Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Sessions Welcomes 44 New US Immigration Judges

Though Sessions lauded the large number of incoming immigration judges, he warned them of the intense workload they would bear.

"I do not apologize for expecting you to perform at a high level, efficiently and effectively," he said. "Many of the cases present complex legal issues, but like anyone acting as a judge, you must manage your docket and support staff well. Cases must be moved to conclusion."

The Department of Justice received funding for 100 new immigration judges and their teams during the 2018 fiscal year. With the new class, there are currently 351 immigration judges in the department, still less than the 384 allocated in the current budget. The Justice Department has requested funding for 150 new attorneys for the fiscal year beginning October 1.

They can request till they're blue in the face. No Budget, no Judges. NO support staff, no court reporters, etc.. Right now, there is only two people that are tying up the proposed House Budget. Trump with his Veto and that POS Majority Leader in the Senate not allowing it to reach the open floor for vote. It was announced that over 90 Senators would vote in favor of it in the Senate to break the logjam. And it does have the funds for the increases in Immigration Judges and staff as well as 1.6 billion for Border Security. The system is broken when only two people can hold the nation up for ransom.
50 less than requested..............And you said he didn't want them...........You lied....

Name the 90 Senators that are ready to fold.........back up your comments for once.............

Trump WILL VETO IT...............and you don't have the numbers there....................

It came out in the news today. But also that the House Majority Leader refused to allow it go to the open floor.
Sessions Welcomes 44 New US Immigration Judges

Though Sessions lauded the large number of incoming immigration judges, he warned them of the intense workload they would bear.

"I do not apologize for expecting you to perform at a high level, efficiently and effectively," he said. "Many of the cases present complex legal issues, but like anyone acting as a judge, you must manage your docket and support staff well. Cases must be moved to conclusion."

The Department of Justice received funding for 100 new immigration judges and their teams during the 2018 fiscal year. With the new class, there are currently 351 immigration judges in the department, still less than the 384 allocated in the current budget. The Justice Department has requested funding for 150 new attorneys for the fiscal year beginning October 1.

They can request till they're blue in the face. No Budget, no Judges. NO support staff, no court reporters, etc.. Right now, there is only two people that are tying up the proposed House Budget. Trump with his Veto and that POS Majority Leader in the Senate not allowing it to reach the open floor for vote. It was announced that over 90 Senators would vote in favor of it in the Senate to break the logjam. And it does have the funds for the increases in Immigration Judges and staff as well as 1.6 billion for Border Security. The system is broken when only two people can hold the nation up for ransom.
50 less than requested..............And you said he didn't want them...........You lied....

Name the 90 Senators that are ready to fold.........back up your comments for once.............

Trump WILL VETO IT...............and you don't have the numbers there....................

It came out in the news today. But also that the House Majority Leader refused to allow it go to the open floor.
Elections have consequences...............Dems don't have the House...........too bad.............

5.6 Billion isn't jack squat to the overall Federal Budget..............compared to the BS they spend on all the time........Pony the fuck up or it stays down.
Sessions Welcomes 44 New US Immigration Judges

Though Sessions lauded the large number of incoming immigration judges, he warned them of the intense workload they would bear.

"I do not apologize for expecting you to perform at a high level, efficiently and effectively," he said. "Many of the cases present complex legal issues, but like anyone acting as a judge, you must manage your docket and support staff well. Cases must be moved to conclusion."

The Department of Justice received funding for 100 new immigration judges and their teams during the 2018 fiscal year. With the new class, there are currently 351 immigration judges in the department, still less than the 384 allocated in the current budget. The Justice Department has requested funding for 150 new attorneys for the fiscal year beginning October 1.

They can request till they're blue in the face. No Budget, no Judges. NO support staff, no court reporters, etc.. Right now, there is only two people that are tying up the proposed House Budget. Trump with his Veto and that POS Majority Leader in the Senate not allowing it to reach the open floor for vote. It was announced that over 90 Senators would vote in favor of it in the Senate to break the logjam. And it does have the funds for the increases in Immigration Judges and staff as well as 1.6 billion for Border Security. The system is broken when only two people can hold the nation up for ransom.
50 less than requested..............And you said he didn't want them...........You lied....

Name the 90 Senators that are ready to fold.........back up your comments for once.............

Trump WILL VETO IT...............and you don't have the numbers there....................

It came out in the news today. But also that the House Majority Leader refused to allow it go to the open floor.
Elections have consequences...............Dems don't have the House...........too bad.............

5.6 Billion isn't jack squat to the overall Federal Budget..............compared to the BS they spend on all the time........Pony the fuck up or it stays down.

Dems have the House and the Senate is getting real worried about 2020. The general public isn't buying the Trump Snake Oil on this one. The next step might be a change in the Senate Majority Leader to break the stalemate.
Sessions Welcomes 44 New US Immigration Judges

Though Sessions lauded the large number of incoming immigration judges, he warned them of the intense workload they would bear.

"I do not apologize for expecting you to perform at a high level, efficiently and effectively," he said. "Many of the cases present complex legal issues, but like anyone acting as a judge, you must manage your docket and support staff well. Cases must be moved to conclusion."

The Department of Justice received funding for 100 new immigration judges and their teams during the 2018 fiscal year. With the new class, there are currently 351 immigration judges in the department, still less than the 384 allocated in the current budget. The Justice Department has requested funding for 150 new attorneys for the fiscal year beginning October 1.

They can request till they're blue in the face. No Budget, no Judges. NO support staff, no court reporters, etc.. Right now, there is only two people that are tying up the proposed House Budget. Trump with his Veto and that POS Majority Leader in the Senate not allowing it to reach the open floor for vote. It was announced that over 90 Senators would vote in favor of it in the Senate to break the logjam. And it does have the funds for the increases in Immigration Judges and staff as well as 1.6 billion for Border Security. The system is broken when only two people can hold the nation up for ransom.
50 less than requested..............And you said he didn't want them...........You lied....

