makes the 1st Trillion

Did you drop out of school.
I want the wall as a symbol to the illegal, non law abiding rapist and terrorist in he group that they are not wanted or welcome here. Go back to the cardboard box you lived in and quit trying to make America look like the shit holes you left

You've looked at estimates and those stop at building your precious wall. I don't particularly like to discuss the costs in dollars and cents. Trillions have been spent already and you still aren't satisfied. I'm concerned about the costs relative to Liberty and the strategy that will end in defeat within a generation.
You need to be more specific .......how so.......on the wall that is BS.........And not all CBP work on the Southern Border.....They are customs enforcement too at POE's and Airports and Sea Ports............Are you trying to imply the total bill for manpower over time.........or just the Wall.

If it's just the Wall......then you are WAY OFF.

You cannot separate the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, etc. from the wall. The cost of the wall is immaterial - UNLESS you're agreeing with me that once the liberals get back in power, the wall would just be an eyesore covered in graffiti and be a symbol of the stupidity of modern Americans.

Trying to tie the build the wall guys is like trying go grip a handful of slime. All the manpower, maintenance, uniforms, firearms, etc. are all a part of this equation. Don't you recall in 2013 how the DHS bought 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition?

You're so blinded by the wall, you can't see the forest for the wall.
You are full of it..........I've been putting the data all over threads on the aspects of this............I asked for clarity on the Trillions.......where is it.......

Your posts with endless ellipsis are idiotic and look like the ravings of a freaking lunatic. Try reading the posts. The higher dollar items are listed for you.

The Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security which oversees "border security" has a budget of $40.6 BILLION DOLLARS a year. That department is 17 years old. A quick swag tells me that in 24 years DHS will spend a TRILLION DOLLARS. In 8 more years, that agency ALONE will have cost a TRILLION DOLLARS.

Ah, yes, we see your objection now. A lot of that money is being spent on things OTHER THAN border security at the southern border, but the lion's share is being invested in the place where the build the wall guys worship. And that is just ONE AGENCY.

So, what exactly, is your point or do you even have one? Complete sentences in English appreciated.
That is 974.4 Billion in 24 years..........Is your calculator broken...........That hasn't reached a Trillion yet.............You said TRILLIONS.......PLURAL.......then didn't specify from what........and their entire budget takes 25 years to reach a TRILLION............singular..........

So you don't CLARIFY your TRILLIONS REMARK......and then try to back it up with today's numbers.......which are higher than previous years.....and then can't even use a calculator to know how many years at that amount makes the 1st Trillion

Did you drop out of school.

If your asking him to take the time to back up his responses with resources, links to figures, and actual evidence to prove that his information is accurate, you’re going to be in for a very ... very long wait. You’re talking about someone who says he’s prepped 250 cases but cant be bothered with simple research. Don’t be surprised if he only bloviates, provides none of the linked resource evidence you only BEEN asking for the last 3 responses, yet thinks everyone else is the idiot.

Just watch.
You've looked at estimates and those stop at building your precious wall. I don't particularly like to discuss the costs in dollars and cents. Trillions have been spent already and you still aren't satisfied. I'm concerned about the costs relative to Liberty and the strategy that will end in defeat within a generation.
You need to be more specific .......how so.......on the wall that is BS.........And not all CBP work on the Southern Border.....They are customs enforcement too at POE's and Airports and Sea Ports............Are you trying to imply the total bill for manpower over time.........or just the Wall.

If it's just the Wall......then you are WAY OFF.

You cannot separate the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, etc. from the wall. The cost of the wall is immaterial - UNLESS you're agreeing with me that once the liberals get back in power, the wall would just be an eyesore covered in graffiti and be a symbol of the stupidity of modern Americans.

Trying to tie the build the wall guys is like trying go grip a handful of slime. All the manpower, maintenance, uniforms, firearms, etc. are all a part of this equation. Don't you recall in 2013 how the DHS bought 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition?

You're so blinded by the wall, you can't see the forest for the wall.
You are full of it..........I've been putting the data all over threads on the aspects of this............I asked for clarity on the Trillions.......where is it.......

Your posts with endless ellipsis are idiotic and look like the ravings of a freaking lunatic. Try reading the posts. The higher dollar items are listed for you.

The Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security which oversees "border security" has a budget of $40.6 BILLION DOLLARS a year. That department is 17 years old. A quick swag tells me that in 24 years DHS will spend a TRILLION DOLLARS. In 8 more years, that agency ALONE will have cost a TRILLION DOLLARS.

Ah, yes, we see your objection now. A lot of that money is being spent on things OTHER THAN border security at the southern border, but the lion's share is being invested in the place where the build the wall guys worship. And that is just ONE AGENCY.

So, what exactly, is your point or do you even have one? Complete sentences in English appreciated.
That is 974.4 Billion in 24 years..........Is your calculator broken...........That hasn't reached a Trillion yet.............You said TRILLIONS.......PLURAL.......then didn't specify from what........and their entire budget takes 25 years to reach a TRILLION............singular..........

So you don't CLARIFY your TRILLIONS REMARK......and then try to back it up with today's numbers.......which are higher than previous years.....and then can't even use a calculator to know how many years at that amount makes the 1st Trillion

Did you drop out of school.

Did you not READ my post? Are you stupid or simply a troll? I told you the figure was a swag that I did off the top of my head. I didn't use a calculator.

More of your dumbassery is that I cited ONE AREA OF BUREAUCRACY RELATED TO THIS ISSUE. WTF? Are you that stupid or do you assume all those with TDS are as idiotic as you?
You need to be more specific .......how so.......on the wall that is BS.........And not all CBP work on the Southern Border.....They are customs enforcement too at POE's and Airports and Sea Ports............Are you trying to imply the total bill for manpower over time.........or just the Wall.

If it's just the Wall......then you are WAY OFF.

You cannot separate the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, etc. from the wall. The cost of the wall is immaterial - UNLESS you're agreeing with me that once the liberals get back in power, the wall would just be an eyesore covered in graffiti and be a symbol of the stupidity of modern Americans.

Trying to tie the build the wall guys is like trying go grip a handful of slime. All the manpower, maintenance, uniforms, firearms, etc. are all a part of this equation. Don't you recall in 2013 how the DHS bought 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition?

You're so blinded by the wall, you can't see the forest for the wall.
You are full of it..........I've been putting the data all over threads on the aspects of this............I asked for clarity on the Trillions.......where is it.......

Your posts with endless ellipsis are idiotic and look like the ravings of a freaking lunatic. Try reading the posts. The higher dollar items are listed for you.

The Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security which oversees "border security" has a budget of $40.6 BILLION DOLLARS a year. That department is 17 years old. A quick swag tells me that in 24 years DHS will spend a TRILLION DOLLARS. In 8 more years, that agency ALONE will have cost a TRILLION DOLLARS.

Ah, yes, we see your objection now. A lot of that money is being spent on things OTHER THAN border security at the southern border, but the lion's share is being invested in the place where the build the wall guys worship. And that is just ONE AGENCY.

So, what exactly, is your point or do you even have one? Complete sentences in English appreciated.
That is 974.4 Billion in 24 years..........Is your calculator broken...........That hasn't reached a Trillion yet.............You said TRILLIONS.......PLURAL.......then didn't specify from what........and their entire budget takes 25 years to reach a TRILLION............singular..........

So you don't CLARIFY your TRILLIONS REMARK......and then try to back it up with today's numbers.......which are higher than previous years.....and then can't even use a calculator to know how many years at that amount makes the 1st Trillion

Did you drop out of school.

Did you not READ my post? Are you stupid or simply a troll? I told you the figure was a swag that I did off the top of my head. I didn't use a calculator.

More of your dumbassery is that I cited ONE AREA OF BUREAUCRACY RELATED TO THIS ISSUE. WTF? Are you that stupid or do you assume all those with TDS are as idiotic as you?
Your math doesn't back your numbers.......PERIOD........and you said Trillions........but your numbers and 24 years didn't add up to a Trillion.