Name the 90 Senators that are ready to fold.........back up your comments for once.............

Trump WILL VETO IT...............and you don't have the numbers there....................

It came out in the news today. But also that the House Majority Leader refused to allow it go to the open floor.
Elections have consequences...............Dems don't have the House...........too bad.............

5.6 Billion isn't jack squat to the overall Federal Budget..............compared to the BS they spend on all the time........Pony the fuck up or it stays down.

Dems have the House and the Senate is getting real worried about 2020. The general public isn't buying the Trump Snake Oil on this one. The next step might be a change in the Senate Majority Leader to break the stalemate.
You are flat out wrong...........Border Security is high in the minds of the people when it's time to vote...............Why the Dems act tough on it come election time............their actions don't do the same.........

They have been backed into a corner and now their true colors are coming out..........They DON'T WANT BORDER SECURITY.
They can request till they're blue in the face. No Budget, no Judges. NO support staff, no court reporters, etc.. Right now, there is only two people that are tying up the proposed House Budget. Trump with his Veto and that POS Majority Leader in the Senate not allowing it to reach the open floor for vote. It was announced that over 90 Senators would vote in favor of it in the Senate to break the logjam. And it does have the funds for the increases in Immigration Judges and staff as well as 1.6 billion for Border Security. The system is broken when only two people can hold the nation up for ransom.
50 less than requested..............And you said he didn't want them...........You lied....

Name the 90 Senators that are ready to fold.........back up your comments for once.............

Trump WILL VETO IT...............and you don't have the numbers there....................

It came out in the news today. But also that the House Majority Leader refused to allow it go to the open floor.
Elections have consequences...............Dems don't have the House...........too bad.............

5.6 Billion isn't jack squat to the overall Federal Budget..............compared to the BS they spend on all the time........Pony the fuck up or it stays down.

Dems have the House and the Senate is getting real worried about 2020. The general public isn't buying the Trump Snake Oil on this one. The next step might be a change in the Senate Majority Leader to break the stalemate.
You are flat out wrong...........Border Security is high in the minds of the people when it's time to vote...............Why the Dems act tough on it come election time............their actions don't do the same.........

They have been backed into a corner and now their true colors are coming out..........They DON'T WANT BORDER SECURITY.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......................................

"Illegals" would never have been here without the requests, lobbying, cajoling, and think tank drafted legislative efforts of your Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class OR without the consumption efforts and spending behaviors of all of the rest of us.

Get real.

The problem is, the Walls will only stop a small percentage of the illegal drugs coming in. Here is how the majority of the drugs come in.

1. Mixed in with legal cargo in Semis through the border crossings. Maybe 20,000 lbs at a time

2. Hidden places in other vehicles like light trucks and Vans through the border Crossings. They look for cars and trucks riding sort of low but the bad guys beef up the suspension to make them appear empty. We are talking about 500 lbs or more.

3. Transported through tunnels 40 feet below the ground under the border There has been over 240 tunnels with lights, ventilation capable of driving light trucks through them discovered in the San Diego area alone. The daily output will be in Tonnage not Lbs or Kilos.

4. Hidden in shipping containers coming in through the sea ports. This is measured by Tonnage, not lbs or Kilo.

5. Illegal Flights where they know the Aircraft will be found and impounded but with 80,000 lbs of cargo whisked away before the DEA can get to that bird, they really don't care. There are hundreds of WWII DC-3 Era Cargo Planes throughout South America that can be had cheap. So what if it get's seized as long as they get the drugs out of it before the DEA bags it. Maybe, they can even take off again and head back south with it. The Caribbean Islands don't have a problem refueling them.

6. Private Boats and Ships including Submarines. We aren't talking about 10 or 20 or even 50 lbs. We are talking about tons.

7. Then there is the bargain basement that's been caught on surveillance camera where they toss kilo bundles across the Wall or Fence and someone on the other side catches it and gets the hell out of there. This is not the preferred method since it might only do 200 lbs or so at a time. But on a dry day, it might be worth it.

You are talking about the drug mules. They are pretty well a thing of the past. Besides, that extra 4 kilos of weight is better served carrying survival things like water, food and a warm blanket. Anyone trying to make a few bucks by being a drug mule is just too stupid to succeed except in a very, very minor exception. Now, those might be slowed down by your wall but they won't be stopped.

How to defeat a wall without anything else.

1. If it's a 30 or a 50 foot wall, bring a collapsible 31 or 51 foot ladder. They are already doing this with the 20 foot walls. Make sure you have a blanket to throw over the barbed wire at the top. And enough rope to tie off so you can transverse down to the ground. If you doubt this works, ask any convict.

2. If it's made out of Steel Slats bring a portable Blow Torch. I own one of those myself.

3. Bring a Shovel, Pick, a bucket and some shoring materials. If the wall is buried 5 feet, go down 6. If, like the Trump wall, it goes down 10 feet, go down 11. If they built the wall out in the middle of nowhere, just dig at the base, tunnel barely under it and up the other side. No shoring required. Seeing that the Desert is made up of sand and soft clay, you shouln't be more than a couple of hours if you bring friends.

4. Learn the Snorkel Dive. Self Explanatory. In my younger days, a 12 mile swim was more than a little possible if I had the right equipment.

5. Seeing as I used to live in the back country in the Mountains of Colorado and was 50 years younger, I could come in through the Rocky Mountain Chain. They call it something else but that's exactly what it is really. And there will be NO sensors, no Border Patrol, no Fences and certainly NO Walls. Chances of a normal person making it that way is almost zero.