You didn't specify where the Trillions came from. And when you tried to justify that comment you fell flat on your face. LOL
You need to be more specific .......how so.......on the wall that is BS.........And not all CBP work on the Southern Border.....They are customs enforcement too at POE's and Airports and Sea Ports............Are you trying to imply the total bill for manpower over time.........or just the Wall.

If it's just the Wall......then you are WAY OFF.

You cannot separate the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, etc. from the wall. The cost of the wall is immaterial - UNLESS you're agreeing with me that once the liberals get back in power, the wall would just be an eyesore covered in graffiti and be a symbol of the stupidity of modern Americans.

Trying to tie the build the wall guys is like trying go grip a handful of slime. All the manpower, maintenance, uniforms, firearms, etc. are all a part of this equation. Don't you recall in 2013 how the DHS bought 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition?

You're so blinded by the wall, you can't see the forest for the wall.
You are full of it..........I've been putting the data all over threads on the aspects of this............I asked for clarity on the Trillions.......where is it.......

Your posts with endless ellipsis are idiotic and look like the ravings of a freaking lunatic. Try reading the posts. The higher dollar items are listed for you.

The Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security which oversees "border security" has a budget of $40.6 BILLION DOLLARS a year. That department is 17 years old. A quick swag tells me that in 24 years DHS will spend a TRILLION DOLLARS. In 8 more years, that agency ALONE will have cost a TRILLION DOLLARS.

Ah, yes, we see your objection now. A lot of that money is being spent on things OTHER THAN border security at the southern border, but the lion's share is being invested in the place where the build the wall guys worship. And that is just ONE AGENCY.

So, what exactly, is your point or do you even have one? Complete sentences in English appreciated.
That is 974.4 Billion in 24 years..........Is your calculator broken...........That hasn't reached a Trillion yet.............You said TRILLIONS.......PLURAL.......then didn't specify from what........and their entire budget takes 25 years to reach a TRILLION............singular..........

So you don't CLARIFY your TRILLIONS REMARK......and then try to back it up with today's numbers.......which are higher than previous years.....and then can't even use a calculator to know how many years at that amount makes the 1st Trillion

Did you drop out of school.

If your asking him to take the time to back up his responses with resources, links to figures, and actual evidence to prove that his information is accurate, you’re going to be in for a very ... very long wait. You’re talking about someone who says he’s prepped 250 cases but cant be bothered with simple research. Don’t be surprised if he only bloviates, provides none of the linked resource evidence you only BEEN asking for the last 3 responses, yet thinks everyone else is the idiot.

Just watch.

You have been provided with walls of text wherein I've backed up the claims. Unless you are going to pay me for research time, you are not due any legal brief for free.

If you insist on me making an ass out of you, I will give you a free sample. Then you can kiss my ass and then stand down.

Let us revisit post # 4242. You wrote:

"There is nothing written in the Constitution that grants states the authority over the Federal Government on immigration. We have been down this road before. It’s the same damn thing as you never being able to PROVE the ratification of the 14th Amendment is UNConstitutional.

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1.
The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight [ 1808 ].

The provision covered both slaves and free immigrants. The Supreme Court case - Chy Lung v. Freeman, 92 U.S. 275 was in 1875.

HOW many ways do you want to be proven wrong?

Again. Provide me a Constitutional Case or researched evidence that you can back up, that proves me wrong."

ME: I don't owe you any free research; don't have to prove squat and am not your push button monkey. It was not my intent to take sides; I was looking for the OP's standards that would allow us to define the terminology "wrong" so we'd be on the same page. Build the wall freaks have made a religion out of a subject they don't understand. You are one the most misguided, so here is your


I told you BEFORE and AFTER post # 4242 mentioned above that it was a tax issue and had NOTHING to do with immigration. So, here we go:

"Clause 1: The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person."

Explanation: This clause relates to the slave trade. It prevented Congress from restricting the importation of slaves prior to 1808. It did allow Congress to levy a duty of up to 10 dollars for each slave. In 1807, the international slave trade was blocked and no more slaves were allowed to be imported into the US.