There are two most effective border security systems that work, boots on the ground and sensors. In places you can't have sensors, have boots on the ground because that is the MOST effective method.

Now, tell me that if I were even 30 years younger that the wall would stop me.
Porter Rockwell —
“You're probably right. I've only been involved in court cases surrounding the 14th Amendment for 35 or so years and have written maybe 250 court briefs on the topic.“

You are the liar, and I can point to the exact page reference if you like. Don’t think I will ever ease up on your “claims” of your apparent knowledge (laughable) of the Constitution.

If you read the Supreme Court case - Chy Lung v. Freeman, 92 U.S. 275 (1875) it clearly gives reason and support to Congress having the authority OVER the state surrounding the issue of immigration.

You can play the clueless ignorant if you like. As I have said, I’ve done the research FAR more than you on the subject.

Still doesn't say what you claim, does it?

I clearly read Chy Lung many times. The defendants did not petition the Court for any ruling on the jurisdiction of federal over states rights on immigration.

Yeah, bro. You're a legend in your own mind that puffs himself up and attempts to make his case on the basis of lies and flat out misinterpretations of the facts. I can explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you.

If the day ever comes that you and I meet face to face around people we both know, they are going to laugh at you so hard, you'll NEVER post again.

Actually it DOES say clearly that the state does not have authority on the issue of immigration, but that Congress does OVER the state. Right there in red for anyone to see.

“ has the Constitution, which provides for this, done so foolish a thing as to LEAVE IT IN THE POWER OF THE STATES TO PASS LAWS WHOSE ENFORCEMENT RENDERS THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT LIABLE to just reclamations which it must answer, while it does not prohibit to the states the acts for which it is held responsible?


How about you try showing some backed up RESEARCH on this thread. I don’t know what more I can do as the decision and views of a Supreme Court Justice is crystal clear with little room of a “grey area”. (some with an emphasis of bold and red). To be honest you haven’t proven a thing contrary to THEIR interpretation of the Constitution regarding immigration. No RESEARCH rebuttals, no detailed historic opinions of Court cases - nothing.

Instead I get this “meet you out in the parking lot after school” kind of public crap. Now if you care to bring yourself down to reliving some child-like adolescence ... no one here is really interested in your childish antics. Seriously ... Grow up bud, this is a political thread forum for more mature adults than that.

Damn son, you ARE stupid. I'm not disputing what the SCOTUS ruled. It's just that the SCOTUS did not have the AUTHORITY to take power and grant it to Congress. That is NOT interpretation; that is legislation from the bench.

When the courts can legislate from the bench; when the SCOTUS can change their own precedents, then we are no longer living in the Republic guaranteed in the Constitution.

There is nothing written in the Constitution that grants states the authority over the Federal Government on immigration. We have been down this road before. It’s the same damn thing as you never being able to PROVE the ratification of the 14th Amendment is UNConstitutional.

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1.
The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight [ 1808 ].

The provision covered both slaves and free immigrants. The Supreme Court case - Chy Lung v. Freeman, 92 U.S. 275 was in 1875.

HOW many ways do you want to be proven wrong?

Again. Provide me a Constitutional Case or researched evidence that you can back up, that proves me wrong.

You've yet to prove me wrong. Repeating errors in logic do not prove your point. CONGRESS DID NOT PASS ANY SUCH LAW BETWEEN 1808 AND 1924. Period. The SCOTUS granted plenary powers in 1875 when they had no such AUTHORITY to do so.

Sir, we are done with this argument. If you want to take a complete class in this, PM me and I'll be happy to teach you both legal research and constitutional interpretation. But, you need to change gears.

You're a legend in your own mind AND you are wrong.

You need to first be able to provide some actual evidence and include researched SOURCES when considering a proven argumentative statement. You have a lot to learn about conducting historical and research deliberated judicial opinions and facts. All I’ve really been able to see through your responses is unsupported opinion that you can’t back up at all. If it’s this is going to be about 250 court briefs, even a simple paralegal knows enough that you can’t win a case without conducting extensive research and providing resourced material with sufficient enough evidence to back up your claims.

Just like your unConstitutionally ratified 14th Amendment, you’re always proving yourself to be empty handed on supportive documented evidence.
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You wish my work were some other guy's blog.

You really can't read. Your link to The Nation was a reprint from TomDispatch.com. They threw out many numbers with thin or no sourcing.

Now you're making claims about National Socialist, with no names or sources. Stop using generalize bogymen and buzz words, name names and give sources.


Well where do we start? Some names and sources. It would be more amazing if you could watch me in person deliver this from the top of my head, but I can verify it with those all important links that you think will make a difference. You and I both realize that you'll attack the links, but bear in mind I AM THE ORIGINAL SOURCE. This reflects what I've lived, the people I've known, activities I've participated in, and /or activities I have first hand knowledge of. The links are simply for your amusement. Use of their links only proves that certain actions happened. They do not necessarily mean I believe in or endorse their ideology.

The whole border B.S. of modern starts with David Duke and Border Watch. In the 1970s the neo - nazi who founded his own version of the Ku Klux Klan brought attention to the issue:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

David Duke began rubbing elbows with rich fat cats that were connected to the Pioneer Fund. Since I am persona non grata with the NS, I have to rely on the left to make the connection, but their facts are verifiable:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

Through the Pioneer Fund, David Duke met and became friends with John Tanton, a eugenics activist:

It {John Tanton's organizations} has funded Anglo-American race scientists as well as anti-immigration groups such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

Pioneer Fund - SourceWatch

John Tanton founded and financed nonprofits like the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and a few more that build the wall guys love to cite.

John Tanton - Wikipedia

John Tanton supplied David Duke with his basic talking points when he did the Border Watch thing. I'd bet Duke still promotes the same rhetoric.

Duke's people went underground with the advent of Louis Beam and his efforts to dust off Col. Ulius Louis Amoss old thesis on Leaderless Resistance.

AFTER the left engineered the events that led up to 9 / 11, they conned the right into supporting the multi billion dollar creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security. I won't document that since you have already claimed that one. Tea Party Republicans introduced the so - called "Patriot Act", National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify - ALL of which had been vehemently opposed by conservatives (it was in the days when all right wing organizations were selling Orwell's 1984 novel.)

BTW, as mentioned to you before Russia (communist) was the Motherland, Nazi Germany was the Fatherland and when this immigration issue came to light, America became the Fatherland.

Now, we fast forward to the creation of the current leadership. John Tanton would be the man responsible for the talking points of the so - called Minutemen - the generation of nazis, inspired by the same man whose talking points appealed to David Duke.

Of those was one of the co - founders, Jim Gilchrist. Gilchrist was outed from his own organization, but not before being exposed by the left as just a racist:

"Gilchrist and Chris Simcox are widely recognized as the founders of the Minuteman Project."

Jim Gilchrist - Wikipedia

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

Chris Simcox, Gilchrist's second in command was proven to be a nazi as was Simcox's next in command:

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

5 of Arizona's Most Notorious Racists and Their Crimes

Of course by now, if you read your precious links, you realize that one of the founders of the current build a wall - border patrol people J.T. Ready was a mass murderer and the other (Simcox) a pedophile:

Neo-Nazi Killed Family During 911 Call

Then there was neo nazi Shawna Forde, recruited by Jim Gilchrist, another of the major founders and leaders of the political philosophy you follow:

Shawna Forde Sentenced To Death For Double Murder In Arizona | HuffPost

These ARE the movers and shakers of the "movement" to which you challenged me on. Well... birds of a feather flock together. And now the build the wall guys can cite John Tanton till Hell freezes over, but they cannot distance themselves from this one truth: AMERICA HAS AN IMMIGRATION PROBLEM, BUT THE CURRENT CROP OF BUILD THE WALL ADVOCATES ARE THE RESULT OF LOBBYING BY NATIONAL SOCIALISTS.

Once again, you can call anything a flower even if it smells like horse manure. The Nationalist Socialists aren't socialists at all. Fascists maybe, but not Socialists.

I call them???? Some of you guys need to leave the hard core drugs alone and pay attention. The people I cited SELF DESCRIBED themselves either directly and / or by lending their name to associations that call themselves nazi.


In what language do I have to post that in for you to understand. I admit, agree, concede, believe - whatever it takes to make dumb ass build the wallers acknowledge I understand there is an immigration debacle? I simply disagree with the proposed socialist solutions.

Are you saying that Trump and the Senate Majority Leader are both Socialists?

Trump is a globalist that belongs to the Democrats.

Donald Trump talks to Rupert Murdoch every week to discuss strategy

Report: Rupert Murdoch Called Trump a ‘F*cking Idiot’

Despite what Trump isn't telling us, he and Rupert are friends. But, you have to hand it to Trump, he's got the right eating out of his hand as he helps the globalists take over America. And, when Trump jacks up the number of foreigners he lets in "legally" as the uninformed call it, you won't mind - even as they become registered voters and make this entire discussion moot.

We accepted Trump's bump stock ban and it violated the Constitution three ways. The bottom line is that the build the wall guys have been played. They refuse to consider that the globalists ran a Hegelian Dialectics game on and got the results they wanted.

On Mitch McConnell, he's an anomaly that gets low ratings, still gets elected and supported Rand Paul for president. I don't know where his heart is in regards to the wall, but bear in mind, McConnell is one of the most politically influential forces in the world.

Just because people adopt socialist solutions does not make them socialists. At the same time, once they've been informed then if they continue (as many stubborn build the wall people are), they then may as well be socialists if they cannot get angry over being played.

The wall, as I have said many times here is a diversionary tactic to take your Liberties.
Still doesn't say what you claim, does it?

I clearly read Chy Lung many times. The defendants did not petition the Court for any ruling on the jurisdiction of federal over states rights on immigration.

Yeah, bro. You're a legend in your own mind that puffs himself up and attempts to make his case on the basis of lies and flat out misinterpretations of the facts. I can explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you.

If the day ever comes that you and I meet face to face around people we both know, they are going to laugh at you so hard, you'll NEVER post again.

Actually it DOES say clearly that the state does not have authority on the issue of immigration, but that Congress does OVER the state. Right there in red for anyone to see.

“ has the Constitution, which provides for this, done so foolish a thing as to LEAVE IT IN THE POWER OF THE STATES TO PASS LAWS WHOSE ENFORCEMENT RENDERS THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT LIABLE to just reclamations which it must answer, while it does not prohibit to the states the acts for which it is held responsible?


How about you try showing some backed up RESEARCH on this thread. I don’t know what more I can do as the decision and views of a Supreme Court Justice is crystal clear with little room of a “grey area”. (some with an emphasis of bold and red). To be honest you haven’t proven a thing contrary to THEIR interpretation of the Constitution regarding immigration. No RESEARCH rebuttals, no detailed historic opinions of Court cases - nothing.

Instead I get this “meet you out in the parking lot after school” kind of public crap. Now if you care to bring yourself down to reliving some child-like adolescence ... no one here is really interested in your childish antics. Seriously ... Grow up bud, this is a political thread forum for more mature adults than that.

Damn son, you ARE stupid. I'm not disputing what the SCOTUS ruled. It's just that the SCOTUS did not have the AUTHORITY to take power and grant it to Congress. That is NOT interpretation; that is legislation from the bench.

When the courts can legislate from the bench; when the SCOTUS can change their own precedents, then we are no longer living in the Republic guaranteed in the Constitution.