What the US Constitution Article 1, Section 9 Restricts

Also see this:

Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves - Wikipedia

Bone up on your U.S. history Einstein. Your cite has nothing to do with immigration.

It is still an irrefutable FACT that between 1808 and 1875 the states decided who came and went within their states. It is an irrefutable FACT that:

"The House and Senate agreed on a bill, approved on March 2, 1807, called An Act to prohibit the importation of slaves into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States, from and after the first day of January, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eight. The bound measure also regulated the coastwise slave trade. President Thomas Jefferson signed the bill into law on March 2, 1807."

Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves - Wikipedia

In 1875, in the Chy Lung decision the SCOTUS gave to Congress a power they do not have in the Constitution. That was legislating from the bench. Odd how the SCOTUS waited until all the original founders AND the Supreme Court Justices were dead and gone before presuming to give Congress ANY power to do a damn thing.

* The fact is the word immigration is not in the Constitution
* The fact is, despite only whites being able to become citizens after the ratification of the Constitution, MILLIONS of non-whites still came to the United States to partake of opportunities willingly offered
* The fact is, our Constitution specifically states that the Tenth Amendment provides:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

The fact is since Congress has no authority to grant to any other branch of government ANY kind of power, most of the statutes you hide behind are illegal

The fact is, we have at least TWO separate and distinct governments operating out of Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption. One is the lawful / legal / constitutional / de jure Republic guaranteed in Article IV Section 4 of the United States Constitution. The OTHER government is an illegal / de facto / Federal -Legislative Democracy owned and controlled by a few elite multinational corporations.

The fact is, when you tell that illegal government they have over-stepped their authority, they are going to rule against you. Most people who own a firearm and watch that illegal government take a giant dump on the Second Amendment can tell you horror stories about how the unconstitutional nature of the gun laws in America.

Despite how much you hate people from south of the border, and for whatever reason, the bottom line is, they either have inherent, natural, God given, unalienable, absolute, and irrevocable Rights or they don't. If your contention is that they don't have Rights, you would shoot them in the streets because you don't think they have Rights. Either they do or they do not. If they don't, then you can shoot them any time you get tired of being a bloviating blowhard.

But, you won't. It's because they do have Rights. And if they have a Right to Life, they damn well have a Right to Liberty. Those are unalienable Rights that the founders intended to be above the law.

Your problem is that you are so hung up on wall worship, you don't understand that most Americans WILLINGLY invite the foreigners here. Does it cause us problems? YES. But, you cannot improve your lot in life violating the original intent of the Constitution. You cannot resolve the issue by attacking the Rights of others. At some point you have to get off your high horse and realize that are people in this world that have just as much experience as you do. I've only taken ONE of your examples to show that you're wrong. How much more of an ass whipping do you want to take before realizing that maybe there are better options to be put on the table?
You cannot separate the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, etc. from the wall. The cost of the wall is immaterial - UNLESS you're agreeing with me that once the liberals get back in power, the wall would just be an eyesore covered in graffiti and be a symbol of the stupidity of modern Americans.

Trying to tie the build the wall guys is like trying go grip a handful of slime. All the manpower, maintenance, uniforms, firearms, etc. are all a part of this equation. Don't you recall in 2013 how the DHS bought 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition?

You're so blinded by the wall, you can't see the forest for the wall.
You are full of it..........I've been putting the data all over threads on the aspects of this............I asked for clarity on the Trillions.......where is it.......

Your posts with endless ellipsis are idiotic and look like the ravings of a freaking lunatic. Try reading the posts. The higher dollar items are listed for you.

The Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security which oversees "border security" has a budget of $40.6 BILLION DOLLARS a year. That department is 17 years old. A quick swag tells me that in 24 years DHS will spend a TRILLION DOLLARS. In 8 more years, that agency ALONE will have cost a TRILLION DOLLARS.

Ah, yes, we see your objection now. A lot of that money is being spent on things OTHER THAN border security at the southern border, but the lion's share is being invested in the place where the build the wall guys worship. And that is just ONE AGENCY.