There is nothing written in the Constitution that grants states the authority over the Federal Government on immigration. We have been down this road before. It’s the same damn thing as you never being able to PROVE the ratification of the 14th Amendment is UNConstitutional.

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1.
The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight [ 1808 ].

The provision covered both slaves and free immigrants. The Supreme Court case - Chy Lung v. Freeman, 92 U.S. 275 was in 1875.

HOW many ways do you want to be proven wrong?

Again. Provide me a Constitutional Case or researched evidence that you can back up, that proves me wrong.

You've yet to prove me wrong. Repeating errors in logic do not prove your point. CONGRESS DID NOT PASS ANY SUCH LAW BETWEEN 1808 AND 1924. Period. The SCOTUS granted plenary powers in 1875 when they had no such AUTHORITY to do so.

Sir, we are done with this argument. If you want to take a complete class in this, PM me and I'll be happy to teach you both legal research and constitutional interpretation. But, you need to change gears.

You're a legend in your own mind AND you are wrong.

You need to first be able to provide some actual evidence and include researched SOURCES when considering a proven argumentative statement. You have a lot to learn about conducting historical and research deliberated judicial opinions and facts. All I’ve really been able to see through your responses is unsupported opinion that you can’t back up at all. If it’s this is going to be about 250 court briefs, even a simple paralegal knows enough that you can’t win a case without conducting extensive research and providing resourced material with sufficient enough evidence to back up your claims.

Feel free to attend a college course where you are required investigate a subject, annotated with footnotes of referenced material, that allows you to back key points in your statements when drawing your conclusion. When you are capable of writing a graduate level term paper, where you have some idea how that works, get back to me and then maybe you’ll finally have an argumentative statement you can actually backup and prove.

Just like your unConstitutionally ratified 14th Amendment, you’re always proving yourself to be empty handed on supportive documented evidence.

You are a blowhard with an IQ that is lower than your shoe size. You haven't done a damn thing except whine and bloviate about your supposed intelligence. You have not refuted a damn thing I've said; you have not provided anything that contradicts my replies to you; you didn't even accept my open challenge.

What you need to understand is that this is a discussion forum. Sufficient evidence has been posted to establish the facts presented. The one place I can assure every poster on this board, the one place you will NEVER be is on an actual debate forum. You might have a few underachievers believing the horseshit you post, but you are so full of yourself that calling you narcissistic would be an insult to the word.

IF you have anything, post it. The next time you want to play this penis measuring contest, I'll remind you that you are not Perry Mason and this is no debate forum AND the last place you will EVER set foot is in an actual debate forum.

You ask philosophical questions, get a philosophical answer and then demand those meet some standard not required by any rules.

You ask a political question, get a political answer and you counter with a legal objection as if we were addressing a legal topic.

When you ask a legal question and get a legal answer, you change the goalposts back to philosophy.

Since you can't dazzle us with brilliance, you try baffling everybody with bullshit.

Until people like you got involved, the patriot and constitutionalist types were chipping away at the 14th Amendment. You and I know what the courts would say if you fought the battle outright - that is why you like to crow about it all the damn time (it kind of exposes your socialist leanings or maybe your abject stupidity.) Fighting for Liberty and the restoration of Rights is a long term battle. Then you have to work every day to maintain them.

When you don't get instant gratification, you harp on the way the de facto forces ruling as if they had the authority to do so. Your understanding OR maybe your attempts to appeal to idiots with your line of reasoning isn't fooling those who graduated fifth grade. So climb off that soapbox, take off the halo and get your head out of your ass. I did not come to this forum to be harassed by you, so pardon the Hell out of me if I put you on ignore the next time you want a personality contest.
Wow that was a long article that could be summed up in a few words, "the feds waste money". GO FIGURE! I'm sure the average American is unaware of this fact. LMAO

BTW it was wiki that characterized those as changes to immigration law. I sure with your brief writing ability you'll have no problem getting the fix that oversight. Also your invocation of Hitler just put your credibility down a few notches.


Oh, easy out. You didn't like the Hitler reference? I will give the build the wall guys one thing: they have the people so programmed that people like you automatically try to ridicule the truth. The FACT is, from the genesis to the revelation of your build the wall ideology, it was founded, financed, and had its talking points made by National Socialists.

Now, you can lie about it or admit that you REALLY don't know as much as you claim.

Feel free to name them with credible links and you have to do better than a reprint of some dudes blog that didn't source his numbers.


You wish my work were some other guy's blog.

You really can't read. Your link to The Nation was a reprint from TomDispatch.com. They threw out many numbers with thin or no sourcing.

Now you're making claims about National Socialist, with no names or sources. Stop using generalize bogymen and buzz words, name names and give sources.


Well where do we start? Some names and sources. It would be more amazing if you could watch me in person deliver this from the top of my head, but I can verify it with those all important links that you think will make a difference. You and I both realize that you'll attack the links, but bear in mind I AM THE ORIGINAL SOURCE. This reflects what I've lived, the people I've known, activities I've participated in, and /or activities I have first hand knowledge of. The links are simply for your amusement. Use of their links only proves that certain actions happened. They do not necessarily mean I believe in or endorse their ideology.

The whole border B.S. of modern starts with David Duke and Border Watch. In the 1970s the neo - nazi who founded his own version of the Ku Klux Klan brought attention to the issue:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

David Duke began rubbing elbows with rich fat cats that were connected to the Pioneer Fund. Since I am persona non grata with the NS, I have to rely on the left to make the connection, but their facts are verifiable:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

Through the Pioneer Fund, David Duke met and became friends with John Tanton, a eugenics activist:

It {John Tanton's organizations} has funded Anglo-American race scientists as well as anti-immigration groups such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

Pioneer Fund - SourceWatch

John Tanton founded and financed nonprofits like the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and a few more that build the wall guys love to cite.

John Tanton - Wikipedia

John Tanton supplied David Duke with his basic talking points when he did the Border Watch thing. I'd bet Duke still promotes the same rhetoric.

Duke's people went underground with the advent of Louis Beam and his efforts to dust off Col. Ulius Louis Amoss old thesis on Leaderless Resistance.

AFTER the left engineered the events that led up to 9 / 11, they conned the right into supporting the multi billion dollar creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security. I won't document that since you have already claimed that one. Tea Party Republicans introduced the so - called "Patriot Act", National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify - ALL of which had been vehemently opposed by conservatives (it was in the days when all right wing organizations were selling Orwell's 1984 novel.)

BTW, as mentioned to you before Russia (communist) was the Motherland, Nazi Germany was the Fatherland and when this immigration issue came to light, America became the Fatherland.

Now, we fast forward to the creation of the current leadership. John Tanton would be the man responsible for the talking points of the so - called Minutemen - the generation of nazis, inspired by the same man whose talking points appealed to David Duke.

Of those was one of the co - founders, Jim Gilchrist. Gilchrist was outed from his own organization, but not before being exposed by the left as just a racist:

"Gilchrist and Chris Simcox are widely recognized as the founders of the Minuteman Project."

Jim Gilchrist - Wikipedia

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

Chris Simcox, Gilchrist's second in command was proven to be a nazi as was Simcox's next in command:

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

5 of Arizona's Most Notorious Racists and Their Crimes

Of course by now, if you read your precious links, you realize that one of the founders of the current build a wall - border patrol people J.T. Ready was a mass murderer and the other (Simcox) a pedophile:

Neo-Nazi Killed Family During 911 Call

Then there was neo nazi Shawna Forde, recruited by Jim Gilchrist, another of the major founders and leaders of the political philosophy you follow:

Shawna Forde Sentenced To Death For Double Murder In Arizona | HuffPost

These ARE the movers and shakers of the "movement" to which you challenged me on. Well... birds of a feather flock together. And now the build the wall guys can cite John Tanton till Hell freezes over, but they cannot distance themselves from this one truth: AMERICA HAS AN IMMIGRATION PROBLEM, BUT THE CURRENT CROP OF BUILD THE WALL ADVOCATES ARE THE RESULT OF LOBBYING BY NATIONAL SOCIALISTS.

Wow, the lunatic fringe, and now you're saying everyone of the 64 million who voted for Trump for a variety of reasons, including border security, are now part of that fringe. Got it.

Actually I don't know anyone who would align themselves with the freaks you outlined above. I also have never heard the US being referred to as the Fatherland.

I don't know about the other folks, but I've been proposing solutions to my congresscritters long before Trump came along. Including a ways to end visa overstays. In my view a wall where needed is only one minor component of the overall solution.

Personally, I would have no problem getting face to face with the asshole that wrote your fist link and busting him in the mouth.

Last edited:
Sessions Welcomes 44 New US Immigration Judges

Though Sessions lauded the large number of incoming immigration judges, he warned them of the intense workload they would bear.

"I do not apologize for expecting you to perform at a high level, efficiently and effectively," he said. "Many of the cases present complex legal issues, but like anyone acting as a judge, you must manage your docket and support staff well. Cases must be moved to conclusion."

The Department of Justice received funding for 100 new immigration judges and their teams during the 2018 fiscal year. With the new class, there are currently 351 immigration judges in the department, still less than the 384 allocated in the current budget. The Justice Department has requested funding for 150 new attorneys for the fiscal year beginning October 1.

They can request till they're blue in the face. No Budget, no Judges. NO support staff, no court reporters, etc.. Right now, there is only two people that are tying up the proposed House Budget. Trump with his Veto and that POS Majority Leader in the Senate not allowing it to reach the open floor for vote. It was announced that over 90 Senators would vote in favor of it in the Senate to break the logjam. And it does have the funds for the increases in Immigration Judges and staff as well as 1.6 billion for Border Security. The system is broken when only two people can hold the nation up for ransom.
50 less than requested..............And you said he didn't want them...........You lied....

Name the 90 Senators that are ready to fold.........back up your comments for once.............

Trump WILL VETO IT...............and you don't have the numbers there....................

It came out in the news today. But also that the House Majority Leader refused to allow it go to the open floor.

You need to get yourself a program so you can figure out the players. This is the second time you screwed them up. The speaker has nothing to do with what the senate does and it's the senate majority leader that is blocking bills passed by the house from going to the floor of the senate.

Sessions Welcomes 44 New US Immigration Judges

Though Sessions lauded the large number of incoming immigration judges, he warned them of the intense workload they would bear.

"I do not apologize for expecting you to perform at a high level, efficiently and effectively," he said. "Many of the cases present complex legal issues, but like anyone acting as a judge, you must manage your docket and support staff well. Cases must be moved to conclusion."

The Department of Justice received funding for 100 new immigration judges and their teams during the 2018 fiscal year. With the new class, there are currently 351 immigration judges in the department, still less than the 384 allocated in the current budget. The Justice Department has requested funding for 150 new attorneys for the fiscal year beginning October 1.

They can request till they're blue in the face. No Budget, no Judges. NO support staff, no court reporters, etc.. Right now, there is only two people that are tying up the proposed House Budget. Trump with his Veto and that POS Majority Leader in the Senate not allowing it to reach the open floor for vote. It was announced that over 90 Senators would vote in favor of it in the Senate to break the logjam. And it does have the funds for the increases in Immigration Judges and staff as well as 1.6 billion for Border Security. The system is broken when only two people can hold the nation up for ransom.
50 less than requested..............And you said he didn't want them...........You lied....