So, what exactly, is your point or do you even have one? Complete sentences in English appreciated.
That is 974.4 Billion in 24 years..........Is your calculator broken...........That hasn't reached a Trillion yet.............You said TRILLIONS.......PLURAL.......then didn't specify from what........and their entire budget takes 25 years to reach a TRILLION............singular..........

So you don't CLARIFY your TRILLIONS REMARK......and then try to back it up with today's numbers.......which are higher than previous years.....and then can't even use a calculator to know how many years at that amount makes the 1st Trillion

Did you drop out of school.

Did you not READ my post? Are you stupid or simply a troll? I told you the figure was a swag that I did off the top of my head. I didn't use a calculator.

More of your dumbassery is that I cited ONE AREA OF BUREAUCRACY RELATED TO THIS ISSUE. WTF? Are you that stupid or do you assume all those with TDS are as idiotic as you?
Your math doesn't back your numbers.......PERIOD........and you said Trillions........but your numbers and 24 years didn't add up to a Trillion.

You didn't specify where the Trillions came from. And when you tried to justify that comment you fell flat on your face. LOL

I took the numbers of ONE agency among many and you used a calculator to come out with $974 BILLION DOLLARS. The talking heads on talk radio say that $5.7 Billion more dollars are a drop in the bucket. But we all realize that is just for building the wall. So come on. Quit the damn trolling and tell me how much it will cost, once the wall is built to arm the JBTs. How much for their pay, insurance, uniforms, benefits, etc.? How much for the drones, sensors, monitors and maintenance (cleaning off graffiti, damage to equipment, stolen equipment, etc.?) What's your budget for lawsuits and how much are you allowing for costs above the estimates? You've only considered the wall. You will also have to pay the landowners at the border for their land - or are you going to keep screwing us out of our Rights and just TAKE that property without just compensation?

And, while all of this is going on that ONE AGENCY is spending $40. 6 BILLION dollars a year. That's not going to stop. That is a yearly expense.

You asked me if I dropped out of school. My question to you is, did you ever even go to school? Again, I don't give a rip about the financial costs. MY INTEREST IN ASKING QUESTIONS IS I WANT TO KNOW HOW FAR YOU WILL GO IN SCREWING US OUT OF OUR LIBERTIES.????
Yet over a 3 year period Planned Murderhood raked in 1.5 billion of tax payer dollars


A recent government report has revealed that Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, received over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from 2013 to 2015.

In 2016, over 120 House and Senate members sent a letter to Government Accountability Office requesting information on federal funding for certain organizations involved in health related activities.

The report was made public last week, and the findings are astounding.

Over a three-year period, Planned Parenthood and its affiliates spent $288 million in federal funds. They also received $1.2 billion in funding from Medicaid, which combines federal and state funds.

That adds up to a whopping total of $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from federal health programs.

Yet despite receiving billions in taxpayer funds over the course of three years, Planned Parenthood’s scope and services have both declined.

New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years
Yet over a 3 year period Planned Murderhood raked in 1.5 billion of tax payer dollars


A recent government report has revealed that Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, received over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from 2013 to 2015.

In 2016, over 120 House and Senate members sent a letter to Government Accountability Office requesting information on federal funding for certain organizations involved in health related activities.

The report was made public last week, and the findings are astounding.

Over a three-year period, Planned Parenthood and its affiliates spent $288 million in federal funds. They also received $1.2 billion in funding from Medicaid, which combines federal and state funds.

That adds up to a whopping total of $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds from federal health programs.

Yet despite receiving billions in taxpayer funds over the course of three years, Planned Parenthood’s scope and services have both declined.

New Report Shows Planned Parenthood Raked in $1.5 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Over 3 Years

Don't know what relevance that has to this subject, but FWIW, every judge, politician, lobbyist and supporter of abortion WILL be held accountable for the shedding of the blood of man in the hereafter - and that is my opinion.
In some parts of Texas, California and Arizona, there is already a wall. Let Trump the fuck alone and let him finish what the Dumcrates have already started. What is really needed is more border agents, drones, and the military if necessary and no more catch and release and more deportation. Enforce our existing immigration laws.