Name the 90 Senators that are ready to fold.........back up your comments for once.............

Trump WILL VETO IT...............and you don't have the numbers there....................

It came out in the news today. But also that the House Majority Leader refused to allow it go to the open floor.

You need to get yourself a program so you can figure out the players. This is the second time you screwed them up. The speaker has nothing to do with what the senate does and it's the senate majority leader that is blocking bills passed by the house from going to the floor of the senate.


So I mistyped. So what. McConnel is blocking it right now and there is a damned good chance if it's voted on in the next few days that it will be a veto proof bill. Is that the best defense you can come up with?
They can request till they're blue in the face. No Budget, no Judges. NO support staff, no court reporters, etc.. Right now, there is only two people that are tying up the proposed House Budget. Trump with his Veto and that POS Majority Leader in the Senate not allowing it to reach the open floor for vote. It was announced that over 90 Senators would vote in favor of it in the Senate to break the logjam. And it does have the funds for the increases in Immigration Judges and staff as well as 1.6 billion for Border Security. The system is broken when only two people can hold the nation up for ransom.
50 less than requested..............And you said he didn't want them...........You lied....

Name the 90 Senators that are ready to fold.........back up your comments for once.............

Trump WILL VETO IT...............and you don't have the numbers there....................

It came out in the news today. But also that the House Majority Leader refused to allow it go to the open floor.
Elections have consequences...............Dems don't have the House...........too bad.............

5.6 Billion isn't jack squat to the overall Federal Budget..............compared to the BS they spend on all the time........Pony the fuck up or it stays down.

Dems have the House and the Senate is getting real worried about 2020. The general public isn't buying the Trump Snake Oil on this one. The next step might be a change in the Senate Majority Leader to break the stalemate.
You are flat out wrong...........Border Security is high in the minds of the people when it's time to vote...............Why the Dems act tough on it come election time............their actions don't do the same.........

They have been backed into a corner and now their true colors are coming out..........They DON'T WANT BORDER SECURITY.

You keep using Border Security for the word Wall. Yah, I know, you can't tell the difference. And Obama had most of the 733 miles of Border Fence and Wall built in his 8 years. Trump has built Zero in 2 years even though he was obligated by law to add on to it. You can't count the concertina wire strung up at the entry point as building on the border security. It appears that Trump is screaming his head off yet nothing real is getting done. Once again, he is selling more snake oil and you are buying it.
The U.S. will increase the number of immigration judges by 50 percent to take on ballooning backlog | Daily Mail Online

The number of immigration cases on hold in the U.S. has risen 38 percent since Trump took office, with 746,049 pending immigration cases as of July 31, up from 542,411 at the end of January 2017, according to an analysis of government data by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University.

Sessions asserted his authority on Monday during remarks welcoming 44 newly hired immigration judges - the largest class in U.S. history - noting that they must operate under his supervision and perform the duties that he prescribes.
Yea but what else is he asking for? Probably why they said no.
Oh, easy out. You didn't like the Hitler reference? I will give the build the wall guys one thing: they have the people so programmed that people like you automatically try to ridicule the truth. The FACT is, from the genesis to the revelation of your build the wall ideology, it was founded, financed, and had its talking points made by National Socialists.

Now, you can lie about it or admit that you REALLY don't know as much as you claim.

Feel free to name them with credible links and you have to do better than a reprint of some dudes blog that didn't source his numbers.


You wish my work were some other guy's blog.

You really can't read. Your link to The Nation was a reprint from TomDispatch.com. They threw out many numbers with thin or no sourcing.

Now you're making claims about National Socialist, with no names or sources. Stop using generalize bogymen and buzz words, name names and give sources.


Well where do we start? Some names and sources. It would be more amazing if you could watch me in person deliver this from the top of my head, but I can verify it with those all important links that you think will make a difference. You and I both realize that you'll attack the links, but bear in mind I AM THE ORIGINAL SOURCE. This reflects what I've lived, the people I've known, activities I've participated in, and /or activities I have first hand knowledge of. The links are simply for your amusement. Use of their links only proves that certain actions happened. They do not necessarily mean I believe in or endorse their ideology.

The whole border B.S. of modern starts with David Duke and Border Watch. In the 1970s the neo - nazi who founded his own version of the Ku Klux Klan brought attention to the issue:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

David Duke began rubbing elbows with rich fat cats that were connected to the Pioneer Fund. Since I am persona non grata with the NS, I have to rely on the left to make the connection, but their facts are verifiable:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

Through the Pioneer Fund, David Duke met and became friends with John Tanton, a eugenics activist:

It {John Tanton's organizations} has funded Anglo-American race scientists as well as anti-immigration groups such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

Pioneer Fund - SourceWatch

John Tanton founded and financed nonprofits like the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and a few more that build the wall guys love to cite.

John Tanton - Wikipedia

John Tanton supplied David Duke with his basic talking points when he did the Border Watch thing. I'd bet Duke still promotes the same rhetoric.

Duke's people went underground with the advent of Louis Beam and his efforts to dust off Col. Ulius Louis Amoss old thesis on Leaderless Resistance.

AFTER the left engineered the events that led up to 9 / 11, they conned the right into supporting the multi billion dollar creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security. I won't document that since you have already claimed that one. Tea Party Republicans introduced the so - called "Patriot Act", National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify - ALL of which had been vehemently opposed by conservatives (it was in the days when all right wing organizations were selling Orwell's 1984 novel.)

BTW, as mentioned to you before Russia (communist) was the Motherland, Nazi Germany was the Fatherland and when this immigration issue came to light, America became the Fatherland.

Now, we fast forward to the creation of the current leadership. John Tanton would be the man responsible for the talking points of the so - called Minutemen - the generation of nazis, inspired by the same man whose talking points appealed to David Duke.

Of those was one of the co - founders, Jim Gilchrist. Gilchrist was outed from his own organization, but not before being exposed by the left as just a racist:

"Gilchrist and Chris Simcox are widely recognized as the founders of the Minuteman Project."

Jim Gilchrist - Wikipedia

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

Chris Simcox, Gilchrist's second in command was proven to be a nazi as was Simcox's next in command:

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

5 of Arizona's Most Notorious Racists and Their Crimes

Of course by now, if you read your precious links, you realize that one of the founders of the current build a wall - border patrol people J.T. Ready was a mass murderer and the other (Simcox) a pedophile:

Neo-Nazi Killed Family During 911 Call

Then there was neo nazi Shawna Forde, recruited by Jim Gilchrist, another of the major founders and leaders of the political philosophy you follow:

Shawna Forde Sentenced To Death For Double Murder In Arizona | HuffPost

These ARE the movers and shakers of the "movement" to which you challenged me on. Well... birds of a feather flock together. And now the build the wall guys can cite John Tanton till Hell freezes over, but they cannot distance themselves from this one truth: AMERICA HAS AN IMMIGRATION PROBLEM, BUT THE CURRENT CROP OF BUILD THE WALL ADVOCATES ARE THE RESULT OF LOBBYING BY NATIONAL SOCIALISTS.

Wow, the lunatic fringe, and now you're saying everyone of the 64 million who voted for Trump for a variety of reasons, including border security, are now part of that fringe. Got it.

Actually I don't know anyone who would align themselves with the freaks you outlined above. I also have never heard the US being referred to as the Fatherland.

I don't know about the other folks, but I've been proposing solutions to my congresscritters long before Trump came along. Including a ways to end visa overstays. In my view a wall where needed is only one minor component of the overall solution.

Personally, I would have no problem getting face to face with the asshole that wrote your fist link and busting him in the mouth.


The idiocy by which you approach others is childish, stupid and would not be made by any sane adult. YOU are part of a lunatic fringe. You are absolutely delusional and I'm going to start treating you like you treat others.

Just because people vote for candidate A or candidate B does not make them part a parcel of everything that candidate is or stands for. If you were a mature adult, I wouldn't have to be telling you these things. Politicians are liars. How many people would have voted for Trump if they knew, for a fact, that before he left office he would sign major gun control legislation? The wall versus gun Rights. We'll never know how that would turn out.

Donald Trump is a rich boy that, when speaking yesterday, did not know what to call duct tape; he did not know that MS13 was founded in America by Americans and that most of those had parents who entered the United States "legally" as you would erroneously call it.

A life long friend of mine and I were having a discussion about this because I'm contacting all my congresscritters about some ideas I've been working on. My friend says, "you've been working on this since the 10th grade." Since I'm 62 now, I've had four decades to research the history, learn the legalities, and hear every excuse under God's green earth as to why something will or will not work. I've discussed it with historians, politicians, lawyers, immigration officials, and hashed out many points in think tanks.

Over those four plus decades I have talked with many people of whom you are left of center of. They see the problem and, like me, reject the wall idea as a solution. I've listed some of the major ones and the next time some jackass tells me I did not list reasons that the wall jeopardizes our Liberty, I'm going to do another list to add to the one I have and keep reposting the post numbers on every page of this thread so that everyone who joins this conversation will see them.

Make no mistake. America was founded by white Christians on the twin pillars of race and religion. The bulk of the non-white world looks at America and they hate, loathe and despise the whites and that culture they built. They have been programmed, Pavlovian style, to blame us for all their problems. They want to tear down your monuments, statues, and memorials. They want to erase your history. I should have said they're doing it. In Georgia, they take down a statue of a white man, and replace it with that of a black "Reverend" (what a joke) that spent his last hours on this earth cheating on his wife with some whores in a motel room.

There are better ideas than the proposed solutions being proffered by the nazis. If you ever watched the movie Betrayed that stars Tom Berenger, you see that Costa - Gavras did a fairly accurate portrayal of the political differences between nazis, klan, and the right wing patriots. Of course, Gavras had to portray the entire patriot community as murderers, but he did capture the tensions that existed back then between the most extreme groups.

Today, the nazis are in control of the talking points on this issue. I will remind you that Hitler died a defeated man. Our forefathers fought, bled and died having created the greatest nation in the annals of history. I prefer their solutions over those I KNOW will not work.
50 less than requested..............And you said he didn't want them...........You lied....

Name the 90 Senators that are ready to fold.........back up your comments for once.............

Trump WILL VETO IT...............and you don't have the numbers there....................

It came out in the news today. But also that the House Majority Leader refused to allow it go to the open floor.
Elections have consequences...............Dems don't have the House...........too bad.............

5.6 Billion isn't jack squat to the overall Federal Budget..............compared to the BS they spend on all the time........Pony the fuck up or it stays down.

Dems have the House and the Senate is getting real worried about 2020. The general public isn't buying the Trump Snake Oil on this one. The next step might be a change in the Senate Majority Leader to break the stalemate.
You are flat out wrong...........Border Security is high in the minds of the people when it's time to vote...............Why the Dems act tough on it come election time............their actions don't do the same.........

They have been backed into a corner and now their true colors are coming out..........They DON'T WANT BORDER SECURITY.

You keep using Border Security for the word Wall. Yah, I know, you can't tell the difference. And Obama had most of the 733 miles of Border Fence and Wall built in his 8 years. Trump has built Zero in 2 years even though he was obligated by law to add on to it. You can't count the concertina wire strung up at the entry point as building on the border security. It appears that Trump is screaming his head off yet nothing real is getting done. Once again, he is selling more snake oil and you are buying it.

Mexico's check bounced.

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