"Our" immigration laws? You're getting close to asking that question I dared all the build the wall folks like you continue to dance around.

More border agents? More drones? Us the military to enforce domestic laws? Are you even aware of the fact that it is illegal to use the military to enforce domestic law OR are you now admitting that the bulk of the build the wall advocates are actually socialists?

What are you going to do when that manpower and technology gets into the hands of those who oppose YOU politically and YOU become the target?
In some parts of Texas, California and Arizona, there is already a wall. Let Trump the fuck alone and let him finish what the Dumcrates have already started. What is really needed is more border agents, drones, and the military if necessary and no more catch and release and more deportation. Enforce our existing immigration laws.

"Our" immigration laws? You're getting close to asking that question I dared all the build the wall folks like you continue to dance around.

More border agents? More drones? Us the military to enforce domestic laws? Are you even aware of the fact that it is illegal to use the military to enforce domestic law OR are you now admitting that the bulk of the build the wall advocates are actually socialists?

What are you going to do when that manpower and technology gets into the hands of those who oppose YOU politically and YOU become the target?
It's the Military's job to defend our border.
In some parts of Texas, California and Arizona, there is already a wall. Let Trump the fuck alone and let him finish what the Dumcrates have already started. What is really needed is more border agents, drones, and the military if necessary and no more catch and release and more deportation. Enforce our existing immigration laws.

"Our" immigration laws? You're getting close to asking that question I dared all the build the wall folks like you continue to dance around.

More border agents? More drones? Us the military to enforce domestic laws? Are you even aware of the fact that it is illegal to use the military to enforce domestic law OR are you now admitting that the bulk of the build the wall advocates are actually socialists?

What are you going to do when that manpower and technology gets into the hands of those who oppose YOU politically and YOU become the target?
It's the Military's job to defend our border.

Trying to tie you to a REASON you want a wall is like squeezing slime. Most of these build the wall guys are throwing domestic law NOT National Security as the basis for their lobbying. They keep yapping about legal v. illegal and saying "illegal immigrants." That is domestic law, NOT a National Security issue - and under the de jure / lawful / legal/ constitutional interpretation of our law, the military cannot get involved in enforcing domestic laws.
As of January 2009, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that it had more than 580 miles (930 km) of barriers in place. The total length of the continental border is 1,954miles (3,145 km). Why is continuing the wall a problem? Is it because Trumps wants it that the Democrats are against it? They refuse to call the existing wall a wall but a barrier. It works but more wall would work even better.
In some parts of Texas, California and Arizona, there is already a wall. Let Trump the fuck alone and let him finish what the Dumcrates have already started. What is really needed is more border agents, drones, and the military if necessary and no more catch and release and more deportation. Enforce our existing immigration laws.

"Our" immigration laws? You're getting close to asking that question I dared all the build the wall folks like you continue to dance around.

More border agents? More drones? Us the military to enforce domestic laws? Are you even aware of the fact that it is illegal to use the military to enforce domestic law OR are you now admitting that the bulk of the build the wall advocates are actually socialists?

What are you going to do when that manpower and technology gets into the hands of those who oppose YOU politically and YOU become the target?
It's the Military's job to defend our border.

Trying to tie you to a REASON you want a wall is like squeezing slime. Most of these build the wall guys are throwing domestic law NOT National Security as the basis for their lobbying. They keep yapping about legal v. illegal and saying "illegal immigrants." That is domestic law, NOT a National Security issue - and under the de jure / lawful / legal/ constitutional interpretation of our law, the military cannot get involved in enforcing domestic laws.
I've explained this to you.
It's to keep out the trash.
The poverty stricken desperado willing to do anything for almost nothing.
It's national interest to keep out a foreign invading army, whatever form it takes.
Those who want immigration reform simply want to make these illegals legally able to migrate to America. We don't need more poor people. Migration should be based on our countries needs not the immigrants needs.
Build the damn wall and slam the door shut.

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